blob: c0b5c1013ae35bfffbd65ddde5255919e4aa0130 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.antlr.runtime.tree {
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
/** A TreeAdaptor that works with any Tree implementation. */
public class BaseTreeAdaptor implements TreeAdaptor {
/** System.identityHashCode() is not always unique; we have to
* track ourselves. That's ok, it's only for debugging, though it's
* expensive: we have to create a hashtable with all tree nodes in it.
protected var treeToUniqueIDMap:Dictionary;
protected var uniqueNodeID:int = 1;
public function nil():Object {
return createWithPayload(null);
/** create tree node that holds the start and stop tokens associated
* with an error.
* If you specify your own kind of tree nodes, you will likely have to
* override this method. CommonTree returns Token.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
* if no token payload but you might have to set token type for diff
* node type.
* You don't have to subclass CommonErrorNode; you will likely need to
* subclass your own tree node class to avoid class cast exception.
public function errorNode(input:TokenStream, start:Token, stop:Token,
e:RecognitionException):Object {
var t:CommonErrorNode = new CommonErrorNode(input, start, stop, e);
//System.out.println("returning error node '"+t+"' @index="+input.index());
return t;
public function isNil(tree:Object):Boolean {
return Tree(tree).isNil;
public function dupTree(tree:Object):Object {
return dupTreeWithParent(tree, null);
/** This is generic in the sense that it will work with any kind of
* tree (not just Tree interface). It invokes the adaptor routines
* not the tree node routines to do the construction.
public function dupTreeWithParent(t:Object, parent:Object):Object {
if ( t==null ) {
return null;
var newTree:Object = dupNode(t);
// ensure new subtree root has parent/child index set
setChildIndex(newTree, getChildIndex(t)); // same index in new tree
setParent(newTree, parent);
var n:int = getChildCount(t);
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) {
var child:Object = getChild(t, i);
var newSubTree:Object = dupTreeWithParent(child, t);
addChild(newTree, newSubTree);
return newTree;
/** Add a child to the tree t. If child is a flat tree (a list), make all
* in list children of t. Warning: if t has no children, but child does
* and child isNil then you can decide it is ok to move children to t via
* t.children = child.children; i.e., without copying the array. Just
* make sure that this is consistent with have the user will build
* ASTs.
public function addChild(t:Object, child:Object):void {
if ( t!=null && child!=null ) {
/** If oldRoot is a nil root, just copy or move the children to newRoot.
* If not a nil root, make oldRoot a child of newRoot.
* old=^(nil a b c), new=r yields ^(r a b c)
* old=^(a b c), new=r yields ^(r ^(a b c))
* If newRoot is a nil-rooted single child tree, use the single
* child as the new root node.
* old=^(nil a b c), new=^(nil r) yields ^(r a b c)
* old=^(a b c), new=^(nil r) yields ^(r ^(a b c))
* If oldRoot was null, it's ok, just return newRoot (even if isNil).
* old=null, new=r yields r
* old=null, new=^(nil r) yields ^(nil r)
* Return newRoot. Throw an exception if newRoot is not a
* simple node or nil root with a single child node--it must be a root
* node. If newRoot is ^(nil x) return x as newRoot.
* Be advised that it's ok for newRoot to point at oldRoot's
* children; i.e., you don't have to copy the list. We are
* constructing these nodes so we should have this control for
* efficiency.
public function becomeRoot(newRoot:Object, oldRoot:Object):Object {
// If new Root is token, then create a Tree.
if (newRoot is Token) {
newRoot = createWithPayload(Token(newRoot));
var newRootTree:Tree = Tree(newRoot);
var oldRootTree:Tree = Tree(oldRoot);
if ( oldRoot==null ) {
return newRoot;
// handle ^(nil real-node)
if ( newRootTree.isNil ) {
var nc:int = newRootTree.childCount;
if ( nc==1 ) newRootTree = Tree(newRootTree.getChild(0));
else if ( nc >1 ) {
// TODO: make tree run time exceptions hierarchy
throw new Error("more than one node as root (TODO: make exception hierarchy)");
// add oldRoot to newRoot; addChild takes care of case where oldRoot
// is a flat list (i.e., nil-rooted tree). All children of oldRoot
// are added to newRoot.
