blob: 1513d15ad65e2c3f6e39c5b03b20fa6b93edf3b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/decoder/endpoint_codec.h"
#include "src/decoder/quantization.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
namespace astc_codec {
namespace {
template<typename T>
T Clamp(T value, T min, T max) {
return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
// This is the 'blue_contract' function defined in Section C.2.14 of the ASTC
// specification.
template<typename ArrayType>
void BlueContract(ArrayType* const cptr) {
ArrayType& c = *cptr;
c[0] = (c[0] + c[2]) >> 1;
c[1] = (c[1] + c[2]) >> 1;
// Returns the inverse of values in BlueContract, subjected to the constraint
// that the new values are stored in the range [0, 255].
template<typename ArrayType>
ArrayType InvertBlueContract(const ArrayType& c) {
ArrayType result = c;
result[0] = Clamp(2 * c[0] - c[2], 0, 255);
result[1] = Clamp(2 * c[1] - c[2], 0, 255);
return result;
// This is the 'bit_transfer_signed' function defined in Section C.2.14 of the
// ASTC specification.
void BitTransferSigned(int* const a, int* const b) {
*b >>= 1;
*b |= *a & 0x80;
*a >>= 1;
*a &= 0x3F;
if ((*a & 0x20) != 0) {
*a -= 0x40;
// Takes two values, |a| in the range [-32, 31], and |b| in the range [0, 255],
// and returns the two values in [0, 255] that will reconstruct |a| and |b| when
// passed to the BitTransferSigned function.
void InvertBitTransferSigned(int* const a, int* const b) {
assert(*a >= -32); assert(*a < 32);
assert(*b >= 0); assert(*b < 256);
if (*a < 0) {
*a += 0x40;
*a <<= 1;
*a |= (*b & 0x80);
*b <<= 1;
*b &= 0xff;
RgbColor StripAlpha(const RgbaColor& c) {
return RgbColor {{ c[0], c[1], c[2] }};
template<typename ContainerType>
void Quantize(ContainerType* const c, size_t max_value) {
for (auto& x : *c) {
x = QuantizeCEValueToRange(x, max_value);
template<typename ArrayType>
ArrayType QuantizeColor(const ArrayType& c, size_t max_value) {
ArrayType result = c;
Quantize(&result, max_value);
return result;
template<typename ContainerType>
void Unquantize(ContainerType* const c, size_t max_value) {
for (auto& x : *c) {
x = UnquantizeCEValueFromRange(x, max_value);
template<typename ArrayType>
ArrayType UnquantizeColor(const ArrayType& c, size_t max_value) {
ArrayType result = c;
Unquantize(&result, max_value);
return result;
// Returns the average of the three RGB channels.
template<typename ContainerType>
const int AverageRGB(const ContainerType& c) {
// Each channel can be in the range [0, 255], and we need to divide by three.
// However, we want to round the error properly. Both (x + 1) / 3 and
// (x + 2) / 3 are relatively imprecise when it comes to rounding, so instead
// we increase the precision by multiplying our numerator by some arbitrary
// number. Here, we choose 256 to get 8 additional bits and maintain
// performance since it turns into a shift rather than a multiply. Our
// denominator then becomes 3 * 256 = 768.
return (std::accumulate(c.begin(), c.begin() + 3, 0) * 256 + 384) / 768;
// Returns the sum of squared differences between each element of |a| and |b|,
// which are assumed to contain the same number of elements.
template<typename ContainerType>
const typename ContainerType::value_type SquaredError(
const ContainerType& a, const ContainerType& b,
size_t num_channels = std::tuple_size<ContainerType>::value) {
using ValueTy = typename ContainerType::value_type;
"Value type assumed to be signed to avoid branch below.");
ValueTy result = ValueTy(0);
for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
ValueTy error = a[i] - b[i];
result += error * error;
return result;
constexpr int MaxValuesForModes(ColorEndpointMode mode_a,
ColorEndpointMode mode_b) {
return (NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(mode_a) >
? NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(mode_a)
: NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(mode_b);
// This function takes the two colors in |endpoint_low| and |endpoint_high| and
// encodes them into |vals| according to the ASTC spec in section C.2.14. It
// assumes that the two colors are close enough to grayscale that the encoding
// should use the ColorEndpointMode kLDRLumaBaseOffset or kLDRLumaDirect. Which
// one is chosen depends on which produces smaller error for the given
// quantization value stored in |max_value|
bool EncodeColorsLuma(const RgbaColor& endpoint_low,
const RgbaColor& endpoint_high,
int max_value, ColorEndpointMode* const astc_mode,
std::vector<int>* const vals) {
assert(vals->size() ==
int avg1 = AverageRGB(endpoint_low);
int avg2 = AverageRGB(endpoint_high);
// For the offset mode, L1 is strictly greater than L2, so if we are using
// it to encode the color values, we need to swap the weights and
// endpoints so that the larger of the two is the second endpoint.
