Rule implementation functions are not general purpose (#499)

go_library_impl -> emit_library_actions

a rule implementation function is not a useful building block for other
functions, and treating it as one was causing us to leak implementation details
into our public interface.
Now the action emitting functions are decoupled from the code that looks into
attributes, we are free to change and clean up the attributes and return values
of our rules, which is neccesary in the change to true providers.
diff --git a/go/private/binary.bzl b/go/private/binary.bzl
index 3019883..8d4eb2d 100644
--- a/go/private/binary.bzl
+++ b/go/private/binary.bzl
@@ -13,11 +13,16 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 load("//go/private:common.bzl", "get_go_toolchain", "emit_generate_params_action", "go_filetype")
-load("//go/private:library.bzl", "go_library_impl")
+load("//go/private:library.bzl", "emit_library_actions")
-def go_binary_impl(ctx):
+def _go_binary_impl(ctx):
   """go_binary_impl emits actions for compiling and linking a go executable."""
-  lib_result = go_library_impl(ctx)
+  lib_result = emit_library_actions(ctx,
+      sources = depset(ctx.files.srcs),
+      deps = ctx.attr.deps,
+      cgo_object = None,
+      library = ctx.attr.library,
+  )
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@
 go_binary = rule(
-    go_binary_impl,
+    _go_binary_impl,
     attrs = {
         "data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True, cfg = "data"),
         "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = go_filetype),
diff --git a/go/private/library.bzl b/go/private/library.bzl
index ca9af28..3630375 100644
--- a/go/private/library.bzl
+++ b/go/private/library.bzl
@@ -15,36 +15,30 @@
 load("//go/private:common.bzl", "get_go_toolchain", "DEFAULT_LIB", "VENDOR_PREFIX", "go_filetype")
 load("//go/private:asm.bzl", "emit_go_asm_action")
-def go_library_impl(ctx):
-  """Implements the go_library() rule."""
+def emit_library_actions(ctx, sources, deps, cgo_object, library):
   go_toolchain = get_go_toolchain(ctx)
-  sources = set(ctx.files.srcs)
-  go_srcs = set([s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.go')])
+  go_srcs = depset([s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.go')])
   asm_srcs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.s') or s.basename.endswith('.S')]
   asm_hdrs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.h')]
-  deps = ctx.attr.deps
   dep_runfiles = [d.data_runfiles for d in deps]
-  cgo_object = None
-  if hasattr(ctx.attr, "cgo_object"):
-    cgo_object = ctx.attr.cgo_object
-  if ctx.attr.library:
-    go_srcs += ctx.attr.library.go_sources
-    asm_srcs += ctx.attr.library.asm_sources
-    asm_hdrs += ctx.attr.library.asm_headers
-    deps += ctx.attr.library.direct_deps
-    dep_runfiles += [ctx.attr.library.data_runfiles]
-    if ctx.attr.library.cgo_object:
+  if library:
+    go_srcs += library.go_sources
+    asm_srcs += library.asm_sources
+    asm_hdrs += library.asm_headers
+    deps += library.direct_deps
+    dep_runfiles += [library.data_runfiles]
+    if library.cgo_object:
       if cgo_object:
         fail("go_library %s cannot have cgo_object because the package " +
              "already has cgo_object in %s" % (,
-      cgo_object = ctx.attr.library.cgo_object
+      cgo_object = library.cgo_object
   if not go_srcs:
     fail("may not be empty", "srcs")
-  transitive_cgo_deps = set([], order="link")
+  transitive_cgo_deps = depset([], order="link")
   if cgo_object:
     dep_runfiles += [cgo_object.data_runfiles]
     transitive_cgo_deps += cgo_object.cgo_deps
@@ -60,16 +54,16 @@
   out_object = ctx.new_file( + ".o")
   search_path = out_lib.path[:-len(lib_name)]
   gc_goopts = get_gc_goopts(ctx)
-  transitive_go_libraries = depset([out_lib])
+  transitive_go_library_deps = depset()
   transitive_go_library_paths = depset([search_path])
   for dep in deps:
-    transitive_go_libraries += dep.transitive_go_libraries
+    transitive_go_library_deps += dep.transitive_go_libraries
     transitive_cgo_deps += dep.transitive_cgo_deps
     transitive_go_library_paths += dep.transitive_go_library_paths
   go_srcs = emit_go_compile_action(ctx,
       sources = go_srcs,
-      deps = deps,
+      libs = transitive_go_library_deps,
       libpaths = transitive_go_library_paths,
       out_object = out_object,
       gc_goopts = gc_goopts,
@@ -86,21 +80,47 @@
   return struct(
     label = ctx.label,
-    files = set([out_lib]),
+    files = depset([out_lib]),
     runfiles = runfiles,
     go_sources = go_srcs,
     asm_sources = asm_srcs,
     asm_headers = asm_hdrs,
     cgo_object = cgo_object,
-    direct_deps = ctx.attr.deps,
     transitive_cgo_deps = transitive_cgo_deps,
-    transitive_go_libraries = transitive_go_libraries,
+    transitive_go_libraries = transitive_go_library_deps + [out_lib],
     transitive_go_library_paths = transitive_go_library_paths,
     gc_goopts = gc_goopts,
+def _go_library_impl(ctx):
+  """Implements the go_library() rule."""
