Remove FakeOmaha usage from update_engine_test

All tests that use FakeOmaha have been migrated to use Nebraska. Delete
references to FakeOmaha and methods that were based around it.


Change-Id: I99ec3a5b3b7454c66863ee83448dad1c4224d9b5
Tested-by: Kyle Shimabukuro <>
Auto-Submit: Kyle Shimabukuro <>
Reviewed-by: David Haddock <>
Commit-Queue: Kyle Shimabukuro <>
diff --git a/server/cros/update_engine/ b/server/cros/update_engine/
index c9201ed..e06fb7e 100644
--- a/server/cros/update_engine/
+++ b/server/cros/update_engine/
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
 from autotest_lib.server import test
 from autotest_lib.server.cros import gsutil_wrapper
 from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import tools
-from autotest_lib.server.hosts.tls_client import connection
-from autotest_lib.server.hosts.tls_client import fake_omaha
 from autotest_lib.utils.frozen_chromite.lib import auto_updater
 from autotest_lib.utils.frozen_chromite.lib import auto_updater_transfer
 from autotest_lib.utils.frozen_chromite.lib import remote_access
@@ -91,15 +89,12 @@
         # Utilities for DLC management
         self._dlc_util = dlc_util.DLCUtil(self._run)
-        self._fake_omaha = None
         self._job_repo_url = None
     def cleanup(self):
         """Clean up update_engine autotests."""
         if self._host:
             self._host.get_file(self._UPDATE_ENGINE_LOG, self.resultsdir)
-        if self._fake_omaha:
-            self._fake_omaha.stop_omaha()
     def _get_expected_events_for_rootfs_update(self, source_release):
@@ -830,111 +825,6 @@
-    def get_update_url_for_test(self,
-                                job_repo_url=None,
-                                full_payload=True,
-                                stateful=False,
-                                moblab=False,
-                                return_noupdate_starting=2):
-        """
-        Returns a devserver update URL for tests that cannot use a Nebraska
-        instance on the DUT for updating.
-        This expects the test to set self._host or self._hosts.
-        @param job_repo_url: string url containing the current build.
-        @param full_payload: bool whether we want a full payload.
-        @param stateful: bool whether we want to stage stateful payload too.
-        @param moblab: bool whether we are running on moblab.
-        @param return_noupdate_starting: (Number of times - 1) we want
-                                         FakeOmaha to return an update before
-                                         returning noupdate. 1 means never
-                                         return noupdate. 2 means return
-                                         noupdate after 1 update response.
-        @returns a valid devserver update URL.
-        """
-        if not moblab and not lsbrelease_utils.is_moblab():
-            return self.get_update_url_from_fake_omaha(
-                    job_repo_url,
-                    full_payload=full_payload,
-                    return_noupdate_starting=return_noupdate_starting)
-        self._job_repo_url = self._get_job_repo_url(job_repo_url)
-        if not self._job_repo_url:
-            raise error.TestFail('There was no job_repo_url so we cannot get '
-                                 'a payload to use.')
-        ds_url, build = tools.get_devserver_build_from_package_url(
-            self._job_repo_url)
-        # The lab devserver assigned to this test.
-        lab_devserver = dev_server.ImageServer(ds_url)
-        # Stage payloads on the lab devserver.
-        self._autotest_devserver = lab_devserver
-        artifacts = ['full_payload' if full_payload else 'delta_payload']
-        if stateful:
-            artifacts.append('stateful')
-        self._autotest_devserver.stage_artifacts(build, artifacts)
-        # Use the same lab devserver to also handle the update.
-        url = self._autotest_devserver.get_update_url(build)
-'Update URL: %s', url)
-        return url
-    def get_update_url_from_fake_omaha(self,
-                                       job_repo_url=None,
-                                       full_payload=True,
-                                       payload_id='ROOTFS',
-                                       critical_update=True,
-                                       exposed_via_proxy=True,
-                                       return_noupdate_starting=0):
-        """
-        Starts a FakeOmaha instance with TLS and returns is update url.
-        Some tests that require an omaha instance to survive a reboot will use
-        the FakeOmaha TLS.
-        @param job_repo_url: string url containing the current build.
-        @param full_payload: bool whether we want a full payload.
-        @param payload_id: ROOTFS or DLC
-        @param critical_update: True if we want a critical update response.
-        @param exposed_via_proxy: True to tell TLS we want the fakeomaha to be
-                                  accessible after a reboot.
-        @param return_noupdate_starting: int of how many valid update responses
-                                         to return before returning noupdate
-                                        forever.
-        @returns an update url on the FakeOmaha instance for tests to use.
-        """
-        self._job_repo_url = self._get_job_repo_url(job_repo_url)
-        if not self._job_repo_url:
-            raise error.TestFail('There was no job_repo_url so we cannot get '
-                                 'a payload to use.')
-        gs = dev_server._get_image_storage_server()
-        _, build = tools.get_devserver_build_from_package_url(
-                self._job_repo_url)
-        target_build = gs + build
-        payload_type = 'FULL' if full_payload else 'DELTA'
-        tlsconn = connection.TLSConnection()
-        self._fake_omaha = fake_omaha.TLSFakeOmaha(tlsconn)
-        fake_omaha_url = self._fake_omaha.start_omaha(
-                self._host.hostname,
-                target_build=target_build,
-                payloads=[{
-                        'payload_id': payload_id,
-                        'payload_type': payload_type,
-                }],
-                exposed_via_proxy=True,
-                critical_update=critical_update,
-                return_noupdate_starting=return_noupdate_starting)
-'Fake Omaha update URL: %s', fake_omaha_url)
-        return fake_omaha_url
     def get_payload_url_on_public_bucket(self, job_repo_url=None,
                                          full_payload=True, is_dlc=False):