blob: ccef3e1b71b3f5d5ec765d3e098386ce4164cd26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""These are bare-bones Go rules.
In order of priority:
- No support for build tags
- BUILD file must be written by hand.
- No support for SWIG
- No test sharding or test XML.
_DEFAULT_LIB = "go_default_library"
_VENDOR_PREFIX = "/vendor/"
go_filetype = FileType([".go", ".s", ".S"])
# be consistent to cc_library.
hdr_exts = ['.h', '.hh', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.inc']
cc_hdr_filetype = FileType(hdr_exts)
# In Go, imports are always fully qualified with a URL,
# eg. Hence, a label //foo:bar from within a
# Bazel workspace must be referred to as
# "". To make this work, each rule must
# know the repository's URL. This is achieved, by having all go rules
# depend on a globally unique target that has a "go_prefix" transitive
# info provider.
def _go_prefix_impl(ctx):
"""go_prefix_impl provides the go prefix to use as a transitive info provider."""
return struct(go_prefix = ctx.attr.prefix)
def _go_prefix(ctx):
"""slash terminated go-prefix"""
prefix = ctx.attr.go_prefix.go_prefix
if prefix != "" and not prefix.endswith("/"):
prefix = prefix + "/"
return prefix
_go_prefix_rule = rule(
attrs = {
"prefix": attr.string(mandatory = True),
def go_prefix(prefix):
"""go_prefix sets the Go import name to be used for this workspace."""
_go_prefix_rule(name = "go_prefix",
prefix = prefix,
visibility = ["//visibility:public" ]
# TODO(bazel-team): it would be nice if Bazel had this built-in.
def symlink_tree_commands(dest_dir, artifact_dict):
"""Symlink_tree_commands returns a list of commands to create the
dest_dir, and populate it according to the given dict.
dest_dir: The destination directory, a string.
artifact_dict: The mapping of exec-path => path in the dest_dir.
A list of commands that will setup the symlink tree.
cmds = [
"rm -rf " + dest_dir,
"mkdir -p " + dest_dir,
for old_path, new_path in artifact_dict.items():
new_dir = new_path[:new_path.rfind('/')]
up = (new_dir.count('/') + 1 +
dest_dir.count('/') + 1)
cmds += [
"mkdir -p %s/%s" % (dest_dir, new_dir),
"ln -s %s%s %s/%s" % ('../' * up, old_path, dest_dir, new_path),
return cmds
def go_environment_vars(ctx):
"""Return a map of environment variables for use with actions, based on
the arguments. Uses the ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu attribute, if present,
and picks a default of target_os="linux" and target_arch="amd64"
The skylark Context.
A dict of environment variables for running Go tool commands that build for
the target OS and architecture.
bazel_to_go_toolchain = {"k8": {"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "amd64"},
"piii": {"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "386"},
"darwin": {"GOOS": "darwin",
"GOARCH": "amd64"},
"freebsd": {"GOOS": "freebsd",
"GOARCH": "amd64"},
"armeabi-v7a": {"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "arm"},
"arm": {"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "arm"}}
return bazel_to_go_toolchain.get(ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu,
{"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "amd64"})
def emit_go_asm_action(ctx, source, out_obj):
"""Construct the command line for compiling Go Assembly code.
Constructs a symlink tree to accomodate for workspace name.
ctx: The skylark Context.
source: a source code artifact
out_obj: the artifact (configured target?) that should be produced
args = [
ctx.file.go_tool.path, "tool", "asm",
"-I", ctx.file.go_include.path,
"-o", out_obj.path,
cmds = [
"export GOROOT=$(pwd)/" + ctx.file.go_tool.dirname + "/..",
"mkdir -p " + out_obj.dirname,
" ".join(args),
inputs = [source] + ctx.files.toolchain,
outputs = [out_obj],
mnemonic = "GoAsmCompile",
command = " && ".join(cmds),
def _go_archive_path(ctx, lib_artifact):
"""Returns the expected path of the library archive in the standard layout
ctx: The skylark Context
lib_artifact: A File which go_library outputs
A relative path to the given archive file which is expected in the standard
workspace layout of Go. It is relative to the pkg directory under the
Go workspace.
config_strip = len(ctx.configuration.bin_dir.path) + 1
prefix = _go_prefix(ctx)
path = lib_artifact.path[config_strip:]
if path.endswith("/" + _DEFAULT_LIB + ".a"):
path = path[:-len(_DEFAULT_LIB)-3] + ".a"
return prefix + path
def emit_go_compile_action(ctx, sources, deps, out_lib, extra_objects=[]):
"""Construct the command line for compiling Go code.
