blob: 04bd9e299191791e7aceacd82f7b3dacf2673925 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="Action Items">
The following action items need to be completed prior to a Version 1.0
release of this component:
<li>IOUtils: Remove the toByteArray() variants with the bufferSize
parameter. [Jeremias] Reasoning can be found at</li>
<li>FilenameUtils: This class is a big mess ATM. We need to clean it up.</li>
<li>IOUtilsTestCase: Move copy tests over to CopyUtilsTestCase or kill them. [Hen]</li>
<li>Write TestCases for:
<li>EndianUtils - InputStream/OutputStream methods</li>
though they may not affect an initial beta release.
<li>More Javadocs!!!</li>
<li>Improve site!!!</li>
<section name="Post 1.0 release">
<li>A CsvReader/Writer set of classes in a csv sub-package</li>
<li>FilePoller for telling when a file changes. Look in Tomcat, or GenJava[bayard]</li>
<li>JoinReader/ConcatReader. One in GenJava, one submitted to Bayard</li>
<li>FormattedWriter, when it writes out values it uses Format objects to output them. </li>
<li>FixedWidthReader. Reads in files with a known width, ie) mainframe like. </li>
<li>Finder system. Generic code to find things in things. So FileFinder,
ClassFinder, ZipFinder. Probably too big for IO</li>
<li>Add an additional ByteArrayOutputStream variant that saves content
in memory just as the original but starts to write to a temp file when
a given number of bytes is surpassed. This is to reduce the memory
usage for big "things".</li>
<section name="Misc.">
<strong>Integration</strong>. Seek and integrate various i/o related classes.
<strong>Install / Use Documentation</strong>. Create simple
installation and User's Guide documentation for this component.