bool needs_weight_swap = false;
if (avg1 > avg2) {
needs_weight_swap = true;
std::swap(avg1, avg2);
assert(avg1 <= avg2);
// Now, the first endpoint is based on the low-order six bits of the first
// value, and the high order two bits of the second value. The low order
// six bits of the second value are used as the (strictly positive) offset
// from the first value.
const int offset = std::min(avg2 - avg1, 0x3F);
const int quant_off_low =
QuantizeCEValueToRange((avg1 & 0x3F) << 2, max_value);
const int quant_off_high =
QuantizeCEValueToRange((avg1 & 0xC0) | offset, max_value);
const int quant_low = QuantizeCEValueToRange(avg1, max_value);
const int quant_high = QuantizeCEValueToRange(avg2, max_value);
RgbaColor unquant_off_low, unquant_off_high;
RgbaColor unquant_low, unquant_high;
(*vals)[0] = quant_off_low;
(*vals)[1] = quant_off_high;
*vals, max_value, ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaBaseOffset,
&unquant_off_low, &unquant_off_high);
(*vals)[0] = quant_low;
(*vals)[1] = quant_high;
DecodeColorsForMode(*vals, max_value, ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaDirect,
&unquant_low, &unquant_high);
const auto calculate_error =
[needs_weight_swap, &endpoint_low, &endpoint_high]
(const RgbaColor& low, const RgbaColor& high) {
int error = 0;
if (needs_weight_swap) {
error += SquaredError(low, endpoint_high);
error += SquaredError(high, endpoint_low);
} else {
error += SquaredError(low, endpoint_low);
error += SquaredError(high, endpoint_high);
return error;
const int direct_error = calculate_error(unquant_low, unquant_high);
const int off_error = calculate_error(unquant_off_low, unquant_off_high);
if (direct_error <= off_error) {
(*vals)[0] = quant_low;
(*vals)[1] = quant_high;
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaDirect;
} else {
(*vals)[0] = quant_off_low;
(*vals)[1] = quant_off_high;
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaBaseOffset;
return needs_weight_swap;
class QuantizedEndpointPair {
QuantizedEndpointPair(const RgbaColor& c_low, const RgbaColor& c_high,
int max_value)
: orig_low_(c_low),
quant_low_(QuantizeColor(c_low, max_value)),
quant_high_(QuantizeColor(c_high, max_value)),
unquant_low_(UnquantizeColor(quant_low_, max_value)),
unquant_high_(UnquantizeColor(quant_high_, max_value)) { }
const RgbaColor& QuantizedLow() const { return quant_low_; }
const RgbaColor& QuantizedHigh() const { return quant_high_; }
const RgbaColor& UnquantizedLow() const { return unquant_low_; }
const RgbaColor& UnquantizedHigh() const { return unquant_high_; }
const RgbaColor& OriginalLow() const { return orig_low_; }
const RgbaColor& OriginalHigh() const { return orig_high_; }
RgbaColor orig_low_;
RgbaColor orig_high_;
RgbaColor quant_low_;
RgbaColor quant_high_;
RgbaColor unquant_low_;
RgbaColor unquant_high_;
class CEEncodingOption {
CEEncodingOption() { }
int squared_error, const QuantizedEndpointPair* quantized_endpoints,
bool swap_endpoints, bool blue_contract, bool use_offset_mode)
: squared_error_(squared_error),
use_offset_mode_(use_offset_mode) { }
// Returns true if able to generate valid |astc_mode| and |vals|. In some
// instances, such as if the endpoints reprsent a base/offset pair, we may not
// be able to guarantee blue-contract encoding due to how the base/offset pair
// are represented and the specifics of the decoding procedure. Similarly,
// some direct RGBA encodings also may not be able to emit blue-contract modes
// due to an unlucky combination of channels. In these instances, this
// function will return false, and all pointers will remain unmodified.
