blob: e456823392fea992d653629e464a03d77c22e00d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Implementation of matcher used by BsDiff. Exact matches between newData[a ... a + len - 1]
* and oldData[b ... b + len - 1] are valid if:
* <ul>
* <li>|len| > mMinimumMatchLength</li>
* <li>The number of matches between newData[a ... a + len - 1] and
* oldData[previous_b ... previous_b + len - 1] < |len| - mMinimumMatchLength where
* |previous_b| is the |b| value of the previous match if there was one and zero otherwise.</li>
* </ul>
class BsDiffMatcher implements Matcher {
private final RandomAccessObject mOldData;
private final RandomAccessObject mNewData;
* Contains order of the sorted suffixes of |oldData|. The element at mGroupArray[i] contains the
* position of oldData[i ... oldData.length - 1] in the sorted list of suffixes of |oldData|.
private final RandomAccessObject mGroupArray;
* The index in |oldData| of the first byte of the match. Zero if no matches have been found yet.
private int mOldPos;
* The index in |newData| of the first byte of the match. Zero if no matches have been found yet.
* The next match will be searched starting at |mNewPos| + |mMatchLen|.
private int mNewPos;
* Minimum match length in bytes.
private final int mMinimumMatchLength;
* A limit on how many total match lengths encountered, to exit the match extension loop in next()
* and prevent O(n^2) behavior.
private final long mTotalMatchLenBudget = 1L << 26; // ~64 million.
* The number of bytes, |n|, which match between newData[mNewPos ... mNewPos + n] and
* oldData[mOldPos ... mOldPos + n].
private int mMatchLen;
* Create a standard BsDiffMatcher.
* @param minimumMatchLength the minimum "match" (in bytes) for BsDiff to consider between the
* oldData and newData. This can have a significant effect on both the generated patch size and
* the amount of time and memory required to apply the patch.
RandomAccessObject oldData,
RandomAccessObject newData,
RandomAccessObject groupArray,
int minimumMatchLength) {
mOldData = oldData;
mNewData = newData;
mGroupArray = groupArray;
mOldPos = 0;
mMinimumMatchLength = minimumMatchLength;
public Matcher.NextMatch next() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
RandomAccessObject oldData = mOldData;
RandomAccessObject newData = mNewData;
// The offset between between the indices in |oldData| and |newData|
// of the previous match.
int previousOldOffset = mOldPos - mNewPos;
// Look for a new match starting from the end of the previous match.
mNewPos += mMatchLen;
// The number of matching bytes in the forward extension of the previous match:
// oldData[mNewPos + previousOldOffset ... mNewPos + previousOldOffset + mMatchLen - 1]
// and newData[mNewPos ... mNewPos + mMatchLen - 1].
int numMatches = 0;
// The size of the range for which |numMatches| has been computed.
int matchesCacheSize = 0;
// Sum over all match lengths encountered, to exit loop if we take too long to compute.
long totalMatchLen = 0;
while (mNewPos < newData.length()) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
BsDiff.Match match =
BsDiff.searchForMatch(mGroupArray, oldData, newData, mNewPos, 0, (int) oldData.length());
mOldPos = match.start;
mMatchLen = match.length;
totalMatchLen += mMatchLen;
// Update |numMatches| for the new value of |matchLen|.
for (; matchesCacheSize < mMatchLen; ++matchesCacheSize) {
int oldIndex = mNewPos + previousOldOffset + matchesCacheSize;
int newIndex = mNewPos + matchesCacheSize;
if (oldIndex < oldData.length()) {;;
if (oldData.readByte() == newData.readByte()) {
// Also return if we've been trying to extend a large match for a long time.
if (mMatchLen > numMatches + mMinimumMatchLength || totalMatchLen >= mTotalMatchLenBudget) {
return Matcher.NextMatch.of(true, mOldPos, mNewPos);
if (mMatchLen == 0) {
} else if (mMatchLen == numMatches) {
// This seems to be an optimization because it is unlikely to find a valid match in the
// range mNewPos = [ mNewPos ... mNewPos + mMatchLen - 1 ] especially for large values of
// |mMatchLen|.
mNewPos += numMatches;
numMatches = 0;
matchesCacheSize = 0;
} else {
// Update |numMatches| for the value of |mNewPos| in the next iteration of the loop. In the
// next iteration of the loop, the new value of |numMatches| will be at least
// |numMatches - 1| because
// oldData[mNewPos + previousOldOffset + 1 ... mNewPos + previousOldOffset + mMatchLen - 1]
// matches newData[mNewPos + 1 ... mNewPos + mMatchLen - 1].
if (mNewPos + previousOldOffset < oldData.length()) { + previousOldOffset);;
if (oldData.readByte() == newData.readByte()) {
return Matcher.NextMatch.of(false, 0, 0);