blob: 368f5e31a4668adcec8435cb486d9944358c8742 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
* Base class for file-based tests.
* Many tests will need to operate on files external to a product
* under test. This class provides useful, generic functionality
* in these cases.
* <p>FileBasedTest defines a number of common fields that many
* tests that operate on data files may use.</p>
* <ul>These are each pre-initialized for you from the command line or property file.
* <li>inputDir (string representing dir where input files come from)</li>
* <li>outputDir (string representing dir where output, working, temp files go)</li>
* <li>goldDir (string representing dir where known good reference files are)</li>
* <li>debug (generic boolean flag for debugging)</li>
* <li>(stored in testProps) loggers (FQCN;of;Loggers to add to our Reporter)</li>
* <li>(stored in testProps) loggingLevel (passed to Reporters)</li>
* <li>(stored in testProps) logFile (string filename for any file-based Reporter)</li>
* <li>fileChecker</li>
* <li>(stored in testProps) excludes</li>
* <li>(stored in testProps) category</li>
* </ul>
* @author
* @version 3.0
public class FileBasedTest extends TestImpl
* Convenience method to print out usage information.
* @author Shane Curcuru
* <p>Should be overridden by subclasses, although they are free
* to call super.usage() to get the common options string.</p>
* @return String denoting usage of this class
public String usage()
return ("Common options supported by FileBasedTest:\n" + " -"
+ " <file.props> (read in a .properties file,\n"
+ " that can set any/all of the other opts)\n"
+ " <path to input files>\n"
+ " <path to output area - where all output is sent>\n"
+ " -" + OPT_GOLDDIR
+ " <path to gold reference output>\n"
+ " <names;of;categories of tests to run>\n"
+ " <list;of;specific file.ext tests to skip>\n"
+ " <FQCN of a non-standard FileCheckService>\n"
+ " -" + Reporter.OPT_LOGGERS
+ " <FQCN;of;Loggers to use>\n"
+ " -" + Logger.OPT_LOGFILE
+ " <resultsFileName> (sends test results to XML file)\n"
+ " -" + Reporter.OPT_LOGGINGLEVEL
+ " <int> (level of msgs to log out; 0=few, 99=lots)\n"
+ " -" + Reporter.OPT_DEBUG
+ " (prints extra debugging info)\n");
//-------- Constants for common input params --------
* Parameter: Load properties file for options
* <p>Will load named file as a Properties block, setting any
* applicable options. Command line takes precedence.
* Format: <code>-load FileName.prop</code></p>
public static final String OPT_LOAD = "load";
* Parameter: Where are test input files?
* <p>Default: .\inputs.
* Format: <code>-inputDir path\to\dir</code></p>
public static final String OPT_INPUTDIR = "inputDir";
/** Field inputDir:holds String denoting local path for inputs. */
protected String inputDir = "." + File.separator + "inputs";
* Parameter: Where should we place output files (or temp files, etc.)?
* <p>Default: .\outputs.
* Format: <code>-outputDir path\to\dir</code></p>
public static final String OPT_OUTPUTDIR = "outputDir";
/** Field outputDir:holds String denoting local path for outputs. */
// Android-changed: The original directory isn't writeable on Android.
// protected String outputDir = "." + File.separator + "outputs";
protected String outputDir = AndroidFileUtils.getOutputFile("." + File.separator + "outputs")
* Parameter: Where should get "gold" pre-validated XML files?
* <p>Default: .\golds.
* Format: <code>-goldDir path\to\dir</code></p>
public static final String OPT_GOLDDIR = "goldDir";
/** Field goldDir:holds String denoting local path for golds. */
protected String goldDir = "." + File.separator + "golds";
* Parameter: Only run a single subcategory of the tests.
* <p>Default: blank, runs all tests - supply the directory name
* of a subcategory to run just that set. Set into testProps
* and used from there.</p>
public static final String OPT_CATEGORY = "category";
* Parameter: Should we exclude any specific test files?
* <p>Default: null (no excludes; otherwise specify
* semicolon delimited list of bare filenames something like
* 'axes01.xsl;bool99.xsl'). Set into testProps and used
* from there</p>
public static final String OPT_EXCLUDES = "excludes";
* Parameter: Which CheckService should we use for XML output Files?
