blob: 2375bdb5700b9c10e409684064d8f2d54f573f4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import java.util.List;
* A plan for transforming the old file prior to applying the delta and for recompressing the
* delta-friendly new file afterwards, along with information on the deltas to be applied.
* <p>
* The plan for uncompressing the old file is a {@link List} of {@link TypedRange} entries with void
* metadata. This describes the chunks of the old file that need to be uncompressed prior to
* applying the delta, in file order. The file produced by executing this plan is the
* "delta-friendly" old file.
* <p>
* The plan for recompressing the delta-friendly new file is a {@link List} of {@link TypedRange}
* entries with {@link JreDeflateParameters} metadata. This describes the chunks of the
* delta-friendly new file that need to be recompressed after diffing, again in file order.
* The {@link JreDeflateParameters} metadata indicate the settings to use during recompression. The
* file produced by executing this plan is the new file.
* <p>
* The "plan" for the deltas themselves is a {@link List} of {@link DeltaDescriptor} entries that
* describe the deltas present in the patch stream. Nominally, a {@link PatchReader} is used to
* read the stream up to the first byte of the deltas; the plan for the deltas is ordered in the
* same order as the patch stream and contains the byte length of each delta, so it is then trivial
* to read each delta in order and apply it.
public class PatchApplyPlan {
* The plan for uncompressing the old file, in file order.
private final List<TypedRange<Void>> oldFileUncompressionPlan;
* The plan for recompressing the delta-friendly new file, in file order.
private final List<TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters>> deltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan;
* The expected size of the delta-friendly old file after executing the
* {@link #oldFileUncompressionPlan}.
private final long deltaFriendlyOldFileSize;
* The delta descriptors that describe how and what to do to the delta-friendly old file.
private final List<DeltaDescriptor> deltaDescriptors;
* Constructs a new plan.
* @param oldFileUncompressionPlan the plan for uncompressing the old file, in file order
* @param deltaFriendlyOldFileSize the expected size of the delta-friendly old file, after
* executing the plan in oldFileUncompressionPlan; this can be used to pre-allocate the necessary
* space to hold the delta-friendly old file
* @param deltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan the plan for recompressing the delta-friendly new
* file, in file order
* @param deltaDescriptors the descriptors for the deltas in the patch stream
public PatchApplyPlan(
List<TypedRange<Void>> oldFileUncompressionPlan,
long deltaFriendlyOldFileSize,
List<TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters>> deltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan,
List<DeltaDescriptor> deltaDescriptors) {
this.oldFileUncompressionPlan = oldFileUncompressionPlan;
this.deltaFriendlyOldFileSize = deltaFriendlyOldFileSize;
this.deltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan = deltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan;
this.deltaDescriptors = deltaDescriptors;
* Returns the old file uncompression plan.
* @return as described
public List<TypedRange<Void>> getOldFileUncompressionPlan() {
return oldFileUncompressionPlan;
* Returns the delta-friendly new file recompression plan.
* @return as described
public List<TypedRange<JreDeflateParameters>> getDeltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan() {
return deltaFriendlyNewFileRecompressionPlan;
* Returns the expected size of the delta-friendly old file after executing the plan returned by
* {@link #getOldFileUncompressionPlan()}. This can be used to pre-allocate the necessary space to
* hold the delta-friendly old file.
* @return as described
public long getDeltaFriendlyOldFileSize() {
return deltaFriendlyOldFileSize;
* Returns the delta descriptors that describe how and what to do to the delta-friendly old file.
* @return as described
public List<DeltaDescriptor> getDeltaDescriptors() {
return deltaDescriptors;