blob: a3cc94954d4c1f65a99a5d224ec0e8641e4c5ffd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8;
* A utility class for working with {@link AnnotationValue} instances.
* @author Christian Gruber
public final class AnnotationValues {
private static final Equivalence<AnnotationValue> ANNOTATION_VALUE_EQUIVALENCE =
new Equivalence<AnnotationValue>() {
protected boolean doEquivalent(AnnotationValue left, AnnotationValue right) {
return left.accept(
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Boolean, AnnotationValue>() {
// LHS is not an annotation or array of annotation values, so just test equality.
protected Boolean defaultAction(Object left, AnnotationValue right) {
return left.equals(
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Object, Void>() {
protected Object defaultAction(Object object, Void unused) {
return object;
// LHS is an annotation mirror so test equivalence for RHS annotation mirrors
// and false for other types.
public Boolean visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror left, AnnotationValue right) {
return right.accept(
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Boolean, AnnotationMirror>() {
protected Boolean defaultAction(Object right, AnnotationMirror left) {
return false; // Not an annotation mirror, so can't be equal to such.
public Boolean visitAnnotation(
AnnotationMirror right, AnnotationMirror left) {
return AnnotationMirrors.equivalence().equivalent(left, right);
// LHS is a list of annotation values have to collect-test equivalences, or false
// for any other types.
public Boolean visitArray(
List<? extends AnnotationValue> left, AnnotationValue right) {
return right.accept(
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<
Boolean, List<? extends AnnotationValue>>() {
protected Boolean defaultAction(
Object ignored, List<? extends AnnotationValue> alsoIgnored) {
return false; // Not an array, so can't be equal to such.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe covariant cast
public Boolean visitArray(
List<? extends AnnotationValue> right,
List<? extends AnnotationValue> left) {
return AnnotationValues.equivalence()
(List<AnnotationValue>) left, (List<AnnotationValue>) right);
public Boolean visitType(TypeMirror left, AnnotationValue right) {
return right.accept(
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Boolean, TypeMirror>() {
protected Boolean defaultAction(Object ignored, TypeMirror alsoIgnored) {
return false; // Not an annotation mirror, so can't be equal to such.
public Boolean visitType(TypeMirror right, TypeMirror left) {
return MoreTypes.equivalence().equivalent(left, right);
protected int doHash(AnnotationValue value) {
return value.accept(
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Integer, Void>() {
public Integer visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror value, Void ignore) {
return AnnotationMirrors.equivalence().hash(value);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe covariant cast
public Integer visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> values, Void ignore) {
return AnnotationValues.equivalence()
.hash((List<AnnotationValue>) values);
public Integer visitType(TypeMirror value, Void ignore) {
return MoreTypes.equivalence().hash(value);
protected Integer defaultAction(Object value, Void ignored) {
return value.hashCode();
* Returns an {@link Equivalence} for {@link AnnotationValue} as annotation values may
* contain {@link AnnotationMirror} instances some of whose implementations delegate
* equality tests to {@link Object#equals} whereas the documentation explicitly states
* that instance/reference equality is not the proper test.
* @see AnnotationMirrors#equivalence()
public static Equivalence<AnnotationValue> equivalence() {
private static class DefaultVisitor<T> extends SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<T, Void> {
final Class<T> clazz;
DefaultVisitor(Class<T> clazz) {
this.clazz = checkNotNull(clazz);
public T defaultAction(Object o, Void unused) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Expected a " + clazz.getSimpleName() + ", got instead: " + o);
private static final class TypeMirrorVisitor extends DefaultVisitor<DeclaredType> {
static final TypeMirrorVisitor INSTANCE = new TypeMirrorVisitor();
TypeMirrorVisitor() {
public DeclaredType visitType(TypeMirror value, Void unused) {
return MoreTypes.asDeclared(value);
* Returns the value as a class.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a class.
public static DeclaredType getTypeMirror(AnnotationValue value) {
return TypeMirrorVisitor.INSTANCE.visit(value);
private static final class AnnotationMirrorVisitor extends DefaultVisitor<AnnotationMirror> {
static final AnnotationMirrorVisitor INSTANCE = new AnnotationMirrorVisitor();
AnnotationMirrorVisitor() {
public AnnotationMirror visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror value, Void unused) {
return value;
* Returns the value as an AnnotationMirror.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an annotation.
public static AnnotationMirror getAnnotationMirror(AnnotationValue value) {
return AnnotationMirrorVisitor.INSTANCE.visit(value);
private static final class EnumVisitor extends DefaultVisitor<VariableElement> {
static final EnumVisitor INSTANCE = new EnumVisitor();
EnumVisitor() {
public VariableElement visitEnumConstant(VariableElement value, Void unused) {
return value;
* Returns the value as a VariableElement.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an enum.