Constructs a symlink tree to accomodate for workspace name.
ctx: The skylark Context.
sources: an iterable of source code artifacts (or CTs? or labels?)
deps: an iterable of dependencies. Each dependency d should have an
artifact in d.go_library_object representing an imported library.
out_lib: the artifact (configured target?) that should be produced
extra_objects: an iterable of extra object files to be added to the
output archive file.
out_dir = out_lib.path + ".dir"
out_depth = out_dir.count('/') + 1
tree_layout = {}
inputs = []
prefix = _go_prefix(ctx)
import_map = {}
for d in deps:
tree_layout[d.go_library_object.path] = _go_archive_path(ctx, d.go_library_object)
inputs += [d.go_library_object]
importpath = prefix + d.label.package + "/" +
importpath = prefix + d.label.package
source_import = importpath
actual_import = importpath
if source_import.rfind(_VENDOR_PREFIX) != -1:
source_import = source_import[len(_VENDOR_PREFIX) + source_import.rfind(_VENDOR_PREFIX):]
if source_import != actual_import:
if source_import in import_map:
fail("duplicate import %s: adding %s and have %s"
% (source_import, actual_import, import_map[source_import]))
import_map[source_import] = actual_import
inputs += list(sources)
for s in sources:
tree_layout[s.path] = prefix + s.path
cmds = symlink_tree_commands(out_dir, tree_layout)
args = [
"cd ", out_dir, "&&",
('../' * out_depth) + ctx.file.go_tool.path,
"tool", "compile",
"-o", ('../' * out_depth) + out_lib.path, "-pack",
# Import path.
"-I", "."] + [
"-importmap=%s=%s" % (k,v) for k, v in import_map.items()
# Set -p to the import path of the library, ie.
# (ctx.label.package + "/" for now.
cmds += [ "export GOROOT=$(pwd)/" + ctx.file.go_tool.dirname + "/..",
' '.join(args + cmd_helper.template(set(sources), prefix + "%{path}"))]
extra_inputs = ctx.files.toolchain
if extra_objects:
extra_inputs += extra_objects
objs = ' '.join([c.path for c in extra_objects])
cmds += ["cd " + ('../' * out_depth),
ctx.file.go_tool.path + " tool pack r " + out_lib.path + " " + objs]
inputs = inputs + extra_inputs,
outputs = [out_lib],
mnemonic = "GoCompile",
command = " && ".join(cmds),
env = go_environment_vars(ctx))
def go_library_impl(ctx):
"""Implements the go_library() rule."""
sources = set(ctx.files.srcs)
go_srcs = set([s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.go')])
asm_srcs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.s') or s.basename.endswith('.S')]
deps = ctx.attr.deps
cgo_object = None
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "cgo_object"):
cgo_object = ctx.attr.cgo_object
if ctx.attr.library:
go_srcs += ctx.attr.library.go_sources
asm_srcs += ctx.attr.library.asm_sources
deps += ctx.attr.library.direct_deps
if ctx.attr.library.cgo_object:
if cgo_object:
fail("go_library %s cannot have cgo_object because the package " +
"already has cgo_object in %s" % (,
cgo_object = ctx.attr.library.cgo_object
if not go_srcs:
fail("may not be empty", "srcs")
transitive_cgo_deps = set([], order="link")
if cgo_object:
transitive_cgo_deps += cgo_object.cgo_deps
extra_objects = [cgo_object.cgo_obj] if cgo_object else []
for src in asm_srcs:
obj = ctx.new_file(src, "%s.dir/%s.o" % (, src.basename[:-2]))
emit_go_asm_action(ctx, src, obj)
extra_objects += [obj]
out_lib = ctx.outputs.lib
emit_go_compile_action(ctx, go_srcs, deps, out_lib,
transitive_libs = set([out_lib])
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
transitive_libs += dep.transitive_go_library_object
transitive_cgo_deps += dep.transitive_cgo_deps
dylibs = []
if cgo_object:
dylibs += [d for d in cgo_object.cgo_deps if d.path.endswith(".so")]
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = dylibs, collect_data = True)
return struct(
label = ctx.label,
files = set([out_lib]),
direct_deps = deps,
runfiles = runfiles,
go_sources = go_srcs,
asm_sources = asm_srcs,
go_library_object = out_lib,
transitive_go_library_object = transitive_libs,
cgo_object = cgo_object,
transitive_cgo_deps = transitive_cgo_deps,
def _c_linker_options(ctx, blacklist=[]):
"""Extracts flags to pass to $(CC) on link from the current context
ctx: the current context
blacklist: Any flags starts with any of these prefixes are filtered out from
the return value.
