blob: 004060f0b8679203f428e456b0c52b3990c2d0d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "WorkloadTestUtils.hpp"
#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
#include <armnn/Tensor.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/CpuTensorHandle.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/IBackendInternal.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/WorkloadFactory.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/test/QuantizeHelper.hpp>
#include <test/TensorHelpers.hpp>
template<armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>>
std::vector<LayerTestResult<T,3>> SplitterTestCommon(
armnn::IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory,
const armnn::IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager,
float qScale = 0.0f,
int32_t qOffset = 0)
unsigned int inputWidth = 5;
unsigned int inputHeight = 6;
unsigned int inputChannels = 3;
// NOTE: Compute Library imposes a restriction that the x and y dimension (input height and width)
// cannot be split.
// For the reasons for this, see first comment on
// This test has therefore been recast to split the channels, then split the resulting subtensor.
// To take channel 0 of original output
// and channel 0 and channel 1 of the split subtensor.
unsigned int outputWidth1 = inputWidth;
unsigned int outputHeight1 = inputHeight;
unsigned int outputChannels1 = 1;
// To take channel 1 and 2 of the original output.
unsigned int outputWidth2 = inputWidth;
unsigned int outputHeight2 = inputHeight;
unsigned int outputChannels2 = 2;
// Define the tensor descriptors.
armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo({ inputChannels, inputHeight, inputWidth }, ArmnnType);
// Outputs of the original split.
armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo1({ outputChannels1, outputHeight1, outputWidth1 }, ArmnnType);
armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo2({ outputChannels2, outputHeight2, outputWidth2 }, ArmnnType);
// Outputs of the subsequent subtensor split.
armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo3({ outputChannels1, outputHeight1, outputWidth1 }, ArmnnType);
armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo4({ outputChannels1, outputHeight1, outputWidth1 }, ArmnnType);
// Set quantization parameters if the requested type is a quantized type.
// The quantization doesn't really matter as the splitter operator doesn't dequantize/quantize.
LayerTestResult<T,3> ret1(outputTensorInfo1);
LayerTestResult<T,3> ret2(outputTensorInfo2);
LayerTestResult<T,3> ret3(outputTensorInfo3);
LayerTestResult<T,3> ret4(outputTensorInfo4);
auto input = MakeTensor<T, 3>(inputTensorInfo, std::vector<T>(
QuantizedVector<T>(qScale, qOffset, {
1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f,
6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f, 10.0f,
11.0f, 12.0f, 13.0f, 14.0f, 15.0f,
16.0f, 17.0f, 18.0f, 19.0f, 20.0f,
21.0f, 22.0f, 23.0f, 24.0f, 25.0f,
26.0f, 27.0f, 28.0f, 29.0f, 30.0f,
31.0f, 32.0f, 33.0f, 34.0f, 35.0f,
36.0f, 37.0f, 38.0f, 39.0f, 40.0f,
41.0f, 42.0f, 43.0f, 44.0f, 45.0f,
46.0f, 47.0f, 48.0f, 49.0f, 50.0f,
51.0f, 52.0f, 53.0f, 54.0f, 55.0f,
56.0f, 57.0f, 58.0f, 59.0f, 60.0f,
61.0f, 62.0f, 63.0f, 64.0f, 65.0f,
66.0f, 67.0f, 68.0f, 69.0f, 70.0f,
71.0f, 72.0f, 73.0f, 74.0f, 75.0f,
76.0f, 77.0f, 78.0f, 79.0f, 80.0f,
81.0f, 82.0f, 83.0f, 84.0f, 85.0f,
86.0f, 87.0f, 88.0f, 89.0f, 90.0f,
// Channel 0 of the original input.
ret1.outputExpected = MakeTensor<T, 3>(outputTensorInfo1, std::vector<T>(
QuantizedVector<T>(qScale, qOffset, {
1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f,
6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f, 10.0f,
11.0f, 12.0f, 13.0f, 14.0f, 15.0f,
16.0f, 17.0f, 18.0f, 19.0f, 20.0f,
21.0f, 22.0f, 23.0f, 24.0f, 25.0f,
26.0f, 27.0f, 28.0f, 29.0f, 30.0f,
// Channel 1 & 2 of the original input.
