blob: 7b037eadfef69578465656fc05aa11ea23644fff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Plans archive transformations to be made prior to differencing.
class PreDiffPlanner {
* The old archive.
private final File oldFile;
* The new archive.
private final File newFile;
* The entries in the old archive, with paths as keys.
private final Map<ByteArrayHolder, MinimalZipEntry> oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath;
* The entries in the new archive, with paths as keys.
private final Map<ByteArrayHolder, MinimalZipEntry> newArchiveZipEntriesByPath;
* The divined parameters for compression of the entries in the new archive, with paths as keys.
private final Map<ByteArrayHolder, JreDeflateParameters> newArchiveJreDeflateParametersByPath;
* Optional {@link RecommendationModifier}s that will be applied after the default recommendations
* have been made but before the {@link PreDiffPlan} is constructed.
private final List<RecommendationModifier> recommendationModifiers;
* Constructs a new planner that will work on the specified inputs
* @param oldFile the old file, used to compare bytes between old and new entries as necessary
* @param oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath the entries in the old archive, with paths as keys
* @param newFile the new file, used to compare bytes between old and new entries as necessary
* @param newArchiveZipEntriesByPath the entries in the new archive, with paths as keys
* @param newArchiveJreDeflateParametersByPath the {@link JreDeflateParameters} for each entry in
* the new archive, with paths as keys
* @param recommendationModifiers optionally, {@link RecommendationModifier}s to be applied after
* the default recommendations have been made but before the {@link PreDiffPlan} is generated
* in {@link #generatePreDiffPlan()}.
File oldFile,
Map<ByteArrayHolder, MinimalZipEntry> oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath,
File newFile,
Map<ByteArrayHolder, MinimalZipEntry> newArchiveZipEntriesByPath,
Map<ByteArrayHolder, JreDeflateParameters> newArchiveJreDeflateParametersByPath,
RecommendationModifier... recommendationModifiers) {
this.oldFile = oldFile;
this.oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath = oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath;
this.newFile = newFile;
this.newArchiveZipEntriesByPath = newArchiveZipEntriesByPath;
this.newArchiveJreDeflateParametersByPath = newArchiveJreDeflateParametersByPath;
this.recommendationModifiers =
* Generates and returns the plan for archive transformations to be made prior to differencing.
* The resulting {@link PreDiffPlan} has the old and new file uncompression plans set. The
* delta-friendly new file recompression plan is <em>not</em> set at this time.
* @return the plan
* @throws IOException if there are any problems reading the input files
PreDiffPlan generatePreDiffPlan() throws IOException {
List<QualifiedRecommendation> recommendations = getDefaultRecommendations();
for (RecommendationModifier modifier : recommendationModifiers) {
// Allow changing the recommendations base on arbitrary criteria.
recommendations = modifier.getModifiedRecommendations(oldFile, newFile, recommendations);
// Process recommendations to extract ranges for decompression & recompression
Set<TypedRange<Void>> oldFilePlan = new HashSet<>();
Set<TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters>> newFilePlan = new HashSet<>();
for (QualifiedRecommendation recommendation : recommendations) {
if (recommendation.getRecommendation().uncompressOldEntry) {
long offset = recommendation.getOldEntry().getFileOffsetOfCompressedData();
long length = recommendation.getOldEntry().getCompressedSize();
TypedRange<Void> range = new TypedRange<Void>(offset, length, null);
if (recommendation.getRecommendation().uncompressNewEntry) {
long offset = recommendation.getNewEntry().getFileOffsetOfCompressedData();
long length = recommendation.getNewEntry().getCompressedSize();
JreDeflateParameters newJreDeflateParameters =
new ByteArrayHolder(recommendation.getNewEntry().getFileNameBytes()));
TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters> range =
new TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters>(offset, length, newJreDeflateParameters);
List<TypedRange<Void>> oldFilePlanList = new ArrayList<>(oldFilePlan);
List<TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters>> newFilePlanList = new ArrayList<>(newFilePlan);
return new PreDiffPlan(
* Analyzes the input files and returns the default recommendations for each entry in the new
* archive.
* @return the recommendations
* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong
private List<QualifiedRecommendation> getDefaultRecommendations() throws IOException {
List<QualifiedRecommendation> recommendations = new ArrayList<>();
// This will be used to find files that have been renamed, but not modified. This is relatively
// cheap to construct as it just requires indexing all entries by the uncompressed CRC32, and
// the CRC32 is already available in the ZIP headers.
SimilarityFinder trivialRenameFinder =
new Crc32SimilarityFinder(oldFile, oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath.values());
// Iterate over every pair of entries and get a recommendation for what to do.
for (Map.Entry<ByteArrayHolder, MinimalZipEntry> newEntry :
newArchiveZipEntriesByPath.entrySet()) {
ByteArrayHolder newEntryPath = newEntry.getKey();
MinimalZipEntry oldZipEntry = oldArchiveZipEntriesByPath.get(newEntryPath);
if (oldZipEntry == null) {
// The path is only present in the new archive, not in the old archive. Try to find a
// similar file in the old archive that can serve as a diff base for the new file.
List<MinimalZipEntry> identicalEntriesInOldArchive =
trivialRenameFinder.findSimilarFiles(newFile, newEntry.getValue());
if (!identicalEntriesInOldArchive.isEmpty()) {
// An identical file exists in the old archive at a different path. Use it for the
// recommendation and carry on with the normal logic.
// All entries in the returned list are identical, so just pick the first one.