A list of command line flags
cpp = ctx.fragments.cpp
features = ctx.features
options = cpp.compiler_options(features)
options += cpp.unfiltered_compiler_options(features)
options += cpp.link_options
options += cpp.mostly_static_link_options(ctx.features, False)
filtered = []
for opt in options:
if any([opt.startswith(prefix) for prefix in blacklist]):
return filtered
def emit_go_link_action(ctx, transitive_libs, lib, executable, cgo_deps):
"""Sets up a symlink tree to libraries to link together."""
out_dir = executable.path + ".dir"
out_depth = out_dir.count('/') + 1
tree_layout = {}
config_strip = len(ctx.configuration.bin_dir.path) + 1
out = executable.path[config_strip:]
pkg_depth = out.count('/')
prefix = _go_prefix(ctx)
for l in transitive_libs:
tree_layout[l.path] = _go_archive_path(ctx, l)
for d in cgo_deps:
tree_layout[d.path] = d.short_path
tree_layout[lib.path] = _go_archive_path(ctx, lib)
ld = "%s" % ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable
if ld[0] != '/':
ld = ('../' * out_depth) + ld
ldflags = _c_linker_options(ctx) + [
"-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/" + ("../" * pkg_depth),
"-L" + prefix,
for d in cgo_deps:
if d.basename.endswith('.so'):
dirname = d.short_path[:-len(d.basename)]
ldflags += ["-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/" + ("../" * pkg_depth) + dirname]
link_cmd = [
('../' * out_depth) + ctx.file.go_tool.path,
"tool", "link", "-L", ".",
"-o", prefix + out,
# workaround for a bug in ld(1) on Mac OS X.
# TODO(yugui) Remove this workaround once rules_go stops supporting XCode 7.2 or earlier.
if ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu != 'darwin':
link_cmd += ["-s"]
link_cmd += [
"-extld", ld,
"-extldflags", "'%s'" % " ".join(ldflags),
prefix + lib.path[config_strip:],
cmds = symlink_tree_commands(out_dir, tree_layout)
# Avoided -s on OSX but but it requires dsymutil to be on $PATH.
# TODO(yugui) Remove this workaround once rules_go stops supporting XCode 7.2 or earlier.
cmds += ["export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin"]
cmds += [
"export GOROOT=$(pwd)/" + ctx.file.go_tool.dirname + "/..",
"cd " + out_dir,
' '.join(link_cmd),
"mv -f " + prefix + out + " " + ("../" * out_depth) + executable.path,
inputs = (list(transitive_libs) + [lib] +
list(cgo_deps) + ctx.files.toolchain),
outputs = [executable],
command = ' && '.join(cmds),
mnemonic = "GoLink",
env = go_environment_vars(ctx))
def go_binary_impl(ctx):
"""go_binary_impl emits actions for compiling and linking a go executable."""
lib_result = go_library_impl(ctx)
executable = ctx.outputs.executable
lib_out = ctx.outputs.lib
ctx, lib_result.transitive_go_library_object, lib_out, executable,
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(collect_data = True,
files =
return struct(files = set([executable]) + lib_result.files,
runfiles = runfiles,
cgo_object = lib_result.cgo_object)
def go_test_impl(ctx):
"""go_test_impl implements go testing.
