[autotest] Remove Brillo v1 update code.

The BrilloUpdater/BrilloTestPlatform implementation was for version one
of Brillo. This is no longer in use. Confirmed by Brillo Test Engineer.

As part of autoupdate_EndToEndTest rewrite, I will remove this code.

TEST=test_that chromeos2-row3-rack10-host13.cros autoupdate_EndToEndTest

Change-Id: I7a5500ea14c33fde7d4cc998d1f536130868e371
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/538915
Commit-Ready: David Haddock <dhaddock@chromium.org>
Tested-by: David Haddock <dhaddock@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Justin Giorgi <jgiorgi@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Don Garrett <dgarrett@chromium.org>
diff --git a/client/common_lib/cros/autoupdater.py b/client/common_lib/cros/autoupdater.py
index 5803577..3a36557 100644
--- a/client/common_lib/cros/autoupdater.py
+++ b/client/common_lib/cros/autoupdater.py
@@ -35,10 +35,6 @@
     """Generic error for ChromiumOS-specific exceptions."""
-class BrilloError(error.InstallError):
-    """Generic error for Brillo-specific exceptions."""
 class RootFSUpdateError(ChromiumOSError):
     """Raised when the RootFS fails to update."""
@@ -736,15 +732,3 @@
                     'within %d seconds' % (event,
-class BrilloUpdater(BaseUpdater):
-    """Helper class for updating a Brillo DUT."""
-    def __init__(self, update_url, host=None):
-        """Initialize the object.
-        @param update_url: The URL we want the update to use.
-        @param host: A client.common_lib.hosts.Host implementation.
-        """
-        super(BrilloUpdater, self).__init__(
-                '/system/bin/update_engine_client', update_url, host)
diff --git a/server/site_tests/autoupdate_EndToEndTest/autoupdate_EndToEndTest.py b/server/site_tests/autoupdate_EndToEndTest/autoupdate_EndToEndTest.py
index 351af74..3535500 100755
--- a/server/site_tests/autoupdate_EndToEndTest/autoupdate_EndToEndTest.py
+++ b/server/site_tests/autoupdate_EndToEndTest/autoupdate_EndToEndTest.py
@@ -710,8 +710,6 @@
         os_type = host.get_os_type()
         if os_type in ('cros', 'moblab'):
             return ChromiumOSTestPlatform(host)
-        if os_type == 'brillo':
-            return BrilloTestPlatform(host)
         raise error.TestError('Unknown OS type reported by host: %s' % os_type)
@@ -1223,195 +1221,6 @@
         return self._host.oobe_triggers_update()
-class BrilloTestPlatform(TestPlatform):
-    """A TestPlatform implementation for Brillo."""
-    _DUT_LOCALHOST = ''
-    def __init__(self, host):
-        self._host = host
-        self._autotest_devserver = None
-        self._devserver_dir = None
-        self._staged_urls = None
-        self._forwarding_ports = set()
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_host_port(cls, url):
-        """Returns the host and port values from a given URL.
-        @param url: The URL from which the values are extracted.
-        @return A pair consisting of the host and port strings.
-        """
-        host, _, port = urlparse.urlsplit(url).netloc.partition(':')
-        return host, port or str(cls._URL_DEFAULT_PORT)
-    def _install_rev_forwarding(self, port=None):
-        """Installs reverse forwarding rules via ADB.
-        @param port: The TCP port we want forwarded; if None, installs all
-                     previously configured ports.
-        """
-        ports = self._forwarding_ports if port is None else [port]
-        for port in ports:
-            port_spec = 'tcp:%s' % port
-            self._host.add_forwarding(port_spec, port_spec, reverse=True)
-    def _add_rev_forwarding(self, url):
-        """Configures reverse port forwarding and adjusts the given URL.
-        This extracts the port from the URL, adds it to the set of configured
-        forwarding ports, installs it to the DUT, then returns the adjusted URL
-        for use by the DUT.
-        @param url: The URL for which we need to establish forwarding.
-        @return: The adjusted URL for use on the DUT.
-        """
-        if url:
-            host, port = self._get_host_port(url)
-            if port not in self._forwarding_ports:
-                self._forwarding_ports.add(port)
-                self._install_rev_forwarding(port=port)
-            url = url.replace(host, self._DUT_LOCALHOST, 1)
-        return url
-    def _remove_rev_forwarding(self, url=None):
-        """Removes a reverse port forwarding.
-        @param url: The URL for which forwarding was established; if None,
-                    removes all previously configured ports.
-        """
-        ports = set()
-        if url is None:
