blob: 2c7734348082e3c45d7a761527a7ec852f3f1e6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// State.h: Defines the State class, encapsulating raw GL state
#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include "common/Color.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/bitset_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/ContextMutex.h"
#include "libANGLE/Debug.h"
#include "libANGLE/GLES1State.h"
#include "libANGLE/Overlay.h"
#include "libANGLE/Program.h"
#include "libANGLE/ProgramExecutable.h"
#include "libANGLE/ProgramPipeline.h"
#include "libANGLE/RefCountObject.h"
#include "libANGLE/Renderbuffer.h"
#include "libANGLE/Sampler.h"
#include "libANGLE/Texture.h"
#include "libANGLE/TransformFeedback.h"
#include "libANGLE/Version.h"
#include "libANGLE/VertexArray.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
namespace egl
class ShareGroup;
} // namespace egl
namespace gl
class BufferManager;
struct Caps;
class Context;
class FramebufferManager;
class MemoryObjectManager;
class ProgramPipelineManager;
class Query;
class RenderbufferManager;
class SamplerManager;
class SemaphoreManager;
class ShaderProgramManager;
class SyncManager;
class TextureManager;
class VertexArray;
static constexpr Version ES_1_0 = Version(1, 0);
static constexpr Version ES_1_1 = Version(1, 1);
static constexpr Version ES_2_0 = Version(2, 0);
static constexpr Version ES_3_0 = Version(3, 0);
static constexpr Version ES_3_1 = Version(3, 1);
static constexpr Version ES_3_2 = Version(3, 2);
template <typename T>
using BufferBindingMap = angle::PackedEnumMap<BufferBinding, T>;
using BoundBufferMap = BufferBindingMap<BindingPointer<Buffer>>;
using TextureBindingVector = std::vector<BindingPointer<Texture>>;
using TextureBindingMap = angle::PackedEnumMap<TextureType, TextureBindingVector>;
using ActiveQueryMap = angle::PackedEnumMap<QueryType, BindingPointer<Query>>;
class ActiveTexturesCache final : angle::NonCopyable
Texture *operator[](size_t textureIndex) const { return mTextures[textureIndex]; }
void clear();
void set(size_t textureIndex, Texture *texture);
void reset(size_t textureIndex);
bool empty() const;
size_t size() const { return mTextures.size(); }
ActiveTextureArray<Texture *> mTextures;
namespace state
enum DirtyBitType
// Note: process draw framebuffer binding first, so that other dirty bits whose effect
// depend on the current draw framebuffer are not processed while the old framebuffer is
// still bound.
// Note: Fine-grained dirty bits for each index could be an optimization.
// Note: Fine-grained dirty bits for each texture/sampler could be an optimization.
DIRTY_BIT_COVERAGE_MODULATION, // CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples
DIRTY_BIT_EXTENDED, // clip distances, mipmap generation hint, derivative hint,
// EXT_clip_control, EXT_depth_clamp
static_assert(DIRTY_BIT_MAX <= 64, "State dirty bits must be capped at 64");
using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_MAX>;
enum ExtendedDirtyBitType
static_assert(EXTENDED_DIRTY_BIT_MAX <= 32, "State extended dirty bits must be capped at 32");
using ExtendedDirtyBits = angle::BitSet32<EXTENDED_DIRTY_BIT_MAX>;
// TODO(jmadill): Consider storing dirty objects in a list instead of by binding.
enum DirtyObjectType
DIRTY_OBJECT_ACTIVE_TEXTURES, // Top-level dirty bit. Also see mDirtyActiveTextures.
DIRTY_OBJECT_TEXTURES, // Top-level dirty bit. Also see mDirtyTextures.
DIRTY_OBJECT_IMAGES, // Top-level dirty bit. Also see mDirtyImages.
DIRTY_OBJECT_SAMPLERS, // Top-level dirty bit. Also see mDirtySamplers.
using DirtyObjects = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_OBJECT_MAX>;
} // namespace state
// This class represents the portion of the GL context's state that is purely private to the
// context. Manipulating this state does not affect the other contexts in any way, nor do operations
// in other contexts affect this.
// Note that "currently bound X" states do not belong here because unbinding most objects could lead
// to object destruction which in turn may trigger a notification to an observer that may affect
// another context.
class PrivateState : angle::NonCopyable
PrivateState(const EGLenum clientType,
const Version &clientVersion,
EGLint profileMask,
bool debug,
bool bindGeneratesResourceCHROMIUM,
bool clientArraysEnabled,
bool robustResourceInit,
bool programBinaryCacheEnabled);
void initialize(Context *context);
void initializeForCapture(const Context *context);
void reset();
EGLenum getClientType() const { return mClientType; }
EGLint getProfileMask() const { return mProfileMask; }
const Version &getClientVersion() const { return mClientVersion; }
GLint getClientMajorVersion() const { return mClientVersion.major; }
GLint getClientMinorVersion() const { return mClientVersion.minor; }
bool isWebGL() const { return getExtensions().webglCompatibilityANGLE; }
bool isWebGL1() const { return isWebGL() && getClientVersion().major == 2; }
bool isGLES1() const { return getClientVersion() < ES_2_0; }
const Caps &getCaps() const { return mCaps; }
const TextureCapsMap &getTextureCaps() const { return mTextureCaps; }
const Extensions &getExtensions() const { return mExtensions; }
const Limitations &getLimitations() const { return mLimitations; }
Caps *getMutableCaps() { return &mCaps; }
TextureCapsMap *getMutableTextureCaps() { return &mTextureCaps; }
Extensions *getMutableExtensions() { return &mExtensions; }
Limitations *getMutableLimitations() { return &mLimitations; }
// State chunk getters
const RasterizerState &getRasterizerState() const { return mRasterizer; }
const BlendState &getBlendState() const { return mBlendState; }
const BlendStateExt &getBlendStateExt() const { return mBlendStateExt; }
const DepthStencilState &getDepthStencilState() const { return mDepthStencil; }
// Clear values
void setColorClearValue(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
void setDepthClearValue(float depth);
void setStencilClearValue(int stencil);
const ColorF &getColorClearValue() const { return mColorClearValue; }
float getDepthClearValue() const { return mDepthClearValue; }
int getStencilClearValue() const { return mStencilClearValue; }
// Write mask manipulation
void setColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
void setColorMaskIndexed(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha, GLuint index);
void setDepthMask(bool mask);
// Discard toggle & query
bool isRasterizerDiscardEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.rasterizerDiscard; }
void setRasterizerDiscard(bool enabled);
// Primitive restart
bool isPrimitiveRestartEnabled() const { return mPrimitiveRestart; }
void setPrimitiveRestart(bool enabled);
// Face culling state manipulation
bool isCullFaceEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.cullFace; }
void setCullFace(bool enabled);
void setCullMode(CullFaceMode mode);
void setFrontFace(GLenum front);
// EXT_depth_clamp
bool isDepthClampEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.depthClamp; }
void setDepthClamp(bool enabled);
// Depth test state manipulation
bool isDepthTestEnabled() const { return mDepthStencil.depthTest; }
bool isDepthWriteEnabled() const { return mDepthStencil.depthTest && mDepthStencil.depthMask; }
void setDepthTest(bool enabled);
void setDepthFunc(GLenum depthFunc);
void setDepthRange(float zNear, float zFar);
float getNearPlane() const { return mNearZ; }
float getFarPlane() const { return mFarZ; }
// EXT_clip_control
void setClipControl(ClipOrigin origin, ClipDepthMode depth);
ClipOrigin getClipOrigin() const { return mClipOrigin; }
ClipDepthMode getClipDepthMode() const { return mClipDepthMode; }
bool isClipDepthModeZeroToOne() const { return mClipDepthMode == ClipDepthMode::ZeroToOne; }
// Blend state manipulation
bool isBlendEnabled() const { return mBlendStateExt.getEnabledMask().test(0); }
bool isBlendEnabledIndexed(GLuint index) const
ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(index) < mBlendStateExt.getDrawBufferCount());
return mBlendStateExt.getEnabledMask().test(index);
DrawBufferMask getBlendEnabledDrawBufferMask() const { return mBlendStateExt.getEnabledMask(); }
void setBlend(bool enabled);
void setBlendIndexed(bool enabled, GLuint index);
void setBlendFactors(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destRGB, GLenum sourceAlpha, GLenum destAlpha);
void setBlendFactorsIndexed(GLenum sourceRGB,
GLenum destRGB,
GLenum sourceAlpha,
GLenum destAlpha,
GLuint index);
void setBlendColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
void setBlendEquation(GLenum rgbEquation, GLenum alphaEquation);
void setBlendEquationIndexed(GLenum rgbEquation, GLenum alphaEquation, GLuint index);
const ColorF &getBlendColor() const { return mBlendColor; }
// Stencil state maniupulation
bool isStencilTestEnabled() const { return mDepthStencil.stencilTest; }
bool isStencilWriteEnabled() const
return mDepthStencil.stencilTest &&
!(mDepthStencil.isStencilNoOp() && mDepthStencil.isStencilBackNoOp());
void setStencilTest(bool enabled);
void setStencilParams(GLenum stencilFunc, GLint stencilRef, GLuint stencilMask);
void setStencilBackParams(GLenum stencilBackFunc, GLint stencilBackRef, GLuint stencilBackMask);
void setStencilWritemask(GLuint stencilWritemask);
void setStencilBackWritemask(GLuint stencilBackWritemask);
void setStencilOperations(GLenum stencilFail,
GLenum stencilPassDepthFail,
GLenum stencilPassDepthPass);
void setStencilBackOperations(GLenum stencilBackFail,
GLenum stencilBackPassDepthFail,
GLenum stencilBackPassDepthPass);
GLint getStencilRef() const { return mStencilRef; }
GLint getStencilBackRef() const { return mStencilBackRef; }
PolygonMode getPolygonMode() const { return mRasterizer.polygonMode; }
void setPolygonMode(PolygonMode mode);
// Depth bias/polygon offset state manipulation
bool isPolygonOffsetPointEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.polygonOffsetPoint; }
bool isPolygonOffsetLineEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.polygonOffsetLine; }
bool isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFill; }
bool isPolygonOffsetEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.isPolygonOffsetEnabled(); }
void setPolygonOffsetPoint(bool enabled);
void setPolygonOffsetLine(bool enabled);
void setPolygonOffsetFill(bool enabled);
void setPolygonOffsetParams(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units, GLfloat clamp);
// Multisample coverage state manipulation
bool isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled() const { return mSampleAlphaToCoverage; }
void setSampleAlphaToCoverage(bool enabled);
bool isSampleCoverageEnabled() const { return mSampleCoverage; }
void setSampleCoverage(bool enabled);
void setSampleCoverageParams(GLclampf value, bool invert);
GLclampf getSampleCoverageValue() const { return mSampleCoverageValue; }
bool getSampleCoverageInvert() const { return mSampleCoverageInvert; }
// Multisample mask state manipulation.
bool isSampleMaskEnabled() const { return mSampleMask; }
void setSampleMaskEnabled(bool enabled);
void setSampleMaskParams(GLuint maskNumber, GLbitfield mask);
GLbitfield getSampleMaskWord(GLuint maskNumber) const
ASSERT(maskNumber < mMaxSampleMaskWords);
return mSampleMaskValues[maskNumber];
SampleMaskArray<GLbitfield> getSampleMaskValues() const { return mSampleMaskValues; }
GLuint getMaxSampleMaskWords() const { return mMaxSampleMaskWords; }
// Multisampling/alpha to one manipulation.