* <p>Default: org.apache.qetest.XHTFileCheckService.</p>
public static final String OPT_FILECHECKER = "fileChecker";
* Parameter-Default value: org.apache.qetest.XHTFileCheckService.
public static final String OPT_FILECHECKER_DEFAULT = "org.apache.qetest.xsl.XHTFileCheckService";
/** FileChecker instance for use by subclasses; created in preTestFileInit() */
protected CheckService fileChecker = null;
* Parameter: if Reporters should log performance data, true/false.
protected boolean perfLogging = false;
* Parameter: general purpose debugging flag.
protected boolean debug = false;
//-------- Class members and accessors --------
* Total Number of test case methods defined in this test.
* <p>Tests must either set this variable or override runTestCases().</p>
* <p>Unless you override runTestCases(), test cases must be named like so:.</p>
* <p>Tests must either set this variable or override runTestCases().</p>
* <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;testCase<I>N</I>, where <I>N</I> is a consecutively
* numbered whole integer (1, 2, 3,....</p>
* @see #runTestCases
public int numTestCases = 0;
* Generic Properties block for storing initialization info.
* All startup options get stored in here for later use, both by
* the test itself and by any Reporters we use.
protected Properties testProps = new Properties();
* Accessor method for our Properties block, for use by harnesses.
* @param p if (p != null) testProps = (Properties) p.clone();
public void setProperties(Properties p)
// Don't allow setting to null!
if (p != null)
testProps = (Properties) p.clone();
* Accessor method for our Properties block, for use by harnesses.
* @return our Properties block itself
public Properties getProperties()
return testProps;
* Default constructor - initialize testName, Comment.
public FileBasedTest()
// Only set them if they're not set
if (testName == null)
testName = "FileBasedTest.defaultName";
if (testComment == null)
testComment = "FileBasedTest.defaultComment";
//-------- Implement Test/TestImpl methods --------
* Initialize this test - called once before running testcases.
* <p>Use the loggers field to create some loggers in a Reporter.</p>
* @author
* @see TestImpl#testFileInit(java.util.Properties)
* @param p Properties to initialize from
* @return false if we should abort; true otherwise
public boolean preTestFileInit(Properties p)
// Pass our properties block directly to the reporter
// so it can use the same values in initialization
// A Reporter will auto-initialize from the values
// in the properties block
reporter.testFileInit(testName, testComment);
// Create a file-based CheckService for later use
if (null == fileChecker)
String tmpName = testProps.getProperty(OPT_FILECHECKER);
if ((null != tmpName) && (tmpName.length() > 0))
// Use the user's specified class; if not available
// will return null which gets covered below
fileChecker = QetestFactory.newCheckService(reporter, tmpName);
if (null == fileChecker)
// If that didn't work, then ask for default one that does files
fileChecker = QetestFactory.newCheckService(reporter, QetestFactory.TYPE_FILES);
// If we're creating a new one, also applyAttributes
// (Assume that if we already had one, it already had this done)
return true;
* Initialize this test - called once before running testcases.
* <p>Subclasses <b>must</b> override this to do whatever specific
* processing they need to initialize their product under test.</p>
* <p>If for any reason the test should not continue, it <b>must</b>
* return false from this method.</p>
* @author
* @see TestImpl#testFileInit(java.util.Properties)
* @param p Properties to initialize from
* @return false if we should abort; true otherwise
public boolean doTestFileInit(Properties p)
/* no-op; feel free to override */
return true;
* Override mostly blank routine to dump environment info.
* <p>Log out information about our environment in a structured
* way: mainly by calling logTestProps() here.</p>
* @param p Properties to initialize from
* @return false if we should abort; true otherwise
public boolean postTestFileInit(Properties p)
return true;
* Run all of our testcases.
* <p>use nifty FileBasedTestReporter.executeTests(). May be overridden
* by subclasses to do their own processing. If you do not override,
* you must set numTestCases properly!</p>
* @author Shane Curcuru
* @param p Properties to initialize from
* @return false if we should abort; true otherwise
public boolean runTestCases(Properties p)
// Properties may be currently unused
reporter.executeTests(this, numTestCases, p);
return true;
* Cleanup this test - called once after running testcases.
* @author Shane Curcuru
* <p>Tests should override if they need to do any cleanup.</p>
* @param p Properties to initialize from
* @return false if we should abort; true otherwise
public boolean doTestFileClose(Properties p)
/* no-op; feel free to override */
return true;
// Use default implementations of preTestFileClose()
* Mark the test complete - called once after running testcases.
