blob: 26636a81f771d36cf928a8817fb902e4c06b9c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "Runtime.hpp"
#include <armnn/Version.hpp>
#include <armnn/BackendRegistry.hpp>
#include <armnn/Logging.hpp>
#include <armnn/backends/IBackendContext.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/DynamicBackendUtils.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/polymorphic_cast.hpp>
#include <backends/BackendProfiling.hpp>
using namespace armnn;
using namespace std;
namespace armnn
IRuntime* IRuntime::CreateRaw(const CreationOptions& options)
return new Runtime(options);
IRuntimePtr IRuntime::Create(const CreationOptions& options)
return IRuntimePtr(CreateRaw(options), &IRuntime::Destroy);
void IRuntime::Destroy(IRuntime* runtime)
delete boost::polymorphic_downcast<Runtime*>(runtime);
int Runtime::GenerateNetworkId()
return m_NetworkIdCounter++;
Status Runtime::LoadNetwork(NetworkId& networkIdOut, IOptimizedNetworkPtr inNetwork)
std::string ignoredErrorMessage;
return LoadNetwork(networkIdOut, std::move(inNetwork), ignoredErrorMessage);
Status Runtime::LoadNetwork(NetworkId& networkIdOut,
IOptimizedNetworkPtr inNetwork,
std::string& errorMessage)
INetworkProperties networkProperties;
return LoadNetwork(networkIdOut, std::move(inNetwork), errorMessage, networkProperties);
Status Runtime::LoadNetwork(NetworkId& networkIdOut,
IOptimizedNetworkPtr inNetwork,
std::string& errorMessage,
const INetworkProperties& networkProperties)
IOptimizedNetwork* rawNetwork = inNetwork.release();
networkIdOut = GenerateNetworkId();
for (auto&& context : m_BackendContexts)
unique_ptr<LoadedNetwork> loadedNetwork = LoadedNetwork::MakeLoadedNetwork(
if (!loadedNetwork)
return Status::Failure;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(m_Mutex);
// Stores the network
m_LoadedNetworks[networkIdOut] = std::move(loadedNetwork);
for (auto&& context : m_BackendContexts)
if (m_ProfilingService.IsProfilingEnabled())
return Status::Success;
Status Runtime::UnloadNetwork(NetworkId networkId)
bool unloadOk = true;
for (auto&& context : m_BackendContexts)
unloadOk &= context.second->BeforeUnloadNetwork(networkId);
if (!unloadOk)
ARMNN_LOG(warning) << "Runtime::UnloadNetwork(): failed to unload "
"network with ID:" << networkId << " because BeforeUnloadNetwork failed";
return Status::Failure;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(m_Mutex);
if (m_LoadedNetworks.erase(networkId) == 0)
ARMNN_LOG(warning) << "WARNING: Runtime::UnloadNetwork(): " << networkId << " not found!";
return Status::Failure;
if (m_ProfilingService.IsProfilingEnabled())
for (auto&& context : m_BackendContexts)
ARMNN_LOG(debug) << "Runtime::UnloadNetwork(): Unloaded network with ID: " << networkId;
return Status::Success;
const std::shared_ptr<IProfiler> Runtime::GetProfiler(NetworkId networkId) const
auto it = m_LoadedNetworks.find(networkId);
if (it != m_LoadedNetworks.end())
auto& loadedNetwork = it->second;
return loadedNetwork->GetProfiler();
return nullptr;
Runtime::Runtime(const CreationOptions& options)
: m_NetworkIdCounter(0)
ARMNN_LOG(info) << "ArmNN v" << ARMNN_VERSION << "\n";
// pass configuration info to the profiling service
// Load any available/compatible dynamic backend before the runtime
// goes through the backend registry
BackendIdSet supportedBackends;
for (const auto& id : BackendRegistryInstance().GetBackendIds())
// Store backend contexts for the supported ones
try {
auto factoryFun = BackendRegistryInstance().GetFactory(id);
auto backend = factoryFun();
BOOST_ASSERT(backend.get() != nullptr);
auto context = backend->CreateBackendContext(options);
// backends are allowed to return nullptrs if they
// don't wish to create a backend specific context
if (context)
m_BackendContexts.emplace(std::make_pair(id, std::move(context)));
unique_ptr<armnn::profiling::IBackendProfiling> profilingIface =
options, m_ProfilingService, id));
// Backends may also provide a profiling context. Ask for it now.
auto profilingContext = backend->CreateBackendProfilingContext(options, profilingIface);
// Backends that don't support profiling will return a null profiling context.
if (profilingContext)
// Enable profiling on the backend and assert that it returns true
// Pass the context onto the profiling service.
m_ProfilingService.AddBackendProfilingContext(id, profilingContext);
throw BackendProfilingException("Unable to enable profiling on Backend Id: " + id.Get());
catch (const BackendUnavailableException&)
// Ignore backends which are unavailable
std::vector<int> networkIDs;
// Coverity fix: The following code may throw an exception of type std::length_error.
std::transform(m_LoadedNetworks.begin(), m_LoadedNetworks.end(),
[](const auto &pair) { return pair.first; });
catch (const std::exception& e)
// Coverity fix: BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL (typically used to report errors) may throw an
// exception of type std::length_error.
// Using stderr instead in this context as there is no point in nesting try-catch blocks here.
std::cerr << "WARNING: An error has occurred when getting the IDs of the networks to unload: " << e.what()
<< "\nSome of the loaded networks may not be unloaded" << std::endl;
// We then proceed to unload all the networks which IDs have been appended to the list
// up to the point the exception was thrown (if any).
for (auto networkID : networkIDs)
// Coverity fix: UnloadNetwork() may throw an exception of type std::length_error,
// boost::log::v2s_mt_posix::odr_violation or boost::log::v2s_mt_posix::system_error
catch (const std::exception& e)
// Coverity fix: BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL (typically used to report errors) may throw an
// exception of type std::length_error.
// Using stderr instead in this context as there is no point in nesting try-catch blocks here.
std::cerr << "WARNING: An error has occurred when unloading network " << networkID << ": " << e.what()
<< std::endl;
// Clear all dynamic backends.
LoadedNetwork* Runtime::GetLoadedNetworkPtr(NetworkId networkId) const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(m_Mutex);
TensorInfo Runtime::GetInputTensorInfo(NetworkId networkId, LayerBindingId layerId) const
return GetLoadedNetworkPtr(networkId)->GetInputTensorInfo(layerId);
TensorInfo Runtime::GetOutputTensorInfo(NetworkId networkId, LayerBindingId layerId) const
return GetLoadedNetworkPtr(networkId)->GetOutputTensorInfo(layerId);
Status Runtime::EnqueueWorkload(NetworkId networkId,
const InputTensors& inputTensors,
const OutputTensors& outputTensors)
LoadedNetwork* loadedNetwork = GetLoadedNetworkPtr(networkId);
static thread_local NetworkId lastId = networkId;
if (lastId != networkId)
LoadedNetworkFuncSafe(lastId, [](LoadedNetwork* network)
return loadedNetwork->EnqueueWorkload(inputTensors, outputTensors);
void Runtime::RegisterDebugCallback(NetworkId networkId, const DebugCallbackFunction& func)
LoadedNetwork* loadedNetwork = GetLoadedNetworkPtr(networkId);
void Runtime::LoadDynamicBackends(const std::string& overrideBackendPath)
// Get the paths where to load the dynamic backends from
std::vector<std::string> backendPaths = DynamicBackendUtils::GetBackendPaths(overrideBackendPath);
// Get the shared objects to try to load as dynamic backends
std::vector<std::string> sharedObjects = DynamicBackendUtils::GetSharedObjects(backendPaths);
// Create a list of dynamic backends
m_DynamicBackends = DynamicBackendUtils::CreateDynamicBackends(sharedObjects);
// Register the dynamic backends in the backend registry
BackendIdSet registeredBackendIds = DynamicBackendUtils::RegisterDynamicBackends(m_DynamicBackends);
// Add the registered dynamic backend ids to the list of supported backends
m_DeviceSpec.AddSupportedBackends(registeredBackendIds, true);
} // namespace armnn