void setSampleAlphaToOne(bool enabled);
bool isSampleAlphaToOneEnabled() const { return mSampleAlphaToOne; }
void setMultisampling(bool enabled);
bool isMultisamplingEnabled() const { return mMultiSampling; }
void setSampleShading(bool enabled);
bool isSampleShadingEnabled() const { return mIsSampleShadingEnabled; }
void setMinSampleShading(float value);
float getMinSampleShading() const { return mMinSampleShading; }
// Scissor test state toggle & query
bool isScissorTestEnabled() const { return mScissorTest; }
void setScissorTest(bool enabled);
void setScissorParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
const Rectangle &getScissor() const { return mScissor; }
// Dither state toggle & query
bool isDitherEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.dither; }
void setDither(bool enabled);
// GL_CHROMIUM_bind_generates_resource
bool isBindGeneratesResourceEnabled() const { return mBindGeneratesResource; }
// GL_ANGLE_client_arrays
bool areClientArraysEnabled() const { return mClientArraysEnabled; }
// GL_ANGLE_robust_resource_initialization
bool isRobustResourceInitEnabled() const { return mRobustResourceInit; }
// GL_ANGLE_program_cache_control
bool isProgramBinaryCacheEnabled() const { return mProgramBinaryCacheEnabled; }
// Viewport state setter/getter
void setViewportParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
const Rectangle &getViewport() const { return mViewport; }
// QCOM_shading_rate helpers
void setShadingRate(GLenum rate);
ShadingRate getShadingRate() const { return mShadingRate; }
// Pixel pack state manipulation
void setPackAlignment(GLint alignment);
GLint getPackAlignment() const { return mPack.alignment; }
void setPackReverseRowOrder(bool reverseRowOrder);
bool getPackReverseRowOrder() const { return mPack.reverseRowOrder; }
void setPackRowLength(GLint rowLength);
GLint getPackRowLength() const { return mPack.rowLength; }
void setPackSkipRows(GLint skipRows);
GLint getPackSkipRows() const { return mPack.skipRows; }
void setPackSkipPixels(GLint skipPixels);
GLint getPackSkipPixels() const { return mPack.skipPixels; }
const PixelPackState &getPackState() const { return mPack; }
PixelPackState &getPackState() { return mPack; }
// Pixel unpack state manipulation
void setUnpackAlignment(GLint alignment);
GLint getUnpackAlignment() const { return mUnpack.alignment; }
void setUnpackRowLength(GLint rowLength);
GLint getUnpackRowLength() const { return mUnpack.rowLength; }
void setUnpackImageHeight(GLint imageHeight);
GLint getUnpackImageHeight() const { return mUnpack.imageHeight; }
void setUnpackSkipImages(GLint skipImages);
GLint getUnpackSkipImages() const { return mUnpack.skipImages; }
void setUnpackSkipRows(GLint skipRows);
GLint getUnpackSkipRows() const { return mUnpack.skipRows; }
void setUnpackSkipPixels(GLint skipPixels);
GLint getUnpackSkipPixels() const { return mUnpack.skipPixels; }
const PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState() const { return mUnpack; }
PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState() { return mUnpack; }
// CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples coverage modulation
void setCoverageModulation(GLenum components);
GLenum getCoverageModulation() const { return mCoverageModulation; }
// GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
void setFramebufferSRGB(bool sRGB);
bool getFramebufferSRGB() const { return mFramebufferSRGB; }
// GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
void setPatchVertices(GLuint value);
GLuint getPatchVertices() const { return mPatchVertices; }
// GL_ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage
void setPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes(GLsizei n);
GLsizei getPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes() const { return mPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes; }
// Line width state setter
void setLineWidth(GLfloat width);
float getLineWidth() const { return mLineWidth; }
void setActiveSampler(unsigned int active);
unsigned int getActiveSampler() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(mActiveSampler); }
// Hint setters
void setGenerateMipmapHint(GLenum hint);
GLenum getGenerateMipmapHint() const { return mGenerateMipmapHint; }
GLenum getFragmentShaderDerivativeHint() const { return mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint; }
void setFragmentShaderDerivativeHint(GLenum hint);
ProvokingVertexConvention getProvokingVertex() const { return mProvokingVertex; }
void setProvokingVertex(ProvokingVertexConvention val)
mProvokingVertex = val;
const VertexAttribCurrentValueData &getVertexAttribCurrentValue(size_t attribNum) const
ASSERT(attribNum < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size());
return mVertexAttribCurrentValues[attribNum];
const std::vector<VertexAttribCurrentValueData> &getVertexAttribCurrentValues() const
return mVertexAttribCurrentValues;
// This actually clears the current value dirty bits.
// TODO(jmadill): Pass mutable dirty bits into Impl.
