autotest: delete collect_suite_time_stats


Change-Id: Iebb1d5446616c1b4ca992c699ad7556749a4edae
Commit-Ready: Aviv Keshet <>
Tested-by: Aviv Keshet <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Shi <>
diff --git a/site_utils/ b/site_utils/
deleted file mode 100755
index cdda7dc..0000000
--- a/site_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Script to calculate timing stats for suites.
-This script measures nine stats for a suite run.
-1. Net suite runtime.
-2. Suite scheduling overhead.
-3. Average scheduling overhead.
-4. Average Queuing time.
-5. Average Resetting time.
-6. Average provisioning time.
-7. Average Running time.
-8. Average Parsing time.
-9. Average Gathering time.
-When the cron_mode is enabled, this script throws all stats but the first one
-(Net suite runtime) to Graphite because the first one is already
-being sent to Graphite by Autotest online.
-Net suite runtime is end-to-end time for a suite from the beginning
-to the end.
-It is stored in a field, "duration", of a type, "suite_runtime" in
-elasticsearch (ES).
-Suite scheduling overhead is defined by the average of DUT overheads.
-Suite is composed of one or more jobs, and those jobs are run on
-one or more DUTs that are available.
-A DUT overhead is defined by:
-    DUT_i overhead = sum(net time for job_k - runtime for job_k
-                         - runtime for special tasks of job_k)
-    Job_k are the jobs run on DUT_i.
-Net time for a job is the time from job_queued_time to hqe_finished_time.
-job_queued_time is stored in the "queued_time" column of "tko_jobs" table.
-hqe_finished_time is stored in the "finished_on" of "afe_host_queue_entries"
-We do not use "job_finished_time" of "tko_jobs" as job_finished_time is
-recorded before gathering/parsing.
-We do not use hqe started time ("started_on" of "afe_host_queue_entries"),
-as it does not account for the lag from a host is assigned to the job till
-the scheduler sees the assignment.
-Runtime for job_k is the sum of durations for the records of
-"job_time_breakdown" type in ES that have "Queued" or "Running" status.
-It is possible that a job has multiple "Queued" records when the job's test
-failed and tried again.
-We take into account only the last "Queued" record.
-Runtime for special tasks of job_k is the sum of durations for the records
-of "job_time_breakdown" type in ES that have "Resetting", "Provisioning",
-"Gathering", or "Parsing" status.
-We take into account only the records whose timestamp is larger than
-the timestamp of the last "Queued" record.
-import argparse
-from datetime import datetime
-from datetime import timedelta
-import common
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import host_queue_entry_states
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.graphite import autotest_es
-from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
-from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
-from autotest_lib.frontend.tko import models as tko_models
-from autotest_lib.server import utils
-from autotest_lib.site_utils import job_overhead
-_options = None
-_hqes = host_queue_entry_states.Status
-_states = [
-        _hqes.QUEUED, _hqes.RESETTING, _hqes.PROVISIONING,
-        _hqes.RUNNING, _hqes.GATHERING, _hqes.PARSING]
-def mean(l):
-    """
-    Calculates an Arithmetic Mean for the numbers in a list.
-    @param l: A list of numbers.
-    @return: Arithmetic mean if the list is not empty.
-             Otherwise, returns zero.
-    """
-    return float(sum(l)) / len(l) if l else 0
-def print_verbose(string, *args):
-    if _options.verbose:
-        print(string % args)
-def get_nontask_runtime(job_id, dut, job_info_dict):
-    """
-    Get sum of durations for "Queued", "Running", "Parsing", and "Gathering"
-    status records.
-    job_info_dict will be modified in this function to store the duration
-    for each status.
-    @param job_id: The job id of interest.
-    @param dut: Hostname of a DUT that the job ran on.
-    @param job_info_dict: Dictionary that has information for jobs.
-    @return: Tuple of sum of durations and the timestamp for the last
-             Queued record.
-    """
-    results = autotest_es.query(
-            fields_returned=['status', 'duration', 'time_recorded'],
-            equality_constraints=[('_type', 'job_time_breakdown'),
-                                  ('job_id', job_id),
-                                  ('hostname', dut)],
-            sort_specs=[{'time_recorded': 'desc'}])
-    sum = 0
-    last_queued_timestamp = 0
-    # There could be multiple "Queued" records.
