blob: 4357ec4381d7405e55e416c92a547cea9298891c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "SubgraphViewSelector.hpp"
#include "Graph.hpp"
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
namespace armnn
struct LayerSelectionInfo
using SplitId = uint32_t;
using LayerInfoContainer = std::map<Layer*, LayerSelectionInfo>;
using LayerInfoQueue = std::queue<LayerSelectionInfo*>;
static constexpr uint32_t InitialSplitId() { return 1; }
LayerSelectionInfo(Layer* layer, const SubgraphViewSelector::LayerSelectorFunction& selector)
: m_Layer{layer}
, m_SplitId{0}
, m_IsSelected{selector(*layer)}
, m_IsProcessed(false)
// fill topology information by storing direct children
for (auto&& slot = m_Layer->BeginOutputSlots(); slot != m_Layer->EndOutputSlots(); ++slot)
for (InputSlot* childLayerInputSlot : slot->GetConnections())
Layer& childLayer = childLayerInputSlot->GetOwningLayer();
bool IsInputLayer() const
return m_Layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Input || m_Layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Constant;
void CollectNonSelectedInputs(LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer& layerInfos,
SubgraphView::InputSlots& inputSlots)
for (auto&& slot = m_Layer->BeginInputSlots(); slot != m_Layer->EndInputSlots(); ++slot)
OutputSlot* parentLayerOutputSlot = slot->GetConnectedOutputSlot();
BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(parentLayerOutputSlot != nullptr, "The input slots must be connected here.");
if (parentLayerOutputSlot)
Layer& parentLayer = parentLayerOutputSlot->GetOwningLayer();
auto parentInfo = layerInfos.find(&parentLayer);
if (parentInfo == layerInfos.end() ||
m_SplitId != parentInfo->second.m_SplitId)
// Avoid collecting duplicate input slots
InputSlot* inputSlot = &(*slot);
if (std::find(inputSlots.begin(), inputSlots.end(), inputSlot) == inputSlots.end())
void CollectNonSelectedOutputSlots(LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer& layerInfos,
SubgraphView::OutputSlots& outputSlots)
for (auto&& slot = m_Layer->BeginOutputSlots(); slot != m_Layer->EndOutputSlots(); ++slot)
for (InputSlot* childLayerInputSlot : slot->GetConnections())
Layer& childLayer = childLayerInputSlot->GetOwningLayer();
auto childInfo = layerInfos.find(&childLayer);
if (childInfo == layerInfos.end() ||
m_SplitId != childInfo->second.m_SplitId)
// Avoid collecting duplicate output slots
OutputSlot* outputSlot = &(*slot);
if (std::find(outputSlots.begin(), outputSlots.end(), outputSlot) == outputSlots.end())
std::vector<Layer*> m_DirectChildren;
Layer* m_Layer;
SplitId m_SplitId;
bool m_IsSelected;
bool m_IsProcessed;
} // namespace <anonymous>
SubgraphViewSelector::SelectSubgraphs(Graph& graph, const LayerSelectorFunction& selector)
SubgraphView subgraph(graph);
return SubgraphViewSelector::SelectSubgraphs(subgraph, selector);
template<typename Delegate>
void ForEachLayerInput(LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer& layerInfos,
LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo,
Delegate function)
Layer& layer = *layerInfo.m_Layer;
for (auto inputSlot : layer.GetInputSlots())
auto connectedInput = boost::polymorphic_downcast<OutputSlot*>(inputSlot.GetConnection());
BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(connectedInput, "Dangling input slot detected.");
Layer& inputLayer = connectedInput->GetOwningLayer();
auto parentInfo = layerInfos.find(&inputLayer);
if (parentInfo != layerInfos.end())
template<typename Delegate>
void ForEachLayerOutput(LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer& layerInfos,
LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo,
Delegate function)
Layer& layer= *layerInfo.m_Layer;
for (auto& outputSlot : layer.GetOutputSlots())
for (auto& output : outputSlot.GetConnections())
Layer& childLayer = output->GetOwningLayer();
auto childInfo = layerInfos.find(&childLayer);
if (childInfo != layerInfos.end())
void AssignSplitId(LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer& layerInfos, LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo)
bool newSplit = false;
LayerSelectionInfo::SplitId minSplitId = std::numeric_limits<LayerSelectionInfo::SplitId>::max();
LayerSelectionInfo::SplitId maxSplitId = std::numeric_limits<LayerSelectionInfo::SplitId>::lowest();
LayerSelectionInfo::SplitId maxSelectableId = std::numeric_limits<LayerSelectionInfo::SplitId>::lowest();
ForEachLayerInput(layerInfos, layerInfo, [&newSplit, &minSplitId, &maxSplitId, &maxSelectableId, &layerInfo](
LayerSelectionInfo& parentInfo)
minSplitId = std::min(minSplitId, parentInfo.m_SplitId);
maxSplitId = std::max(maxSplitId, parentInfo.m_SplitId);
if (parentInfo.m_IsSelected && layerInfo.m_IsSelected)
maxSelectableId = std::max(maxSelectableId, parentInfo.m_SplitId);
if (layerInfo.m_IsSelected != parentInfo.m_IsSelected)
newSplit = true;
// Assign the split Id for the current layerInfo
if (newSplit)
if (maxSelectableId > minSplitId)
// We can be overly aggressive when choosing to create a new split so
// here we determine if one of the parent branches are suitable candidates for continuation instead.