return newRootTree;
/** Transform ^(nil x) to x and nil to null */
public function rulePostProcessing(root:Object):Object {
var r:Tree = Tree(root);
if ( r!=null && r.isNil ) {
if ( r.childCount==0 ) {
r = null;
else if ( r.childCount==1 ) {
r = Tree(r.getChild(0));
// whoever invokes rule will set parent and child index
r.parent = null;
r.childIndex = -1;
return r;
public function createFromToken(tokenType:int, fromToken:Token, text:String = null):Object {
fromToken = createToken(fromToken);
fromToken.type = tokenType;
if (text != null) {
fromToken.text = text;
return createWithPayload(fromToken);
public function createFromType(tokenType:int, text:String):Object {
var fromToken:Token = createTokenFromType(tokenType, text);
return createWithPayload(fromToken);
public function getType(t:Object):int {
return Tree(t).type;
public function setType(t:Object, type:int):void {
throw new Error("don't know enough about Tree node");
public function getText(t:Object):String {
return Tree(t).text;
public function setText(t:Object, text:String):void {
throw new Error("don't know enough about Tree node");
public function getChild(t:Object, i:int):Object {
return Tree(t).getChild(i);
public function setChild(t:Object, i:int, child:Object):void {
Tree(t).setChild(i, Tree(child));
public function deleteChild(t:Object, i:int):Object {
return Tree(t).deleteChild(i);
public function getChildCount(t:Object):int {
return Tree(t).childCount;
public function getUniqueID(node:Object):int {
if ( treeToUniqueIDMap==null ) {
treeToUniqueIDMap = new Dictionary();
if (treeToUniqueIDMap.hasOwnProperty(node)) {
return treeToUniqueIDMap[node];
var ID:int = uniqueNodeID;
treeToUniqueIDMap[node] = ID;
return ID;
/** Tell me how to create a token for use with imaginary token nodes.
* For example, there is probably no input symbol associated with imaginary
* token DECL, but you need to create it as a payload or whatever for
* the DECL node as in ^(DECL type ID).
* If you care what the token payload objects' type is, you should
* override this method and any other createToken variant.
public function createTokenFromType(tokenType:int, text:String):Token {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
/** Tell me how to create a token for use with imaginary token nodes.
* For example, there is probably no input symbol associated with imaginary
* token DECL, but you need to create it as a payload or whatever for
* the DECL node as in ^(DECL type ID).
* This is a variant of createToken where the new token is derived from
* an actual real input token. Typically this is for converting '{'
* tokens to BLOCK etc... You'll see
* r : lc='{' ID+ '}' -> ^(BLOCK[$lc] ID+) ;
* If you care what the token payload objects' type is, you should
* override this method and any other createToken variant.
public function createToken(fromToken:Token):Token {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function createWithPayload(payload:Token):Object {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function dupNode(t:Object):Object {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function getToken(t:Object):Token {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function setTokenBoundaries(t:Object, startToken:Token, stopToken:Token):void {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function getTokenStartIndex(t:Object):int {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function getTokenStopIndex(t:Object):int {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function getParent(t:Object):Object {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function setParent(t:Object, parent:Object):void {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function getChildIndex(t:Object):int {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function setChildIndex(t:Object, index:int):void {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function replaceChildren(parent:Object, startChildIndex:int, stopChildIndex:int, t:Object):void {
throw new Error("Not implemented - abstract function");
public function create(... args):Object {
if (args.length == 1 && args[0] is Token) {
return createWithPayload(args[0]);
else if (args.length == 2 &&
args[0] is int &&
args[1] is Token) {
return createFromToken(args[0], args[1]);
else if (args.length == 3 &&
args[0] is int &&
args[1] is Token &&
args[2] is String) {
return createFromToken(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
else if (args.length == 2 &&
args[0] is int &&
args[1] is String) {
return createFromType(args[0], args[1]);
throw new Error("No methods signature for arguments : " + ObjectUtil.toString(args));