blob: cb7943655de690b98c993f0105afba0417a0fa62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "RecordByRecordCaffeParser.hpp"
#include "armnn/Exceptions.hpp"
#include "armnn/Utils.hpp"
#include "GraphTopologicalSort.hpp"
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
// Caffe
#include <google/protobuf/wire_format.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sstream>
//#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
namespace armnnCaffeParser
// class which holds information on the absolute position in the stream
// of the data and the length of the data record.
class VarLenDataInfo
VarLenDataInfo(std::streamoff positionOfData, size_t sizeOfData) :
m_PositionOfData(positionOfData), m_SizeOfData(sizeOfData) {}
VarLenDataInfo(const VarLenDataInfo& x) :
m_PositionOfData(x.PositionOfData()), m_SizeOfData (x.SizeOfData()) {}
VarLenDataInfo& operator=(const VarLenDataInfo& x)
// handle self assignment
if (this == &x) {
return *this;
m_PositionOfData = x.PositionOfData(); m_SizeOfData = x.SizeOfData(); return *this;
std::streamoff PositionOfData() const {return m_PositionOfData;}
size_t SizeOfData() const {return m_SizeOfData;}
std::streamoff m_PositionOfData;
size_t m_SizeOfData;
// class which holds enough information on a LayerParameter in the Caffe protobuf
// format to allow it to be resolved for in place layering and sorted topologically
// prior to the entire record being parsed into memory.
// NOTE: function naming follows that of the protobuf classes these proxies are standing in for
class LayerParameterInfo : public VarLenDataInfo
static const std::string INPUT;
LayerParameterInfo(const VarLenDataInfo& varLenDataInfo) :
VarLenDataInfo(varLenDataInfo.PositionOfData(), varLenDataInfo.SizeOfData()),
m_newTops(false), m_newBottoms(false) {}
LayerParameterInfo(std::streamoff positionOfData, size_t sizeOfData) :
VarLenDataInfo(positionOfData, sizeOfData), m_newTops(false), m_newBottoms(false) {}
LayerParameterInfo(const LayerParameterInfo& x) :
VarLenDataInfo(x.PositionOfData(), x.SizeOfData()),
m_newBottoms(x.m_newBottoms) {}
LayerParameterInfo& operator=(const LayerParameterInfo& x)
if (this == &x) {
return *this;
m_name = x.m_name;
m_type = x.m_type;
m_tops = x.m_tops;
m_bottoms = x.m_bottoms;
m_newTops = x.m_newTops;
m_newBottoms = x.m_newBottoms;
return *this;
const std::string name() const {return m_name;}
void set_name(const std::unique_ptr<char[]>& theName, size_t length)
m_name = std::string(theName.get(), length);
void set_name(const std::string& theName) {m_name = theName;}
const std::string type() const {return m_type;}
void set_type(const std::unique_ptr<char[]>& theType, size_t length)
m_type = std::string(theType.get(), length);
void set_type(const std::string& theType) {m_type = theType;}
void add_top(const std::unique_ptr<char[]>& top, size_t length)
std::string topName(top.get(), length);
void add_top(const std::string& topName)
const std::string top(unsigned long i) const {return m_tops[i];}
unsigned long top_size() const {return m_tops.size();}
void set_top(unsigned long i, const std::string& newName) {m_tops[i] = newName; m_newTops = true;}
bool new_tops() const {return m_newTops;}
void add_bottom(const std::unique_ptr<char[]>& bottom, size_t length)
std::string bottomName(bottom.get(), length);
unsigned long bottom_size() const {return m_bottoms.size();}
const std::string bottom(unsigned long i) const {return m_bottoms[i];}
void set_bottom(unsigned long i, const std::string& newName) {m_bottoms[i] = newName; m_newBottoms = true;}
bool new_bottoms() const {return m_newBottoms;}
// if the position and size of the data is zero and the type is "Input" then this is an 'Implicit Input Layer'
// and needs to be handled differently from ordinary layers.