-    # Get sum of durations for the records after the last "Queued" records
-    # (including the last "Queued" record).
-    # Exploits the fact that "results" are ordered in the descending order
-    # of time_recorded.
-    for hit in results.hits:
-        job_info_dict[job_id][hit['status']] = float(hit['duration'])
-        if hit['status'] == 'Queued':
-            # The first Queued record is the last one because of the descending
-            # order of "results".
-            last_queued_timestamp = float(hit['time_recorded'])
-            sum += float(hit['duration'])
-            break
-        else:
-            sum += float(hit['duration'])
-    return (sum, last_queued_timestamp)
-def get_tasks_runtime(task_list, dut, t_start, job_id, job_info_dict):
-    """
-    Get sum of durations for special tasks.
-    job_info_dict will be modified in this function to store the duration
-    for each special task.
-    @param task_list: List of task id.
-    @param dut: Hostname of a DUT that the tasks ran on.
-    @param t_start: Beginning timestamp.
-    @param job_id: The job id that is related to the tasks.
-                   This is used only for debugging purpose.
-    @param job_info_dict: Dictionary that has information for jobs.
-    @return: Sum of durations of the tasks.
-    """
-    t_start_epoch = time_utils.to_epoch_time(t_start)
-    results = autotest_es.query(
-            fields_returned=['status', 'task_id', 'duration'],
-            equality_constraints=[('_type', 'job_time_breakdown'),
-                                  ('hostname', dut)],
-            range_constraints=[('time_recorded', t_start_epoch, None)],
-            batch_constraints=[('task_id', task_list)])
-    sum = 0
-    for hit in results.hits:
-        sum += float(hit['duration'])
-        job_info_dict[job_id][hit['status']] = float(hit['duration'])
-        print_verbose('Task %s for Job %s took %s',
-                      hit['task_id'], job_id, hit['duration'])
-    return sum
-def get_job_runtime(job_id, dut, job_info_dict):
-    """
-    Get sum of durations for the entries that are related to a job.
-    job_info_dict will be modified in this function.
-    @param job_id: The job id of interest.
-    @param dut: Hostname of a DUT that the job ran on.
-    @param job_info_dict: Dictionary that has information for jobs.
-    @return: Total duration taken by a job.
-    """
-    sum, t_last_queued = get_nontask_runtime(job_id, dut, job_info_dict)
-    print_verbose('Job %s took %f, last Queued: %s',
-                  job_id, sum, t_last_queued)
-    sum += get_tasks_runtime(
-            list(job_info_dict[job_id]['tasks']), dut, t_last_queued,
-            job_id, job_info_dict)
-    return sum
-def get_dut_overhead(dut, jobs, job_info_dict):
-    """
-    Calculates the scheduling overhead of a DUT.
-    The scheduling overhead of a DUT is defined by the sum of scheduling
-    overheads for the jobs that ran on the DUT.
-    The scheduling overhead for a job is defined by the difference
-    of net job runtime and real job runtime.
-    job_info_dict will be modified in this function.
-    @param dut: Hostname of a DUT.
-    @param jobs: The list of jobs that ran on the DUT.
-    @param job_info_dict: Dictionary that has information for jobs.
-    @return: Scheduling overhead of a DUT in a floating point value.
-             The unit is a second.
-    """
-    overheads = []
-    for job_id in jobs:
-        (t_start, t_end) = job_info_dict[job_id]['timestamps']
-        runtime = get_job_runtime(job_id, dut, job_info_dict)
-        overheads.append(t_end - t_start - runtime)
-        print_verbose('Job: %s, Net runtime: %f, Real runtime: %f, '
-                      'Overhead: %f', job_id, t_end - t_start, runtime,
-                      t_end - t_start - runtime)
-    return sum(overheads)
-def get_child_jobs_info(suite_job_id, num_child_jobs, sanity_check):
-    """
-    Gets information about child jobs of a suite.
-    @param suite_job_id: Job id of a suite.
-    @param num_child_jobs: Number of child jobs of the suite.
-    @param sanity_check: Do sanity check if True.
