blob: 47dbb203ed439b5856c6431e3738b3c8a2a3b595 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Compile method that can compile kotlin or java sources"""
load("//:visibility.bzl", "RULES_DEFS_THAT_COMPILE_KOTLIN")
load("//kotlin/common/providers:compiler_plugin_infos.bzl", "kt_compiler_plugin_infos")
load("//bazel:stubs.bzl", "lint_actions")
load(":common.bzl", "common")
load(":traverse_exports.bzl", "kt_traverse_exports")
def kt_jvm_compile(
java_android_lint_config = None,
manifest = None,
merged_manifest = None,
classpath_resources = [],
kt_toolchain = None,
java_toolchain = None,
android_lint_rules_jars = depset(),
disable_lint_checks = [],
r_java = None,
output_srcjar = None,
rule_family = _RULE_FAMILY.UNKNOWN,
annotation_processor_additional_outputs = [],
annotation_processor_additional_inputs = [],
coverage_srcs = [],
The Kotlin JVM Compile method.
ctx: The context.
output: A File. The output jar.
srcs: List of Files. The Kotlin and Java sources.
common_srcs: List of common source files.
deps: List of targets. A list of dependencies.
plugins: List of targets. A list of jvm plugins.
runtime_deps: List of targets. A list of runtime deps.
exports: List of targets. A list of exports.
javacopts: List of strings. A list of Java compile options.
kotlincopts: List of strings. A list of Kotlin compile options.
neverlink: A bool. Signifies whether the target is only used for compile-time.
testonly: A bool. Signifies whether the target is only used for testing only.
android_lint_plugins: List of targets. An list of android lint plugins to
execute as a part of linting.
resource_files: List of Files. The list of Android Resource files.
exported_plugins: List of exported javac/kotlinc plugins
java_android_lint_config: Android Lint XML config file to use if there are no Kotlin srcs
manifest: A File. The raw Android manifest. Optional.
merged_manifest: A File. The merged Android manifest. Optional.
classpath_resources: List of Files. The list of classpath resources (kt_jvm_library only).
kt_toolchain: The Kotlin toolchain.
java_toolchain: The Java toolchain.
android_lint_rules_jars: Depset of Files. Standalone Android Lint rule Jar artifacts.
disable_lint_checks: Whether to disable link checks.
NOTE: This field should only be used when the provider is not produced
by a target. For example, the JavaInfo created for the Android
within an android_library rule.
r_java: A JavaInfo provider. The JavaInfo provider for the Android
which is both depended on and propagated as an export.
NOTE: This field accepts a JavaInfo, but should only be used for the
Android within an android_library rule.
output_srcjar: Target output file for generated source jar. Default filename used if None.
rule_family: The family of the rule calling this function. Element of common.RULE_FAMILY.
May be used to enable/disable some features.
annotation_processor_additional_outputs: sequence of Files. A list of
files produced by an annotation processor.
annotation_processor_additional_inputs: sequence of Files. A list of
files consumed by an annotation processor.
coverage_srcs: Files to use as the basis when computing code coverage. These are typically
handwritten files that were inputs to generated `srcs`. Should be disjoint with `srcs`.
**_kwargs: Unused kwargs so that parameters are easy to add and remove.
A struct that carries the following fields: java_info and validations.
if rule_family != _RULE_FAMILY.ANDROID_LIBRARY and not (srcs + common_srcs + exports):
# Demands either of the following to be present.
# - Source-type artifacts, srcs or common_srcs, including an empty
# tree-artifact (a directory) or a srcjar without jar entries.
# - Exporting targets, exports. It is typically used by a library author
# to publish one user-facing target with direct exposure to its
# dependent libraries.
fail("Expected one of (srcs, common_srcs, exports) is not empty for kotlin/jvm_compile on target: {}".format(ctx.label))
if classpath_resources and rule_family != _RULE_FAMILY.JVM_LIBRARY:
fail("resources attribute only allowed for jvm libraries")
if type(java_toolchain) == "Target":
# Allow passing either a target or a provider until all callers are updated
java_toolchain = java_toolchain[java_common.JavaToolchainInfo]
java_infos = []
# The r_java field only support Android resources Jar files. For now, verify
# that the name of the jar matches "_resources.jar". This check does not to
# prevent malicious use, the intent is to prevent accidental usage.
r_java_infos = []
if r_java:
for jar in r_java.outputs.jars:
if not jar.class_jar.path.endswith("_resources.jar"):
fail("Error, illegal dependency provided for r_java. This " +
"only supports Android resource Jar files, " +
# Skip deps validation check for any android_library target with no kotlin sources: b/239721906
has_kt_srcs = any([common.is_kt_src(src) for src in srcs])
if rule_family != _RULE_FAMILY.ANDROID_LIBRARY or has_kt_srcs:
kt_traverse_exports.expand_forbidden_deps(deps + runtime_deps + exports)
for dep in deps:
if JavaInfo in dep:
fail("Unexpected dependency (must provide JavaInfo): %s" % dep.label)
if kotlincopts != None and "-Werror" in kotlincopts:
fail("Flag -Werror is not permitted")
return common.kt_jvm_library(
classpath_resources = classpath_resources,
common_srcs = common_srcs,
coverage_srcs = coverage_srcs,
deps = r_java_infos + java_infos,
disable_lint_checks = disable_lint_checks,
exported_plugins = common.kt_plugins_map(
java_plugin_infos = common.collect_providers(JavaPluginInfo, exported_plugins),
android_lint_rulesets = common.collect_providers(lint_actions.AndroidLintRulesetInfo, exported_plugins),
# Not all exported targets contain a JavaInfo (e.g. some only have CcInfo)
exports = r_java_infos + [e[JavaInfo] for e in exports if JavaInfo in e],
friend_jars = kt_traverse_exports.expand_friend_jars(deps, root = ctx),
java_toolchain = java_toolchain,
javacopts = javacopts,
kotlincopts = kotlincopts,
compile_jdeps = kt_traverse_exports.expand_direct_jdeps(deps),
kt_toolchain = kt_toolchain,
manifest = manifest,
merged_manifest = merged_manifest,
native_libraries = [p[CcInfo] for p in deps + runtime_deps + exports if CcInfo in p],
neverlink = neverlink,
output = output,
output_srcjar = output_srcjar,
plugins = common.kt_plugins_map(
android_lint_rulesets = (
common.collect_providers(lint_actions.AndroidLintRulesetInfo, android_lint_plugins) +
common.collect_providers(lint_actions.AndroidLintRulesetInfo, plugins)
) + [
lint_actions.AndroidLintRulesetInfo(singlejars = android_lint_rules_jars),
java_plugin_infos = common.collect_providers(JavaPluginInfo, plugins),
kt_compiler_plugin_infos = (
kt_traverse_exports.expand_compiler_plugins(deps).to_list() +
common.collect_providers(kt_compiler_plugin_infos.Info, plugins)
java_android_lint_config = java_android_lint_config,
resource_files = resource_files,
runtime_deps = [d[JavaInfo] for d in runtime_deps if JavaInfo in d],
srcs = srcs,
testonly = testonly,
rule_family = rule_family,
annotation_processor_additional_outputs = annotation_processor_additional_outputs,
annotation_processor_additional_inputs = annotation_processor_additional_inputs,