blob: 4de0cd0417e0d895dbc6e9faae5ca746fc406a4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xalanj2;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
import org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.LoggingHandler;
import org.apache.qetest.OutputNameManager;
import org.apache.qetest.Reporter;
import org.apache.qetest.XMLFileLogger;
import org.apache.qetest.xsl.TraxDatalet;
import org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplate;
import org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement;
import org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformState;
import org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerClient;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* API coverage testing of TransformState interface.
* Currently this focuses on dumping debug information about
* a TransformState while transforming several different
* stylesheets; manual validation of the output results
* to see what was traced) is expected.
* Future work will add basic validation of
* various ExpectedTransformState objects, which will be
* keyed off of the ContentHandler event and the line/column
* information of the pertinent element or template.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class TransformStateAPITest extends FileBasedTest
implements ContentHandler, TransformerClient
/** Provides nextName(), currentName() functionality. */
protected OutputNameManager outNames;
/** Identity transform - simple test. */
protected TraxDatalet testFileInfo = new TraxDatalet();
/** RootTemplate: simple stylesheet with xsl:template select="/". */
protected TraxDatalet testFileInfo2 = new TraxDatalet();
/** Another simple test for manual debugging. */
protected TraxDatalet testFileInfo3 = new TraxDatalet();
/** Another simple test for manual debugging. */
protected TraxDatalet testFileInfo4 = new TraxDatalet();
/** Subdirectory under test\tests\api for our xsl/xml files. */
public static final String X2J_SUBDIR = "xalanj2";
/** Level that various TransformState logging should use. */
protected int traceLoggingLevel = Logger.INFOMSG - 1;
/** Just initialize test name, comment, numTestCases. */
public TransformStateAPITest()
numTestCases = 4; // REPLACE_num
testName = "TransformStateAPITest";
testComment = "API coverage testing of TransformState interface";
* Initialize this test - Set names of xml/xsl test files etc.
* @param p Properties to initialize from (if needed)
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean doTestFileInit(Properties p)
// NOTE: 'reporter' variable is already initialized at this point
// Used for all tests; just dump files in trax subdir
File outSubDir = new File(outputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR);
if (!outSubDir.mkdirs())
reporter.logWarningMsg("Could not create output dir: " + outSubDir);
// Initialize an output name manager to that dir with .out extension
outNames = new OutputNameManager(outputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR
+ File.separator + testName, ".out");
testFileInfo.setDescription("Identity transform");
testFileInfo.setNames(inputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR, "identity");
testFileInfo.goldName = goldDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR + File.separator + "identity.out";
testFileInfo2.setNames(inputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR, "TransformStateAPITest");
testFileInfo3.setNames(inputDir + File.separator + X2J_SUBDIR, "RootTemplate");
testFileInfo4.setDescription("URIResolverTest"); // Note in different dir
testFileInfo4.setNames(inputDir + File.separator + "trax", "URIResolverTest");
return true;
* Quick smoketest of TransformState.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase1()
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick smoketest of TransformState");
reporter.logWarningMsg("Note: limited validation: partly just a crash test so far.");
//@todo: add specific validation for selected trace elements in specific stylesheets
reporter.checkPass("Crash test: we haven't crashed yet!");
return true;
* Quick smoketest of TransformState.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase2()
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick smoketest of TransformState");
reporter.logWarningMsg("Note: limited validation: partly just a crash test so far.");
//@todo: add specific validation for selected trace elements in specific stylesheets
reporter.checkPass("Crash test: we haven't crashed yet!");
return true;
* Quick smoketest of TransformState.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase3()
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick smoketest of TransformState");
reporter.logWarningMsg("Note: limited validation: partly just a crash test so far.");
//@todo: add specific validation for selected trace elements in specific stylesheets
reporter.checkPass("Crash test: we haven't crashed yet!");
return true;
* Quick smoketest of TransformState.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase4()
reporter.testCaseInit("Quick smoketest of TransformState");
reporter.logWarningMsg("Note: limited validation: partly just a crash test so far.");
//@todo: add specific validation for selected trace elements in specific stylesheets
reporter.checkPass("Crash test: we haven't crashed yet!");
return true;
/** Cheap-o worker method to do transform with us as output handler. */
protected void doTransform(Source xslSource, Source xmlSource, String options)
TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
reporter.logInfoMsg("---- doTransform:" + options); // options otherwise currently unused
reporter.logTraceMsg("---- About to newTransformer " + xslSource.getSystemId());
Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(xslSource);
reporter.logTraceMsg("---- About to transform " + xmlSource.getSystemId() + " into: SAXResult(this-no disk output)");
new SAXResult(this)); // use us to handle result
reporter.logInfoMsg("---- Afterwards, this.transformState=" + transformState);
transformState = null; // just in case
catch (TransformerException te)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, te, "doTransform threw: ");
reporter.checkFail("doTransform threw: " + te.toString());
////////////////// partially Implement LoggingHandler //////////////////
/** Cheap-o string representation of last event we got. */
protected String lastItem = LoggingHandler.NOTHING_HANDLED;
* Accessor for string representation of last event we got.
