blob: 39163c7bc2c768bff2b5336d7cde6ba5076e1cda [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xsl;
import org.apache.qetest.CheckService;
import org.apache.qetest.Datalet;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.TestletImpl;
import org.apache.qetest.xslwrapper.TransformWrapper;
import org.apache.qetest.xslwrapper.TransformWrapperFactory;
* Testlet for basic thread testing of xsl stylesheet files.
* This class provides a simple testing algorithim for verifying
* that Xalan functions properly when run on multiple threads
* simultaneously. Currently it simply does most of what the
* normal StylesheetTestlet does, except it does it in the run()
* method on a thread - thus you'd commonly use this with
* ThreadedTestletDriver to start multiple of these testlets
* up at the same time.
* We implement Runnable, so classically a test driver would
* create us then pass us to new Thread(us).start(), instead
* of calling execute(). @todo find a better way to integrate!
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class ThreadedStylesheetTestlet
extends TestletImpl
implements Runnable
// Initialize our classname for TestletImpl's main() method
static { thisClassName = "org.apache.qetest.xsl.ThreadedStylesheetTestlet"; }
// Initialize our defaultDatalet
{ defaultDatalet = (Datalet)new StylesheetDatalet(); }
/** Accessor for our Datalet instead of calling execute(). */
public void setDefaultDatalet(StylesheetDatalet d)
defaultDatalet = d;
/* Special ThreadedStylesheetDatalet with a Templates. */
public ThreadedStylesheetDatalet sharedDatalet = new ThreadedStylesheetDatalet();
/* Description of our current state; changes during our lifecycle. */
protected String description = "ThreadedStylesheetTestlet - before execute()";
* Accesor method for a brief description of this test.
* When created, this returns a description of this testlet.
* After you've called execute(), this returns a brief
* description of our current result or status.
* @return String describing what this ThreadedStylesheetTestlet does.
* @see #getResult()
public String getDescription()
return description;
* Accesor method for a brief description of this test.
* Automatically adds our identifier at the start.
* @param d String to set as our current description.
protected void setDescription(String d)
description = "[" + threadIdentifier + "]" + d;
/* Our 'final' test result; actually changes during our lifecycle. */
protected int result = Logger.DEFAULT_RESULT;
* Accesor method for the final result of this test.
* Note: this starts as INCP_RESULT, and given that we're
* threaded, may end up as INCP_RESULT and you may not know
* the difference. Could use more thought.
* @return int one of of Logger.*_RESULT.
public int getResult()
return result;
/* Cheap-o counter: so driver can differentiate each thread. */
public int threadIdentifier = 0;
* Run this ThreadedStylesheetTestlet: start this test as
* a thread and return immediately.
* Note that you must join() this thread later if you want
* to wait until we're done.
* //@todo improve docs on how to communicate between threads
* @param Datalet to use as data point for the test.
public void execute(Datalet d)
StylesheetDatalet datalet = null;
datalet = (StylesheetDatalet)d;
catch (ClassCastException e)
logger.checkErr("Datalet provided is not a StylesheetDatalet; cannot continue with " + d);
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "About to test: "
+ (null == datalet.inputName
? datalet.xmlName
: datalet.inputName)
+ " plus " + sharedDatalet.xmlName);
// All the rest of the test is executed in our thread.
//if (true) //@todo check defaultDatalet.options...
// this.start();
//@todo Um, how do we do this? Or do we just ask caller to do it?
logger.logMsg(Logger.CRITICALMSG, "//@todo execute() is not yet implemented - you must start our thread yourself");
// Return to caller; they must join() us later if they
// want to know when we're actually complete
* Called by execute() to perform the looping and actual test.
* Note: You must have set our defaultDatalet first!
public void run()
// Relies on defaultDatalet being set!
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "Beginning thread shared output into: "
+ ((StylesheetDatalet)defaultDatalet).outputName);
// Also set our description so outside users know what
// point in our Thread lifetime we're at
setDescription(" just started...");
StylesheetDatalet datalet = null;
datalet = (StylesheetDatalet)defaultDatalet;
catch (ClassCastException e)
setDescription("Datalet provided is not a StylesheetDatalet; cannot continue with " + datalet);
//@todo validate our Datalet - ensure it has valid
// and/or existing files available.
// Cleanup outName(s) only if asked to - delete the file on disk
// Optimization: this takes extra time and often is not
// needed, so only do this if the option is set
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(datalet.options.getProperty("deleteOutFile")))
boolean btmp = (new File(datalet.outputName)).delete();
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "Deleting OutFile of::" + datalet.outputName
+ " status: " + btmp);
catch (SecurityException se)
logger.logMsg(Logger.WARNINGMSG, "Deleting OutFile of::" + datalet.outputName
+ " threw: " + se.toString());
// But continue anyways...
//@todo make sure all sharedDatalets use different
// output files! No sense in having them use
// the same file all the time in all threads!
// Ask our independent datalet how many iterations to use
int iterations = sharedDatalet.iterations; // default value
iterations = Integer.parseInt(datalet.options.getProperty("iterations"));
catch (NumberFormatException numEx)
// no-op; leave as default
// Now loop a number of times as specified, and for each
// loop, use the presupplied Templates object, then run
// one independent process, plus validate on first & last
setDescription("...about to iterate... " + datalet.outputName);
for (int ctr = 1; (ctr <= iterations); ctr++)
// Only validate on first and last iteration
boolean doValidation = ((1 == ctr) || (iterations == ctr));
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "About to do iteration " + ctr);
// Note: logic moved to worker methods for clarity;
// these methods just use our local vars and datalet
//@todo Note: while I've tried to mirror as much
// structure from StylesheetTestlet as possible,
// this has made this class very inefficent (note
// we iterate, and within each method do the same
// name munging and some basic setup in each worker
// method every time!)
