blob: 6882910b771af6a0ca3c861b063fbf90981eb503 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.trax;
import android.platform.test.annotations.FlakyTest;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.OutputNameManager;
import org.apache.qetest.QetestUtils;
import org.apache.qetest.xsl.XSLTestfileInfo;
import org.apache.xml.utils.DefaultErrorHandler;
import org.junit.Test;
* Functional test of various usages of parameters in transforms.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class ParameterTest extends FileBasedTest
* Provides nextName(), currentName() functionality for tests
* that may produce any number of output files.
protected OutputNameManager outNames;
/** Information about an xsl/xml file pair for transforming. */
protected XSLTestfileInfo paramTest = new XSLTestfileInfo();
/** Information about an xsl/xml file pair for transforming. */
protected XSLTestfileInfo paramTest2 = new XSLTestfileInfo();
/** Subdirectory under test\tests\api for our xsl/xml files. */
public static final String TRAX_SUBDIR = "trax";
/** Just initialize test name, comment, numTestCases. */
public ParameterTest()
numTestCases = 3; // REPLACE_num
testName = "ParameterTest";
testComment = "Functional test of various usages of parameters in transforms";
* Initialize this test - Set names of xml/xsl test files, etc.
* @param p Properties to initialize from (if needed)
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean doTestFileInit(Properties p)
File outSubDir = new File(outputDir + File.separator + TRAX_SUBDIR);
if (!outSubDir.mkdirs())
reporter.logWarningMsg("Could not create output dir: " + outSubDir);
// Initialize an output name manager to that dir with .out extension
outNames = new OutputNameManager(outputDir + File.separator + TRAX_SUBDIR
+ File.separator + testName, ".out");
String testBasePath = inputDir
+ File.separator
+ File.separator;
String goldBasePath = goldDir
+ File.separator
+ File.separator;
paramTest.inputName = QetestUtils.filenameToURL(testBasePath + "ParameterTest.xsl");
paramTest.xmlName = QetestUtils.filenameToURL(testBasePath + "ParameterTest.xml");
paramTest2.inputName = QetestUtils.filenameToURL(testBasePath + "ParameterTest2.xsl");
paramTest2.xmlName = QetestUtils.filenameToURL(testBasePath + "ParameterTest2.xml");
return true;
/** Array of test data for parameter testing. */
protected String paramTests[][] =
// { paramName to test,
// paramValue to test
// expected output string,
// description of the test
// }
"(10)Select expr of a 'param' string"
"(10a)Select expr of a param string"
"(11)Select expr of a 'param' number"
"(11a)Select expr of a param number"
"(12)Select expr of a param 'blank' string"
"(12a)Select expr of a param blank string"
"(12b)Select expr of a null"
"(13)Stylesheet with literal 'param' value"
"(13a)Stylesheet with literal param value"
"(14)Stylesheet with replaced/another literal 'param' value"
"(14a)Stylesheet with replaced/another literal param value"
"'&amp;lt;item&amp;gt;bar&amp;lt;/item&amp;gt;','&amp;lt;item&amp;gt;bar&amp;lt;/item&amp;gt;'; GHI,<B>GHI</B>; </outp>",
"(15)Stylesheet with 'param' value with nodes"
"(15a)Stylesheet with param value with nodes"
"(16)Stylesheet with literal 'param' value in a template, is not passed"
"(16a)Stylesheet with literal param value in a template, is not passed"
"(17)Stylesheet with literal 'param' select"
"(17a)Stylesheet with literal param select"
"<outs>'bars','bars'; s2val,s2val; s3val,s3val; </outs>",
"(18)Stylesheet with replaced/another literal 'param' select"
"<outs>bars,bars; s2val,s2val; s3val,s3val; </outs>",
"(18a)Stylesheet with replaced/another literal param select"
"'&amp;lt;item/&amp;gt;','&amp;lt;item/&amp;gt;'; s3val,s3val; </outs>",
"(19)Stylesheet with nodes(?) 'param' select"
"&amp;lt;item/&amp;gt;,&amp;lt;item/&amp;gt;; s3val,s3val; </outs>",
"(19a)Stylesheet with nodes(?) param select"
"(20)Stylesheet with literal 'param' select in a template, is not passed"
}; // end of paramTests array
* Setting various string-valued params.