+  cgo_object = None
+  if hasattr(ctx.attr, "cgo_object"):
+    cgo_object = ctx.attr.cgo_object
+  lib_result = emit_library_actions(ctx,
+      sources = depset(ctx.files.srcs),
+      deps = ctx.attr.deps,
+      cgo_object = cgo_object,
+      library = ctx.attr.library,
+  )
+  return struct(
+    label = ctx.label,
+    files = lib_result.files,
+    runfiles = lib_result.runfiles,
+    go_sources = lib_result.go_sources,
+    asm_sources = lib_result.asm_sources,
+    asm_headers = lib_result.asm_headers,
+    cgo_object = lib_result.cgo_object,
+    direct_deps = ctx.attr.deps,
+    transitive_cgo_deps = lib_result.transitive_cgo_deps,
+    transitive_go_libraries = lib_result.transitive_go_libraries,
+    transitive_go_library_paths = lib_result.transitive_go_library_paths,
+    gc_goopts = lib_result.gc_goopts,
+  )
 go_library = rule(
-    go_library_impl,
+    _go_library_impl,
     attrs = {
         "data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True, cfg = "data"),
         "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = go_filetype),
@@ -166,14 +186,13 @@
     gc_goopts += ctx.attr.library.gc_goopts
   return gc_goopts
-def emit_go_compile_action(ctx, sources, deps, libpaths, out_object, gc_goopts):
+def emit_go_compile_action(ctx, sources, libs, libpaths, out_object, gc_goopts):
   """Construct the command line for compiling Go code.
     ctx: The skylark Context.
     sources: an iterable of source code artifacts (or CTs? or labels?)
-    deps: an iterable of dependencies. Each dependency d should have an
-      artifact in d.transitive_go_libraries representing all imported libraries.
+    libs: a depset of representing all imported libraries.
     libpaths: the set of paths to search for imported libraries.
     out_object: the object file that should be produced
     gc_goopts: additional flags to pass to the compiler.
@@ -191,9 +210,7 @@
       "-trimpath", "-abs-.",
       "-I", "-abs-.",
-  inputs = depset(sources + [go_toolchain.go])
-  for dep in deps:
-    inputs += dep.transitive_go_libraries
+  inputs = depset([go_toolchain.go]) + sources + libs
   for path in libpaths:
     args += ["-I", path]
   args += gc_goopts + [("" if i.basename.startswith("_cgo") else "-filter-") + i.path for i in sources]
diff --git a/go/private/test.bzl b/go/private/test.bzl
index 933775e..f4f56a3 100644
--- a/go/private/test.bzl
+++ b/go/private/test.bzl
@@ -13,17 +13,22 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 load("//go/private:common.bzl", "get_go_toolchain", "emit_generate_params_action", "go_filetype")
-load("//go/private:library.bzl", "go_library_impl", "go_importpath", "emit_go_compile_action", "get_gc_goopts", "emit_go_pack_action")
+load("//go/private:library.bzl", "emit_library_actions", "go_importpath", "emit_go_compile_action", "get_gc_goopts", "emit_go_pack_action")
 load("//go/private:binary.bzl", "emit_go_link_action", "gc_linkopts")
-def go_test_impl(ctx):
+def _go_test_impl(ctx):
   """go_test_impl implements go testing.
   It emits an action to run the test generator, and then compiles the
   test into a binary."""
   go_toolchain = get_go_toolchain(ctx)
-  lib_result = go_library_impl(ctx)
+  lib_result = emit_library_actions(ctx,
+      sources = depset(ctx.files.srcs),
+      deps = ctx.attr.deps,
+      cgo_object = None,
+      library = ctx.attr.library,
+  )
   main_go = ctx.new_file( + "_main_test.go")
   main_object = ctx.new_file( + "_main_test.o")
   main_lib = ctx.new_file( + "_main_test.a")
@@ -62,7 +67,7 @@
-    deps=ctx.attr.deps + [lib_result],
+    libs=lib_result.transitive_go_libraries,
@@ -88,7 +93,7 @@
 go_test = rule(
-    go_test_impl,
+    _go_test_impl,
     attrs = {
         "data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True, cfg = "data"),
         "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = go_filetype),