bool isImplicitInputLayer() const
if ((PositionOfData() == 0) && (SizeOfData() == 0) && == 0)
{return true;} else {return false;}
std::string m_name;
std::string m_type;
std::vector<std::string> m_tops;
std::vector<std::string> m_bottoms;
// mark the layers whose topology was changed
// by the ResolveInPlaceLayers method.
bool m_newTops;
bool m_newBottoms;
// class which holds the field type (wire type) and field id (id from the .proto schema)
// read from the protobuf messages as per the binary encoding described in
// NOTE: function naming follows that of the protobuf classes these proxies are standing in for
class ProtobufFieldInfo
ProtobufFieldInfo(int field_type, int field_id) :
m_eof(false), m_field_type(field_type), m_field_id(field_id) {}
ProtobufFieldInfo() : m_eof(true), m_field_type(0), m_field_id(0) {}
bool eof() {return m_eof;}
int field_type() {return m_field_type;}
int field_id() {return m_field_id;}
bool m_eof;
int m_field_type;
int m_field_id;
// There are some NetParameter level data which are required
// to correctly processes some Caffe models. Specifically those which
// have 'implicit' input layers. Also it is nice to have the name of the model.
// NOTE: function naming follows that of the protobuf classes these proxies are standing in for
class NetParameterInfo
const std::string name() const {return m_name;}
void set_name(const std::unique_ptr<char[]>& theName, size_t length)
m_name = std::string(theName.get(), length);
void add_input(const std::unique_ptr<char[]>& input, size_t length)
std::string inputName(input.get(), length);
const std::string input(unsigned long i) const {return m_inputs[i];}
unsigned long input_size() const {return m_inputs.size();}
void add_input_dimension(int input_dimension) {
int input_dimension(unsigned long i) const {return m_input_dimensions[i];}
unsigned long input_dimensions_size() const {return m_input_dimensions.size();}
void add_blob_shape(caffe::BlobShape shape) {
const caffe::BlobShape blob_shape(unsigned long i) const {return m_blob_shapes[i];}
unsigned long blob_shapes_size() const {return m_blob_shapes.size();}
std::string m_name;
std::vector<std::string> m_inputs;
std::vector<int> m_input_dimensions;
std::vector<caffe::BlobShape> m_blob_shapes;
}; // namespace armnnCaffeParser
using namespace armnnCaffeParser;
// Initialise the class const
const std::string LayerParameterInfo::INPUT = "Input";
ProtobufFieldInfo readFieldInfo(std::ifstream& ifs)
unsigned char first_byte = static_cast<unsigned char>(ifs.get());
if (!ifs.good())
ProtobufFieldInfo eof;
return eof;
int field_type = first_byte&7;
int field_id = first_byte>>3;
if ((field_id & 16) == 16)
unsigned char second_byte = static_cast<unsigned char>(ifs.get());
if (!ifs.good())
ProtobufFieldInfo eof;
return eof;
field_id = (field_id-16) + ((second_byte&127)<<4);
ProtobufFieldInfo fieldInfo(field_type, field_id);
return fieldInfo;
const static int MAX_NUM_BYTES = 5;
int ReadBase128(std::ifstream& ifs)
int result = 0;
unsigned int shift_by = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
while (true)
unsigned char a_byte = static_cast<unsigned char>(ifs.get());
if (bytesRead > MAX_NUM_BYTES)
throw armnn::ParseException(
"ReadBase128 exceeded the maximum number of bytes expected for an integer representation");
result += (a_byte & 127) << shift_by;
shift_by += 7;
if ((a_byte & 128) != 128)
return result;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> AllocateBuffer(std::ifstream& ifs, VarLenDataInfo& dataInfo)
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ptr(new char[dataInfo.SizeOfData()]);
ifs.seekg(dataInfo.PositionOfData(), std::ios_base::beg);, boost::numeric_cast<std::streamsize>(dataInfo.SizeOfData()));
return ptr;
VarLenDataInfo CreateVarLenDataInfo(std::streamoff bufferStart, std::streamoff endOfLayer) {
std::streamoff sizeOfLayer = endOfLayer - bufferStart;
if (sizeOfLayer < 0)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "error when determining buffer size, negative value [" << sizeOfLayer << "]";