AttributesMask getAndResetDirtyCurrentValues() const;
ComponentTypeMask getCurrentValuesTypeMask() const { return mCurrentValuesTypeMask; }
const ClipDistanceEnableBits &getEnabledClipDistances() const { return mClipDistancesEnabled; }
void setClipDistanceEnable(int idx, bool enable);
bool noSimultaneousConstantColorAndAlphaBlendFunc() const
return mNoSimultaneousConstantColorAndAlphaBlendFunc;
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinX() const { return mBoundingBoxMinX; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinY() const { return mBoundingBoxMinY; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinZ() const { return mBoundingBoxMinZ; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinW() const { return mBoundingBoxMinW; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxX() const { return mBoundingBoxMaxX; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxY() const { return mBoundingBoxMaxY; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxZ() const { return mBoundingBoxMaxZ; }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxW() const { return mBoundingBoxMaxW; }
void setBoundingBox(GLfloat minX,
GLfloat minY,
GLfloat minZ,
GLfloat minW,
GLfloat maxX,
GLfloat maxY,
GLfloat maxZ,
GLfloat maxW);
bool isTextureRectangleEnabled() const { return mTextureRectangleEnabled; }
DrawBufferMask getBlendFuncConstantAlphaDrawBuffers() const
return mBlendFuncConstantAlphaDrawBuffers;
DrawBufferMask getBlendFuncConstantColorDrawBuffers() const
return mBlendFuncConstantColorDrawBuffers;
void setLogicOpEnabled(bool enabled);
bool isLogicOpEnabled() const { return mLogicOpEnabled; }
void setLogicOp(LogicalOperation opcode);
LogicalOperation getLogicOp() const { return mLogicOp; }
// Vertex attrib manipulation
void setVertexAttribf(GLuint index, const GLfloat values[4]);
void setVertexAttribu(GLuint index, const GLuint values[4]);
void setVertexAttribi(GLuint index, const GLint values[4]);
// Debug state
const Debug &getDebug() const { return mDebug; }
Debug &getDebug() { return mDebug; }
// Generic state toggle & query
void setEnableFeature(GLenum feature, bool enabled);
void setEnableFeatureIndexed(GLenum feature, bool enabled, GLuint index);
bool getEnableFeature(GLenum feature) const;
bool getEnableFeatureIndexed(GLenum feature, GLuint index) const;
// State query functions
void getBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params) const;
void getFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) const;
void getIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint *params) const;
void getIntegeri_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint *data) const;
void getBooleani_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLboolean *data) const;
GLES1State *getMutableGLES1State() { return &mGLES1State; }
const GLES1State &gles1() const { return mGLES1State; }
const state::DirtyBits &getDirtyBits() const { return mDirtyBits; }
void clearDirtyBits() { mDirtyBits.reset(); }
void clearDirtyBits(const state::DirtyBits &bitset) { mDirtyBits &= ~bitset; }
void setAllDirtyBits()
mDirtyCurrentValues = mAllAttribsMask;
const state::ExtendedDirtyBits &getExtendedDirtyBits() const { return mExtendedDirtyBits; }
void clearExtendedDirtyBits() { mExtendedDirtyBits.reset(); }
void clearExtendedDirtyBits(const state::ExtendedDirtyBits &bitset)
mExtendedDirtyBits &= ~bitset;
const state::DirtyObjects &getDirtyObjects() const { return mDirtyObjects; }
void clearDirtyObjects() { mDirtyObjects.reset(); }
bool hasConstantColor(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destRGB) const;
bool hasConstantAlpha(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destRGB) const;
const EGLenum mClientType;
const EGLint mProfileMask;
const Version mClientVersion;
// Caps to use for validation
Caps mCaps;
TextureCapsMap mTextureCaps;
Extensions mExtensions;
Limitations mLimitations;
ColorF mColorClearValue;
GLfloat mDepthClearValue;
int mStencilClearValue;
RasterizerState mRasterizer;
bool mScissorTest;
Rectangle mScissor;
bool mNoUnclampedBlendColor;
BlendState mBlendState; // Buffer zero blend state legacy struct
BlendStateExt mBlendStateExt;
ColorF mBlendColor;
bool mSampleAlphaToCoverage;
bool mSampleCoverage;
GLfloat mSampleCoverageValue;
bool mSampleCoverageInvert;
bool mSampleMask;
GLuint mMaxSampleMaskWords;
SampleMaskArray<GLbitfield> mSampleMaskValues;
bool mIsSampleShadingEnabled;
float mMinSampleShading;
DepthStencilState mDepthStencil;
GLint mStencilRef;
GLint mStencilBackRef;
GLfloat mLineWidth;
GLenum mGenerateMipmapHint;
GLenum mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint;
Rectangle mViewport;
float mNearZ;
float mFarZ;
ClipOrigin mClipOrigin;
ClipDepthMode mClipDepthMode;
// GL_ANGLE_provoking_vertex
ProvokingVertexConvention mProvokingVertex;
using VertexAttribVector = std::vector<VertexAttribCurrentValueData>;
VertexAttribVector mVertexAttribCurrentValues; // From glVertexAttrib
ComponentTypeMask mCurrentValuesTypeMask;
// Mask of all attributes that are available to this context: [0, maxVertexAttributes)
AttributesMask mAllAttribsMask;
// Texture and sampler bindings
GLint mActiveSampler; // Active texture unit selector - GL_TEXTURE0
PixelUnpackState mUnpack;
PixelPackState mPack;
bool mPrimitiveRestart;
bool mMultiSampling;
bool mSampleAlphaToOne;
GLenum mCoverageModulation;
// GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
bool mFramebufferSRGB;
// GL_ANGLE_webgl_compatibility
bool mTextureRectangleEnabled;
// GL_ANGLE_logic_op
bool mLogicOpEnabled;
LogicalOperation mLogicOp;
// GL_APPLE_clip_distance / GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance / GL_ANGLE_clip_cull_distance
ClipDistanceEnableBits mClipDistancesEnabled;
// GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
GLuint mPatchVertices;
// GL_ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage
GLsizei mPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes;
// GLES1 emulation: state specific to GLES1
GLES1State mGLES1State;
// OES_draw_buffers_indexed
DrawBufferMask mBlendFuncConstantAlphaDrawBuffers;
DrawBufferMask mBlendFuncConstantColorDrawBuffers;
bool mNoSimultaneousConstantColorAndAlphaBlendFunc;
// Whether the indexed variants of setBlend* have been called. If so, the call to the
// non-indexed variants are not no-oped.
bool mSetBlendIndexedInvoked;
bool mSetBlendFactorsIndexedInvoked;
bool mSetBlendEquationsIndexedInvoked;
// GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMinX;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMinY;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMinZ;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMinW;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMaxX;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMaxY;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMaxZ;
GLfloat mBoundingBoxMaxW;
// QCOM_shading_rate
bool mShadingRatePreserveAspectRatio;
ShadingRate mShadingRate;
// GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch
bool mFetchPerSample;
const bool mBindGeneratesResource;
const bool mClientArraysEnabled;
const bool mRobustResourceInit;
const bool mProgramBinaryCacheEnabled;
Debug mDebug;
state::DirtyBits mDirtyBits;
state::ExtendedDirtyBits mExtendedDirtyBits;
state::DirtyObjects mDirtyObjects;
mutable AttributesMask mDirtyCurrentValues;
// This class represents all of the GL context's state.
class State : angle::NonCopyable
State(const State *shareContextState,
egl::ShareGroup *shareGroup,
TextureManager *shareTextures,
SemaphoreManager *shareSemaphores,
egl::ContextMutex *contextMutex,
const OverlayType *overlay,
const EGLenum clientType,
const Version &clientVersion,
EGLint profileMask,
bool debug,
bool bindGeneratesResourceCHROMIUM,
bool clientArraysEnabled,
bool robustResourceInit,
bool programBinaryCacheEnabled,
EGLenum contextPriority,
bool hasRobustAccess,
bool hasProtectedContent);
void initialize(Context *context);
void reset(const Context *context);
// Getters
ContextID getContextID() const { return mID; }
EGLenum getClientType() const { return mPrivateState.getClientType(); }
EGLint getProfileMask() const { return mPrivateState.getProfileMask(); }
EGLenum getContextPriority() const { return mContextPriority; }
bool hasRobustAccess() const { return mHasRobustAccess; }
bool hasProtectedContent() const { return mHasProtectedContent; }
bool isDebugContext() const { return mIsDebugContext; }
GLint getClientMajorVersion() const { return mPrivateState.getClientMajorVersion(); }
GLint getClientMinorVersion() const { return mPrivateState.getClientMinorVersion(); }
const Version &getClientVersion() const { return mPrivateState.getClientVersion(); }
egl::ShareGroup *getShareGroup() const { return mShareGroup; }
bool isWebGL() const { return mPrivateState.isWebGL(); }
bool isWebGL1() const { return mPrivateState.isWebGL1(); }
bool isGLES1() const { return mPrivateState.isGLES1(); }
const Caps &getCaps() const { return mPrivateState.getCaps(); }
const TextureCapsMap &getTextureCaps() const { return mPrivateState.getTextureCaps(); }
const Extensions &getExtensions() const { return mPrivateState.getExtensions(); }
const Limitations &getLimitations() const { return mPrivateState.getLimitations(); }
Caps *getMutableCaps() { return mPrivateState.getMutableCaps(); }
TextureCapsMap *getMutableTextureCaps() { return mPrivateState.getMutableTextureCaps(); }
Extensions *getMutableExtensions() { return mPrivateState.getMutableExtensions(); }
Limitations *getMutableLimitations() { return mPrivateState.getMutableLimitations(); }
const TextureCaps &getTextureCap(GLenum internalFormat) const
return getTextureCaps().get(internalFormat);
bool allActiveDrawBufferChannelsMasked() const;
bool anyActiveDrawBufferChannelMasked() const;
// Texture binding & active texture unit manipulation
void setSamplerTexture(const Context *context, TextureType type, Texture *texture);
Texture *getTargetTexture(TextureType type) const;
Texture *getSamplerTexture(unsigned int sampler, TextureType type) const
ASSERT(sampler < mSamplerTextures[type].size());
return mSamplerTextures[type][sampler].get();
TextureID getSamplerTextureId(unsigned int sampler, TextureType type) const;
void detachTexture(Context *context, const TextureMap &zeroTextures, TextureID texture);
void initializeZeroTextures(const Context *context, const TextureMap &zeroTextures);
void invalidateTextureBindings(TextureType type);
// Sampler object binding manipulation
void setSamplerBinding(const Context *context, GLuint textureUnit, Sampler *sampler);
SamplerID getSamplerId(GLuint textureUnit) const
ASSERT(textureUnit < mSamplers.size());
return mSamplers[textureUnit].id();
Sampler *getSampler(GLuint textureUnit) const { return mSamplers[textureUnit].get(); }
const SamplerBindingVector &getSamplers() const { return mSamplers; }
void detachSampler(const Context *context, SamplerID sampler);
// Renderbuffer binding manipulation
void setRenderbufferBinding(const Context *context, Renderbuffer *renderbuffer);
RenderbufferID getRenderbufferId() const { return; }
Renderbuffer *getCurrentRenderbuffer() const { return mRenderbuffer.get(); }
void detachRenderbuffer(Context *context, RenderbufferID renderbuffer);
// Framebuffer binding manipulation
void setReadFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer);
void setDrawFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer);
Framebuffer *getTargetFramebuffer(GLenum target) const;
Framebuffer *getReadFramebuffer() const { return mReadFramebuffer; }
Framebuffer *getDrawFramebuffer() const { return mDrawFramebuffer; }
Framebuffer *getDefaultFramebuffer() const;
bool removeReadFramebufferBinding(FramebufferID framebuffer);
bool removeDrawFramebufferBinding(FramebufferID framebuffer);
// Vertex array object binding manipulation
void setVertexArrayBinding(const Context *context, VertexArray *vertexArray);
bool removeVertexArrayBinding(const Context *context, VertexArrayID vertexArray);
VertexArrayID getVertexArrayId() const;
VertexArray *getVertexArray() const
ASSERT(mVertexArray != nullptr);
return mVertexArray;
// If both a Program and a ProgramPipeline are bound, the Program will
// always override the ProgramPipeline.
