blob: f678ef1b77b8c9eaecd56d7baf188bfa85e5ae9d [file] [log] [blame]
## Template for each generated AutoValue_Foo class.
## This template uses the Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL).
## The variables ($pkg, $props, and so on) are defined by the fields of AutoValueTemplateVars.
## Comments, like this one, begin with ##. The comment text extends up to and including the newline
## character at the end of the line. So comments also serve to join a line to the next one.
## Velocity deletes a newline after a directive (#if, #foreach, #end etc) so ## is not needed there.
## That does mean that we sometimes need an extra blank line after such a directive.
## A post-processing step will remove unwanted spaces and blank lines, but will not join two lines.
#if (!$pkg.empty)
package $pkg;
#foreach ($i in $imports)
import $i;
final class $subclass$formalTypes extends $origClass$actualTypes {
## Fields
#foreach ($p in $props)
private final $p.type $p;
## Constructor
#foreach ($p in $props)
$p.type $p #if ($foreach.hasNext) , #end
#end ) {
#foreach ($p in $props)
#if (!$p.kind.primitive && !$p.nullable)
if ($p == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null $");
this.$p = $p;
## Property getters
#foreach ($p in $props)
#foreach ($a in ${p.annotations})
${p.access}${p.type} ${p.getter}() {
#if ($p.kind == "ARRAY")
#if ($p.nullable)
return $p == null ? null : ${p}.clone();
return ${p}.clone();
return $p;
#if ($toString)
public String toString() {
return "$simpleClassName{"
#foreach ($p in $props)
+ "$" ##
+ #if ($p.kind == "ARRAY") ${arrays}.toString($p) #else $p #end
#if ($foreach.hasNext) + ", " #end
+ "}";
#if ($equals)
#macro (equalsThatExpression $p)
#if ($p.kind == "FLOAT")
Float.floatToIntBits(this.$p) == Float.floatToIntBits(that.${p.getter}()) ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "DOUBLE")
Double.doubleToLongBits(this.$p) == Double.doubleToLongBits(that.${p.getter}()) ##
#elseif ($p.kind.primitive)
this.$p == that.${p.getter}() ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "ARRAY")
${arrays}.equals(this.$p, ##
(that instanceof $subclass) ? (($subclass) that).$p : that.${p.getter}()) ##
#if ($p.nullable) (this.$p == null) ? (that.${p.getter}() == null) : #end ##
this.${p}.equals(that.${p.getter}()) ##
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof $origClass) {
#if ($props.empty)
return true;
$origClass$wildcardTypes that = ($origClass$wildcardTypes) o;
return ##
#foreach ($p in $props)
(#equalsThatExpression ($p))##
#if ($foreach.hasNext)
&& ##
return false;
#if ($hashCode)
#macro (hashCodeExpression $p)
#if ($p.kind == "BYTE" || $p.kind == "SHORT" || $p.kind == "CHAR" || $p.kind == "INT")
$p ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "LONG")
($p >>> 32) ^ $p ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "FLOAT")
Float.floatToIntBits($p) ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "DOUBLE")
(Double.doubleToLongBits($p) >>> 32) ^ Double.doubleToLongBits($p) ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "BOOLEAN")
$p ? 1231 : 1237 ##
#elseif ($p.kind == "ARRAY")
${arrays}.hashCode($p) ##
#if ($p.nullable) ($p == null) ? 0 : #end ${p}.hashCode() ##
public int hashCode() {
int h = 1;
#foreach ($p in $props)
h *= 1000003;
h ^= #hashCodeExpression($p);
return h;
#if (!$serialVersionUID.empty)
private static final long serialVersionUID = $serialVersionUID;
#if ($builderTypeName != "")
#foreach ($m in $toBuilderMethods)
public ${builderTypeName}${builderActualTypes} ${m}() {
return new Builder${builderActualTypes}(this);
static final class Builder${builderFormalTypes} ##
#if ($builderIsInterface) implements #else extends #end
${builderTypeName}${builderActualTypes} {
private final $bitSet set$ = new ${bitSet}(${props.size()});
#foreach ($p in $props)
private $p.type $p;
Builder() {
Builder(${origClass}${actualTypes} source) {
#foreach ($p in $props)
## We use the setter methods rather than assigning the fields directly so we don't have
## to duplicate the logic for cloning arrays. Not cloning arrays would conceivably be
## a security problem.
#foreach ($p in $props)
public ${builderTypeName}${builderActualTypes} $builderSetterNames[$]($p.type $p) {
#if ($p.kind == "ARRAY")
#if ($p.nullable)
this.$p = ($p == null) ? null : ${p}.clone();
this.$p = ${p}.clone();
this.$p = $p;
## $velocityCount is the loop index, which is 1-origin by default
#set ($bit = $velocityCount - 1)
return this;
public ${origClass}${actualTypes} ${buildMethodName}() {
if (set$.cardinality() < ${props.size()}) {
String[] propertyNames = {
#foreach ($p in $props) "$p", #end
StringBuilder missing = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < ${props.size()}; i++) {
if (!set$.get(i)) {
missing.append(' ').append(propertyNames[i]);
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing required properties:" + missing);
${origClass}${actualTypes} result = new ${subclass}${actualTypes}(
#foreach ($p in $props)
this.$p #if ($foreach.hasNext) , #end
#end );
#foreach ($v in $validators)
return result;