* <p>Currently logs a summary of our test status and then tells
* our reporter to log the testFileClose. This will calculate
* final results, and complete logging for any structured
* output logs (like XML files).</p>
*<p>We also call reporter.writeResultsStatus(true) to
* write out a pass/fail marker file. (This last part is
* actually optional, but it's useful and quick, so I'll
* do it by default for now.)</p>
* @param p Unused; passed through to super
* @return true if OK, false otherwise
protected boolean postTestFileClose(Properties p)
// Log out a special summary status, with marker file
// Ask our superclass to handle this as well
return super.postTestFileClose(p);
//-------- Initialize our common input params --------
* Set our instance variables from a Properties file.
* <p>Must <b>not</b> use reporter.</p>
* @author Shane Curcuru
* @param Properties block to set name=value pairs from
* NEEDSDOC @param props
* @return status - true if OK, false if error.
* @todo improve error checking, if needed
public boolean initializeFromProperties(Properties props)
// Copy over all properties into our local block
// this is a little unusual, but it does allow users
// to set any new sort of properties via the properties
// file, and we'll pick it up - that way this class doesn't
// have to get updated when we have new properties
// Note that this may result in duplicates since we
// re-set many of the things from bleow
for (Enumeration names = props.propertyNames();
names.hasMoreElements(); /* no increment portion */ )
Object key = names.nextElement();
testProps.put(key, props.get(key));
// Parse out any values that match our internal convenience variables
// default all values to our current values
// String values are simply getProperty()'d
inputDir = props.getProperty(OPT_INPUTDIR, inputDir);
if (inputDir != null)
testProps.put(OPT_INPUTDIR, inputDir);
outputDir = props.getProperty(OPT_OUTPUTDIR, outputDir);
if (outputDir != null)
testProps.put(OPT_OUTPUTDIR, outputDir);
goldDir = props.getProperty(OPT_GOLDDIR, goldDir);
if (goldDir != null)
testProps.put(OPT_GOLDDIR, goldDir);
// The actual fileChecker object is created in preTestFileInit()
// Use a temp string for those properties we only set
// in our testProps, but don't bother to save ourselves
String temp = null;
temp = props.getProperty(OPT_FILECHECKER);
if (temp != null)
testProps.put(OPT_FILECHECKER, temp);
temp = props.getProperty(OPT_CATEGORY);
if (temp != null)
testProps.put(OPT_CATEGORY, temp);
temp = props.getProperty(OPT_EXCLUDES);
if (temp != null)
testProps.put(OPT_EXCLUDES, temp);
temp = props.getProperty(Reporter.OPT_LOGGERS);
if (temp != null)
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_LOGGERS, temp);
temp = props.getProperty(Logger.OPT_LOGFILE);
if (temp != null)
testProps.put(Logger.OPT_LOGFILE, temp);
// boolean values just check for the non-default value
String dbg = props.getProperty(Reporter.OPT_DEBUG);
if ((dbg != null) && dbg.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
debug = true;
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_DEBUG, "true");
String pLog = props.getProperty(Reporter.OPT_PERFLOGGING);
if ((pLog != null) && pLog.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
perfLogging = true;
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_PERFLOGGING, "true");
temp = props.getProperty(Reporter.OPT_LOGGINGLEVEL);
if (temp != null)
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_LOGGINGLEVEL, temp);
return true;
* Sets the provided fields with data from an array, presumably
* from the command line.
* <p>May be overridden by subclasses, although you should probably
* read the code to see what default options this handles. Must
* not use reporter. Calls initializeFromProperties(). After that,
* sets any internal variables that match items in the array like:
* <code> -param1 value1 -paramNoValue -param2 value2 </code>
* Any params that do not match internal variables are simply set
* into our properties block for later use. This allows subclasses
* to simply get their initialization data from the testProps
* without having to make code changes here.</p>
* <p>Assumes all params begin with "-" dash, and that all values
* do <b>not</b> start with a dash.</p>
* @author Shane Curcuru
* @param String[] array of arguments
* @param args array of command line arguments
* @param flag: are we being called from a subclass?
* @return status - true if OK, false if error.
public boolean initializeFromArray(String[] args, boolean flag)
// Read in command line args and setup internal variables
String optPrefix = "-";
int nArgs = args.length;
// We don't require any arguments: but subclasses might
// want to require certain ones
// Must read in properties file first, so cmdline can
// override values from properties file
boolean propsOK = true;
// IF we are being called the first time on this
// array of arguments, go ahead and process unknown ones
// otherwise, don't bother
if (flag)
for (int k = 0; k < nArgs; k++)
if (args[k].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_LOAD))
if (++k >= nArgs)
"ERROR: must supply properties filename for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_LOAD);
return false;
String loadPropsName = args[k];
// Load named file into our properties block
FileInputStream fIS = new FileInputStream(loadPropsName);
Properties p = new Properties();
p.put(OPT_LOAD, loadPropsName); // Pass along with properties
propsOK &= initializeFromProperties(p);
catch (Exception e)
"ERROR: loading properties file failed: " + loadPropsName);
return false;
} // end of for(...)