-            ports.update(self._forwarding_ports)
-        else:
-            _, port = self._get_host_port(url)
-            if port in self._forwarding_ports:
-                ports.add(port)
-        # TODO(garnold) Enable once ADB port removal is fixed (b/24771474):
-        # for port in ports:
-        #     self._host.remove_forwarding(src='tcp:%s' % port, reverse=True)
-        self._forwarding_ports.difference_update(ports)
-    def _install_source_version(self, devserver_hostname, payload_url):
-        """Installs a source version onto the test device.
-        @param devserver_hostname: Redirect updates through this host.
-        @param payload_url: URL of staged payload for installing a source image.
-        """
-        try:
-            # Start a private Omaha server and update the DUT.
-            temp_devserver = None
-            url = None
-            try:
-                temp_devserver = OmahaDevserver(
-                        devserver_hostname, self._devserver_dir, payload_url)
-                temp_devserver.start_devserver()
-                url = self._add_rev_forwarding(temp_devserver.get_update_url())
-                updater = autoupdater.BrilloUpdater(url, host=self._host)
-                updater.update_image()
-            finally:
-                if url:
-                    self._remove_rev_forwarding(url)
-                if temp_devserver:
-                    temp_devserver.stop_devserver()
-            # Reboot the DUT.
-            self.reboot_device()
-        except OmahaDevserverFailedToStart as e:
-            logging.fatal('Failed to start private devserver for installing '
-                          'the source payload (%s) on the DUT', payload_url)
-            raise error.TestError(
-                    'Failed to start private devserver for installing the '
-                    'source image on the DUT: %s' % e)
-        except error.AutoservRunError as e:
-            logging.fatal('Error re-imaging or rebooting the DUT with the '
-                          'source image from %s', payload_url)
-            raise error.TestError('Failed to install the source image or '
-                                  'reboot the DUT: %s' % e)
-    # Interface overrides.
-    #
-    def initialize(self, autotest_devserver, devserver_dir):
-        self._autotest_devserver = autotest_devserver
-        self._devserver_dir = devserver_dir
-    def reboot_device(self):
-        self._host.reboot()
-        self._install_rev_forwarding()
-    def prep_artifacts(self, test_conf):
-        # TODO(garnold) Currently we don't stage anything and assume that the
-        # provided URLs are of pre-staged payloads. We should implement staging
-        # support once a release scheme for Brillo is finalized.
-        self._staged_urls = self.StagedURLs(
-                self._add_rev_forwarding(test_conf['source_payload_uri']), None,
-                self._add_rev_forwarding(test_conf['target_payload_uri']), None)
-        return self._staged_urls
-    def prep_device_for_update(self, source_release):
-        # Install the source version onto the DUT.
-        if self._staged_urls.source_url:
-            logging.info('Installing a source image on the DUT')
-            devserver_hostname = urlparse.urlparse(
-                    self._autotest_devserver.url()).hostname
-            self._install_source_version(devserver_hostname,
-                                         self._staged_urls.source_url)
-    def get_active_slot(self):
-        return self._host.run('rootdev -s /system').stdout.strip()
-    def start_update_perf(self, bindir):
-        pass
-    def stop_update_perf(self):
-        pass
-    def trigger_update(self, omaha_devserver):
-        url = self._add_rev_forwarding(omaha_devserver.get_update_url())
-        updater = autoupdater.BrilloUpdater(url, host=self._host)
-        updater.trigger_update()
-    def finalize_update(self):
-        pass
-    def get_update_log(self, num_lines):
-        return self._host.run_output(
-                'logcat -d -s update_engine | tail -n %d' % num_lines,
-                stdout_tee=None)
-    def check_device_after_update(self, target_release):
-        self._remove_rev_forwarding()
-        # TODO(garnold) Port forwarding removal is broken in ADB (b/24771474).
-        # Instead we reboot the device, which has the side-effect of flushing
-        # all forwarding rules. Once fixed, the following should be removed.
-        self.reboot_device()
-    def oobe_triggers_update(self):
-        return False
 class autoupdate_EndToEndTest(test.test):
     """Complete update test between two Chrome OS releases.