blob: b26ffccdde5d62355b95578477605eb41bacaf11 [file] [log] [blame]
Commons IO Package
Version 1.3
Release Notes
Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes for's hierarchy.
Classes in this package are considered to be so standard and of such high
reuse as to justify existence in
Commons IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters,
and endian transformation classes.
Compatibility with 1.2
Binary compatible - Yes
Source compatible - Yes
Semantic compatible - Yes
Deprecations from 1.2
- WildcardFilter deprecated, replaced by WildcardFileFilter
- old class only accepted files, thus had a confusing dual purpose
Bug fixes from 1.2
- LineIterator now implements Iterator
(It was always supposed to...)
Enhancements from 1.2
- IOCase
- New class/enumeration for case-sensitivity control
- FilenameUtils
- New methods to handle case-sensitivity
- wildcardMatch - new method that has IOCase as a parameter
- equals - new method that has IOCase as a parameter
- WildcardFileFilter
- Replacement for WildcardFilter
- Accepts both files and directories
- Ability to control case-sensitivity
- NameFileFilter
- Ability to control case-sensitivity
- FileFileFilter
- New IOFileFilter implementation
- Accepts files where File.isFile() is true
- In other words it filters out directories
- CanReadFileFilter
- New IOFileFilter implementation
- Accepts files where File.canRead() is true
- CanWriteFileFilter
- New IOFileFilter implementation
- Accepts files where File.canWrite() is true
- HiddenFileFilter
- New IOFileFilter implementation
- Accepts files where File.isHidden() is true
- EmptyFileFilter
- New IOFileFilter implementation
- Accepts files or directories that are empty
- TrueFileFilter/FalseFileFilter/DirectoryFileFilter
- New singleton instance constants (TRUE/FALSE/DIRECTORY)
- The new constants are more JDK 1.5 friendly with regards to static imports
(whereas if everything uses INSTANCE, then they just clash)
- The old INSTANCE constants are still present and have not been deprecated
Open source works best when you give feedback:
Please direct all bug reports to Bugzilla (prefix bug reports by [io])
Or subscribe to the commons-user mailing list (prefix emails by [io])
The Commons-IO Team