throw armnn::ParseException(ss.str());
// NOTE: as some of the data being read in will be translated into strings (names of layers etc)
// the maximum size we can deal with is the upper size limit of a string i.e. size_t
// on the platform in which I am currently compiling std::streamoff is signed long int and
// size_t is unsigned long int so there is no way this error condition can fire but this stuff
// is supposed to be portable so the check remains in place
if (boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(sizeOfLayer) > SIZE_MAX) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "layer is greater than " << SIZE_MAX << " in size cannot process. layer size = [" << sizeOfLayer << "]";
throw armnn::ParseException(ss.str());
LayerParameterInfo info(bufferStart, boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(sizeOfLayer));
return info;
void ReadTopologicalInfoForLayerParameter(LayerParameterInfo& layerInfo, std::ifstream& ifs)
// position the file pointer to the start of the layer data
ifs.seekg(layerInfo.PositionOfData(), std::ios_base::beg);
std::streamoff endOfLayer = layerInfo.PositionOfData() +
// check to see if we have reached the end of the record
std::streamoff currentPosition = ifs.tellg();
if (currentPosition >= endOfLayer) {
// read the information for the next field.
ProtobufFieldInfo fieldInfo = readFieldInfo(ifs);
if (fieldInfo.eof())
// TODO: figure out whether this is an error condition or not...
//throw armnn::ParseException("failed to read field from LayerParameter data");
// process the field
switch (fieldInfo.field_type())
case 0:
case 2:
int size = ReadBase128(ifs);
std::streamoff posStartOfData = ifs.tellg();
VarLenDataInfo dataInfo(posStartOfData, boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(size));
//optional string name = 1; // the layer name
//optional string type = 2; // the layer type
//repeated string bottom = 3; // the name of each bottom blob
//repeated string top = 4; // the name of each top blob
if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 1)
// read and set the name of the layer
auto layerName = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
layerInfo.set_name(layerName, dataInfo.SizeOfData());
else if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 2)
// read and set the type of the layer
auto layerType = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
layerInfo.set_type(layerType, dataInfo.SizeOfData());
else if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 3)
// read and add a bottom to the layer
auto bottom = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
layerInfo.add_bottom(bottom, dataInfo.SizeOfData());
else if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 4)
// read and add a top to the layer
auto top = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
layerInfo.add_top(top, dataInfo.SizeOfData());
ifs.seekg(size, std::ios_base::cur);
if (!ifs.good())
// TODO: error out?
case 1:
// 64 bit
// advance by eight bytes
ifs.seekg(8, std::ios_base::cur);
if (!ifs.good())
// TODO: error out?
case 5:
// 32 bit
// advance by four bytes
ifs.seekg(4, std::ios_base::cur);
if (!ifs.good())
// TODO: error out?
throw armnn::ParseException("Encounted an unknown field type");
void ResolveInPlaceLayers(std::vector<LayerParameterInfo>& layerInfo)
std::map<std::string, std::vector<LayerParameterInfo*>> layersByTop;
for (auto& info : layerInfo)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < info.top_size(); ++i)
// For each set of layers with the same top, resolve them to a linear chain rather than in-place layers.
// Note that for 'regular' layers, there will be a single layer in each group and so this will be a no-op.
for (auto& layersWithSameTopIterator : layersByTop)
const std::string& top = layersWithSameTopIterator.first;
const std::vector<LayerParameterInfo*> layersWithSameTop = layersWithSameTopIterator.second;
// Chain the layers together in the order that they are listed in the prototxt (hopefully this is correct).