ProgramExecutable *getProgramExecutable() const { return mExecutable.get(); }
void ensureNoPendingLink(const Context *context) const
if (mProgram)
else if (mProgramPipeline.get())
ProgramExecutable *getLinkedProgramExecutable(const Context *context) const
return mExecutable.get();
// Program binding manipulation
angle::Result setProgram(const Context *context, Program *newProgram);
Program *getProgram() const
ASSERT(!mProgram || !mProgram->isLinking());
return mProgram;
Program *getLinkedProgram(const Context *context) const
if (mProgram)
return mProgram;
ProgramPipeline *getProgramPipeline() const { return mProgramPipeline.get(); }
ProgramPipeline *getLinkedProgramPipeline(const Context *context) const
if (mProgramPipeline.get())
return mProgramPipeline.get();
// Transform feedback object (not buffer) binding manipulation
void setTransformFeedbackBinding(const Context *context, TransformFeedback *transformFeedback);
TransformFeedback *getCurrentTransformFeedback() const { return mTransformFeedback.get(); }
ANGLE_INLINE bool isTransformFeedbackActive() const
TransformFeedback *curTransformFeedback = mTransformFeedback.get();
return curTransformFeedback && curTransformFeedback->isActive();
ANGLE_INLINE bool isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused() const
TransformFeedback *curTransformFeedback = mTransformFeedback.get();
return curTransformFeedback && curTransformFeedback->isActive() &&
bool removeTransformFeedbackBinding(const Context *context,
TransformFeedbackID transformFeedback);
// Query binding manipulation
bool isQueryActive(QueryType type) const;
bool isQueryActive(Query *query) const;
void setActiveQuery(const Context *context, QueryType type, Query *query);
QueryID getActiveQueryId(QueryType type) const;
Query *getActiveQuery(QueryType type) const;
// Program Pipeline binding manipulation
angle::Result setProgramPipelineBinding(const Context *context, ProgramPipeline *pipeline);
void detachProgramPipeline(const Context *context, ProgramPipelineID pipeline);
//// Typed buffer binding point manipulation ////
ANGLE_INLINE void setBufferBinding(const Context *context, BufferBinding target, Buffer *buffer)
(this->*(kBufferSetters[target]))(context, buffer);
ANGLE_INLINE Buffer *getTargetBuffer(BufferBinding target) const
switch (target)
case BufferBinding::ElementArray:
return getVertexArray()->getElementArrayBuffer();
return mBoundBuffers[target].get();
ANGLE_INLINE Buffer *getArrayBuffer() const { return getTargetBuffer(BufferBinding::Array); }
angle::Result setIndexedBufferBinding(const Context *context,
BufferBinding target,
GLuint index,
Buffer *buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size);
size_t getAtomicCounterBufferCount() const { return mAtomicCounterBuffers.size(); }
ANGLE_INLINE bool hasValidAtomicCounterBuffer() const
return mBoundAtomicCounterBuffersMask.any();
const OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> &getIndexedUniformBuffer(size_t index) const;
const OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> &getIndexedAtomicCounterBuffer(size_t index) const;
const OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> &getIndexedShaderStorageBuffer(size_t index) const;
const angle::BitSet<gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS> &getUniformBuffersMask()
return mBoundUniformBuffersMask;
getAtomicCounterBuffersMask() const
return mBoundAtomicCounterBuffersMask;
getShaderStorageBuffersMask() const
return mBoundShaderStorageBuffersMask;
// Detach a buffer from all bindings
angle::Result detachBuffer(Context *context, const Buffer *buffer);
// Vertex attrib manipulation
void setEnableVertexAttribArray(unsigned int attribNum, bool enabled);
ANGLE_INLINE void setVertexAttribPointer(const Context *context,
unsigned int attribNum,
Buffer *boundBuffer,
GLint size,
VertexAttribType type,
bool normalized,
GLsizei stride,
const void *pointer)
mVertexArray->setVertexAttribPointer(context, attribNum, boundBuffer, size, type,
normalized, stride, pointer);
ANGLE_INLINE void setVertexAttribIPointer(const Context *context,
unsigned int attribNum,
Buffer *boundBuffer,
GLint size,
VertexAttribType type,
GLsizei stride,
const void *pointer)
mVertexArray->setVertexAttribIPointer(context, attribNum, boundBuffer, size, type, stride,
void setVertexAttribDivisor(const Context *context, GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
const void *getVertexAttribPointer(unsigned int attribNum) const;
void bindVertexBuffer(const Context *context,
GLuint bindingIndex,
Buffer *boundBuffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizei stride);
void setVertexAttribFormat(GLuint attribIndex,
GLint size,
VertexAttribType type,
bool normalized,
bool pureInteger,
GLuint relativeOffset);
void setVertexAttribBinding(const Context *context, GLuint attribIndex, GLuint bindingIndex)
mVertexArray->setVertexAttribBinding(context, attribIndex, bindingIndex);
void setVertexBindingDivisor(const Context *context, GLuint bindingIndex, GLuint divisor);
// State query functions
void getBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params) const;
void getFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) const { mPrivateState.getFloatv(pname, params); }
angle::Result getIntegerv(const Context *context, GLenum pname, GLint *params) const;
void getPointerv(const Context *context, GLenum pname, void **params) const;
void getIntegeri_v(const Context *context, GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint *data) const;
void getInteger64i_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint64 *data) const;
void getBooleani_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLboolean *data) const;
bool isDrawFramebufferBindingDirty() const
return mDirtyBits.test(state::DIRTY_BIT_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);
// Sets the dirty bit for the program executable.
angle::Result installProgramExecutable(const Context *context);
// Sets the dirty bit for the program pipeline executable.
