blob: aed882f6c5ef30e2e0b2b1cb3a6f9d43f791405b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Kotlin toolchain."""
load("//bazel:stubs.bzl", "select_java_language_level")
# Work around to toolchains in Google3.
KtJvmToolchainInfo = provider()
KT_VERSION = "v1_8_10"
# Kotlin JVM toolchain type label
_TYPE = Label("//toolchains/kotlin_jvm:kt_jvm_toolchain_type")
def _kotlinc_common_flags(ctx, other_flags):
"""Returns kotlinc flags to use in all compilations."""
args = [
# We're supplying JDK in bootclasspath explicitly instead
# stdlib included in merged_deps
# The bytecode format to emit
# Emit bytecode with parameter names
# Allow default method declarations, akin to what javac emits (b/110378321).
# Trust JSR305 nullness type qualifier nicknames the same as @Nonnull/@Nullable
# (see
# Trust go/JSpecify nullness annotations
# (see
# Trust annotations on type arguments, etc.
# (see
# TODO: Remove this as the default setting (probably Kotlin 1.7)
# Explicitly set language version so we can update compiler separate from language version
# Enable type annotations in the JVM bytecode (b/170647926)
# TODO: Temporarily disable 1.5's sam wrapper conversion
# We don't want people to use experimental APIs, but if they do, we want them to use @OptIn
# Don't complain when using old builds or release candidate builds
# Allows a no source files to create an empty jar.
# TODO: Remove this flag
# TODO: Remove this flag
] + other_flags
# --define=extra_kt_jvm_opts is for overriding from command line.
# (Last wins in repeated --define=foo= use, so use --define=bar= instead.)
extra_kt_jvm_opts = ctx.var.get("extra_kt_jvm_opts", default = None)
if extra_kt_jvm_opts:
args.extend([o for o in extra_kt_jvm_opts.split(" ") if o])
return args
def _kotlinc_ide_flags(ctx):
return _kotlinc_common_flags(ctx, other_flags = [])
def _kotlinc_cli_flags(ctx):
return _kotlinc_common_flags(ctx, other_flags = [
# Silence all warning-level diagnostics
def _kt_jvm_toolchain_impl(ctx):
kt_jvm_toolchain = dict(
android_java8_apis_desugared = ctx.attr.android_java8_apis_desugared,
android_lint_config = ctx.file.android_lint_config,
android_lint_runner = ctx.attr.android_lint_runner[DefaultInfo].files_to_run,
build_marker = ctx.file.build_marker,
coverage_instrumenter = ctx.attr.coverage_instrumenter[DefaultInfo].files_to_run,
# Don't require JavaInfo provider for integration test convenience.
coverage_runtime = ctx.attr.coverage_runtime[JavaInfo] if JavaInfo in ctx.attr.coverage_runtime else None,
genclass = ctx.file.genclass,
jar_tool = ctx.attr.jar_tool[DefaultInfo].files_to_run,
java_language_version = ctx.attr.java_language_version,
java_runtime = ctx.attr.java_runtime,
jvm_abi_gen_plugin = ctx.file.jvm_abi_gen_plugin,
jvm_target = ctx.attr.jvm_target,
kotlin_annotation_processing = ctx.file.kotlin_annotation_processing,
kotlin_compiler = ctx.attr.kotlin_compiler[DefaultInfo].files_to_run,
kotlin_language_version = ctx.attr.kotlin_language_version,
kotlin_libs = [JavaInfo(compile_jar = jar, output_jar = jar) for jar in ctx.files.kotlin_libs],
kotlin_sdk_libraries = ctx.attr.kotlin_sdk_libraries,
kotlinc_cli_flags = _kotlinc_cli_flags(ctx),
kotlinc_ide_flags = _kotlinc_ide_flags(ctx),
proguard_whitelister = ctx.attr.proguard_whitelister[DefaultInfo].files_to_run,
source_jar_zipper = ctx.file.source_jar_zipper,
turbine = ctx.file.turbine,
turbine_direct = ctx.file.turbine_direct if ctx.attr.enable_turbine_direct else None,
turbine_jsa = ctx.file.turbine_jsa,
turbine_java_runtime = ctx.attr.turbine_java_runtime,
return [
kt_jvm_toolchain = rule(
attrs = dict(
android_java8_apis_desugared = attr.bool(
# Reflects a select in build rules.
doc = "Whether Java 8 API desugaring is enabled",
mandatory = True,
android_lint_config = attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = [".xml"],
android_lint_runner = attr.label(
default = "//bazel:stub_tool",
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",
build_marker = attr.label(
default = "//tools:build_marker",
allow_single_file = [".jar"],
coverage_instrumenter = attr.label(
default = "//tools/coverage:offline_instrument",
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
coverage_runtime = attr.label(
default = "@maven//:org_jacoco_org_jacoco_agent",
enable_turbine_direct = attr.bool(
# If disabled, the value of turbine_direct will be ignored.
# Starlark doesn't allow None to override default-valued attributes:
default = True,
genclass = attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:GenClass_deploy.jar",
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = True,
jar_tool = attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:jar",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
cfg = "exec",
java_language_version = attr.string(
default = "11",
java_runtime = attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime",
cfg = "exec",
allow_files = True,
jvm_abi_gen_plugin = attr.label(
default = "@kotlinc//:jvm_abi_gen_plugin",
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = [".jar"],
jvm_target = attr.string(
doc = "The value to pass as -jvm-target, indicating the bytecode format to emit.",
kotlin_annotation_processing = attr.label(
default = "@kotlinc//:kotlin_annotation_processing",
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = True,
kotlin_compiler = attr.label(
default = "@kotlinc//:kotlin_compiler",
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
kotlin_language_version = attr.string(
default = KT_LANG_VERSION,
kotlin_libs = attr.label_list(
doc = "The libraries required during all Kotlin builds.",
default = [
allow_files = [".jar"],
cfg = "target",
kotlin_sdk_libraries = attr.label_list(
doc = "The libraries required to resolve Kotlin code in an IDE.",
default = [
cfg = "target",
proguard_whitelister = attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:proguard_whitelister",
cfg = "exec",
runtime = attr.label_list(
# This attribute has a "magic" name recognized by the native DexArchiveAspect
# (b/78647825). Must list all implicit runtime deps here, this is not limited
# to Kotlin runtime libs.
default = [
cfg = "target",
doc = "The Kotlin runtime libraries grouped into one attribute.",
source_jar_zipper = attr.label(
default = "//tools/bin:source_jar_zipper_binary",
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = [".jar"],
turbine = attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:turbine_direct",
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = True,
turbine_direct = attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = True,
turbine_jsa = attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
allow_single_file = True,
turbine_java_runtime = attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
provides = [platform_common.ToolchainInfo],
implementation = _kt_jvm_toolchain_impl,
def _declare(**kwargs):
android_java8_apis_desugared = select({
"//conditions:default": False,
# The JVM bytecode version to output
jvm_target = "11",
_ATTRS = dict(
_toolchain = attr.label(
# TODO: Delete this attr when fixed.
doc = "Magic attribute name for DexArchiveAspect (b/78647825)",
default = "//toolchains/kotlin_jvm:kt_jvm_toolchain_impl",
kt_jvm_toolchains = struct(
name =,
get = lambda ctx: ctx.toolchains[_TYPE],
type = str(_TYPE),
declare = _declare,
attrs = _ATTRS,