// Note that the last layer will not have its top modified so that other layers will continue to reference it.
for (unsigned int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < layersWithSameTop.size() - 1; ++layerIdx)
LayerParameterInfo* layer1 = layersWithSameTop[layerIdx];
LayerParameterInfo* layer2 = layersWithSameTop[layerIdx + 1];
if (layer1->top_size() != 1)
throw armnn::ParseException("Node '" + layer1->name() + "' is an in-place layer but "
"doesn't have exactly one top.");
std::string newTop = layer1->name() + "_top";
layer1->set_top(0, newTop);
if (layer2->bottom_size() != 1 || layer2->bottom(0) != top)
throw armnn::ParseException("Node '" + layer2->name() + "' is an in-place layer but "
" doesn't have exactly one bottom, or it doesn't match its top.");
layer2->set_bottom(0, newTop);
} // anonymous namespace, can't be seen outside this source file
RecordByRecordCaffeParser::RecordByRecordCaffeParser() : CaffeParserBase()
armnn::INetworkPtr RecordByRecordCaffeParser::CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(
const char* graphFile,
const std::map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>& inputShapes,
const std::vector<std::string>& requestedOutputs)
m_InputShapes = inputShapes;
if (requestedOutputs.size() == 0)
throw armnn::ParseException("requestedOutputs must have at least one entry");
m_RequestedOutputs = requestedOutputs;
std::ifstream ifs(graphFile, std::ifstream::in|std::ifstream::binary);
if (
throw armnn::FileNotFoundException("Failed to open graph file '" + std::string(graphFile) + "'");
std::vector<LayerParameterInfo> layerInfo;
NetParameterInfo netParameterInfo;
ProtobufFieldInfo fieldInfo = readFieldInfo(ifs);
if (fieldInfo.eof())
case 0:
case 2:
// The values of interest from the caffe.proto schema are:
// optional string name = 1; // consider giving the network a name
// DEPRECATED. See InputParameter. The input blobs to the network.
// repeated string input = 3;
// DEPRECATED. See InputParameter. The shape of the input blobs.
// repeated BlobShape input_shape = 8;
// 4D input dimensions -- deprecated. Use "input_shape" instead.
// If specified, for each input blob there should be four
// values specifying the num, channels, height and width of the input blob.
// Thus, there should be a total of (4 * #input) numbers.
// repeated int32 input_dim = 4;
// The layers that make up the net. Each of their configurations, including
// connectivity and behavior, is specified as a LayerParameter.
// repeated LayerParameter layer = 100; // ID 100 so layers are printed last.
// The first four will (if present) be read into the NetParameterInfo
// the LayerParameters will be read into the LayerParameterInfo vector.
int size = ReadBase128(ifs);
std::streamoff posStartOfData = ifs.tellg();
ifs.seekg(size, std::ios_base::cur);
throw armnn::ParseException("failed to seek ahead in binary caffe file");
std::streamoff endOfLayer = ifs.tellg();
if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 1)
VarLenDataInfo dataInfo = CreateVarLenDataInfo(posStartOfData, endOfLayer);
auto graphName = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
netParameterInfo.set_name(graphName, dataInfo.SizeOfData());
if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 3)
VarLenDataInfo dataInfo = CreateVarLenDataInfo(posStartOfData, endOfLayer);
auto inputName = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
netParameterInfo.add_input(inputName, dataInfo.SizeOfData());
if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 8)
VarLenDataInfo dataInfo = CreateVarLenDataInfo(posStartOfData, endOfLayer);
auto inputShape = AllocateBuffer(ifs, dataInfo);
caffe::BlobShape blobShape;
bool bRet = blobShape.ParseFromArray(inputShape.get(), static_cast<int>(dataInfo.SizeOfData()));
if (!bRet)
throw armnn::ParseException("Failed to parse input shape");
if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 4)
int input_dim = ReadBase128(ifs);
if (fieldInfo.field_id() == 100)
LayerParameterInfo info(CreateVarLenDataInfo(posStartOfData, endOfLayer));
