blob: 03a69c0c3d0c02226e05d3f95ceb8a691281789f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xsl;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.xslwrapper.TransformWrapperFactory;
* Test driver for running a single XSLT test.
* This is a simplification of the generic StylesheetTestletDriver
* that simply executes a single stylesheet test using minimal
* parameters but still supporting all the normal testing options.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class StylesheetDriver extends StylesheetTestletDriver
/** Just initialize test name, comment; numTestCases is not used. */
public StylesheetDriver()
testName = "StylesheetDriver";
testComment = "Test driver for single XSLT stylesheets";
* Override default processing to simply create a fileList
* based on the single input file desired.
* @param p Properties block of options to use - unused
* @return true if OK, false if we should abort
public boolean runTestCases(Properties p)
// First log out any other runtime information, like the
// actual flavor of ProcessorWrapper, etc.
// Just grab all the info from the TransformWrapper...
Properties runtimeProps = TransformWrapperFactory.newWrapper(flavor).getProcessorInfo();
// ... and add a few extra things ourselves
runtimeProps.put("actual.testlet", getTestlet());
runtimeProps.put("actual.dirFilter", getDirFilter());
runtimeProps.put("actual.fileFilter", getFileFilter());
reporter.logHashtable(Logger.CRITICALMSG, runtimeProps,
"actual.runtime information");
catch (Exception e)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.WARNINGMSG, e, "Logging actual.runtime threw");
// Get the baseName of the test: axes01, boolean34, etc.
String testBaseName = testProps.getProperty("test", "processorinfo01"); // HACK some default test
// Create the datalet to run for this test
Vector datalets = buildDatalet(testBaseName);
// Actually process the specified file(s) in a testCase as normal
processFileList(datalets, "test1:" + testBaseName);
return true;
* Create datalet(s) from a single user-supplied test name
* in the format of 'axes44' or 'string132'.
* @param baseName of just one stylesheet to test
* @return Vector of local path\filenames of tests to run;
* the tests themselves will exist; null if error
public Vector buildDatalet(String baseName)
// Calculate directory name; pattern assumed to be
// [chars]N... where N... is numeric
String subdirName = baseName.substring(0, (baseName.length() - 2)); // HACK must actually calculate name, not assume 2 digits
reporter.logTraceMsg("buildDatalet:" + baseName + " baseName " + subdirName);
File subTestDir = new File(new File(inputDir), subdirName);
File subOutDir = new File(outputDir, subdirName);
File subGoldDir = new File(goldDir, subdirName);
// Validate that each of the specified dirs exists
// Returns directory references like so:
// testDirectory = 0, outDirectory = 1, goldDirectory = 2
File[] dirs = validateDirs(new File[] { subTestDir },
new File[] { subOutDir, subGoldDir });
String testFilename = baseName + XSL_EXTENSION; // HACK should allow for xml embedded as well
File testFile = new File(subTestDir.getPath() + File.separator + testFilename);
if (!testFile.exists())
reporter.checkErr("test1: file does not exist: " + testFilename);
return null;
// Go and construct the datalet with all info
Vector v = new Vector(1);
// Check if it's a normal .xsl file, or a .xml file
// (we assume .xml files are embedded tests!)
StylesheetDatalet d = new StylesheetDatalet();
if (testFilename.endsWith(XML_EXTENSION))
d.xmlName = subTestDir.getPath() + File.separator + testFilename;
String fileNameRoot = testFilename.substring(0, testFilename.indexOf(XML_EXTENSION));
d.inputName = null;
d.outputName = subOutDir.getPath() + File.separator + fileNameRoot + OUT_EXTENSION;
d.goldName = subGoldDir.getPath() + File.separator + fileNameRoot + OUT_EXTENSION;
else if (testFilename.endsWith(XSL_EXTENSION))
d.inputName = subTestDir.getPath() + File.separator + testFilename;
String fileNameRoot = testFilename.substring(0, testFilename.indexOf(XSL_EXTENSION));
d.xmlName = subTestDir.getPath() + File.separator + fileNameRoot + XML_EXTENSION;
d.outputName = subOutDir.getPath() + File.separator + fileNameRoot + OUT_EXTENSION;
d.goldName = subGoldDir.getPath() + File.separator + fileNameRoot + OUT_EXTENSION;
// Hmmm - I'm not sure what we should do here
reporter.logWarningMsg("Unexpected test file found, skipping: " + testFilename);
d.flavor = flavor;
// Also copy over our own testProps as it's
// options: this allows for future expansion
// of values in the datalet
d.options = new Properties(testProps);
// Optimization: put in a copy of our fileChecker, so
// that each testlet doesn't have to create it's own
// fileCheckers should not store state, so this
// shouldn't affect the testing at all
d.options.put("fileCheckerImpl", fileChecker);
return v;
* Convenience method to print out usage information - update if needed.
* @return String denoting usage of this test class
public String usage()
return ("Common [optional] options supported by StylesheetDriver:\n"
+ " -" + "test"
+ " <baseName of tests to run - axes01 >\n"
+ super.usage()); // Grab our parent classes usage as well
* Main method to run test from the command line - can be left alone.
* @param args command line argument array
public static void main(String[] args)
StylesheetDriver app = new StylesheetDriver();