blob: 6589adccf7ef034bb93942ded8a53e5897ad40cb [file] [log] [blame]
{Checker Framework} website.
\newblock \url{}.
Werner Dietl, Stephanie Dietzel, Michael~D. Ernst, K{\i}van{\c{c}} Mu{\c{s}}lu,
and Todd Schiller.
\newblock Building and using pluggable type-checkers.
\newblock In {\em ICSE 2011, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference
on Software Engineering}, pages 681--690, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, May 2011.
Michael~D. Ernst.
\newblock {Type Annotations} specification ({JSR} 308).
\newblock \url{}, October 2013.
Gary~T. Leavens, Albert~L. Baker, and Clyde Ruby.
\newblock Preliminary design of {JML}: A behavioral interface specification
language for {Java}.
\newblock {\em ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes}, 31(3), March 2006.