// Any splitId > minSplitId will come from a shorter branch...and therefore should not be from
// the split containing the original fork and thus we avoid the execution dependency.
layerInfo.m_SplitId = maxSelectableId;
layerInfo.m_SplitId = ++maxSplitId;
} else
// The branch with the highest splitId represents the shortest path of selected nodes.
layerInfo.m_SplitId = maxSplitId;
bool IsReadyForSplitAssignment(LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer& layerInfos, LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo)
bool ready = true;
ForEachLayerInput(layerInfos, layerInfo,
[&ready](LayerSelectionInfo& parentInfo)
if (!parentInfo.m_IsProcessed)
ready = false;
return ready;
SubgraphViewSelector::SelectSubgraphs(SubgraphView& subgraph, const LayerSelectorFunction& selector)
LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoContainer layerInfos;
LayerSelectionInfo::LayerInfoQueue processQueue;
for (auto& layer : subgraph)
auto emplaced = layerInfos.emplace(layer, LayerSelectionInfo{layer, selector});
LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo = emplaced.first->second;
// Start with Input type layers
if (layerInfo.IsInputLayer())
const SubgraphView::InputSlots& subgraphInputSlots = subgraph.GetInputSlots();
for (auto& inputSlot : subgraphInputSlots)
Layer& layer = inputSlot->GetOwningLayer();
auto emplaced = layerInfos.emplace(&layer, LayerSelectionInfo{&layer, selector});
LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo = emplaced.first->second;
while (!processQueue.empty())
LayerSelectionInfo& layerInfo = *processQueue.front();
processQueue.pop(); // remove front from queue
// This layerInfo may have been added to the queue multiple times, so skip if we have already processed it
if (!layerInfo.m_IsProcessed)
// Only process this layerInfo if all inputs have been processed
if (!IsReadyForSplitAssignment(layerInfos, layerInfo))
// Put back of the process queue if we can't process it just yet
continue; // Skip to next iteration
// Now we do the processing
AssignSplitId(layerInfos, layerInfo);
// Queue any child nodes for processing
ForEachLayerOutput(layerInfos, layerInfo, [&processQueue](LayerSelectionInfo& childInfo)
// We don't need to process this node again
layerInfo.m_IsProcessed = true;
// Collect all selected layers keyed by split id into a map
using SelectionInfoPtrs = std::vector<LayerSelectionInfo*>;
std::map<uint32_t, SelectionInfoPtrs> splitMap;
for (auto& info : layerInfos)
if (info.second.m_IsSelected)
auto it = splitMap.find(info.second.m_SplitId);
if (it == splitMap.end())
splitMap.insert(std::make_pair(info.second.m_SplitId, SelectionInfoPtrs{&info.second}));
// Now each non-empty split id represents a subgraph
Subgraphs result;
for (auto& splitGraph : splitMap)
if (splitGraph.second.empty() == false)
SubgraphView::InputSlots inputs;
SubgraphView::OutputSlots outputs;
SubgraphView::Layers layers;
for (auto&& infoPtr : splitGraph.second)
infoPtr->CollectNonSelectedInputs(layerInfos, inputs);
infoPtr->CollectNonSelectedOutputSlots(layerInfos, outputs);
// Create a new sub-graph with the new lists of input/output slots and layer
return result;
} // namespace armnn