blob: 52d34621c829c72f9f185c9cacedce49fe8ad86b [file] [log] [blame]
Core go rules
.. _test_filter:
.. _test_arg:
.. _gazelle: tools/gazelle/README.rst
.. _build constraints:
.. _GoLibrary: providers.rst#GoLibrary
.. _GoSource: providers.rst#GoSource
.. _GoArchive: providers.rst#GoArchive
.. _cgo:
.. _"Make variable":
.. _Bourne shell tokenization:
.. _data dependencies:
.. _cc library deps:
.. _pure: modes.rst#pure
.. _static: modes.rst#static
.. _goos: modes.rst#goos
.. _goarch: modes.rst#goarch
.. _mode attributes: modes.rst#mode-attributes
.. role:: param(kbd)
.. role:: type(emphasis)
.. role:: value(code)
.. |mandatory| replace:: **mandatory value**
These are the core go rules, required for basic operation.
The intent is that theses rules are sufficient to match the capabilities of the normal go tools.
.. contents:: :depth: 2
Defines and stamping
**TODO**: More information
This is used for things like internal tests, where a library is recompiled with additional sources
and also code generators where the generated source will be known to have extra dependencies.
**TODO**: More information
This builds a Go library from a set of source files that are all part of
the same package.
* GoLibrary_
* GoSource_
* GoArchive_
| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
| A unique name for this rule. |
| |
| To interoperated cleanly with gazelle_ right now this should be :value:`go_default_library`. |
| :param:`importpath` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
| The import path of this library. If unspecified, the library will have an implicit |
| dependency on ``//:go_prefix``, and the import path will be derived from the prefix |
| and the library's label. |
| :param:`srcs` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the package. |
| Only :value:`.go` files are permitted, unless the cgo attribute is set, in which case the |
| following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`. |
| The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_. |
| :param:`deps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this library imports directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| :param:`embed` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this test library directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| These can provide both :param:`srcs` and :param:`deps` to this library. |
| See Embedding_ for more information about how and when to use this. |
| :param:`data` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will |
| appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed |
| by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information |
| about how to depend on and use data files. |
| :param:`gc_goopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| :param:`cgo` | :type:`boolean` | :value:`False` |
| If :value:`True`, the package uses cgo_. |
| The cgo tool permits Go code to call C code and vice-versa. |
| This does not support calling C++. |
| When cgo is set, :param:`srcs` may contain C or assembly files; these files are compiled with |
| the normal c compiler and included in the package. |
| :param:`cdeps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of other libraries that the c code depends on. |
| This can be anything that would be allowed in `cc library deps`_ |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`copts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the C compilation command. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`clinkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the C link command. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
.. code:: bzl
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = [
deps = [
importpath = "",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
This builds an executable from a set of source files, which must all be
in the ``main`` package. You can run the binary with ``bazel run``, or you can
build it with ``bazel build`` and run it directly.
* GoLibrary_
* GoSource_
* GoArchive_
| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
| A unique name for this rule. |
| |
| This should be named the same as the desired name of the generated binary . |
| :param:`importpath` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
| The import path of this binary. If unspecified, the binary will have an implicit |
| dependency on ``//:go_prefix``, and the import path will be derived from the prefix |
| and the binary's label. |
| :param:`srcs` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the binary. |
| Only :value:`.go` files are permitted, unless the cgo attribute is set, in which case the |
| following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`. |
| The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_. |
| :param:`deps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this binary imports directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| :param:`embed` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this binary embeds directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| These can provide both :param:`srcs` and :param:`deps` to this binary. |
| See Embedding_ for more information about how and when to use this. |
| :param:`data` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will |
| appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed |
| by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information |
| about how to depend on and use data files. |
| :param:`pure` | :type:`string` | :value:`auto` |
| This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to link in pure_ mode. |
| It should be one of :value:`on`, :value:`off` or :value:`auto`. |
| :param:`static` | :type:`string` | :value:`auto` |
| This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to link in static_ mode. |
| It should be one of :value:`on`, :value:`off` or :value:`auto`. |
| :param:`goos` | :type:`string` | :value:`auto` |
| This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls which goos_ to compile and link for. |
| |
| If set to anything other than :value:`auto` this overrideds the default as set by the current |
| target platform, and allows for single builds to make binaries for multiple architectures. |
| |
| Because this has no control over the cc toolchain, it does not work for cgo, so if this |
| attribute is set then :param:`pure` must be set to :value:`on`. |
| :param:`goarch` | :type:`string` | :value:`auto` |
| This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls which goarch_ to compile and link for. |
| |
| If set to anything other than :value:`auto` this overrideds the default as set by the current |
| target platform, and allows for single builds to make binaries for multiple architectures. |
| |
| Because this has no control over the cc toolchain, it does not work for cgo, so if this |
| attribute is set then :param:`pure` must be set to :value:`on`. |
| :param:`gc_goopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| :param:`gc_linkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the Go link command when using the gc compiler. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| :param:`x_defs` | :type:`string_dict` | :value:`{}` |
| Map of defines to add to the go link command. |
| See `Defines and stamping`_ for examples of how to use these. |
| :param:`cgo` | :type:`boolean` | :value:`False` |
| If :value:`True`, the binary uses cgo_. |
| The cgo tool permits Go code to call C code and vice-versa. |
| This does not support calling C++. |
| When cgo is set, :param:`srcs` may contain C or assembly files; these files are compiled with |
| the normal c compiler and included in the package. |
| :param:`cdeps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of other libraries that the c code depends on. |
| This can be anything that would be allowed in `cc library deps`_ |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`copts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the C compilation command. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`clinkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the C link command. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
This builds a set of tests that can be run with ``bazel test``.