} // end of if ((flag))
// Now read in the rest of the command line
// @todo cleanup loop to be more table-driven
for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
// Set any String args and place them in testProps
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_INPUTDIR))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_INPUTDIR);
return false;
inputDir = args[i];
testProps.put(OPT_INPUTDIR, inputDir);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_OUTPUTDIR))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_OUTPUTDIR);
return false;
outputDir = args[i];
testProps.put(OPT_OUTPUTDIR, outputDir);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_GOLDDIR))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_GOLDDIR);
return false;
goldDir = args[i];
testProps.put(OPT_GOLDDIR, goldDir);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_CATEGORY))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_CATEGORY);
return false;
testProps.put(OPT_CATEGORY, args[i]);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_EXCLUDES))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_EXCLUDES);
return false;
testProps.put(OPT_EXCLUDES, args[i]);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + Reporter.OPT_LOGGERS))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + Reporter.OPT_LOGGERS);
return false;
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_LOGGERS, args[i]);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + Logger.OPT_LOGFILE))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + Logger.OPT_LOGFILE);
return false;
testProps.put(Logger.OPT_LOGFILE, args[i]);
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + OPT_FILECHECKER))
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.out.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix + OPT_FILECHECKER);
return false;
testProps.put(OPT_FILECHECKER, args[i]);
// Boolean values are simple flags to switch from defaults only
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix + Reporter.OPT_DEBUG))
debug = true;
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_DEBUG, "true");
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_PERFLOGGING, "true");
// Parse out the integer value
// This isn't strictly necessary since the catch-all
// below should take care of it, but better safe than sorry
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(optPrefix
if (++i >= nArgs)
System.err.println("ERROR: must supply arg for: "
+ optPrefix
return false;
testProps.put(Reporter.OPT_LOGGINGLEVEL, args[i]);
catch (NumberFormatException numEx)
{ /* no-op */
// IF we are being called the first time on this
// array of arguments, go ahead and process unknown ones
// otherwise, don't bother
if (flag)
// Found an arg that we don't know how to process,
// so store it for any subclass' use as a catch-all
// If it starts with - dash, and another non-dash arg follows,
// set as a name=value pair in the property block
if ((args[i].startsWith(optPrefix)) && (i + 1 < nArgs)
&& (!args[i + 1].startsWith(optPrefix)))
// Scrub off the "-" prefix before setting the name
testProps.put(args[i].substring(1), args[i + 1]);
i++; // Increment counter to skip next arg
// Otherwise, just set as name="" in the property block
// Scrub off the "-" prefix before setting the name
testProps.put(args[i].substring(1), "");
} // end of for() loop
// If we got here, we set the array params OK, so simply return
// the value the initializeFromProperties method returned
return propsOK;
//-------- Other useful and utility methods --------
* Log out any System or common version info.
* <p>Logs System.getProperties(), and our the testProps block, etc..</p>
public void logTestProps()
reporter.logHashtable(reporter.CRITICALMSG, System.getProperties(),
reporter.logHashtable(reporter.CRITICALMSG, testProps, "testProps");
reporter.logHashtable(reporter.CRITICALMSG, QetestUtils.getEnvironmentHash(), "getEnvironmentHash");
* Main worker method to run test from the command line.
* Test subclasses generally need not override.
* <p>This is primarily provided to make subclasses implementations
* of the main method as simple as possible: in general, they
* should simply do:
* <code>
* public static void main (String[] args)
* {
* TestSubClass app = new TestSubClass();
* app.doMain(args);
* }
* </code>
* @param args command line arguments
public void doMain(String[] args)
// Initialize any instance variables from the command line
// OR specified properties block
if (!initializeFromArray(args, true))
System.err.println("ERROR in usage:");
// Don't use System.exit, since that will blow away any containing harnesses
// Also pass along the command line, in case someone has
// specific code that's counting on this
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
buf.append(" ");
testProps.put(MAIN_CMDLINE, buf.toString());
// Actually go and execute the test
* Main method to run test from the command line.
* @author Shane Curcuru
* <p>Test subclasses <b>must</b> override, obviously.
* Only provided here for debugging.</p>
* @param args command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args)
FileBasedTest app = new FileBasedTest();
} // end of class FileBasedTest