It emits an action to run the test generator, and then compiles the
test into a binary."""
lib_result = go_library_impl(ctx)
main_go = ctx.outputs.main_go
prefix = _go_prefix(ctx)
go_import = prefix + ctx.label.package + "/" +
args = (["--package", go_import, "--output", ctx.outputs.main_go.path] +
cmd_helper.template(lib_result.go_sources, "%{path}"))
inputs = list(lib_result.go_sources) + list(ctx.files.toolchain)
inputs = inputs,
executable = ctx.executable.test_generator,
outputs = [main_go],
mnemonic = "GoTestGenTest",
arguments = args,
env = dict(go_environment_vars(ctx), RUNDIR=ctx.label.package))
ctx, set([main_go]), ctx.attr.deps + [lib_result], ctx.outputs.main_lib)
ctx, lib_result.transitive_go_library_object,
ctx.outputs.main_lib, ctx.outputs.executable,
# TODO(bazel-team): the Go tests should do a chdir to the directory
# holding the data files, so open-source go tests continue to work
# without code changes.
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(collect_data = True,
files = ( + [ctx.outputs.executable] +
return struct(runfiles=runfiles)
go_env_attrs = {
"toolchain": attr.label(
default = Label("//go/toolchain:toolchain"),
allow_files = True,
cfg = HOST_CFG,
"go_tool": attr.label(
default = Label("//go/toolchain:go_tool"),
single_file = True,
allow_files = True,
cfg = HOST_CFG,
"go_prefix": attr.label(
providers = ["go_prefix"],
default = Label(
relative_to_caller_repository = True,
allow_files = False,
cfg = HOST_CFG,
"go_include": attr.label(
default = Label("//go/toolchain:go_include"),
single_file = True,
allow_files = True,
cfg = HOST_CFG,
go_library_attrs = go_env_attrs + {
"data": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
cfg = DATA_CFG,
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = go_filetype),
"deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [
"library": attr.label(
providers = ["go_sources", "asm_sources", "cgo_object"],
go_library_outputs = {
"lib": "%{name}.a",
go_library = rule(
attrs = go_library_attrs + {
"cgo_object": attr.label(
providers = ["cgo_obj", "cgo_deps"],
fragments = ["cpp"],
outputs = go_library_outputs,
go_binary = rule(
attrs = go_library_attrs + {
"stamp": attr.bool(default = False),
executable = True,
fragments = ["cpp"],
outputs = go_library_outputs,
go_test = rule(
attrs = go_library_attrs + {
"test_generator": attr.label(
executable = True,
default = Label(
cfg = HOST_CFG,
executable = True,
fragments = ["cpp"],
outputs = {
"lib": "%{name}.a",
"main_lib": "%{name}_main_test.a",
"main_go": "%{name}_main_test.go",
test = True,
def _cgo_codegen_impl(ctx):
out_dir = ctx.label.package + "/" + ctx.attr.outdir
pkg_depth = ctx.label.package.count("/") + 1
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + ctx.files.c_hdrs + ctx.files.toolchain
linkopts = ctx.attr.linkopts
deps = set([], order="link")
for d in ctx.attr.deps:
inputs += list(
deps +=
for lib in
if lib.basename.startswith('lib') and lib.basename.endswith('.so'):
dirname = lib.short_path[:-len(lib.basename)]
linkopts += ['-L', dirname, '-l', lib.basename[3:-3]]
linkopts += [lib.short_path]
