blob: 559fd5e0306f5d4a9f40f57ff133fee1f7f16a69 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="Tasks and Ideas for the future">
The following are some of the proposed ideas and tasks for commons-io:
<li>A proper user guide.</li>
<li>FilePoller for telling when a file changes. Look in Tomcat, or GenJava[bayard]</li>
<li>A "hot folder" handler which triggers an action when a new file has been uploaded to an FTP directory, for example.</li>
<li>JoinReader/ConcatReader. One in GenJava, one submitted to Bayard</li>
<li>FormattedWriter, when it writes out values it uses Format objects to output them. </li>
<li>FixedWidthReader. Reads in files with a known width, ie) mainframe like. </li>
<li>Add an additional ByteArrayOutputStream variant that saves content
in memory just as the original but starts to write to a temp file when
a given number of bytes is surpassed. This is to reduce the memory
usage for big "things".</li>
<li>FileUtils could use a copyDirectory() method (possibly making use of IOFileFilters)</li>
<li>A CsvReader/Writer set of classes in a csv sub-package. Will probably be commons-csv.</li>
<li>A Finder system. This may becomes commons-finder. </li>