ReadTopologicalInfoForLayerParameter(info, ifs);
std::vector<const LayerParameterInfo*> sortedNodes;
ProcessLayers(netParameterInfo, layerInfo, m_RequestedOutputs, sortedNodes);
armnn::INetworkPtr networkPtr = LoadLayers(ifs, sortedNodes, netParameterInfo);
return networkPtr;
void RecordByRecordCaffeParser::ProcessLayers(
const NetParameterInfo& netParameterInfo,
std::vector<LayerParameterInfo>& layerInfo,
const std::vector<std::string>& m_RequestedOutputs,
std::vector<const LayerParameterInfo*>& sortedNodes)
// if there is an implicit input layer add it to the layerInfo list
if (netParameterInfo.input_size() > 0)
LayerParameterInfo implicitInputLayer(0, 0);
for (LayerParameterInfo& info : layerInfo)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < info.top_size(); ++i)
m_CaffeLayersByTopName[] = &info;
// Find the output layers the user requested
std::vector<const LayerParameterInfo*> targetLayers;
for (const std::string& requestedOutputName : m_RequestedOutputs)
auto nodeIt = m_CaffeLayersByTopName.find(requestedOutputName);
if (nodeIt == m_CaffeLayersByTopName.end())
throw armnn::ParseException(
"Couldn't find requested output layer '" + requestedOutputName + "' in graph");
// Sort them into a linear ordering such that all inputs of a node are before the node itself
if (!armnnUtils::GraphTopologicalSort<const LayerParameterInfo*>(
[this](const LayerParameterInfo* node)
return GetInputs(*node);
throw armnn::ParseException("Cycle detected in graph");
std::vector<const LayerParameterInfo*> RecordByRecordCaffeParser::GetInputs(
const LayerParameterInfo& layerParam)
std::vector<const LayerParameterInfo*> ret;
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < layerParam.bottom_size(); ++j)
std::string inputName = layerParam.bottom(j);
auto inputIt = m_CaffeLayersByTopName.find(inputName);
if (inputIt == m_CaffeLayersByTopName.end())
throw armnn::ParseException(
"Can't find Caffe layer with top called '" + inputName + "', which is listed as an input of '" + + "'");
return ret;
armnn::INetworkPtr RecordByRecordCaffeParser::LoadLayers(std::ifstream& ifs,
std::vector<const LayerParameterInfo *>& sortedNodes,
const NetParameterInfo& netParameterInfo)
m_Network = armnn::INetwork::Create();
for (auto info : sortedNodes)
caffe::LayerParameter layer;
if (info->isImplicitInputLayer())
// create the matching Layer Parameter programatically from the data in the
// net parameter info which has been passed in...
caffe::InputParameter* inputParam = layer.mutable_input_param();
caffe::BlobShape* shape = inputParam->add_shape();
long unsigned int dim_size = netParameterInfo.input_dimensions_size();
for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < dim_size; ++i)
char *buffer = new char[info->SizeOfData()];
ifs.seekg(info->PositionOfData(), std::ios_base::beg);, boost::numeric_cast<std::streamsize>(info->SizeOfData()));
bool bRet = layer.ParseFromArray(buffer, static_cast<int>(info->SizeOfData()));
delete[] buffer;
if (!bRet)
throw armnn::ParseException("Failed to parse layer [" + info->name() + "]");
if (info->new_tops())
//update the tops
layer.set_top(0, info->top(0));
if (info->new_bottoms())
//update the bottoms
layer.set_bottom(0, info->bottom(0));
auto it = ms_CaffeLayerNameToParsingFunctions.find(layer.type());
if (it == ms_CaffeLayerNameToParsingFunctions.end())
throw armnn::ParseException("Unsupported layer type '" + layer.type() + "'");
auto func = it->second;
// Add ArmNN output layers connected to each requested output
for (const std::string& requestedOutput : m_RequestedOutputs)
armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = GetArmnnOutputSlotForCaffeTop(requestedOutput);
const armnn::LayerBindingId outputId = boost::numeric_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>(
armnn::IConnectableLayer* const outputLayer = m_Network->AddOutputLayer(outputId, requestedOutput.c_str());
TrackOutputBinding(outputLayer, outputId, outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo());
return move(m_Network);