-    @return: A tuple of (dictionary, list). For dictionary, the key is
-             a DUT's hostname and the value is a list of jobs that ran on
-             the DUT. List is the list of all jobs of the suite.
-    """
-    results = autotest_es.query(
-            fields_returned=['job_id', 'hostname'],
-            equality_constraints=[('_type', 'host_history'),
-                                  ('parent_job_id', suite_job_id),
-                                  ('status', 'Running'),])
-    dut_jobs_dict = {}
-    job_filter = set()
-    for hit in results.hits:
-        job_id = hit['job_id']
-        dut = hit['hostname']
-        if job_id in job_filter:
-            continue
-        job_list = dut_jobs_dict.setdefault(dut, [])
-        job_list.append(job_id)
-        job_filter.add(job_id)
-    if sanity_check and len(job_filter) != num_child_jobs:
-        print('WARNING: Mismatch number of child jobs of a suite (%d): '
-              '%d != %d' % (suite_job_id, len(job_filter), num_child_jobs))
-    return dut_jobs_dict, list(job_filter)
-def get_job_timestamps(job_list, job_info_dict):
-    """
-    Get beginning time and ending time for each job.
-    The beginning time of a job is "queued_time" of "tko_jobs" table.
-    The ending time of a job is "finished_on" of "afe_host_queue_entries" table.
-    job_info_dict will be modified in this function to store the timestamps.
-    @param job_list: List of job ids
-    @param job_info_dict: Dictionary that timestamps for each job will be stored
-    """
-    tko = tko_models.Job.objects.filter(afe_job_id__in=job_list)
-    hqe = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter(job_id__in=job_list)
-    job_start = {}
-    for t in tko:
-        job_start[t.afe_job_id] = time_utils.to_epoch_time(t.queued_time)
-    job_end = {}
-    for h in hqe:
-        job_end[h.job_id] = time_utils.to_epoch_time(h.finished_on)
-    for job_id in job_list:
-        info_dict = job_info_dict.setdefault(job_id, {})
-        info_dict.setdefault('timestamps', (job_start[job_id], job_end[job_id]))
-def get_job_tasks(job_list, job_info_dict):
-    """
-    Get task ids for each job.
-    job_info_dict will be modified in this function to store the task ids.
-    @param job_list: List of job ids
-    @param job_info_dict: Dictionary that task ids for each job will be stored.
-    """
-    results = autotest_es.query(
-            fields_returned=['job_id', 'task_id'],
-            equality_constraints=[('_type', 'host_history')],
-            batch_constraints=[('job_id', job_list)])
-    for hit in results.hits:
-        if 'task_id' in hit:
-            info_dict = job_info_dict.setdefault(hit['job_id'], {})
-            task_set = info_dict.setdefault('tasks', set())
-            task_set.add(hit['task_id'])
-def get_scheduling_overhead(suite_job_id, num_child_jobs, sanity_check=True):
-    """
-    Calculates a scheduling overhead.
-    A scheduling overhead is defined by the average of DUT overheads
-    for the DUTs that the child jobs of a suite ran on.
-    @param suite_job_id: Job id of a suite.
-    @param num_child_jobs: Number of child jobs of the suite.
-    @param sanity_check: Do sanity check if True.
-    @return: Dictionary storing stats.
-    """
-    dut_jobs_dict, job_list = get_child_jobs_info(
-            suite_job_id, num_child_jobs, sanity_check)
-    job_info_dict = {}
-    get_job_timestamps(job_list, job_info_dict)
-    get_job_tasks(job_list, job_info_dict)
-    dut_overheads = []
-    avg_overhead = 0
-    for dut, jobs in dut_jobs_dict.iteritems():
-        print_verbose('Dut: %s, Jobs: %s', dut, jobs)
-        overhead = get_dut_overhead(dut, jobs, job_info_dict)
-        avg_overhead += overhead
-        print_verbose('Dut overhead: %f', overhead)
-        dut_overheads.append(overhead)
-    if job_list:
-        avg_overhead = avg_overhead / len(job_list)
-    state_samples_dict = {}
-    for info in job_info_dict.itervalues():
-        for state in _states:
-            if state in info:
-                samples = state_samples_dict.setdefault(state, [])
-                samples.append(info[state])
-    if state_samples_dict:
-        result = {state: mean(state_samples_dict[state])
-                  if state in state_samples_dict else 0
-                  for state in _states}
-    result['suite_overhead'] = mean(dut_overheads)
-    result['overhead'] = avg_overhead
-    result['num_duts'] = len(dut_jobs_dict)
-    return result
-def print_suite_stats(suite_stats):
-    """Prints out statistics for a suite to standard output."""
