blob: c37898a025390d8647034321b5e893f22794fe30 [file] [log] [blame]
// FastQueueTest.m
// Created by Ian Michell on 13/05/2010.
// Copyright 2010 Ian Michell and Alan Condit. All rights reserved.
#import "FastQueueTest.h"
#import "FastQueue.h"
#import "ANTLRError.h"
#import "RuntimeException.h"
@implementation FastQueueTest
-(void) testInit
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
[queue release];
-(void) testAddAndGet
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
[queue addObject:@"My String"];
STAssertTrue([[queue objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]], @"First object is not a NSString");
STAssertEquals([queue objectAtIndex:0], @"My String", @"Object at index zero is invalid");
STAssertTrue([queue size] == 1, @"Queue is the wrong size: %d", [queue size]);
[queue release];
-(void) testInvalidElementIndex
//RuntimeException *NoSuchElementException = [NoSuchElementException newException:@"No such element exception"];
id retVal;
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
retVal = [queue objectAtIndex:100];
@catch (NoSuchElementException *e)
STAssertTrue([[e name] isEqualTo:@"NoSuchElementException"], @"Exception was not type: NoSuchElementException -- %@", [e name]);
STFail(@"Exception NoSuchElementException was not thrown -- %@", [retVal name]);
[queue release];
-(void) testHead
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
[queue addObject:@"Item 1"];
[queue addObject:@"Item 2"];
[queue addObject:@"Item 3"];
id head = [queue head];
STAssertNotNil(head, @"Object returned from head is nil");
STAssertEquals(head, @"Item 1", @"Object returned was not first item in");
[queue release];
-(void) testClear
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
[queue addObject:@"Item 1"];
[queue addObject:@"Item 2"];
[queue addObject:@"Item 3"];
STAssertTrue([queue size] == 3, @"Queue was too small, was: %d expected 3", [queue size]);
[queue reset];
STAssertTrue([queue size] == 0, @"Queue is not empty, it's still %d", [queue size]);
[queue release];
-(void) testDescription
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
[queue addObject:@"My"];
[queue addObject:@"String"];
STAssertTrue([[queue description] isEqualToString:@"My String"], @"Queue description was not right, got: \"%@\" expected: \"My String\"", [queue description]);
[queue release];
-(void) testRemove
FastQueue *queue = [[FastQueue newFastQueue] retain];
STAssertNotNil(queue, @"Queue was not created and was nil");
[queue addObject:@"My"];
[queue addObject:@"String"];
STAssertTrue([queue size] == 2, @"Queue not the correct size, was: %d expected 2", [queue size]);
[queue remove];
STAssertTrue([queue size] == 1, @"Queue not the correct size, was %d expected 1", [queue size]);
[queue remove]; // test that the queue is reset when we remove the last object...
STAssertTrue([queue size] == 0, @"Queue was not reset, when we hit the buffer, was still %d", [queue size]);
[queue release];