blob: b89df63aa423dd3cc29e1fc006bab6a1072e8c0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/BackendOptions.hpp>
#include <armnn/Deprecated.hpp>
#include <armnn/DescriptorsFwd.hpp>
#include <armnn/ILayerVisitor.hpp>
#include <armnn/NetworkFwd.hpp>
#include <armnn/Optional.hpp>
#include <armnn/TensorFwd.hpp>
#include <armnn/Types.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace armnn
/// @brief An input connection slot for a layer.
/// The input slot can be connected to an output slot of the preceding layer in the graph.
/// Only one connection to the input slot is allowed.
class IInputSlot
virtual const IOutputSlot* GetConnection() const = 0;
virtual IOutputSlot* GetConnection() = 0;
/// Not user deletable.
~IInputSlot() {}
/// @brief An output connection slot for a layer.
/// The output slot may be connected to 1 or more input slots of subsequent layers in the graph.
class IOutputSlot
virtual unsigned int GetNumConnections() const = 0;
virtual const IInputSlot* GetConnection(unsigned int index) const = 0;
virtual IInputSlot* GetConnection(unsigned int index) = 0;
virtual void SetTensorInfo(const TensorInfo& tensorInfo) = 0;
virtual const TensorInfo& GetTensorInfo() const = 0;
virtual bool IsTensorInfoSet() const = 0;
virtual int Connect(IInputSlot& destination) = 0;
virtual void Disconnect(IInputSlot& slot) = 0;
virtual unsigned int CalculateIndexOnOwner() const = 0;
virtual LayerGuid GetOwningLayerGuid() const = 0;
/// Not user deletable.
~IOutputSlot() {}
/// @brief Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
class IConnectableLayer
/// Returns the name of the layer
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
/// Returns the number of connectable input slots
virtual unsigned int GetNumInputSlots() const = 0;
/// Returns the number of connectable output slots
virtual unsigned int GetNumOutputSlots() const = 0;
/// Get a const input slot handle by slot index
virtual const IInputSlot& GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const = 0;
/// Get the input slot handle by slot index
virtual IInputSlot& GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) = 0;
/// Get the const output slot handle by slot index
virtual const IOutputSlot& GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const = 0;
/// Get the output slot handle by slot index
virtual IOutputSlot& GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) = 0;
/// Infer the shape of the output(s) based on the provided input shape(s)
virtual std::vector<TensorShape> InferOutputShapes(const std::vector<TensorShape>& inputShapes) const = 0;
/// Returns the unique id of the layer
virtual LayerGuid GetGuid() const = 0;
/// Apply a visitor to this layer
virtual void Accept(ILayerVisitor& visitor) const = 0;
/// Provide a hint for the optimizer as to which backend to prefer for this layer
virtual void BackendSelectionHint(Optional<BackendId> backend) = 0;
/// Objects are not deletable via the handle
~IConnectableLayer() {}
using INetworkPtr = std::unique_ptr<INetwork, void(*)(INetwork* network)>;
/// Main network class which provides the interface for building up a neural network.
/// This object is subsequently required by the IRuntime::Load() method.
class INetwork
static INetwork* CreateRaw(NetworkOptions networkOptions = {});
static INetworkPtr Create(NetworkOptions networkOptions = {});
static void Destroy(INetwork* network);
virtual Status PrintGraph() = 0;
/// Adds an input layer to the network.
/// @param id - User generated id to uniquely identify a particular input. The same id needs to be specified.
/// when passing the inputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddInputLayer(LayerBindingId id, const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds an ArgMinMax layer to the network.
/// @param desc - Parameters for the L2 normalization operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddArgMinMaxLayer(const ArgMinMaxDescriptor& desc,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Comparison layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @param desc - Descriptor for the comparison operation.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddComparisonLayer(const ComparisonDescriptor& comparisonDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a concatenation layer to the network.
/// @param concatDescriptor - ConcatDescriptor (synonym for OriginsDescriptor) to configure the concatenation
/// process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order
/// must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the
/// second input, etc....
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConcatLayer(const ConcatDescriptor& concatDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a 2D convolution layer to the network.
/// @param convolution2dDescriptor - Description of the 2D convolution layer.
/// @param weights - Tensor for the weights data.
/// @param biases - Optional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This AddConvolution2dLayer overload is deprecated")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This AddConvolution2dLayer overload is deprecated")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const ConstTensor& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a depth to space layer to the network.
/// @param depthToSpaceDescriptor - Parameters for the depth to space operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthToSpaceLayer(const DepthToSpaceDescriptor& depthToSpaceDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a 2D depthwise convolution layer to the network.
/// @param convolution2dDescriptor - Description of the 2D depthwise convolution layer.
/// @param weights - Tensor for the weights. Expected format: [channelMultiplier, inputChannels, height, width].
/// @param biases Optional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer overload is deprecated")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer overload is deprecated")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const ConstTensor& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a Dequantize layer to the network.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDequantizeLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a Detection PostProcess layer to the network.
/// @param descriptor - Description of the Detection PostProcess layer.
/// @param anchors - Tensor for anchors.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDetectionPostProcessLayer(
const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor& descriptor,
const ConstTensor& anchors,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add an ElementwiseUnary layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @param desc - Descriptor for the elementwiseUnary operation.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor& elementwiseUnaryDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add an Fill layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @param fillDescriptor - Descriptor for the fill operation.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFillLayer(const FillDescriptor& fillDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a fully connected layer to the network.
/// @param fullyConnectedDescriptor - Description of the fully connected layer.
/// @param weights - Tensor for the weights data.
/// @param biases - Optional tensor for the bias data.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This AddFullyConnectedLayer overload is deprecated")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This AddFullyConnectedLayer overload is deprecated")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const ConstTensor& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a permute layer to the network.
/// @param permuteDescriptor - PermuteDescriptor to configure the permute.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPermuteLayer(const PermuteDescriptor& permuteDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a batch to space ND layer to the network.
/// @param batchToSpaceNdDescriptor - Description of the layer.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer(const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor& batchToSpaceNdDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a pooling layer to the network.
/// @param pooling2dDescriptor - Pooling2dDescriptor to configure the pooling.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPooling2dLayer(const Pooling2dDescriptor& pooling2dDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds an activation layer to the network.
/// @param activationDescriptor - ActivationDescriptor to configure the activation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddActivationLayer(const ActivationDescriptor& activationDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a normalization layer to the network.
/// @param normalizationDescriptor - NormalizationDescriptor to configure the normalization.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddNormalizationLayer(const NormalizationDescriptor& normalizationDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a slice layer to the network.
/// @param sliceDescriptor - SliceDescriptor to configure the slice operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSliceLayer(const SliceDescriptor& sliceDescriptor, const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a softmax layer to the network.
/// If the data type is QAsymm8, then the output quantization parameters
/// must have a scale of 1/256 and an offset of 0
/// @param softmaxDescriptor - SoftmaxDescriptor to configure the softmax.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSoftmaxLayer(const SoftmaxDescriptor& softmaxDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a splitter layer to the network.
/// @param splitterDescriptor - ViewsDescriptor to configure the splitting process.
/// Number of Views must be equal to the number of outputs,
/// and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to
/// the first output, second view to the second output, etc....
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSplitterLayer(const ViewsDescriptor& splitterDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a merge layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMergeLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a concat layer to the network.
/// @param mergerDescriptor - MergerDescriptor (synonym for OriginsDescriptor) to configure the concatenation
/// process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order
/// must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the
/// second input, etc....
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddConcatLayer instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMergerLayer(const MergerDescriptor& mergerDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add absolute layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddElementwiseUnaryLayer instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddAbsLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds an addition layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddAdditionLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a multiplication layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMultiplicationLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a batch normalization layer to the network.
/// @param mean - Pre-calculated mean for each channel.
/// @param variance - Pre-calculated variance for each channel.
/// @param beta - Per-channel additive factor.
/// @param gamma - Per-channel multiplicative factor.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddBatchNormalizationLayer(const BatchNormalizationDescriptor& desc,
const ConstTensor& mean,
const ConstTensor& variance,
const ConstTensor& beta,
const ConstTensor& gamma,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a rank layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddRankLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a resize bilinear layer to the network.
/// @param resizeDesc - Parameters for the resize operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddResizeLayer instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddResizeBilinearLayer(const ResizeBilinearDescriptor& resizeDesc,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a resize layer to the network.
/// @param resizeDescriptor - Parameters for the resize operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddResizeLayer(const ResizeDescriptor& resizeDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds an instance normalization layer to the network.
/// @param desc - Parameters for the instance normalization operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddInstanceNormalizationLayer(const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor& desc,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds an L2 normalization layer to the network.
/// Normalization is performed along dimension 1, but requires a 4d input.
/// @param desc - Parameters for the L2 normalization operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddL2NormalizationLayer(const L2NormalizationDescriptor& desc,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a log softmax layer to the network.
/// @param logSoftmaxDescriptor - LogSoftmaxDescriptor to configure the log softmax.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddLogSoftmaxLayer(const LogSoftmaxDescriptor& logSoftmaxDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to
/// the passed in constant tensor.
/// @param input - Tensor to be provided as the only output of the layer. The layer will maintain
/// its own copy of the tensor data, meaning the memory referenced by @a input can
/// be freed or reused after this function is called.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConstantLayer(const ConstTensor& input,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a reshape layer to the network.
/// @param reshapeDescriptor - Parameters for the reshape operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddReshapeLayer(const ReshapeDescriptor& reshapeDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a space to batch layer to the network.
/// @param spaceToBatchNdDescriptor - Parameters for the space to batch operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer(const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor& spaceToBatchNdDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a space to depth layer to the network.
/// @param spaceToDepthDescriptor - Parameters for the space to depth operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSpaceToDepthLayer(const SpaceToDepthDescriptor& spaceToDepthDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a floor layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFloorLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds an output layer to the network.
/// @param id - User generated id to uniquely identify a particular output. The same id needs to be specified
/// when passing the outputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddOutputLayer(LayerBindingId id, const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Lstm layer to the network
/// @param descriptor - Parameters for the Lstm operation
/// @param params - Weights and biases for the LSTM cell
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddLstmLayer(const LstmDescriptor& descriptor,
const LstmInputParams& params,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a division layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDivisionLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a subtraction layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSubtractionLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Maximum layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMaximumLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Mean layer to the network.
/// @param meanDescriptor - Parameters for the mean operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMeanLayer(const MeanDescriptor& meanDescriptor, const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a fully pad layer to the network.
/// @param paddings - n by 2 tensor, where n is the rank of the input tensor,
/// such that paddings[i,0] indicates the amount of padding to add in front of dimonsion i, and
/// paddings[i,1] indicates the amount of padding to add after the end of dimension i
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPadLayer(const PadDescriptor& padDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a quantize layer to the network
///@param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddQuantizeLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a strided slice layer to the network.
/// @param StridedSliceDescriptor - Parameters for the strided slice operation.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddStridedSliceLayer(const StridedSliceDescriptor& stridedSliceDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Minimum layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMinimumLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Greater layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddComparisonLayer instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddGreaterLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a Equal layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddComparisonLayer instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddEqualLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add Reciprocal of square root layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddElementwiseUnaryLayer instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddRsqrtLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add Gather layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use AddGatherLayer with descriptor instead")
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddGatherLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add Gather layer to the network.
/// @param descriptor - Description of the gather layer.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddGatherLayer(const GatherDescriptor& descriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a switch layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSwitchLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a PReLU layer to the network.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPreluLayer(const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a 2D transpose convolution layer to the network.
/// @param descriptor - Description of the 2D transpose convolution layer.
/// @param weights - Tensor for the weights data.
/// @param biases - Optional tensor for the bias data.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer(const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor,
const ConstTensor& weights,
const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a transpose layer to the network.
/// @param transposeDescriptor - TransposeDescriptor to configure the transpose.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddTransposeLayer(const TransposeDescriptor& transposeDescriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a stack layer to the network.
/// @param descriptor - Description of the stack layer.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddStackLayer(const StackDescriptor& descriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a stand-in layer for a type unknown to the Arm NN framework.
/// Note: Due to the nature of this layer, no validation can be performed by the framework.
/// Furthermore, Any model containing this layer cannot make use of dynamic tensors since the
/// tensor sizes cannot be inferred.
/// @descriptor - Descriptor for the StandIn layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddStandInLayer(const StandInDescriptor& descriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a QuantizedLstm layer to the network
/// @param params - The weights and biases for the Quantized LSTM cell
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddQuantizedLstmLayer(const QuantizedLstmInputParams& params,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Add a QLstm layer to the network
/// @param descriptor - Parameters for the QLstm operation
/// @param params - Weights and biases for the layer
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddQLstmLayer(const QLstmDescriptor& descriptor,
const LstmInputParams& params,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
/// Adds a Logical Binary layer to the network.
/// @param descriptor - Description of the Logical Binary layer.
/// @param name - Optional name for the layer.
/// @return - Interface for configuring the layer.
virtual IConnectableLayer* AddLogicalBinaryLayer(const LogicalBinaryDescriptor& descriptor,
const char* name = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void Accept(ILayerVisitor& visitor) const = 0;
~INetwork() {}
using IOptimizedNetworkPtr = std::unique_ptr<IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork* network)>;
class IOptimizedNetwork
static void Destroy(IOptimizedNetwork* network);
virtual Status PrintGraph() = 0;
virtual Status SerializeToDot(std::ostream& stream) const = 0;
virtual profiling::ProfilingGuid GetGuid() const = 0;
~IOptimizedNetwork() {}
struct OptimizerOptions
: m_ReduceFp32ToFp16(false)
, m_Debug(false)
, m_ReduceFp32ToBf16(false)
, m_shapeInferenceMethod(armnn::ShapeInferenceMethod::ValidateOnly)
, m_ImportEnabled(false)
, m_ModelOptions()
OptimizerOptions(bool reduceFp32ToFp16, bool debug, bool reduceFp32ToBf16, bool importEnabled,
ModelOptions modelOptions = {})
: m_ReduceFp32ToFp16(reduceFp32ToFp16)
, m_Debug(debug)
, m_ReduceFp32ToBf16(reduceFp32ToBf16)
, m_shapeInferenceMethod(armnn::ShapeInferenceMethod::ValidateOnly)
, m_ImportEnabled(importEnabled)
, m_ModelOptions(modelOptions)
if (m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 && m_ReduceFp32ToBf16)
throw InvalidArgumentException("BFloat16 and Float16 optimization cannot be enabled at the same time.");
OptimizerOptions(bool reduceFp32ToFp16, bool debug, bool reduceFp32ToBf16 = false,
ShapeInferenceMethod shapeInferenceMethod = armnn::ShapeInferenceMethod::ValidateOnly,
bool importEnabled = false, ModelOptions modelOptions = {})
: m_ReduceFp32ToFp16(reduceFp32ToFp16)
, m_Debug(debug)
, m_ReduceFp32ToBf16(reduceFp32ToBf16)
, m_shapeInferenceMethod(shapeInferenceMethod)
, m_ImportEnabled(importEnabled)
, m_ModelOptions(modelOptions)
if (m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 && m_ReduceFp32ToBf16)
throw InvalidArgumentException("BFloat16 and Float16 optimization cannot be enabled at the same time.");
// Reduce Fp32 data to Fp16 for faster processing
bool m_ReduceFp32ToFp16;
// Add debug data for easier troubleshooting
bool m_Debug;
// Reduce Fp32 data to Bf16 for faster processing
bool m_ReduceFp32ToBf16;
// Infer output size when not available
ShapeInferenceMethod m_shapeInferenceMethod;
// Enable Import
bool m_ImportEnabled;
// Enable Model Options
ModelOptions m_ModelOptions;
/// Create an optimized version of the network
/// @param network INetwork description of the network to be optimized.
/// @param backendPreferences The choice of the backend ordered by user preferences.
/// @param deviceSpec DeviceSpec object as queried from the runtime. See IRuntime::GetDeviceSpec()
/// @param messages If there are failures or warnings a string describing same will be added to the vector
/// @param options OptimizerOptions object with optimizer configuration options
/// @return An IOptimizedNetworkPtr interface to the optimized network, throws an exception derived from
/// armnn::Exception if process fails.
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork& network,
const std::vector<BackendId>& backendPreferences,
const IDeviceSpec& deviceSpec,
const OptimizerOptions& options = OptimizerOptions(),
Optional<std::vector<std::string>&> messages = EmptyOptional());
} //namespace armnn