angle::Result installProgramPipelineExecutable(const Context *context);
const state::DirtyBits getDirtyBits() const
return mDirtyBits | mPrivateState.getDirtyBits();
void clearDirtyBits()
void clearDirtyBits(const state::DirtyBits &bitset)
mDirtyBits &= ~bitset;
void setAllDirtyBits()
const state::ExtendedDirtyBits getExtendedDirtyBits() const
return mExtendedDirtyBits | mPrivateState.getExtendedDirtyBits();
void clearExtendedDirtyBits()
void clearExtendedDirtyBits(const state::ExtendedDirtyBits &bitset)
mExtendedDirtyBits &= ~bitset;
void clearDirtyObjects()
void setAllDirtyObjects() { mDirtyObjects.set(); }
angle::Result syncDirtyObjects(const Context *context,
const state::DirtyObjects &bitset,
Command command);
angle::Result syncDirtyObject(const Context *context, GLenum target);
void setObjectDirty(GLenum target);
void setTextureDirty(size_t textureUnitIndex);
void setSamplerDirty(size_t samplerIndex);
ANGLE_INLINE void setReadFramebufferDirty()
ANGLE_INLINE void setDrawFramebufferDirty()
void setImageUnit(const Context *context,
size_t unit,
Texture *texture,
GLint level,
GLboolean layered,
GLint layer,
GLenum access,
GLenum format);
const ImageUnit &getImageUnit(size_t unit) const { return mImageUnits[unit]; }
const ActiveTexturesCache &getActiveTexturesCache() const { return mActiveTexturesCache; }
// "onActiveTextureChange" is called when a texture binding changes.
void onActiveTextureChange(const Context *context, size_t textureUnit);
// "onActiveTextureStateChange" is called when the Texture changed but the binding did not.
void onActiveTextureStateChange(const Context *context, size_t textureUnit);
void onImageStateChange(const Context *context, size_t unit);
void onUniformBufferStateChange(size_t uniformBufferIndex);
void onAtomicCounterBufferStateChange(size_t atomicCounterBufferIndex);
void onShaderStorageBufferStateChange(size_t shaderStorageBufferIndex);
bool isCurrentTransformFeedback(const TransformFeedback *tf) const
return tf == mTransformFeedback.get();
bool isCurrentVertexArray(const VertexArray *va) const { return va == mVertexArray; }
// Helpers for setting bound buffers. They should all have the same signature.
// Not meant to be called externally. Used for local helpers in State.cpp.
template <BufferBinding Target>
void setGenericBufferBindingWithBit(const Context *context, Buffer *buffer);
template <BufferBinding Target>
void setGenericBufferBinding(const Context *context, Buffer *buffer);
using BufferBindingSetter = void (State::*)(const Context *, Buffer *);
ANGLE_INLINE bool validateSamplerFormats() const
return (!mExecutable || !(mTexturesIncompatibleWithSamplers.intersects(
ANGLE_INLINE void setReadFramebufferBindingDirty()
ANGLE_INLINE void setDrawFramebufferBindingDirty()
const OverlayType *getOverlay() const { return mOverlay; }
// Not for general use.
const BufferManager &getBufferManagerForCapture() const { return *mBufferManager; }
const BoundBufferMap &getBoundBuffersForCapture() const { return mBoundBuffers; }
const TextureManager &getTextureManagerForCapture() const { return *mTextureManager; }
const TextureBindingMap &getBoundTexturesForCapture() const { return mSamplerTextures; }
const RenderbufferManager &getRenderbufferManagerForCapture() const
return *mRenderbufferManager;
const FramebufferManager &getFramebufferManagerForCapture() const
return *mFramebufferManager;
const ShaderProgramManager &getShaderProgramManagerForCapture() const
return *mShaderProgramManager;
const SyncManager &getSyncManagerForCapture() const { return *mSyncManager; }
const SamplerManager &getSamplerManagerForCapture() const { return *mSamplerManager; }
const ProgramPipelineManager *getProgramPipelineManagerForCapture() const
return mProgramPipelineManager;
const SamplerBindingVector &getSamplerBindingsForCapture() const { return mSamplers; }
const ActiveQueryMap &getActiveQueriesForCapture() const { return mActiveQueries; }
void initializeForCapture(const Context *context);
bool hasConstantAlphaBlendFunc() const
return (getBlendFuncConstantAlphaDrawBuffers() & getBlendStateExt().getEnabledMask()).any();
bool hasSimultaneousConstantColorAndAlphaBlendFunc() const
return (getBlendFuncConstantColorDrawBuffers() & getBlendStateExt().getEnabledMask())
.any() &&
const BufferVector &getOffsetBindingPointerUniformBuffers() const { return mUniformBuffers; }
const BufferVector &getOffsetBindingPointerAtomicCounterBuffers() const
return mAtomicCounterBuffers;
const BufferVector &getOffsetBindingPointerShaderStorageBuffers() const
return mShaderStorageBuffers;
ActiveTextureMask getTexturesIncompatibleWithSamplers() const
return mTexturesIncompatibleWithSamplers;
const std::vector<ImageUnit> &getImageUnits() const { return mImageUnits; }
bool hasDisplayTextureShareGroup() const { return mDisplayTextureShareGroup; }
// GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile
void setMaxShaderCompilerThreads(GLuint count);
GLuint getMaxShaderCompilerThreads() const { return mMaxShaderCompilerThreads; }
// Convenience functions that forward to context-private state.