cc = ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable
copts = ctx.fragments.cpp.c_options + ctx.attr.copts
cmds = [
"export GOROOT=$(pwd)/" + ctx.file.go_tool.dirname + "/..",
# We cannot use env for CC because $(CC) on OSX is relative
# and '../' does not work fine due to symlinks.
"export CC=$(cd $(dirname {cc}); pwd)/$(basename {cc})".format(cc=cc),
"export CXX=$CC",
"objdir=$(pwd)/" + ctx.outputs.outs[0].dirname,
"mkdir -p $objdir",
"cd " + ctx.label.package,
' '.join(["$GOROOT/bin/go", "tool", "cgo", "-objdir", "$objdir", "--"] +
copts + [ for f in ctx.attr.srcs]),
"rm -f $objdir/_cgo_.o $objdir/_cgo_flags"]
inputs = inputs,
outputs = ctx.outputs.outs,
mnemonic = "CGoCodeGen",
progress_message = "CGoCodeGen %s" % ctx.label,
command = " && ".join(cmds),
env = go_environment_vars(ctx) + {
"CGO_LDFLAGS": " ".join(linkopts),
return struct(
label = ctx.label,
files = set(ctx.outputs.outs),
cgo_deps = deps,
_cgo_codegn_rule = rule(
attrs = go_env_attrs + {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = go_filetype,
non_empty = True,
"c_hdrs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = cc_hdr_filetype,
"deps": attr.label_list(
allow_files = False,
providers = ["cc"],
"copts": attr.string_list(),
"linkopts": attr.string_list(),
"outdir": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"outs": attr.output_list(
mandatory = True,
non_empty = True,
fragments = ["cpp"],
output_to_genfiles = True,
def _cgo_codegen(name, srcs, c_hdrs=[], deps=[], linkopts=[],
go_tool=None, toolchain=None):
"""Generates glue codes for interop between C and Go
name: A unique name of the rule
srcs: list of Go source files.
Each of them must contain `import "C"`.
c_hdrs: C/C++ header files necessary to determine kinds of
C/C++ identifiers in srcs.
deps: A list of cc_library rules.
The generated codes are expected to be linked with these deps.
linkopts: A list of linker options,
These flags are passed to the linker when the generated codes
are linked into the target binary.
outdir = name + ".dir"
go_thunks = []
c_thunks = []
for s in srcs:
if not s.endswith('.go'):
fail("not a .go file: %s" % s)
stem = s[:-3]
go_thunks.append(outdir + "/" + stem + ".cgo1.go")
c_thunks.append(outdir + "/" + stem + ".cgo2.c")
outs = struct(
name = name,
outdir = outdir,
go_thunks = go_thunks,
c_thunks = c_thunks,
c_exports = [
outdir + "/_cgo_export.c",
outdir + "/_cgo_export.h",
c_dummy = outdir + "/_cgo_main.c",
gotypes = outdir + "/_cgo_gotypes.go",
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
c_hdrs = c_hdrs,
deps = deps,
linkopts = linkopts,
go_tool = go_tool,
toolchain = toolchain,
outdir = outdir,
outs = outs.go_thunks + outs.c_thunks + outs.c_exports + [
outs.c_dummy, outs.gotypes,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
return outs
def _cgo_import_impl(ctx):
cmds = [
("export GOROOT=$(pwd)/" + ctx.file.go_tool.dirname + "/.."),
(ctx.file.go_tool.path + " tool cgo" +
" -dynout " + ctx.outputs.out.path +
" -dynimport " + ctx.file.cgo_o.path +
" -dynpackage $(%s %s)" % (ctx.executable._extract_package.path,
inputs = (ctx.files.toolchain +
[ctx.file.go_tool, ctx.executable._extract_package,
ctx.file.cgo_o, ctx.file.sample_go_src]),
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
command = " && ".join(cmds),
mnemonic = "CGoImportGen",
return struct(
files = set([ctx.outputs.out]),
_cgo_import = rule(
attrs = go_env_attrs + {
"cgo_o": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
"sample_go_src": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
"out": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
"_extract_package": attr.label(
default = Label("//go/tools/extract_package"),
executable = True,
cfg = HOST_CFG,
"""Generates symbol-import directives for cgo
cgo_o: The loadable object to extract dynamic symbols from.
sample_go_src: A go source which is compiled together with the generated file.