// NB, in principle it would be optimal to select the file that required the least work
// to apply the patch - in practice, it is unlikely that an archive will contain multiple
// copies of the same file that are compressed differently, so don't bother with that
// degenerate case.
oldZipEntry = identicalEntriesInOldArchive.get(0);
// If the attempt to find a suitable diff base for the new entry has failed, oldZipEntry is
// null (nothing to do in that case). Otherwise, there is an old entry that is relevant, so
// get a recommendation for what to do.
if (oldZipEntry != null) {
recommendations.add(getRecommendation(oldZipEntry, newEntry.getValue()));
return recommendations;
* Determines the right {@link QualifiedRecommendation} for handling the (oldEntry, newEntry)
* tuple.
* @param oldEntry the entry in the old archive
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return the recommendation
* @throws IOException if there are any problems reading the input files
private QualifiedRecommendation getRecommendation(MinimalZipEntry oldEntry, MinimalZipEntry newEntry)
throws IOException {
// Reject anything that is unsuitable for uncompressed diffing.
// Reason singled out in order to monitor unsupported versions of zlib.
if (unsuitableDeflate(newEntry)) {
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
// Reject anything that is unsuitable for uncompressed diffing.
if (unsuitable(oldEntry, newEntry)) {
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
// If both entries are already uncompressed there is nothing to do.
if (bothEntriesUncompressed(oldEntry, newEntry)) {
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
// The following are now true:
// 1. At least one of the entries is compressed.
// 1. The old entry is either uncompressed, or is compressed with deflate.
// 2. The new entry is either uncompressed, or is reproducibly compressed with deflate.
if (uncompressedChangedToCompressed(oldEntry, newEntry)) {
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
if (compressedChangedToUncompressed(oldEntry, newEntry)) {
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
// At this point, both entries must be compressed with deflate.
if (compressedBytesChanged(oldEntry, newEntry)) {
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
// If the compressed bytes have not changed, there is no need to do anything.
return new QualifiedRecommendation(
* Returns true if the entries are unsuitable for doing an uncompressed diff. This method returns
* true if either of the entries is compressed in an unsupported way (a non-deflate compression
* algorithm).
* @param oldEntry the entry in the old archive
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return true if unsuitable
private boolean unsuitable(MinimalZipEntry oldEntry, MinimalZipEntry newEntry) {
if (oldEntry.getCompressionMethod() != 0 && !oldEntry.isDeflateCompressed()) {
// The old entry is compressed in a way that is not supported. It cannot be uncompressed, so
// no uncompressed diff is possible; leave both old and new alone.
return true;
if (newEntry.getCompressionMethod() != 0 && !newEntry.isDeflateCompressed()) {
// The new entry is compressed in a way that is not supported. Same result as above.
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the entries are unsuitable for doing an uncompressed diff as a result of the
* new entry being compressed via deflate, with undivinable parameters. This could be the result
* of an unsupported version of zlib being used.
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return true if unsuitable
private boolean unsuitableDeflate(MinimalZipEntry newEntry) {
JreDeflateParameters newJreDeflateParameters =
newArchiveJreDeflateParametersByPath.get(new ByteArrayHolder(newEntry.getFileNameBytes()));
if (newEntry.isDeflateCompressed() && newJreDeflateParameters == null) {
// The new entry is compressed via deflate, but the parameters were undivinable. Therefore the
// new entry cannot be recompressed, so leave both old and new alone.
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the entries are already optimal for doing an uncompressed diff. This method
* returns true if both of the entries are already uncompressed, i.e. are already in the best form
* for diffing.
* @param oldEntry the entry in the old archive
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return as described
private boolean bothEntriesUncompressed(MinimalZipEntry oldEntry, MinimalZipEntry newEntry) {
return oldEntry.getCompressionMethod() == 0 && newEntry.getCompressionMethod() == 0;
* Returns true if the entry is uncompressed in the old archive and compressed in the new archive.
* This method does not check whether or not the compression is reproducible. It is assumed that
* any compressed entries encountered are reproducibly compressed.
* @param oldEntry the entry in the old archive
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return as described
private boolean uncompressedChangedToCompressed(
MinimalZipEntry oldEntry, MinimalZipEntry newEntry) {
return oldEntry.getCompressionMethod() == 0 && newEntry.getCompressionMethod() != 0;
* Returns true if the entry is compressed in the old archive and uncompressed in the new archive.
* This method does not check whether or not the compression is reproducible because that
* information is irrelevant to this decision (it does not matter whether the compression in the
* old archive is reproducible or not, because that data does not need to be recompressed at patch
* apply time).
* @param oldEntry the entry in the old archive
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return as described
private boolean compressedChangedToUncompressed(
MinimalZipEntry oldEntry, MinimalZipEntry newEntry) {
return newEntry.getCompressionMethod() == 0 && oldEntry.getCompressionMethod() != 0;
* Checks if the compressed bytes in the specified entries have changed. No attempt is made to
* inflate, this method just examines the raw bytes that represent the content in the specified
* entries and returns true if they are different.
* @param oldEntry the entry in the old archive
* @param newEntry the entry in the new archive
* @return true as described above
* @throws IOException if unable to read
private boolean compressedBytesChanged(MinimalZipEntry oldEntry, MinimalZipEntry newEntry)
throws IOException {
if (oldEntry.getCompressedSize() != newEntry.getCompressedSize()) {
// Length is not the same, so content cannot match.
return true;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int numRead = 0;
try (RandomAccessFileInputStream newRafis =
new RandomAccessFileInputStream(
newFile, newEntry.getFileOffsetOfCompressedData(), newEntry.getCompressedSize());
MatchingOutputStream matcher =
new MatchingOutputStream(
new RandomAccessFileInputStream(
4096)) {
while ((numRead = >= 0) {
try {
matcher.write(buffer, 0, numRead);
} catch (MismatchException mismatched) {
return true;
return false;