public static VariableElement getEnum(AnnotationValue value) {
return EnumVisitor.INSTANCE.visit(value);
private static <T> T valueOfType(AnnotationValue annotationValue, Class<T> type) {
Object value = annotationValue.getValue();
if (!type.isInstance(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Expected " + type.getSimpleName() + ", got instead: " + value);
return type.cast(value);
* Returns the value as a string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a string.
public static String getString(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, String.class);
* Returns the value as an int.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an int.
public static int getInt(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Integer.class);
* Returns the value as a long.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a long.
public static long getLong(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Long.class);
* Returns the value as a byte.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a byte.
public static byte getByte(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Byte.class);
* Returns the value as a short.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a short.
public static short getShort(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Short.class);
* Returns the value as a float.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a float.
public static float getFloat(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Float.class);
* Returns the value as a double.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a double.
public static double getDouble(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Double.class);
* Returns the value as a boolean.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a boolean.
public static boolean getBoolean(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Boolean.class);
* Returns the value as a char.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a char.
public static char getChar(AnnotationValue value) {
return valueOfType(value, Character.class);
private static final class ArrayVisitor<T>
extends SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<ImmutableList<T>, Void> {
final Function<AnnotationValue, T> visitT;
ArrayVisitor(Function<AnnotationValue, T> visitT) {
this.visitT = checkNotNull(visitT);
public ImmutableList<T> defaultAction(Object o, Void unused) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected an array, got instead: " + o);
public ImmutableList<T> visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> values, Void unused) {
private static final ArrayVisitor<DeclaredType> TYPE_MIRRORS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getTypeMirror);
* Returns the value as a list of classes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of classes.
public static ImmutableList<DeclaredType> getTypeMirrors(AnnotationValue value) {
return TYPE_MIRRORS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<AnnotationMirror> ANNOTATION_MIRRORS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getAnnotationMirror);
* Returns the value as a list of annotations.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value if not an array of annotations.
public static ImmutableList<AnnotationMirror> getAnnotationMirrors(AnnotationValue value) {
private static final ArrayVisitor<VariableElement> ENUMS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getEnum);
* Returns the value as a list of enums.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of enums.
public static ImmutableList<VariableElement> getEnums(AnnotationValue value) {
return ENUMS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<String> STRINGS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getString);
* Returns the value as a list of strings.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of strings.
public static ImmutableList<String> getStrings(AnnotationValue value) {
return STRINGS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Integer> INTS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getInt);
* Returns the value as a list of integers.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of ints.
public static ImmutableList<Integer> getInts(AnnotationValue value) {
return INTS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Long> LONGS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getLong);
* Returns the value as a list of longs.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of longs.
public static ImmutableList<Long> getLongs(AnnotationValue value) {
return LONGS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Byte> BYTES_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getByte);
* Returns the value as a list of bytes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of bytes.
public static ImmutableList<Byte> getBytes(AnnotationValue value) {
return BYTES_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Short> SHORTS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getShort);
* Returns the value as a list of shorts.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of shorts.
public static ImmutableList<Short> getShorts(AnnotationValue value) {
return SHORTS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Float> FLOATS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getFloat);
* Returns the value as a list of floats.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of floats.
public static ImmutableList<Float> getFloats(AnnotationValue value) {
return FLOATS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Double> DOUBLES_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getDouble);
* Returns the value as a list of doubles.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of doubles.
public static ImmutableList<Double> getDoubles(AnnotationValue value) {
return DOUBLES_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Boolean> BOOLEANS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getBoolean);
* Returns the value as a list of booleans.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of booleans.
public static ImmutableList<Boolean> getBooleans(AnnotationValue value) {
return BOOLEANS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<Character> CHARS_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(AnnotationValues::getChar);
* Returns the value as a list of characters.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array of chars.
public static ImmutableList<Character> getChars(AnnotationValue value) {
return CHARS_VISITOR.visit(value);
private static final ArrayVisitor<AnnotationValue> ANNOTATION_VALUES_VISITOR =
new ArrayVisitor<>(x -> x);
* Returns the value as a list of {@link AnnotationValue}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an array.
public static ImmutableList<AnnotationValue> getAnnotationValues(AnnotationValue value) {
return ANNOTATION_VALUES_VISITOR.visit(value);
* Returns a string representation of the given annotation value, suitable for inclusion in a Java
* source file as part of an annotation. For example, if {@code annotationValue} represents the
* string {@code unchecked} in the annotation {@code @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")}, this method
* will return the string {@code "unchecked"}, which you can then use as part of an annotation
* being generated.
* <p>For all annotation values other than nested annotations, the returned string can also be
* used to initialize a variable of the appropriate type.
* <p>Fully qualified names are used for types in annotations, class literals, and enum constants,
* ensuring that the source form will compile without requiring additional imports.
public static String toString(AnnotationValue annotationValue) {
return AnnotationOutput.toString(annotationValue);
private AnnotationValues() {}