bool Pack(bool with_alpha, ColorEndpointMode* const astc_mode,
std::vector<int>* const vals, bool* const needs_weight_swap) const {
auto unquantized_low = quantized_endpoints_->UnquantizedLow();
auto unquantized_high = quantized_endpoints_->UnquantizedHigh();
// In offset mode, we do BitTransferSigned before analyzing the values
// of the endpoints in order to determine whether or not we're going to
// be using blue-contract mode.
if (use_offset_mode_) {
for (int i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<RgbaColor>::value; ++i) {
BitTransferSigned(&unquantized_high[i], &unquantized_low[i]);
// Define variables as outlined in the ASTC spec C.2.14 for the RGB[A]
// direct and base-offset modes
int s0 = 0, s1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
s0 += unquantized_low[i];
s1 += unquantized_high[i];
// Can we guarantee a blue-contract mode if we want it? In other words,
// if we swap which endpoint is high and which endpoint is low, can we
// guarantee that we will hit the corresponding decode path?
bool swap_vals = false;
if (use_offset_mode_) {
if (blue_contract_) {
swap_vals = s1 >= 0;
} else {
swap_vals = s1 < 0;
// In offset mode, we have two different measurements that swap the
// endpoints prior to encoding, so we don't need to swap them here.
// If we need to swap them to guarantee a blue-contract mode, then
// abort and wait until we get the other error measurement.
if (swap_vals) {
return false;
} else {
if (blue_contract_) {
// If we want a blue_contract path, but s1 == s0, then swapping the
// values will have no effect.
if (s1 == s0) {
return false;
swap_vals = s1 > s0;
// If we're encoding blue contract mode directly, then we implicitly
// swap the endpoints during decode, meaning that we need to take
// note of that here.
*needs_weight_swap = !(*needs_weight_swap);
} else {
swap_vals = s1 < s0;
const auto* quantized_low = &(quantized_endpoints_->QuantizedLow());
const auto* quantized_high = &(quantized_endpoints_->QuantizedHigh());
if (swap_vals) {
std::swap(quantized_low, quantized_high);
*needs_weight_swap = !(*needs_weight_swap);
(*vals)[0] = quantized_low->at(0);
(*vals)[1] = quantized_high->at(0);
(*vals)[2] = quantized_low->at(1);
(*vals)[3] = quantized_high->at(1);
(*vals)[4] = quantized_low->at(2);
(*vals)[5] = quantized_high->at(2);
if (use_offset_mode_) {
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseOffset;
} else {
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBDirect;
if (with_alpha) {
(*vals)[6] = quantized_low->at(3);
(*vals)[7] = quantized_high->at(3);
if (use_offset_mode_) {
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBABaseOffset;
} else {
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBADirect;
// If we swapped them to measure, then they need to be swapped after
// decoding
if (swap_endpoints_) {
*needs_weight_swap = !(*needs_weight_swap);
return true;
bool BlueContract() const { return blue_contract_; }
int Error() const { return squared_error_; }
int squared_error_;
const QuantizedEndpointPair* quantized_endpoints_;
bool swap_endpoints_;
bool blue_contract_;
bool use_offset_mode_;
bool EncodeColorsRGBA(const RgbaColor& endpoint_low_rgba,
const RgbaColor& endpoint_high_rgba,
int max_value, bool with_alpha,
ColorEndpointMode* const astc_mode,
std::vector<int>* const vals) {
const int num_channels = with_alpha ? std::tuple_size<RgbaColor>::value : 3;
// The difficulty of encoding into this mode is determining whether or
// not we'd like to use the 'blue contract' function to reconstruct
// the endpoints and whether or not we'll be more accurate by using the
// base/offset color modes instead of quantizing the color channels
// directly. With that in mind, we:
// 1. Generate the inverted values for blue-contract and offset modes.
// 2. Quantize all of the different endpoints.
// 3. Unquantize each sets and decide which one gives least error
// 4. Encode the values correspondingly.
