blob: f5481236b22ef8c5ce469d219e2077ad511892ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// This file uses 2 space indents, no tabs.
package org.apache.qetest.xalanj2;
import android.platform.test.annotations.FlakyTest;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest;
import org.apache.qetest.OutputNameManager;
import org.apache.qetest.xsl.XSLTestfileInfo;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager;
import org.apache.xml.utils.PrefixResolverDefault;
import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI;
import org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
* Basic functionality test of the public XPathAPI methods.
* Very basic coverage/smoketest level test.
* Applies a number of XPaths to some sample documents
* and checks output from the various public XPathAPI mehods.
* @see XPathAPI
* @author
* @author
public class TestXPathAPI extends FileBasedTest
/** Array of sample XPaths to test. */
protected String[] xpath;
/** Base path/name of all output files. */
protected String baseOutName = null;
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo1 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo2 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo3 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo4 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo5 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo6 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
protected XSLTestfileInfo testFileInfo7 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
/** Provides nextName(), currentName() functionality. */
protected OutputNameManager outNames;
/** Subdirectory under test\tests\api for our xsl/xml files. */
public static final String X2J_SUBDIR = "xalanj2";
/** Just initialize test name, comment, numTestCases. */
public TestXPathAPI()
numTestCases = 7; // REPLACE_num
testName = "TestXPathAPI";
testComment = "API coverage testing of XPathAPI";
* Initialize this test - Set names of xml/xsl test files etc.
* Also initializes an array of sample xpaths to test.
* @param p Properties to initialize from (if needed)
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean doTestFileInit(Properties p)
// Used for all tests; just dump files in trax subdir
File outSubDir = new File(outputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR);
if (!outSubDir.mkdirs())
reporter.logWarningMsg("Could not create output dir: " + outSubDir);
// Output name manager initialized in each testCase
baseOutName = outputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR + File.separator + testName;
String testBasePath = inputDir
+ File.separator
+ File.separator;
String goldBasePath = goldDir
+ File.separator
+ File.separator;
// Gold names are appended onto for each test
testFileInfo1.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath.xml";
testFileInfo1.goldName = goldBasePath;
testFileInfo2.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath.xml";
testFileInfo2.goldName = goldBasePath;
testFileInfo3.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath.xml";
testFileInfo3.goldName = goldBasePath;
testFileInfo4.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath.xml";
testFileInfo4.goldName = goldBasePath;
testFileInfo5.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath.xml";
testFileInfo5.goldName = goldBasePath;
testFileInfo6.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath2.xml";
testFileInfo6.goldName = goldBasePath;
testFileInfo7.xmlName = testBasePath + "testXPath3.xml";
testFileInfo7.goldName = goldBasePath;
// Initialize xpath test data
// Note: when adding new xpaths, update array ctor and
// also need to update each testCase's gold files
xpath = new String[25];
xpath[0] = "/doc/a/@test";
xpath[1] = "//.";
xpath[2] = "/doc";
xpath[3] = "/doc/a";
xpath[4] = "//@*";
xpath[5] = ".";
xpath[6] = "//ancestor-or-self::*";
xpath[7] = "./child::*[1]";
xpath[8] = "//descendant-or-self::*/@*[1]";
xpath[9] = "//@* | * | node()";
xpath[10] = "//*";
xpath[11] = "/doc/namespace::*";
xpath[12] = "//descendant::comment()";
xpath[13] = "//*[local-name()='a']";
xpath[14] = "//*[current()]/@*";
xpath[15] = "//*[last()]";
xpath[16] = "doc/*[last()]";
xpath[17] = "/doc/a/*[current()]/@*";
xpath[18] = "doc/descendant::node()";
xpath[19] = "doc/a/@*";
xpath[20] = "doc/b/a/ancestor-or-self::*";
xpath[21] = "doc/b/a/preceding::*";
xpath[22] = "doc/a/following::*";
xpath[23] = "/doc/b/preceding-sibling::*";
xpath[24] = "/doc/a/following-sibling::*";
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(). */
public boolean testCase1()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator()");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
Document doc = parseToDOM(testFileInfo1.xmlName);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
for (int i=0;i<xpath.length; i++)
// Use the simple XPath API to select a nodeIterator.
NodeIterator nl = XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(doc, xpath[i]);
Node n;
while ((n = nl.nextNode())!= null)
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo1.goldName + f.getName()),
"selectNodeIterator() of "+xpath[i] + " into " + outNames.currentName());
} // of for...
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeList(). */
public boolean testCase2()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeList()");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
// Note: parsed file and gold file don't match - why? 10-Oct-01 -sc
Document doc = parseToDOM(testFileInfo1.xmlName);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
for (int i=0;i<xpath.length; i++)
NodeList nl = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, xpath[i]);
Node n;
int j = 0;
while (j < nl.getLength())
n = nl.item(j++);
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo2.goldName + f.getName()),
"selectNodeList() of "+xpath[i] + " into " + outNames.currentName());
} // of for...