To run all tests in the workspace, and print output on failure (the
equivalent of ``go test ./...`` from ``go_prefix`` in a ``GOPATH`` tree), run
bazel test --test_output=errors //...
You can run specific tests by passing the `--test_filter=pattern <test_filter_>`_ argument to Bazel.
You can pass arguments to tests by passing `--test_arg=arg <test_arg_>`_ arguments to Bazel.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
| A unique name for this rule. |
| |
| To interoperated cleanly with gazelle_ right now this should be :value:`go_default_test` for |
| internal tests and :value:`go_default_xtest` for external tests. |
| :param:`importpath` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
| The import path of this test. If unspecified, the test will have an implicit |
| dependency on ``//:go_prefix``, and the import path will be derived from the prefix |
| and the test's label. |
| :param:`srcs` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the test. |
| Only :value:`.go` files are permitted, unless the cgo attribute is set, in which case the |
| following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`. |
| The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_. |
| :param:`deps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this test imports directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| :param:`embed` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this test embeds directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| These can provide both :param:`srcs` and :param:`deps` to this test. |
| See Embedding_ for more information about how and when to use this. |
| :param:`data` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will |
| appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed |
| by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information |
| about how to depend on and use data files. |
| :param:`gc_goopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| :param:`gc_linkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the Go link command when using the gc compiler. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| :param:`x_defs` | :type:`string_dict` | :value:`{}` |
| Map of defines to add to the go link command. |
| See `Defines and stamping`_ for examples of how to use these. |
| :param:`cgo` | :type:`boolean` | :value:`False` |
| If :value:`True`, the binary uses cgo_. |
| The cgo tool permits Go code to call C code and vice-versa. |
| This does not support calling C++. |
| When cgo is set, :param:`srcs` may contain C or assembly files; these files are compiled with |
| the normal c compiler and included in the package. |
| :param:`cdeps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of other libraries that the c code depends on. |
| This can be anything that would be allowed in `cc library deps`_ |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`copts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the C compilation command. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`clinkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the C link command. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |
| Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`. |
| :param:`rundir` | :type:`string` | The package path |
| A directory to cd to before the test is run. |
| This should be a path relative to the execution dir of the test. |
| |
| The default behaviour is to change to the workspace relative path, this replicates the normal |
| behaviour of ``go test`` so it is easy to write compatible tests. |
| |
| Setting it to :value:`.` makes the test behave the normal way for a bazel test. |
To write an internal test, reference the library being tested with the :param:`embed`
instead of :param:`deps`. This will compile the test sources into the same package as the library
Internal test example
This builds a test that can use the internal interface of the package being tested.
In the normal go toolchain this would be the kind of tests formed by adding writing
``<file>_test.go`` files in the same package.
It references the library being tested with :param:`embed`.
.. code:: bzl
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = ["lib.go"],
name = "go_default_test",
srcs = ["lib_test.go"],
embed = [":go_default_library"],
External test example
This builds a test that can only use the public interface(s) of the packages being tested.
In the normal go toolchain this would be the kind of tests formed by adding an ``<name>_test``
It references the library(s) being tested with :param:`deps`.
.. code:: bzl
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = ["lib.go"],
name = "go_default_xtest",
srcs = ["lib_x_test.go"],
deps = [":go_default_library"],
This declares a set of source files and related dependencies that can be embedded into one of the
other rules.
This is used as a way of easily declaring a common set of sources re-used in multiple rules.
* GoLibrary_
* GoSource_
| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
| A unique name for this rule. |
| :param:`srcs` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the package. |
| The following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`. |
| The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_. |
| :param:`deps` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of Go libraries this source list imports directly. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider. |
| :param:`embed` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| List of sources to directly embed in this list. |
| These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoSource_ provider. |
| These can provide both :param:`srcs` and :param:`deps` to this library. |
| See Embedding_ for more information about how and when to use this. |
| :param:`data` | :type:`label_list` | :value:`None` |
| The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will |
| appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed |
| by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information |
| about how to depend on and use data files. |
| :param:`gc_goopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
| List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler. |
| Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_. |