// 1. Generate the inverted values for blue-contract and offset modes.
const auto inv_bc_low = InvertBlueContract(endpoint_low_rgba);
const auto inv_bc_high = InvertBlueContract(endpoint_high_rgba);
RgbaColor direct_base, direct_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<RgbaColor>::value; ++i) {
direct_base[i] = endpoint_low_rgba[i];
direct_offset[i] =
Clamp(endpoint_high_rgba[i] - endpoint_low_rgba[i], -32, 31);
InvertBitTransferSigned(&direct_offset[i], &direct_base[i]);
RgbaColor inv_bc_base, inv_bc_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<RgbaColor>::value; ++i) {
// Remember, for blue-contract'd offset modes, the base is compared
// against the second endpoint and not the first.
inv_bc_base[i] = inv_bc_high[i];
inv_bc_offset[i] = Clamp(inv_bc_low[i] - inv_bc_high[i], -32, 31);
InvertBitTransferSigned(&inv_bc_offset[i], &inv_bc_base[i]);
// The order of the endpoints for offset modes may determine how well they
// approximate the given endpoints. It may be that the quantization value
// produces more accurate values for the base than the offset or
// vice/versa. For this reason, we need to generate quantized versions of
// the endpoints as if they were swapped to see if we get better error
// out of it.
RgbaColor direct_base_swapped, direct_offset_swapped;
for (int i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<RgbaColor>::value; ++i) {
direct_base_swapped[i] = endpoint_high_rgba[i];
direct_offset_swapped[i] =
Clamp(endpoint_low_rgba[i] - endpoint_high_rgba[i], -32, 31);
InvertBitTransferSigned(&direct_offset_swapped[i], &direct_base_swapped[i]);
RgbaColor inv_bc_base_swapped, inv_bc_offset_swapped;
for (int i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<RgbaColor>::value; ++i) {
// Remember, for blue-contract'd offset modes, the base is compared
// against the second endpoint and not the first. Hence, the swapped
// version will compare the base against the first endpoint.
inv_bc_base_swapped[i] = inv_bc_low[i];
inv_bc_offset_swapped[i] = Clamp(inv_bc_high[i] - inv_bc_low[i], -32, 31);
InvertBitTransferSigned(&inv_bc_offset_swapped[i], &inv_bc_base_swapped[i]);
// 2. Quantize the endpoints directly.
const QuantizedEndpointPair direct_quantized(
endpoint_low_rgba, endpoint_high_rgba, max_value);
const QuantizedEndpointPair bc_quantized(
inv_bc_low, inv_bc_high, max_value);
const QuantizedEndpointPair offset_quantized(
direct_base, direct_offset, max_value);
const QuantizedEndpointPair bc_offset_quantized(
inv_bc_base, inv_bc_offset, max_value);
const QuantizedEndpointPair offset_swapped_quantized(
direct_base_swapped, direct_offset_swapped, max_value);
const QuantizedEndpointPair bc_offset_swapped_quantized(
inv_bc_base_swapped, inv_bc_offset_swapped, max_value);
// 3. Unquantize each set and decide which one gives least error.
std::array<CEEncodingOption, 6> errors;
auto errors_itr = errors.begin();
// 3.1 regular unquantized error
const auto rgba_low = direct_quantized.UnquantizedLow();
const auto rgba_high = direct_quantized.UnquantizedHigh();
const int sq_rgb_error =
SquaredError(rgba_low, endpoint_low_rgba, num_channels) +
SquaredError(rgba_high, endpoint_high_rgba, num_channels);
const bool swap_endpoints = false;
const bool blue_contract = false;
const bool offset_mode = false;
*(errors_itr++) = CEEncodingOption(
sq_rgb_error, &direct_quantized,
swap_endpoints, blue_contract, offset_mode);
// 3.2 Compute blue-contract'd error.
auto bc_low = bc_quantized.UnquantizedLow();
auto bc_high = bc_quantized.UnquantizedHigh();
const int sq_bc_error =
SquaredError(bc_low, endpoint_low_rgba, num_channels) +
SquaredError(bc_high, endpoint_high_rgba, num_channels);
const bool swap_endpoints = false;
const bool blue_contract = true;
const bool offset_mode = false;
*(errors_itr++) = CEEncodingOption(
sq_bc_error, &bc_quantized,
swap_endpoints, blue_contract, offset_mode);
// 3.3 Compute base/offset unquantized error.
const auto compute_base_offset_error =
[num_channels, &errors_itr, &endpoint_low_rgba, &endpoint_high_rgba]
(const QuantizedEndpointPair& pair, bool swapped) {
auto base = pair.UnquantizedLow();
auto offset = pair.UnquantizedHigh();
for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
BitTransferSigned(&offset[i], &base[i]);
offset[i] = Clamp(base[i] + offset[i], 0, 255);
int base_offset_error = 0;
// If we swapped the endpoints going in, then without blue contract
// we should be comparing the base against the high endpoint.
if (swapped) {
base_offset_error =
SquaredError(base, endpoint_high_rgba, num_channels) +
SquaredError(offset, endpoint_low_rgba, num_channels);
} else {
base_offset_error =
SquaredError(base, endpoint_low_rgba, num_channels) +
SquaredError(offset, endpoint_high_rgba, num_channels);
const bool blue_contract = false;
const bool offset_mode = true;
*(errors_itr++) = CEEncodingOption(
base_offset_error, &pair, swapped, blue_contract, offset_mode);
compute_base_offset_error(offset_quantized, false);
// 3.4 Compute base/offset blue-contract error.
const auto compute_base_offset_blue_contract_error =
[num_channels, &errors_itr, &endpoint_low_rgba, &endpoint_high_rgba]
(const QuantizedEndpointPair& pair, bool swapped) {
auto base = pair.UnquantizedLow();
auto offset = pair.UnquantizedHigh();
for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
BitTransferSigned(&offset[i], &base[i]);
offset[i] = Clamp(base[i] + offset[i], 0, 255);
int sq_bc_error = 0;
// Remember, for blue-contract'd offset modes, the base is compared
// against the second endpoint and not the first. So, we compare
// against the first if we swapped the endpoints going in.
if (swapped) {
sq_bc_error =
SquaredError(base, endpoint_low_rgba, num_channels) +
SquaredError(offset, endpoint_high_rgba, num_channels);
} else {
sq_bc_error =
SquaredError(base, endpoint_high_rgba, num_channels) +
SquaredError(offset, endpoint_low_rgba, num_channels);
const bool blue_contract = true;
const bool offset_mode = true;
*(errors_itr++) = CEEncodingOption(sq_bc_error, &pair,
swapped, blue_contract, offset_mode);
compute_base_offset_blue_contract_error(bc_offset_quantized, false);
// 3.5 Compute swapped base/offset error.
compute_base_offset_error(offset_swapped_quantized, true);
// 3.6 Compute swapped base/offset blue-contract error.
bc_offset_swapped_quantized, true);
std::sort(errors.begin(), errors.end(),
[](const CEEncodingOption& a, const CEEncodingOption& b) {
return a.Error() < b.Error();
// 4. Encode the values correspondingly.
// For this part, we go through each measurement in order of increasing
// error. Based on the properties of each measurement, we decide how to
// best encode the quantized endpoints that produced that error value. If
// for some reason we cannot encode that metric, then we skip it and move
// to the next one.
for (const auto& measurement : errors) {
bool needs_weight_swap = false;
if (measurement.Pack(with_alpha, astc_mode, vals, &needs_weight_swap)) {
// Make sure that if we ask for a blue-contract mode that we get it *and*
// if we don't ask for it then we don't get it.
assert(!(measurement.BlueContract() ^
UsesBlueContract(max_value, *astc_mode, *vals)));
// We encoded what we got.