ret2.outputExpected = MakeTensor<T, 3>(outputTensorInfo2, std::vector<T>(
QuantizedVector<T>(qScale, qOffset, {
31.0f, 32.0f, 33.0f, 34.0f, 35.0f,
36.0f, 37.0f, 38.0f, 39.0f, 40.0f,
41.0f, 42.0f, 43.0f, 44.0f, 45.0f,
46.0f, 47.0f, 48.0f, 49.0f, 50.0f,
51.0f, 52.0f, 53.0f, 54.0f, 55.0f,
56.0f, 57.0f, 58.0f, 59.0f, 60.0f,
61.0f, 62.0f, 63.0f, 64.0f, 65.0f,
66.0f, 67.0f, 68.0f, 69.0f, 70.0f,
71.0f, 72.0f, 73.0f, 74.0f, 75.0f,
76.0f, 77.0f, 78.0f, 79.0f, 80.0f,
81.0f, 82.0f, 83.0f, 84.0f, 85.0f,
86.0f, 87.0f, 88.0f, 89.0f, 90.0f,
// Channel 0 of return 2 (i.e. channels 1 and 2 of the original input).
ret3.outputExpected = MakeTensor<T, 3>(outputTensorInfo3, std::vector<T>(
QuantizedVector<T>(qScale, qOffset, {
31.0f, 32.0f, 33.0f, 34.0f, 35.0f,
36.0f, 37.0f, 38.0f, 39.0f, 40.0f,
41.0f, 42.0f, 43.0f, 44.0f, 45.0f,
46.0f, 47.0f, 48.0f, 49.0f, 50.0f,
51.0f, 52.0f, 53.0f, 54.0f, 55.0f,
56.0f, 57.0f, 58.0f, 59.0f, 60.0f,
// Channel 1 of return 2.
ret4.outputExpected = MakeTensor<T, 3>(outputTensorInfo4, std::vector<T>(
QuantizedVector<T>(qScale, qOffset, {
61.0f, 62.0f, 63.0f, 64.0f, 65.0f,
66.0f, 67.0f, 68.0f, 69.0f, 70.0f,
71.0f, 72.0f, 73.0f, 74.0f, 75.0f,
76.0f, 77.0f, 78.0f, 79.0f, 80.0f,
81.0f, 82.0f, 83.0f, 84.0f, 85.0f,
86.0f, 87.0f, 88.0f, 89.0f, 90.0f,
// NOTE: as a corollary of the splitting of x and y restriction the x and y values of the view origins
// have to be zero, the co-ordinates are as per the tensor info above channels, height/y, width/x
// note that under the hood the compute engine reverses these i.e. its coordinate system is x, y, channels.
std::vector<unsigned int> wOrigin1 = {0, 0, 0}; //Extent of the window is defined by size of output[0].
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor::ViewOrigin window1(wOrigin1);
std::vector<unsigned int> wOrigin2 = {1, 0, 0}; //Extent of the window is defined by size of output[1].
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor::ViewOrigin window2(wOrigin2);
std::vector<unsigned int> wOrigin3 = {0, 0, 0}; //Extent of the window is defined by size of output[2].
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor::ViewOrigin window3(wOrigin3);
std::vector<unsigned int> wOrigin4 = {1, 0, 0}; //Extent of the window is defined by size of output[3].
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor::ViewOrigin window4(wOrigin4);
bool subTensorsSupported = workloadFactory.SupportsSubTensors();
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> inputHandle = workloadFactory.CreateTensorHandle(inputTensorInfo);
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> outputHandle1 =
subTensorsSupported ?
workloadFactory.CreateSubTensorHandle(*inputHandle, outputTensorInfo1.GetShape(), :
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> outputHandle2 =
subTensorsSupported ?
workloadFactory.CreateSubTensorHandle(*inputHandle, outputTensorInfo2.GetShape(), :
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> outputHandle3 =
subTensorsSupported ?
workloadFactory.CreateSubTensorHandle(*outputHandle2, outputTensorInfo3.GetShape(), :
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> outputHandle4 =
subTensorsSupported ?
workloadFactory.CreateSubTensorHandle(*outputHandle2, outputTensorInfo4.GetShape(), :
// Do the first split
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor data;
armnn::WorkloadInfo info;
AddInputToWorkload(data, info, inputTensorInfo, inputHandle.get());
AddOutputToWorkload(data, info, outputTensorInfo1, outputHandle1.get());
AddOutputToWorkload(data, info, outputTensorInfo2, outputHandle2.get());
std::unique_ptr<armnn::IWorkload> workload = workloadFactory.CreateSplitter(data, info);
CopyDataToITensorHandle(inputHandle.get(), &input[0][0][0]);
CopyDataFromITensorHandle(&ret1.output[0][0][0], outputHandle1.get());
CopyDataFromITensorHandle(&ret2.output[0][0][0], outputHandle2.get());
// Do the second split.
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor data2;
armnn::WorkloadInfo info2;
AddInputToWorkload(data2, info2, outputTensorInfo2, outputHandle2.get());
AddOutputToWorkload(data2, info2, outputTensorInfo3, outputHandle3.get());
AddOutputToWorkload(data2, info2, outputTensorInfo4, outputHandle4.get());
std::unique_ptr<armnn::IWorkload> workload2 = workloadFactory.CreateSplitter(data2, info2);
ExecuteWorkload(*workload2, memoryManager);
CopyDataFromITensorHandle(&ret3.output[0][0][0], outputHandle3.get());
CopyDataFromITensorHandle(&ret4.output[0][0][0], outputHandle4.get());
std::vector<LayerTestResult<T,3>> ret = {ret1, ret2, ret3, ret4,};
return ret;
template<armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>>
LayerTestResult<T, 3> CopyViaSplitterTestImpl(
armnn::IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory,
const armnn::IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager,
float qScale, int32_t qOffset)
const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo({ 3, 6, 5 }, ArmnnType);
auto input = MakeTensor<T, 3>(tensorInfo, QuantizedVector<T>(qScale, qOffset,
1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f,
6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f, 10.0f,
11.0f, 12.0f, 13.0f, 14.0f, 15.0f,
16.0f, 17.0f, 18.0f, 19.0f, 20.0f,
21.0f, 22.0f, 23.0f, 24.0f, 25.0f,
26.0f, 27.0f, 28.0f, 29.0f, 30.0f,
31.0f, 32.0f, 33.0f, 34.0f, 35.0f,
36.0f, 37.0f, 38.0f, 39.0f, 40.0f,
41.0f, 42.0f, 43.0f, 44.0f, 45.0f,
46.0f, 47.0f, 48.0f, 49.0f, 50.0f,
51.0f, 52.0f, 53.0f, 54.0f, 55.0f,
56.0f, 57.0f, 58.0f, 59.0f, 60.0f,
61.0f, 62.0f, 63.0f, 64.0f, 65.0f,
66.0f, 67.0f, 68.0f, 69.0f, 70.0f,
71.0f, 72.0f, 73.0f, 74.0f, 75.0f,
76.0f, 77.0f, 78.0f, 79.0f, 80.0f,
81.0f, 82.0f, 83.0f, 84.0f, 85.0f,
86.0f, 87.0f, 88.0f, 89.0f, 90.0f,
std::vector<unsigned int> origin = { 0, 0, 0 };
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor::ViewOrigin window(origin);
const bool subTensorsSupported = workloadFactory.SupportsSubTensors();
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> inputHandle = workloadFactory.CreateTensorHandle(tensorInfo);
std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> outputHandle =
subTensorsSupported ?
workloadFactory.CreateSubTensorHandle(*inputHandle, tensorInfo.GetShape(), :
armnn::SplitterQueueDescriptor data;
armnn::WorkloadInfo info;
AddInputToWorkload(data, info, tensorInfo, inputHandle.get());
AddOutputToWorkload(data, info, tensorInfo, outputHandle.get());
std::unique_ptr<armnn::IWorkload> workload = workloadFactory.CreateSplitter(data, info);
CopyDataToITensorHandle(inputHandle.get(), &input[0][0][0]);
LayerTestResult<T, 3> ret(tensorInfo);
CopyDataFromITensorHandle(&ret.output[0][0][0], outputHandle.get());
ret.outputExpected = input;
return ret;