// Long-term, we should just redesign this to be
// a custom class with it's own algorithim
processExistingTemplates(sharedDatalet, doValidation);
processNewStylesheet(datalet, doValidation);
setDescription("...done iteration # " + ctr);
// That's it! We're done!
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "Completed thread with: " + datalet.getDescription());
setDescription("All iterations complete! " + datalet.outputName);
// Also set our result, now that we think we're done
result = ((org.apache.qetest.Reporter)logger).getCurrentCaseResult();
catch (ClassCastException cce)
// Basically a no-op; just log out for info
logger.logMsg(Logger.WARNINGMSG, "logger is not a Reporter; overall result may be incorrect!");
* Worker method to process premade Templates object.
* Uses various local variables.
* //@todo Should we simply propagate exceptions instead of just logging them?
private void processExistingTemplates(ThreadedStylesheetDatalet datalet, boolean doValidation)
// First: use our (presumably) shared Templates object to
// perform a Transformation - using the existing
// TransformWrapper object that already has built a stylesheet
if (!datalet.transformWrapper.isStylesheetReady())
// Can't continue if the Templates is not ready
logger.logMsg(Logger.WARNINGMSG, "datalet shared Templates isStylesheetReady false!");
// Anything else we should log out here? In case someone
// care about this, don't have it fail
// Since the wrapper's ready (and flavor, etc. setup) then
// just go ahead and ask it to transform
String outputName = datalet.outputName + threadIdentifier;
//@todo Should we log a custom logElement here instead?
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "About to test shared Templates: "
+ " xmlName=" + datalet.xmlName
+ " outputName=" + outputName
+ " goldName=" + datalet.goldName);
// Simply have the wrapper do all the transforming
// or processing for us - we handle either normal .xsl
// stylesheet tests or just .xml embedded tests
long retVal = 0L;
// Here, we only use the existing Templates to do the transform
long[] times = datalet.transformWrapper.transformWithStylesheet(datalet.xmlName, outputName);
retVal = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
if (!doValidation)
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "Skipping validation of outputName=" + outputName);
// Only bother to validate the output if asked
// If we get here, attempt to validate the contents of
// the last outputFile created - only first and last time through loop!
CheckService fileChecker = (CheckService)datalet.options.get("fileCheckerImpl");
// Supply default value
if (null == fileChecker)
fileChecker = new XHTFileCheckService();
new File(outputName),
new File(datalet.goldName),
"Shared Templates of: " + datalet.getDescription());
// Note that this class can only validate positive test
// cases - we don't handle ExpectedExceptions
catch (Throwable t)
// Put the logThrowable first, so it appears before
// the Fail record, and gets color-coded
logger.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, "Shared Templates of: " + datalet.getDescription());
logger.checkFail("Shared Templates of: " + datalet.getDescription()
+ " threw: " + t.toString());
* Worker method to process a new stylesheet/xml document.
* Uses various local variables.
* Note this is essentially a copy of StylesheetTestlet.execute().
* //@todo Should we simply propagate exceptions instead of just logging them?
private void processNewStylesheet(StylesheetDatalet datalet, boolean doValidation)
// Test our supplied input file, and compare with gold
String outputName = datalet.outputName + threadIdentifier;
//@todo Should we log a custom logElement here instead?
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "About to test: inputName=" + datalet.inputName
+ " xmlName=" + datalet.xmlName + " outputName=" + outputName
+ " goldName=" + datalet.goldName + " flavor=" + datalet.flavor);
// Create a new TransformWrapper of appropriate flavor
// null arg is unused liaison for TransformWrapper
TransformWrapper transformWrapper = null;
transformWrapper = TransformWrapperFactory.newWrapper(datalet.flavor);
catch (Throwable t)
logger.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, getDescription() + " newWrapper/newProcessor threw");
logger.checkErr(getDescription() + " newWrapper/newProcessor threw: " + t.toString());
// Simply have the wrapper do all the transforming
// or processing for us - we handle either normal .xsl
// stylesheet tests or just .xml embedded tests
long retVal = 0L;
if (null == datalet.inputName)
// presume it's an embedded test
long [] times = transformWrapper.transformEmbedded(datalet.xmlName, outputName);
retVal = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
// presume it's a normal stylesheet test
long[] times = transformWrapper.transform(datalet.xmlName, datalet.inputName, outputName);
retVal = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
if (!doValidation)
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "Skipping validation of outputName=" + outputName);
// Only bother to validate the output if asked
// If we get here, attempt to validate the contents of
// the last outputFile created
CheckService fileChecker = (CheckService)datalet.options.get("fileCheckerImpl");
// Supply default value
if (null == fileChecker)
fileChecker = new XHTFileCheckService();
new File(outputName),
new File(datalet.goldName),
getDescription() + " " + datalet.getDescription());
// Note that this class can only validate positive test
// cases - we don't handle ExpectedExceptions
catch (Throwable t)
// Put the logThrowable first, so it appears before
// the Fail record, and gets color-coded
logger.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, "New stylesheet of: " + datalet.getDescription());
logger.checkFail("New stylesheet of: " + datalet.getDescription()
+ " threw: " + t.toString());
} // end of class ThreadedStylesheetTestlet