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(). */
public boolean testCase3()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.selectSingleNode()");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
// Note: parsed file and gold file don't match - why? 10-Oct-01 -sc
Document doc = parseToDOM(testFileInfo1.xmlName);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
for (int i=0;i<xpath.length; i++)
Node n = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, xpath[i]);
if (n != null)
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo3.goldName + f.getName()),
"selectSingleNode() of "+xpath[i] + " into " + outNames.currentName());
reporter.logWarningMsg("No node found with selectSingleNode() of "+xpath[i]);
} // of for...
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.eval(). */
public boolean testCase4()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.eval()");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
// Note: parsed file and gold file don't match - why? 10-Oct-01 -sc
Document doc = parseToDOM(testFileInfo1.xmlName);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
//Document d1 =(Document) doc.getDocumentElement();
// Node d = (doc.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
// ? (Document) doc.getDocumentElement() : doc;
reporter.logInfoMsg("Creating a PrefixResolverDefault(...)");
PrefixResolverDefault prefixResolver =
new PrefixResolverDefault(doc.getDocumentElement());
for (int i=0;i<xpath.length; i++)
XObject list = XPathAPI.eval(doc, xpath[i], prefixResolver);
int n;
DTMIterator nl = list.iter();
DTMManager dtmManager = nl.getDTMManager();
while ((n = nl.nextNode())!= DTM.NULL)
Node node = dtmManager.getDTM(n).getNode(n);
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo4.goldName + f.getName()),
"eval() of "+xpath[i] + " into " + outNames.currentName());
} // of for...
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeList() and doc.getFirstChild(). */
public boolean testCase5()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeList() and doc.getFirstChild()");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
Document doc = parseToDOM(testFileInfo5.xmlName);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
// Use the simple XPath API to select a nodeIterator.
reporter.logStatusMsg("Querying DOM using selectNodeList(doc.getFirstChild(), 'a')");
NodeList nl = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc.getFirstChild(), "a");
Node n;
int j = 0;
while (j < nl.getLength())
n = nl.item(j++);
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo5.goldName + f.getName()),
"selectNodeList(doc.getFirstChild(), 'a') into " + outNames.currentName());
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator() and non-document node. */
public boolean testCase6()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator() and non-document node");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
String filename = testFileInfo6.xmlName;
String xpathStr = "*[local-name()='sitemap' and namespace-uri()='']";
// Set up a DOM tree to query.
reporter.logInfoMsg("Parsing input file "+filename);
// Android-added: Look up the file in the java resources.
// InputSource in = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(filename));
InputSource in = new InputSource(AndroidFileUtils.getInputFileUrl(filename).openStream());
DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document doc = dfactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(in);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
// Create DocumentFragment
DocumentFragment frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
// Use the simple XPath API to select a nodeIterator.
reporter.logStatusMsg("selectNodeIterator(" + xpathStr + ") and a non document node");
NodeIterator nl = XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(frag, xpathStr);
Node n;
while ((n = nl.nextNode())!= null)
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo6.goldName + f.getName()),
"selectNodeIterator(...) into " + outNames.currentName());
return true;
/** Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeList using 'id(a)'. */
public boolean testCase7()
throws Exception
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick test of XPathAPI.selectNodeList using 'id(a)'");
outNames = new OutputNameManager(baseOutName + reporter.getCurrentCaseNum(), ".out");
// Note: parsed file and gold file don't match - why? 10-Oct-01 -sc
Document doc = parseToDOM(testFileInfo7.xmlName);
Transformer serializer = getSerializer();
// Use the simple XPath API to select a nodeIterator.
reporter.logStatusMsg("selectNodeList using 'id(a)' ");
NodeList nl = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "id('a')");
Node n;
int j = 0;
while (j < nl.getLength())
n = nl.item(j++);
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
File f = new File(outNames.currentName());
new File(testFileInfo5.goldName + f.getName()),
"selectNodeList using 'id(a)' into " + outNames.currentName());
return true;
/** Worker method to return a transformer for serializing. */
protected Transformer getSerializer() throws TransformerException
// Set up an identity transformer to use as serializer.
Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
return serializer;
/** Worker method to parse file into a DOM. */
protected Document parseToDOM(String filename) throws Exception
reporter.logInfoMsg("Parsing input file "+filename);
// Set up a DOM tree to query.
// Android-added: Look up the file in the java resources.
// InputSource in = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(filename));
InputSource in = new InputSource(AndroidFileUtils.getInputFileUrl(filename).openStream());
DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document doc = dfactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(in);
return doc;
//---- Basic XSLProcessorTestBase utility methods
* Convenience method to print out usage information - update if needed.
* @return String denoting usage of this test class
public String usage()
return ("Common [optional] options supported by TestXPathAPI:\n"
+ "(Note: assumes inputDir=.\\tests\\api)\n"
+ super.usage()); // Grab our parent classes usage as well
/** Main method to run from the command line. */
public static void main (String[] args)
TestXPathAPI app = new TestXPathAPI();
// Android-added: Run main method as a JUnit test case.
@FlakyTest(bugId = 292520220)
public void main() {
main(new String[0]);
} // end of class ApplyXPath