cheets_CTS_N: fix non-termination of while loop.

I clearly wrote bad code:
        while steps < self._max_retry and failed > 0:
            if failed > waived:
To fix we have to merge the two statements.
Also move all step increments immediately behind the while statements to
make termination obvious in all other cases.

     (waivers applied, no hang)

Change-Id: I8734b5543ea2a69e07a59224f25792c7a761c592
Tested-by: Ilja H. Friedel <>
Reviewed-by: Stéphane Marchesin <>
diff --git a/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS/ b/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS/
index 5218a60..61252cd 100644
--- a/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS/
+++ b/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS/
@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@
         # Unconditionally run CTS package until we see some tests executed.
         while steps < self._max_retry and total_tests == 0:
+            steps += 1
             with self._login_chrome():
@@ -360,7 +361,6 @@
                 # works on local failures.
                 total_tests = tests
                 total_passed = passed
-                steps += 1
             # The DUT has rebooted at this point and is in a clean state.
         if total_tests == 0:
             raise error.TestFail('Error: Could not find any tests in package.')
@@ -370,8 +370,8 @@
         while steps < self._max_retry and (notexecuted > 0 or failed > 0):
             # First retry until there is no test is left that was not executed.
             while notexecuted > 0 and steps < self._max_retry:
+                steps += 1
                 with self._login_chrome():
-                    steps += 1
           'Continuing session %d:', session_id)
                     # 'Continue' reports as passed all passing results in the
diff --git a/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS_N/ b/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS_N/
index 3bc1302..ae47dfa 100644
--- a/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS_N/
+++ b/server/site_tests/cheets_CTS_N/
@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@
         # Unconditionally run CTS module until we see some tests executed.
         while total_tests == 0 and steps < self._max_retry:
+            steps += 1
             with self._login_chrome():
@@ -365,7 +366,6 @@
                 if total_tests == 0:
                     total_tests = tests
                 total_passed += passed
-                steps += 1
             # The DUT has rebooted at this point and is in a clean state.
         if total_tests == 0:
             raise error.TestFail('Error: Could not find any tests in module.')
@@ -373,50 +373,47 @@
         retry_inconsistency_error = None
         # If the results were not completed or were failing then continue or
         # retry them iteratively MAX_RETRY times.
-        while steps < self._max_retry and failed > 0:
-            # TODO(ihf): Use result_history to heuristically stop retries early.
-            if failed > waived:
-                with self._login_chrome():
-                    steps += 1
-                    self._ready_arc()
-          'Retrying failures of %s with session_id %d:',
-                                 test_name, session_id)
-                    expected_tests = failed + notexecuted
-                    session_id, counts = self._tradefed_retry(test_name,
-                                                              session_id)
-                    tests, passed, failed, notexecuted, waived = counts
-                    self.result_history[steps] = counts
-                    # Consistency check, did we really run as many as we
-                    # thought initially?
-                    if expected_tests != tests:
-                        msg = ('Retry inconsistency - '
+        while steps < self._max_retry and failed > waived:
+            steps += 1
+            with self._login_chrome():
+                self._ready_arc()
+      'Retrying failures of %s with session_id %d:',
+                             test_name, session_id)
+                expected_tests = failed + notexecuted
+                session_id, counts = self._tradefed_retry(test_name,
+                                                          session_id)
+                tests, passed, failed, notexecuted, waived = counts
+                self.result_history[steps] = counts
+                # Consistency check, did we really run as many as we thought
+                # initially?
+                if expected_tests != tests:
+                    msg = ('Retry inconsistency - '
                            'initially saw %d failed+notexecuted, ran %d tests. '
                            'passed=%d, failed=%d, notexecuted=%d, waived=%d.' %
                            (expected_tests, tests, passed, failed, notexecuted,
-                        logging.warning(msg)
-                        if expected_tests > tests:
-                            # See b/36523200#comment8. Due to the existence of
-                            # the multiple tests having the same ID, more cases
-                            # may be run than previous fail count. As a
-                            # workaround, making it an error only when the tests
-                            # run were less than expected.
-                            # TODO(kinaba): Find a way to handle this dup.
-                            retry_inconsistency_error = msg
-                    if not self._consistent(tests, passed, failed, notexecuted):
-                        logging.warning('Tradefed inconsistency - retrying.')
-                        session_id, counts = self._tradefed_retry(test_name,
-                                                                  session_id)
-                        tests, passed, failed, notexecuted, waived = counts
-                        self.result_history[steps] = counts
-                    msg = 'retry(t=%d, p=%d, f=%d, ne=%d, w=%d)' % counts
-          'RESULT: %s', msg)
-                    self.summary += ' ' + msg
-                    if not self._consistent(tests, passed, failed, notexecuted):
-                        logging.warning('Test count inconsistent. %s',
-                                        self.summary)
-                    total_passed += passed
-                # The DUT has rebooted at this point and is in a clean state.
+                    logging.warning(msg)
+                    if expected_tests > tests:
+                        # See b/36523200#comment8. Due to the existence of the
+                        # multiple tests having the same ID, more cases may be
+                        # run than previous fail count. As a workaround, making
+                        # it an error only when the tests run were less than
+                        # expected.
+                        # TODO(kinaba): Find a way to handle this dup.
+                        retry_inconsistency_error = msg
+                if not self._consistent(tests, passed, failed, notexecuted):
+                    logging.warning('Tradefed inconsistency - retrying.')
+                    session_id, counts = self._tradefed_retry(test_name,
+                                                              session_id)
+                    tests, passed, failed, notexecuted, waived = counts
+                    self.result_history[steps] = counts
+                msg = 'retry(t=%d, p=%d, f=%d, ne=%d, w=%d)' % counts
+      'RESULT: %s', msg)
+                self.summary += ' ' + msg
+                if not self._consistent(tests, passed, failed, notexecuted):
+                    logging.warning('Test count inconsistent. %s', self.summary)
+                total_passed += passed
+            # The DUT has rebooted at this point and is in a clean state.
         # Final classification of test results.
         if total_passed == 0 or failed > waived: