cheets_GTS: GTS4.1r2 uses new test case counting logic.

*** DO NOT MERGE TO M58 ***
(unless you deploy 4.1r2 to M58)

The new GTS displays the test counts in the same way as the latest CTS 7.1.
Switch the flag to the new mode.

TEST=cheets_GTS.4.1_r2.GtsGmscoreHostTestCases reports test count ~90 or ~180.

Change-Id: I5fc2fb52b5d3c118628610a5cffd661fc93c6ced
Tested-by: Kazuhiro Inaba <>
Trybot-Ready: Kazuhiro Inaba <>
Reviewed-by: Ilja H. Friedel <>
diff --git a/server/site_tests/cheets_GTS/ b/server/site_tests/cheets_GTS/
index d47fd81..ea78cd9 100644
--- a/server/site_tests/cheets_GTS/
+++ b/server/site_tests/cheets_GTS/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
         # Result parsing must come after all other essential operations as test
         # warnings, errors and failures can be raised here.
         tests, passed, failed, not_executed, waived = self._parse_result_v2(
-            output, accumulative_count=True, waivers=self.waivers)
+            output, waivers=self.waivers)
         passed += waived
         failed -= waived
         if tests != passed or failed > 0 or not_executed > 0: