blob: 9d881faa7ce06d570f41b5810524e3de5a51f52f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "SubgraphView.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace armnn
class Layer;
class Graph;
class SubgraphViewSelector final
using SubgraphViewPtr = std::unique_ptr<SubgraphView>;
using Subgraphs = std::vector<SubgraphViewPtr>;
using LayerSelectorFunction = std::function<bool(const Layer&)>;
/// Selects subgraphs from a graph based on the selector function and the algorithm.
/// Since the Subgraphs object returns modifiable pointers to the input and output slots of the graph:
/// 1) the graph/sub-graph cannot be const
/// 2) the caller needs to make sure that the Subgraphs lifetime is shorter than the parent graph's
static Subgraphs SelectSubgraphs(Graph& graph, const LayerSelectorFunction& selector);
static Subgraphs SelectSubgraphs(SubgraphView& subgraph, const LayerSelectorFunction& selector);
// this is a utility class, don't construct or copy
SubgraphViewSelector() = delete;
SubgraphViewSelector(const SubgraphViewSelector&) = delete;
SubgraphViewSelector & operator=(const SubgraphViewSelector&) = delete;
} // namespace armnn