blob: 979579820a3eb2bea6297c2f9a11a17cc09efb56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/DescriptorsFwd.hpp>
#include <armnn/Types.hpp>
#include <armnn/Tensor.hpp>
#include <armnn/Optional.hpp>
namespace armnn
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsActivationSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const ActivationDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsAdditionSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input0,
const TensorInfo& input1,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsBatchNormalizationSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const TensorInfo& mean,
const TensorInfo& var,
const TensorInfo& beta,
const TensorInfo& gamma,
const BatchNormalizationDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsConstantSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsConvertFp16ToFp32Supported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsConvertFp32ToFp16Supported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsConvolution2dSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const Convolution2dDescriptor& descriptor,
const TensorInfo& weights,
const Optional<TensorInfo>& biases,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsDepthwiseConvolutionSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor,
const TensorInfo& weights,
const Optional<TensorInfo>& biases,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsDivisionSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input0,
const TensorInfo& input1,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsSubtractionSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input0,
const TensorInfo& input1,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsInputSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsFullyConnectedSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const TensorInfo& weights,
const TensorInfo& biases,
const FullyConnectedDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsL2NormalizationSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const L2NormalizationDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsLstmSupported(const BackendId& backend, const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& outputStateIn,
const TensorInfo& cellStateIn, const TensorInfo& scratchBuffer,
const TensorInfo& outputStateOut, const TensorInfo& cellStateOut,
const TensorInfo& output, const LstmDescriptor& descriptor,
const TensorInfo& inputToForgetWeights, const TensorInfo& inputToCellWeights,
const TensorInfo& inputToOutputWeights, const TensorInfo& recurrentToForgetWeights,
const TensorInfo& recurrentToCellWeights, const TensorInfo& recurrentToOutputWeights,
const TensorInfo& forgetGateBias, const TensorInfo& cellBias,
const TensorInfo& outputGateBias, const TensorInfo* inputToInputWeights,
const TensorInfo* recurrentToInputWeights, const TensorInfo* cellToInputWeights,
const TensorInfo* inputGateBias, const TensorInfo* projectionWeights,
const TensorInfo* projectionBias, const TensorInfo* cellToForgetWeights,
const TensorInfo* cellToOutputWeights, char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsMaximumSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input0,
const TensorInfo& input1,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnSupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnSupportedMaxLength = 0);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsMergerSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const std::vector<const TensorInfo*> inputs,
const TensorInfo& output,
const OriginsDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsMultiplicationSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input0,
const TensorInfo& input1,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsNormalizationSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const NormalizationDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsOutputSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsPermuteSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const PermuteDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsPooling2dSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const Pooling2dDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsResizeBilinearSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsSoftmaxSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const SoftmaxDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsSplitterSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const ViewsDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsFakeQuantizationSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const FakeQuantizationDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsReshapeSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsFloorSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsMeanSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const MeanDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsPadSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const PadDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsStridedSliceSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input,
const TensorInfo& output,
const StridedSliceDescriptor& descriptor,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);
/// Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces
bool IsMinimumSupported(const BackendId& backend,
const TensorInfo& input0,
const TensorInfo& input1,
const TensorInfo& output,
char* reasonIfUnsupported = nullptr,
size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength = 1024);