return needs_weight_swap;
assert(false && "Shouldn't have reached this point -- some combination of "
"endpoints should be possible to encode!");
return false;
} // namespace
bool UsesBlueContract(int max_value, ColorEndpointMode mode,
const std::vector<int>& vals) {
assert(vals.size() >= NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(mode));
switch (mode) {
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBDirect:
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBADirect: {
constexpr int kNumVals = MaxValuesForModes(
ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBDirect, ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBADirect);
std::array<int, kNumVals> v {};
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
const int s0 = v[0] + v[2] + v[4];
const int s1 = v[1] + v[3] + v[5];
return s0 > s1;
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseOffset:
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBABaseOffset: {
constexpr int kNumVals = MaxValuesForModes(
std::array<int, kNumVals> v {};
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
BitTransferSigned(&v[1], &v[0]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[3], &v[2]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[5], &v[4]);
return v[1] + v[3] + v[5] < 0;
return false;
bool EncodeColorsForMode(
const RgbaColor& endpoint_low_rgba, const RgbaColor& endpoint_high_rgba,
int max_value, EndpointEncodingMode encoding_mode,
ColorEndpointMode* const astc_mode, std::vector<int>* const vals) {
bool needs_weight_swap = false;
switch (encoding_mode) {
case EndpointEncodingMode::kDirectLuma:
return EncodeColorsLuma(
endpoint_low_rgba, endpoint_high_rgba, max_value, astc_mode, vals);
case EndpointEncodingMode::kDirectLumaAlpha: {
// TODO(google): See if luma-alpha base-offset is better
const int avg1 = AverageRGB(endpoint_low_rgba);
const int avg2 = AverageRGB(endpoint_high_rgba);
(*vals)[0] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(avg1, max_value);
(*vals)[1] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(avg2, max_value);
(*vals)[2] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(endpoint_low_rgba[3], max_value);
(*vals)[3] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(endpoint_high_rgba[3], max_value);
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaAlphaDirect;
case EndpointEncodingMode::kBaseScaleRGB:
case EndpointEncodingMode::kBaseScaleRGBA: {
RgbaColor base = endpoint_high_rgba;
RgbaColor scaled = endpoint_low_rgba;
// Similar to luma base-offset, the scaled value is strictly less than
// the base value here according to the decode procedure. In this case,
// if the base is larger than the scale then we need to swap.
int num_channels_ge = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
num_channels_ge +=
static_cast<int>(endpoint_high_rgba[i] >= endpoint_low_rgba[i]);
if (num_channels_ge < 2) {
needs_weight_swap = true;
std::swap(base, scaled);
// Since the second endpoint is just a direct copy of the RGB values, we
// can start by quantizing them.
const auto q_base = QuantizeColor(base, max_value);
const auto uq_base = UnquantizeColor(q_base, max_value);
// The first endpoint (scaled) is defined by piecewise multiplying the
// second endpoint (base) by the scale factor and then dividing by 256.
// This means that the inverse operation is to first piecewise multiply
// the first endpoint by 256 and then divide by the unquantized second
// endpoint. We take the average of each of each of these scale values as
// our final scale value.
// TODO(google): Is this the best way to determine the scale factor?
int num_samples = 0;
int scale_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int x = uq_base[i];
if (x != 0) {
scale_sum += (scaled[i] * 256) / x;
(*vals)[0] = q_base[0];
(*vals)[1] = q_base[1];
(*vals)[2] = q_base[2];
if (num_samples > 0) {
const int avg_scale = Clamp(scale_sum / num_samples, 0, 255);
(*vals)[3] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(avg_scale, max_value);
} else {
// In this case, all of the base values are zero, so we can use whatever
// we want as the scale -- it won't affect the outcome.
(*vals)[3] = max_value;
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseScale;
if (encoding_mode == EndpointEncodingMode::kBaseScaleRGBA) {
(*vals)[4] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(scaled[3], max_value);
(*vals)[5] = QuantizeCEValueToRange(base[3], max_value);
*astc_mode = ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseScaleTwoA;
case EndpointEncodingMode::kDirectRGB:
case EndpointEncodingMode::kDirectRGBA:
return EncodeColorsRGBA(
endpoint_low_rgba, endpoint_high_rgba, max_value,
encoding_mode == EndpointEncodingMode::kDirectRGBA, astc_mode, vals);
assert(false && "Unimplemented color encoding.");
return needs_weight_swap;
// These decoding procedures follow the code outlined in Section C.2.14 of
// the ASTC specification.