* Just loops through array of simple test data.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase1()
reporter.testCaseInit("Setting various simple string-valued params");
// Just loop through test elements and try each one
// Loop separately for each worker method
for (int i = 0; i < paramTests.length; i++)
// Try on a completely independent
// transformer and sources each time
testSetParam(paramTests[i][0], paramTests[i][1],
new StreamSource(paramTest.xmlName), new StreamSource(paramTest.inputName),
paramTests[i][2], paramTests[i][3]);
catch (Exception e)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, e, "Testcase threw");
reporter.logErrorMsg("Testcase threw: " + e.toString());
return true;
* Reuse the same transformer multiple times with params set.
* This also reproduces Bugzilla1611
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase2()
reporter.testCaseInit("Reuse the same transformer multiple times with params set");
TransformerFactory factory = null;
Templates templates = null;
Transformer transformer = null;
factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
templates = factory.newTemplates(new StreamSource(paramTest2.inputName));
// Process the file as-is, without any params set
transformer = templates.newTransformer();
reporter.logInfoMsg("Transforming " + paramTest.xmlName + " with " + paramTest2.inputName);
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(paramTest.xmlName),
new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
// Verify the values are correct for no params set
checkFileContains(outNames.currentName(), "<globalVarAttr>ParameterTest.xml:</globalVarAttr>",
"(2.0)Processing 1,2 w/no params into: " + outNames.currentName());
// Do NOT call clearParameters here; reuse the transformer
reporter.logInfoMsg("Reused-Transforming " + paramTest2.xmlName + " with " + paramTest2.inputName);
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(paramTest2.xmlName),
new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
// Verify the values are correct for no params set
checkFileContains(outNames.currentName(), "<globalVarAttr>ParameterTest2.xml:</globalVarAttr>",
"(2.0a) Bugzilla1611 Reused Transformer processing 2,2 w/no params into: " + outNames.currentName());
// Do NOT call clearParameters here; reuse the transformer again
reporter.logInfoMsg("Reused-Transforming-again " + paramTest.xmlName + " with " + paramTest2.inputName);
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(paramTest.xmlName),
new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
// Verify the values are correct for no params set
checkFileContains(outNames.currentName(), "<globalVarAttr>ParameterTest.xml:</globalVarAttr>",
"(2.0b) Bugzilla1611 Reused-Again Transformer processing 1,2 w/no params into: " + outNames.currentName());
catch (Exception e)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, e, "Testcase threw");
reporter.logErrorMsg("Testcase threw: " + e.toString());
return true;
* Setting various string-valued params and reusing transformers.
* Creates one transformer first, then loops through array
* of simple test data re-using transformer.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase3()
reporter.testCaseInit("Setting various string-valued params and re-using transformer");
TransformerFactory factory = null;
Templates templates = null;
Transformer transformer = null;
factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
factory.setErrorListener(new DefaultErrorHandler());
templates = factory.newTemplates(new StreamSource(paramTest.inputName));
catch (Exception e)
reporter.checkFail("Problem creating Templates; cannot continue testcase");
reporter.logThrowable(reporter.ERRORMSG, e,
"Problem creating Templates; cannot continue testcase");
return true;
// Process the file as-is, without any params set
transformer = templates.newTransformer();
transformer.setErrorListener(new DefaultErrorHandler());
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(paramTest.xmlName),
new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
// Verify each of the three kinds of params are correct
checkFileContains(outNames.currentName(), "<outp>ABC,<B>ABC</B>; DEF,<B>DEF</B>; GHI,<B>GHI</B>; </outp>",
"(0) Stylesheet with default param value into: " + outNames.currentName());
"<outs>s1val,s1val; s2val,s2val; s3val,s3val; </outs>",
"(1) ... also with default param value in select expr into: " + outNames.currentName());
"(2) ... also with default param value in select expr into: " + outNames.currentName());
// Just loop through test elements and try each one
for (int i = 0; i < paramTests.length; i++)
// Re-use the transformer from above for each test
testSetParam(paramTests[i][0], paramTests[i][1],
transformer, new StreamSource(paramTest.xmlName), new StreamSource(paramTest.inputName),
paramTests[i][2], paramTests[i][3]);
catch (Exception e)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, e, "Testcase threw");
reporter.logErrorMsg("Testcase threw: " + e.toString());
return true;
* Test setting a single string-valued parameter.