-    print('suite_overhead: %(suite_overhead)f, overhead: %(overhead)f,' %
-          suite_stats),
-    for state in _states:
-        if state in suite_stats:
-            print('%s: %f,' % (state, suite_stats[state])),
-    print('num_duts: %(num_duts)d' % suite_stats)
-def analyze_suites(start_time, end_time):
-    """
-    Calculates timing stats (i.e., suite runtime, scheduling overhead)
-    for the suites that finished within the timestamps given by parameters.
-    @param start_time: Beginning timestamp.
-    @param end_time: Ending timestamp.
-    """
-    print('Analyzing suites from %s to %s...' % (
-          time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time),
-          time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)))
-    if _options.bvtonly:
-        batch_constraints = [
-                ('suite_name', ['bvt-inline', 'bvt-cq', 'bvt-perbuild'])]
-    else:
-        batch_constraints = []
-    start_time_epoch = time_utils.to_epoch_time(start_time)
-    end_time_epoch = time_utils.to_epoch_time(end_time)
-    results = autotest_es.query(
-            fields_returned=['suite_name', 'suite_job_id', 'board', 'build',
-                             'num_child_jobs', 'duration'],
-            equality_constraints=[('_type', job_overhead.SUITE_RUNTIME_KEY),],
-            range_constraints=[('time_recorded', start_time_epoch,
-                                end_time_epoch)],
-            sort_specs=[{'time_recorded': 'asc'}],
-            batch_constraints=batch_constraints)
-    print('Found %d suites' % (
-    for hit in results.hits:
-        suite_job_id = hit['suite_job_id']
-        try:
-            suite_name = hit['suite_name']
-            num_child_jobs = int(hit['num_child_jobs'])
-            suite_runtime = float(hit['duration'])
-            print('Suite: %s (%s), Board: %s, Build: %s, Num child jobs: %d' % (
-                    suite_name, suite_job_id, hit['board'], hit['build'],
-                    num_child_jobs))
-            suite_stats = get_scheduling_overhead(suite_job_id, num_child_jobs)
-            print('Suite: %s (%s) runtime: %f,' % (
-                    suite_name, suite_job_id, suite_runtime)),
-            print_suite_stats(suite_stats)
-        except Exception as e:
-            print('ERROR: Exception is raised while processing suite %s' % (
-                    suite_job_id))
-            print e
-def analyze_suite(suite_job_id):
-    suite_stats = get_scheduling_overhead(suite_job_id, 0, False)
-    print('Suite (%s)' % suite_job_id),
-    print_suite_stats(suite_stats)
-def main():
-    """main script."""
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-            formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
-    parser.add_argument('-c', dest='cron_mode', action='store_true',
-                        help=('Run in a cron mode. Cron mode '
-                              'sends calculated stat data to Graphite.'),
-                        default=False)
-    parser.add_argument('-s', type=int, dest='span',
-                        help=('Number of hours that stats should be '
-                              'collected.'),
-                        default=1)
-    parser.add_argument('--bvtonly', dest='bvtonly', action='store_true',
-                        help=('Gets bvt suites only (i.e., bvt-inline,'
-                              'bvt-cq, bvt-perbuild).'),
-                        default=False)
-    parser.add_argument('--suite', type=int, dest='suite_job_id',
-                        help=('Job id of a suite.'))
-    parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
-                        help=('Prints out more info if True.'),
-                        default=False)
-    global _options
-    _options = parser.parse_args()
-    if _options.suite_job_id:
-        analyze_suite(_options.suite_job_id)
-    else:
-        end_time = time_utils.to_epoch_time(
-        start_time = end_time - timedelta(hours=_options.span).total_seconds()
-        analyze_suites(start_time, end_time)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()