[autotest] Exclude the WSGI server from being started on moblab.

Moblab needs different process settings than the lab as the
machines they run on have very different memory footprints.

Apache does not allow a WSGI process to be "overridden" so
exclude running the demon if on moblab, depends on another
change in the moblab configuration.

TEST=Manual testing on moblab.

Depends-on: I542fd5df1119df413db3613404239de3d445284f
Change-Id: I8cc0ba08bb6c2323e1c4df5fef673362095b0dfd
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/498689
Reviewed-by: Keith Haddow <haddowk@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Michael Tang <ntang@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Keith Haddow <haddowk@chromium.org>
diff --git a/apache/conf/django-directives b/apache/conf/django-directives
index 74e9331..2f320d0 100644
--- a/apache/conf/django-directives
+++ b/apache/conf/django-directives
@@ -59,7 +59,11 @@
     # the autotest memory leak from biting us by setting maximum-requests,
     # which will recycle each daemon process after it gets a certain number of
     # web requests.
-    WSGIDaemonProcess autotestapache processes=65 threads=1 maximum-requests=200
+    <IfDefine !MOBLAB_INSTANCE>
+      # Moblab runs its own WSGI with different settings due to different memory
+      # limitations.
+      WSGIDaemonProcess autotestapache processes=65 threads=1 maximum-requests=200
+    </IfDefine>
     WSGIProcessGroup autotestapache
     WSGIPassAuthorization On