* Uses the supplied Transformer and calls setParameter()
* then transform(Source, Source), then uses the worker
* method checkFileContains() to validate and output results.
* @param paramName simple name of parameter
* @param paramVal String value of parameter
* @param transformer object to use
* @param xmlSource object to use in transform
* @param xslStylesheet object to use in transform
* @param checkString to look for in output file (logged)
* @param comment to log with check() call
* @return true if pass, false otherwise
protected boolean testSetParam(String paramName, String paramVal,
Transformer transformer,
Source xmlSource,
Source xslStylesheet,
String checkString, String comment)
reporter.logTraceMsg("setParameter(" + paramName + ", " + paramVal +")");
transformer.setParameter(paramName, paramVal);
reporter.logTraceMsg("transform(" + xmlSource.getSystemId() + ", " + xslStylesheet.getSystemId() +", ...)");
transformer.transform(xmlSource, new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, "testSetParam unexpectedly threw");
reporter.logErrorMsg("//@todo HACK: intermittent NPE; please report to if you get this");
reporter.logErrorMsg("//@todo HACK: intermittent NPE; please report to if you get this");
reporter.logErrorMsg("//@todo HACK: intermittent NPE; please report to if you get this");
// Since we the NPE is intermittent, and we want the rest
// of this test in the smoketest, I'll go against my
// better nature and ignore this fail
return true; //HACK: should be removed when fixed
return checkFileContains(outNames.currentName(), checkString,
"Reused:" + comment + " into: " + outNames.currentName());
* Test setting a single string-valued parameter.
* Creates a Transformer and calls setParameter()
* then transform(Source, Source), then uses the worker
* method checkFileContains() to validate and output results.
* @param paramName simple name of parameter
* @param paramVal String value of parameter
* @param xmlSource object to use in transform
* @param xslStylesheet object to use in transform
* @param checkString to look for in output file (logged)
* @param comment to log with check() call
* @return true if pass, false otherwise
protected boolean testSetParam(String paramName, String paramVal,
Source xmlSource,
Source xslStylesheet,
String checkString, String comment)
TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
factory.setErrorListener(new DefaultErrorHandler());
Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(xslStylesheet);
transformer.setErrorListener(new DefaultErrorHandler());
reporter.logTraceMsg("setParameter(" + paramName + ", " + paramVal +")");
transformer.setParameter(paramName, paramVal);
reporter.logTraceMsg("transform(" + xmlSource.getSystemId() + ", " + xslStylesheet.getSystemId() +", ...)");
transformer.transform(xmlSource, new StreamResult(outNames.nextName()));
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, "testSetParam unexpectedly threw");
return checkFileContains(outNames.currentName(), checkString,
"New:" + comment + " into: " + outNames.currentName());
* Checks and reports if a file contains a certain string
* (all within one line).
* We should really consider validating the entire output
* file, but this is the important funtionality, and it makes
* maintaining the test and gold data easier (since it's all
* in this file).
* @param fName local path/name of file to check
* @param checkStr String to look for in the file
* @param comment to log with the check() call
* @return true if pass, false otherwise
protected boolean checkFileContains(String fName, String checkStr,
String comment)
boolean passFail = false;
File f = new File(fName);
if (!f.exists())
reporter.checkFail("checkFileContains(" + fName
+ ") does not exist: " + comment);
return false;
InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), "UTF-8");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is);
for (;;)
String inbuf = br.readLine();
if (inbuf == null)
if (inbuf.indexOf(checkStr) >= 0)
passFail = true;
"checkFileContains passes with line: " + inbuf);
catch (IOException ioe)
reporter.checkFail("checkFileContains(" + fName + ") threw: "
+ ioe.toString() + " for: " + comment);
return false;
if (!passFail)
reporter.logErrorMsg("checkFileContains failed to find: " + checkStr);
reporter.check(passFail, true, comment);
return passFail;
* Convenience method to print out usage information - update if needed.
* @return String denoting usage of this test class
public String usage()
return ("Common [optional] options supported by ParameterTest:\n"
+ "(Note: assumes inputDir=.\\tests\\api)\n"
+ super.usage()); // Grab our parent classes usage as well
* Main method to run test from the command line - can be left alone.
* @param args command line argument array
public static void main(String[] args)
ParameterTest app = new ParameterTest();
// Android-added: Run main method as a JUnit test case.
@FlakyTest(bugId = 292520220)
public void main() {
main(new String[0]);