* @param s string to set
protected void setLastItem(String s)
lastItem = s;
* Accessor for string representation of last event we got.
* @return last event string we had
public String getLast()
return lastItem;
* Worker routine to validate a TransformState based on an event/value.
* Note: this may not be threadsafe!
* //@todo actually add validation code - just logs out now
* @param ts TransformState to validate, if null, just logs it
* @param event our String constant of START_ELEMENT, etc.
* @param value any String value of the current event
protected void validateTransformState(TransformState ts, String event, String value)
if(null == transformState)
reporter.logTraceMsg("validateTransformState(ts-NULL!, " + event + ")=" + value);
reporter.logTraceMsg("validateTransformState(" + event + ")=" + value);
logTransformStateDump(reporter, traceLoggingLevel, ts, event);
//@todo: implement validation service for this stuff
// focus on what tooling/debugging clients will want to see
//---- Implement the TransformerClient interface
* A TransformState object that we use to log state data.
* This is the equivalent of the defaultHandler, even though
* that's not really the right metaphor. This class could be
* upgraded to have both a default ContentHandler and a
* defaultTransformerClient in the future.
protected TransformState transformState = null;
* Implement TransformerClient.setTransformState interface.
* Pass in a reference to a TransformState object, which
* can be used during SAX ContentHandler events to obtain
* information about he state of the transformation. This
* method will be called before each startDocument event.
* @param ts A reference to a TransformState object
public void setTransformState(TransformState ts)
transformState = ts;
////////////////// Utility methods for TransformState //////////////////
* Utility method to dump data from TransformState.
* @return String describing various bits of the state
protected void logTransformStateDump(Reporter reporter, int traceLoggingLevel,
TransformState ts, String event)
String elemName = "transformStateDump";
Hashtable attrs = new Hashtable();
attrs.put("event", event);
attrs.put("location", "L" + ts.getCurrentTemplate().getLineNumber()
+ "C" + ts.getCurrentTemplate().getColumnNumber());
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
ElemTemplateElement elem = ts.getCurrentElement(); // may be actual or default template
buf.append(" <currentElement>"
+ XMLFileLogger.escapeString(XalanDumper.dump(elem, XalanDumper.DUMP_DEFAULT)) + "</currentElement>\n");
ElemTemplate currentTempl = ts.getCurrentTemplate(); // Actual current template
buf.append(" <currentTemplate>"
+ XMLFileLogger.escapeString(XalanDumper.dump(currentTempl, XalanDumper.DUMP_DEFAULT)) + "</currentTemplate>\n");
ElemTemplate matchTempl = ts.getMatchedTemplate(); // Actual matched template
if (matchTempl != currentTempl)
buf.append(" <matchedTemplate>"
+ XMLFileLogger.escapeString(XalanDumper.dump(matchTempl, XalanDumper.DUMP_DEFAULT)) + "</matchedTemplate>\n");
Node n = ts.getCurrentNode(); // current context node in source tree
buf.append(" <currentNode>"
+ XMLFileLogger.escapeString(XalanDumper.dump(n, XalanDumper.DUMP_DEFAULT)) + "</currentNode>\n");
Node matchedNode = ts.getMatchedNode(); // node in source matched via getMatchedTemplate
buf.append(" <matchedNode>"
+ XMLFileLogger.escapeString(XalanDumper.dump(matchedNode, XalanDumper.DUMP_DEFAULT)) + "</matchedNode>\n");
NodeIterator contextNodeList = ts.getContextNodeList(); // current context node list
Node rootNode = contextNodeList.getRoot();
buf.append(" <contextNodeListGetRoot>"
+ XMLFileLogger.escapeString(XalanDumper.dump(rootNode, XalanDumper.DUMP_DEFAULT)) + "</contextNodeListGetRoot>\n");
// Skip dumping Transformer info until we actually do something with it
// Transformer transformer = ts.getTransformer(); // current transformer working
// buf.append("getTransformer:" + transformer + "\n"); // TBD
reporter.logElement(traceLoggingLevel, elemName, attrs, buf.toString());
//---- Implement the ContentHandler interface
protected final String START_ELEMENT = "startElement:";
protected final String END_ELEMENT = "endElement:";
protected final String CHARACTERS = "characters:";
// String Locator.getPublicId() null if none available
// String Locator.getPublicId() null if none available
// int Locator.getLineNumber() -1 if none available
// int Locator.getColumnNumber() -1 if none available
protected Locator ourLocator = null;
* Implement ContentHandler.setDocumentLocator.
