blob: 50c003e4d0bada9480c816de5d80623ea861fe88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FeaturesMtl.h: Optional features for the Metal renderer.
#include "platform/Feature.h"
namespace angle
struct FeaturesMtl : FeatureSetBase
// BaseVertex/Instanced draw support:
Feature hasBaseVertexInstancedDraw = {
"has_base_vertex_instanced_draw", FeatureCategory::MetalFeatures,
"The renderer supports base vertex instanced draw", &members};
// Support depth texture filtering
Feature hasDepthTextureFiltering = {
"has_depth_texture_filtering", FeatureCategory::MetalFeatures,
"The renderer supports depth texture's filtering other than nearest", &members};
// Non-uniform compute shader dispatch support, i.e. Group size is not necessarily to be fixed:
Feature hasNonUniformDispatch = {
"has_non_uniform_dispatch", FeatureCategory::MetalFeatures,
"The renderer supports non uniform compute shader dispatch's group size", &members};
// Texture swizzle support:
Feature hasTextureSwizzle = {"has_texture_swizzle", FeatureCategory::MetalFeatures,
"The renderer supports texture swizzle", &members};
// On macos, separate depth & stencil buffers are not supproted. However, on iOS devices,
// they are supproted:
Feature allowSeparatedDepthStencilBuffers = {
"allow_separate_depth_stencil_buffers", FeatureCategory::MetalFeatures,
"Some Apple platforms such as iOS allows separate depth & stencil buffers, "
"whereas others such as macOS don't",
} // namespace angle