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<a name="Older Velocity News"><strong>Older Velocity News</strong></a>
<strong>Velocity Template Editor Plugin for Eclipse</strong>
The first public release of an editor plugin for
Velocity templates is
<a href="">available</a> on
(Eclipse Online-Update Site:
<strong>Roller Weblogger Brings it Together</strong>
<i> From the site :</i>
<a href="">Roller</a>
is server-based weblogging software - a web application - that
is designed to support multiple simultaneous weblog users and visitors.
Roller was originally written as an example application for an
article on open source Java development tools. The article
describes how the Struts Servlet framework, the Castor JDO persistence engine,
the XDoclet code generator, and the Velocity template processor
can be used together to create a full-featured database-driven web application.
<strong>User's Guide Now Available in French</strong>
Thanks to the translation contributed by
Jean-Francois El Fouly, the Velocity project can now
offer the <a href="user-guide_fr.html">User's Guide</a> in French. Thanks!
<strong>New Release : Maverick</strong>
Another new release in the Velocity 'powered-by' family -
The <a href="">Maverick</a>
team is happy to announce the version 2.1 release of the
Maverick MVC Framework.
<strong>User's Guide Now Available in Spanish</strong>
Thanks to the translation contributed by
Juan Pablo Morales Olaya, the Velocity project can now
offer the <a href="user-guide_es.html">User's Guide</a> in Spanish. Thanks!
<strong>New Release : vDoclet</strong>
Another new milestone release in the Velocity 'powered-by' family :
<li><a href="">vDoclet 20020422</a></li>
Check it out!(<i>2002-06-06</i>)
<strong>New Releases : Turbine, WebWork and JPublish</strong>
A few new releases in the Velocity family :
<li><a href="">Turbine 2.2-b1</a></li>
<li><a href="">WebWork 1.0</a></li>
<li><a href="">JPublish 0.9</a></li>
Check 'em out!(<i>2002-03-23</i>)
<strong>JeeWiz : The Enterprise System Builder</strong>
<a href="">JeeWiz</a>, a new product from
<a href="">New Technology/enterprise Limited</a>,
is a J2EE system development tool that uses Velocity templates to generate
infrastructure code, deployment descriptors and build jobs for J2EE
projects. And it's said Velocity has no place in J2EE... ;-)
<strong>User's Guide Available in Finnish</strong>
Thanks to Juha Kilpi, we now offer a Finnish translation
to the
<a href="user-guide_fi.html">Velocity Users Guide</a>. Thanks Juha!
<strong>Velocity Tool Subproject</strong>
The first code for the new Velocity Tool Subproject is in
and can be found
in CVS as
<a href="">
jakarta-velocity-tools</a>. The first functionality includes
integration with
<a href="">
Jakarta Struts</a> as well as a generic template-rendering
servlet with tool support. Take a look!
<strong>Introductory Velocity Article on <i>JavaWorld</i></strong>
For a introduction to the Velocity Template Engine, a brief
overview of the Velocity Template Language and some basic
examples, see is the new
<a href="">
article</a> on
<a href="">JavaWorld</a> by Geir Magnusson Jr.
<strong>DVSL XML Transformation Tool Added as Subproject</strong>
The DVSL XML transformation tool has been added as a new subproject.
Check it out <a href="/velocity/dvsl/index.html">here</a>.(<i>2001-12-18</i>)
<strong>Velocity mentioned in ZDNet Article (last May)</strong>
It seems we could be a "can't-live-without-it piece of the
infrastructure" of tomorrow. Check
<a href=",4586,2717910,00.html">
it</a> out. <i>(2001-12-09)</i>
<strong>Luxor, Velocity-based XUL Toolkit Released</strong>
Luxor is an open-source XML User Interface Language (XUL) toolkit for
Java. Read more <a href="">here</a>.
<strong>Generate Code with Velocity in Borland's JBuilder </strong>
<a href=",1410,28086,00.html">Read</a>
about how to use Velocity and Borland's OpenTools API to extend Borland's
JBuilder for template-based Java source code generation. <i>(2001-12-08)</i>
<strong>Hey, Maybe We're On The Right Track After All...</strong>
Give <a href="">this</a>
a read. The latest version of <a href="">Resin</a>, a
popular servlet engine, has added what they call a "Velocity-like syntax" to their JSP
implementation. As they say on their site :
<i>"The Resin-2.0.3 release allows an alternate JSP expression syntax similar to the Apache Velocity project that many find more maintainable than the JSP pointy brackets. Resin's syntax extension is compatible with the usual JSP features like tag libraries."
We do think that this is a step in the right direction for JSPs, making the page content easier to
write and maintain.
<br />
<br />
However, we want to emphasize to users that this isn't the same thing as using
Velocity - this is a small subset of the Velocity syntax which
was reimplemented in Resin.
<br />
<br />
Velocity is much more than an alternative syntax to the scriptlets and
tags found in JSPs - it's a full-featured templating engine, fully portable to any
J2EE servlet container, that offers many advanges over JSPs in the J2EE
web application environment. It also an excellent templating tool
for other kinds of applications written in Java.
<br />
<br />
So if you are interested in portable alternatives to JSP, we strongly
encourage you look deeper into what Velocity has to offer.
<br />
<br />
And if you must use JSPs and want to incorporate Velocity into your
current or new JSP-based web applications, take a look at our
<a href="veltag.html">Veltag</a> JSP taglib which allows the full
power of Velocity in your JSPs.
<strong>Velocidoc Released</strong>
<a href="">
Velocidoc</a>, a Velocimacro documentation tool modeled after
Javadoc, is now available. Use Javadoc-style comments in your
Velocimacro libraries, and use Velocidoc to generate HTML
<strong>New Apache Site Generated with Anakia</strong>
The new web site of the
<a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a>
is now generated using
<a href="anakia.html">Anakia</a>,
the Velocity-based XML transformation tool.
Take a look.
<strong>Need To Mix JSP and Velocity?</strong>
Take a look at a new contribution, a
<a href="veltag.html">Velocity taglib</a> that lets you
use Velocity right in your JSPs.
<strong>4 published articles covering Velocity</strong>
<a href="">Getting Up
to Speed with Velocity</a> is a really well written article by Jim
Jagielski about the merits of using a tool like Velocity.
Many people believe that Velocity can only be used in the context of web
applications. This excellent <a href="">JavaWorld
article</a> by Leon Messerschmidt shows that the design of Velocity is
such that it can be used in a myriad of applications.
The Java Developer Journal recently <a href="">published</a> an
edited version of the <a href="./ymtd/ymtd.html">YMTD article</a> by Jon
Stevens as the cover story for their July edition.
The Sun <i>Dot-Com Builder</i> developer information site has a "Best Practices" product profile on Velocity. Check it out
<a href="">here</a>. Thanks Sun!
<strong> 4 Products/Projects Now Depend on Velocity </strong>
Gentleware, Xadra and Vamp have built products which depend on Velocity.
J/Top, a server monitoring project, also uses Velocity for email output
We have listed them on our ever expanding <a href="./powered.html">Powered By Velocity</a> page.
<strong> 5 Web Frameworks Now Support Velocity </strong>
Turbine, JPublish, Melati, Maverick and WebWork
all support Velocity.
We have listed them on our ever expanding <a href="./powered.html">Powered By Velocity</a> page.
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