* If available, this should always be called prior to a
* startDocument event.
public void setDocumentLocator (Locator locator)
// Note: this implies this class is !not! threadsafe
ourLocator = locator; // future use
if (null != locator)
setLastItem("setDocumentLocator.getSystemId():" + locator.getSystemId());
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
/** Cached TransformState object during lifetime startDocument -> endDocument. */
// Note: is this correct? Will it always be the same object?
protected TransformState docCachedTransformState = null;
/** Implement ContentHandler.startDocument. */
public void startDocument ()
throws SAXException
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
// Comment out check call since the spec'd functionality
// is very likely to change to *not* be in startDocument 19-Jun-01 -sc
// reporter.check((null != transformState), true, "transformState non-null in startDocument");
reporter.logStatusMsg("transformState in startDocument is: " + transformState);
docCachedTransformState = transformState; // see endDocument
/** Implement ContentHandler.endDocument. */
public void endDocument()
throws SAXException
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
// Comment out check call since the spec'd functionality
// is very likely to change to *not* be in startDocument 19-Jun-01 -sc
// reporter.checkObject(docCachedTransformState, transformState,
// "transformState same in endDocument as startDocument"); // see startDocument
reporter.logStatusMsg("transformState in endDocument is: " + transformState);
docCachedTransformState = null;
/** Implement ContentHandler.startPrefixMapping. */
public void startPrefixMapping (String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
setLastItem("startPrefixMapping: " + prefix + ", " + uri);
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
/** Implement ContentHandler.endPrefixMapping. */
public void endPrefixMapping (String prefix)
throws SAXException
setLastItem("endPrefixMapping: " + prefix);
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
/** Implement ContentHandler.startElement. */
public void startElement (String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qName, Attributes atts)
throws SAXException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append(namespaceURI + ", "
+ localName + ", " + qName + ";");
int n = atts.getLength();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
buf.append(", " + atts.getQName(i));
setLastItem(START_ELEMENT + buf.toString());
validateTransformState(transformState, START_ELEMENT, buf.toString());
/** Implement ContentHandler.endElement. */
public void endElement (String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException
setLastItem(END_ELEMENT + namespaceURI + ", " + localName + ", " + qName);
validateTransformState(transformState, END_ELEMENT, null);
/** Implement ContentHandler.characters. */
public void characters (char ch[], int start, int length)
throws SAXException
String s = new String(ch, start, length);
setLastItem(CHARACTERS + "\"" + s + "\"");
validateTransformState(transformState, CHARACTERS, s);
/** Implement ContentHandler.ignorableWhitespace. */
public void ignorableWhitespace (char ch[], int start, int length)
throws SAXException
setLastItem("ignorableWhitespace: len " + length);
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
/** Implement ContentHandler.processingInstruction. */
public void processingInstruction (String target, String data)
throws SAXException
setLastItem("processingInstruction: " + target + ", " + data);
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
/** Implement ContentHandler.skippedEntity. */
public void skippedEntity (String name)
throws SAXException
setLastItem("skippedEntity: " + name);
reporter.logMsg(traceLoggingLevel, getLast());
//---- Basic XSLProcessorTestBase utility methods
* Convenience method to print out usage information - update if needed.
* @return String denoting usage of this test class
public String usage()
return ("Common [optional] options supported by TransformStateAPITest:\n"
+ "(Note: assumes inputDir=.\\tests\\api)\n"
+ super.usage()); // Grab our parent classes usage as well
* Main method to run test from the command line - can be left alone.
* @param args command line argument array
public static void main(String[] args)
TransformStateAPITest app = new TransformStateAPITest();