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<title>Annotation Scene Library overview</title>
<!-- Everything between <body> and </body> ends up in file overview-summary.html in the Javadoc. -->
The Annotation Scene Library provides classes to represent the annotations on a
Java program and read and write those annotations in various formats.
<li>An {@link annotations.el.AScene} holds annotations for a set of classes
and packages.
<li>A {@link annotations.el.AElement} represents one particular element of a
Java program within an <code>AScene</code>.
<li>Package {@link} provides routines to read and write
{@link annotations.el.AScene}s in various formats.
<li>An {@link annotations.Annotation} represents an annotation (which might be a
field of another annotation). It can be attached to an {@link annotations.el.AElement}.
<li>An {@link annotations.el.AnnotationDef} represents an annotation definition,
consisting of a definition name and field names and types
({@link annotations.field.AnnotationFieldType}s). It also indicates the
annotation's retention policy.
The example program <code>annotations.tests.Example</code> demonstrates the
library's annotation-processing capabilities. Its source code (and also
example input and output) are distributed with the Annotation Scene Library.