void DecodeColorsForMode(const std::vector<int>& vals,
int max_value, ColorEndpointMode mode,
RgbaColor* const endpoint_low_rgba,
RgbaColor* const endpoint_high_rgba) {
assert(vals.size() >= NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(mode));
switch (mode) {
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaDirect: {
const int l0 = UnquantizeCEValueFromRange(vals[0], max_value);
const int l1 = UnquantizeCEValueFromRange(vals[1], max_value);
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ l0, l0, l0, 255 }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ l1, l1, l1, 255 }};
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaBaseOffset: {
const int v0 = UnquantizeCEValueFromRange(vals[0], max_value);
const int v1 = UnquantizeCEValueFromRange(vals[1], max_value);
const int l0 = (v0 >> 2) | (v1 & 0xC0);
const int l1 = std::min(l0 + (v1 & 0x3F), 0xFF);
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ l0, l0, l0, 255 }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ l1, l1, l1, 255 }};
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaAlphaDirect: {
constexpr int kNumVals =
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ v[0], v[0], v[0], v[2] }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ v[1], v[1], v[1], v[3] }};
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRLumaAlphaBaseOffset: {
constexpr int kNumVals = NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
BitTransferSigned(&v[1], &v[0]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[3], &v[2]);
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ v[0], v[0], v[0], v[2] }};
const int high_luma = v[0] + v[1];
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ high_luma, high_luma, high_luma, v[2] + v[3] }};
for (auto& c : *endpoint_low_rgba) { c = Clamp(c, 0, 255); }
for (auto& c : *endpoint_high_rgba) { c = Clamp(c, 0, 255); }
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseScale: {
constexpr int kNumVals =
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ v[0], v[1], v[2], 255 }};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const int x = endpoint_high_rgba->at(i);
endpoint_low_rgba->at(i) = (x * v[3]) >> 8;
endpoint_low_rgba->at(3) = 255;
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBDirect: {
constexpr int kNumVals =
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
const int s0 = v[0] + v[2] + v[4];
const int s1 = v[1] + v[3] + v[5];
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ v[0], v[2], v[4], 255 }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ v[1], v[3], v[5], 255 }};
if (s1 < s0) {
std::swap(*endpoint_low_rgba, *endpoint_high_rgba);
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseOffset: {
constexpr int kNumVals =
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
BitTransferSigned(&v[1], &v[0]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[3], &v[2]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[5], &v[4]);
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ v[0], v[2], v[4], 255 }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ v[0] + v[1], v[2] + v[3], v[4] + v[5], 255 }};
if (v[1] + v[3] + v[5] < 0) {
std::swap(*endpoint_low_rgba, *endpoint_high_rgba);
for (auto& c : *endpoint_low_rgba) { c = Clamp(c, 0, 255); }
for (auto& c : *endpoint_high_rgba) { c = Clamp(c, 0, 255); }
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBBaseScaleTwoA: {
constexpr int kNumVals = NumColorValuesForEndpointMode(
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
// Base
*endpoint_low_rgba = *endpoint_high_rgba = {{ v[0], v[1], v[2], 255 }};
// Scale
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
auto& x = endpoint_low_rgba->at(i);
x = (x * v[3]) >> 8;
// Two A
endpoint_low_rgba->at(3) = v[4];
endpoint_high_rgba->at(3) = v[5];
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBADirect: {
constexpr int kNumVals =
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
const int s0 = v[0] + v[2] + v[4];
const int s1 = v[1] + v[3] + v[5];
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ v[0], v[2], v[4], v[6] }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{ v[1], v[3], v[5], v[7] }};
if (s1 < s0) {
std::swap(*endpoint_low_rgba, *endpoint_high_rgba);
case ColorEndpointMode::kLDRRGBABaseOffset: {
constexpr int kNumVals =
std::array<int, kNumVals> v;
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), v.begin());
Unquantize(&v, max_value);
BitTransferSigned(&v[1], &v[0]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[3], &v[2]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[5], &v[4]);
BitTransferSigned(&v[7], &v[6]);
*endpoint_low_rgba = {{ v[0], v[2], v[4], v[6] }};
*endpoint_high_rgba = {{
v[0] + v[1], v[2] + v[3], v[4] + v[5], v[6] + v[7] }};
if (v[1] + v[3] + v[5] < 0) {
std::swap(*endpoint_low_rgba, *endpoint_high_rgba);
for (auto& c : *endpoint_low_rgba) { c = Clamp(c, 0, 255); }
for (auto& c : *endpoint_high_rgba) { c = Clamp(c, 0, 255); }
// Unimplemented color encoding.
// TODO(google): Is this the correct error handling?
*endpoint_high_rgba = *endpoint_low_rgba = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }};
} // namespace astc_codec