The generated file will have the same Go package name as this file.
out: Destination of the generated codes.
def _cgo_object_impl(ctx):
arguments = _c_linker_options(ctx, blacklist=[
# never link any dependency libraries
"-l", "-L",
# manage flags to ld(1) by ourselves
arguments += [
"-o", ctx.outputs.out.path,
if ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu == "darwin":
arguments += ["-shared", "-Wl,-all_load"]
arguments += ["-Wl,-whole-archive"]
lo = ctx.files.src[-1]
arguments += [lo.path]
inputs = [lo],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
mnemonic = "CGoObject",
progress_message = "Linking %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path,
executable = ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable,
arguments = arguments,
return struct(
files = set([ctx.outputs.out]),
cgo_obj = ctx.outputs.out,
cgo_deps = ctx.attr.cgogen.cgo_deps,
_cgo_object = rule(
attrs = {
"src": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = ["cc"],
"cgogen": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = ["cgo_deps"],
"out": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
fragments = ["cpp"],
"""Generates _all.o to be archived together with Go objects.
src: source static library which contains objects
cgogen: _cgo_codegen rule which knows the dependency cc_library() rules
to be linked together with src when we generate the final go binary.
def cgo_library(name, srcs,
"""Builds a cgo-enabled go library.
name: A unique name for this rule.
srcs: List of Go, C and C++ files that are processed to build a Go library.
Those Go files must contain `import "C"`.
C and C++ files can be anything allowed in `srcs` attribute of `cc_library`.
copts: Add these flags to the C++ compiler.
linkopts: Add these flags to the C++ linker.
deps: List of C/C++ libraries to be linked into the binary target.
They must be `cc_library` rules.
data: List of files needed by this rule at runtime.
`srcs` cannot contain pure-Go files, which do not have `import "C"`.
So you need to define another `go_library` when you build a go package with
both cgo-enabled and pure-Go sources.
name = "cgo-enabled",
srcs = ["cgo-enabled.go", "", "bar.S", "baz.a"],
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = ["pure-go.go"],
library = ":cgo_enabled",
go_srcs = [s for s in srcs if s.endswith('.go')]
c_hdrs = [s for s in srcs if any([s.endswith(ext) for ext in hdr_exts])]
c_srcs = [s for s in srcs if not s in (go_srcs + c_hdrs)]
cgogen = _cgo_codegen(
name = name + ".cgo",
srcs = go_srcs,
c_hdrs = c_hdrs,
deps = deps,
linkopts = linkopts,
go_tool = go_tool,
toolchain = toolchain,
# Bundles objects into an archive so that _cgo_.o and _all.o can share them.
name = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_lib",
srcs = cgogen.c_thunks + cgogen.c_exports + c_srcs + c_hdrs,
deps = deps,
copts = copts + [
"-I", "$(GENDIR)/" + PACKAGE_NAME + "/" + cgogen.outdir,
# The generated thunks often contain unused variables.
linkopts = linkopts,
linkstatic = 1,
# _cgo_.o and _all.o keep all objects in this archive.
# But it should not be very annoying in the final binary target
# because _cgo_object rule does not propagate alwayslink=1
alwayslink = 1,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
# Loadable object which cgo reads when it generates _cgo_import.go
name = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_.o",
srcs = [cgogen.c_dummy],
deps = deps + [cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_lib"],
copts = copts,
linkopts = linkopts,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = "%s.cgo.importgen" % name,
cgo_o = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_.o",
out = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_import.go",
sample_go_src = srcs[0],
go_tool = go_tool,
toolchain = toolchain,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_object",
src = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_lib",
out = cgogen.outdir + "/_all.o",
cgogen =,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = name,
srcs = cgogen.go_thunks + [
cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_import.go",
cgo_object = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_object",
go_tool = go_tool,
toolchain = toolchain,
default_visibility = [ "//visibility:public" ])
name = "toolchain",
srcs = glob(["go/bin/*", "go/pkg/**", ]),
name = "go_tool",
srcs = [ "go/bin/go" ],
name = "go_include",
srcs = [ "go/pkg/include" ],
def go_repositories():
name= "golang_linux_amd64",
url = "",
build_file_content = GO_TOOLCHAIN_BUILD_FILE,
sha256 = "e40c36ae71756198478624ed1bb4ce17597b3c19d243f3f0899bb5740d56212a"
name= "golang_darwin_amd64",
url = "",
build_file_content = GO_TOOLCHAIN_BUILD_FILE,
sha256 = "6ebbafcac53bbbf8c4105fa84b63cca3d6ce04370f5a04ac2ac065782397fc26"