const RasterizerState &getRasterizerState() const { return mPrivateState.getRasterizerState(); }
const BlendState &getBlendState() const { return mPrivateState.getBlendState(); }
const BlendStateExt &getBlendStateExt() const { return mPrivateState.getBlendStateExt(); }
const DepthStencilState &getDepthStencilState() const
return mPrivateState.getDepthStencilState();
const ColorF &getColorClearValue() const { return mPrivateState.getColorClearValue(); }
float getDepthClearValue() const { return mPrivateState.getDepthClearValue(); }
int getStencilClearValue() const { return mPrivateState.getStencilClearValue(); }
bool isRasterizerDiscardEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isRasterizerDiscardEnabled(); }
bool isPrimitiveRestartEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isPrimitiveRestartEnabled(); }
bool isCullFaceEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isCullFaceEnabled(); }
bool isDepthClampEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isDepthClampEnabled(); }
bool isDepthTestEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isDepthTestEnabled(); }
bool isDepthWriteEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isDepthWriteEnabled(); }
float getNearPlane() const { return mPrivateState.getNearPlane(); }
float getFarPlane() const { return mPrivateState.getFarPlane(); }
ClipOrigin getClipOrigin() const { return mPrivateState.getClipOrigin(); }
ClipDepthMode getClipDepthMode() const { return mPrivateState.getClipDepthMode(); }
bool isClipDepthModeZeroToOne() const { return mPrivateState.isClipDepthModeZeroToOne(); }
bool isBlendEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isBlendEnabled(); }
bool isBlendEnabledIndexed(GLuint index) const
return mPrivateState.isBlendEnabledIndexed(index);
DrawBufferMask getBlendEnabledDrawBufferMask() const
return mPrivateState.getBlendEnabledDrawBufferMask();
const ColorF &getBlendColor() const { return mPrivateState.getBlendColor(); }
bool isStencilTestEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isStencilTestEnabled(); }
bool isStencilWriteEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isStencilWriteEnabled(); }
GLint getStencilRef() const { return mPrivateState.getStencilRef(); }
GLint getStencilBackRef() const { return mPrivateState.getStencilBackRef(); }
PolygonMode getPolygonMode() const { return mPrivateState.getPolygonMode(); }
bool isPolygonOffsetPointEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isPolygonOffsetPointEnabled(); }
bool isPolygonOffsetLineEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isPolygonOffsetLineEnabled(); }
bool isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled(); }
bool isPolygonOffsetEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isPolygonOffsetEnabled(); }
bool isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled() const
return mPrivateState.isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled();
bool isSampleCoverageEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isSampleCoverageEnabled(); }
GLclampf getSampleCoverageValue() const { return mPrivateState.getSampleCoverageValue(); }
bool getSampleCoverageInvert() const { return mPrivateState.getSampleCoverageInvert(); }
bool isSampleMaskEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isSampleMaskEnabled(); }
GLbitfield getSampleMaskWord(GLuint maskNumber) const
return mPrivateState.getSampleMaskWord(maskNumber);
SampleMaskArray<GLbitfield> getSampleMaskValues() const
return mPrivateState.getSampleMaskValues();
GLuint getMaxSampleMaskWords() const { return mPrivateState.getMaxSampleMaskWords(); }
bool isSampleAlphaToOneEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isSampleAlphaToOneEnabled(); }
bool isMultisamplingEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isMultisamplingEnabled(); }
bool isSampleShadingEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isSampleShadingEnabled(); }
float getMinSampleShading() const { return mPrivateState.getMinSampleShading(); }
bool isScissorTestEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isScissorTestEnabled(); }
const Rectangle &getScissor() const { return mPrivateState.getScissor(); }
bool isDitherEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isDitherEnabled(); }
bool isBindGeneratesResourceEnabled() const
return mPrivateState.isBindGeneratesResourceEnabled();
bool areClientArraysEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.areClientArraysEnabled(); }
bool isRobustResourceInitEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isRobustResourceInitEnabled(); }
bool isProgramBinaryCacheEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isProgramBinaryCacheEnabled(); }
const Rectangle &getViewport() const { return mPrivateState.getViewport(); }
ShadingRate getShadingRate() const { return mPrivateState.getShadingRate(); }
GLint getPackAlignment() const { return mPrivateState.getPackAlignment(); }
bool getPackReverseRowOrder() const { return mPrivateState.getPackReverseRowOrder(); }
GLint getPackRowLength() const { return mPrivateState.getPackRowLength(); }
GLint getPackSkipRows() const { return mPrivateState.getPackSkipRows(); }
GLint getPackSkipPixels() const { return mPrivateState.getPackSkipPixels(); }
const PixelPackState &getPackState() const { return mPrivateState.getPackState(); }
PixelPackState &getPackState() { return mPrivateState.getPackState(); }
GLint getUnpackAlignment() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackAlignment(); }
GLint getUnpackRowLength() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackRowLength(); }
GLint getUnpackImageHeight() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackImageHeight(); }
GLint getUnpackSkipImages() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackSkipImages(); }
GLint getUnpackSkipRows() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackSkipRows(); }
GLint getUnpackSkipPixels() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackSkipPixels(); }
const PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState() const { return mPrivateState.getUnpackState(); }
PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState() { return mPrivateState.getUnpackState(); }
GLenum getCoverageModulation() const { return mPrivateState.getCoverageModulation(); }
bool getFramebufferSRGB() const { return mPrivateState.getFramebufferSRGB(); }
GLuint getPatchVertices() const { return mPrivateState.getPatchVertices(); }
void setPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes(GLsizei n)
GLsizei getPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes() const
return mPrivateState.getPixelLocalStorageActivePlanes();
float getLineWidth() const { return mPrivateState.getLineWidth(); }
unsigned int getActiveSampler() const { return mPrivateState.getActiveSampler(); }
GLenum getGenerateMipmapHint() const { return mPrivateState.getGenerateMipmapHint(); }
GLenum getFragmentShaderDerivativeHint() const
return mPrivateState.getFragmentShaderDerivativeHint();
ProvokingVertexConvention getProvokingVertex() const
return mPrivateState.getProvokingVertex();
const VertexAttribCurrentValueData &getVertexAttribCurrentValue(size_t attribNum) const
return mPrivateState.getVertexAttribCurrentValue(attribNum);
const std::vector<VertexAttribCurrentValueData> &getVertexAttribCurrentValues() const
return mPrivateState.getVertexAttribCurrentValues();
AttributesMask getAndResetDirtyCurrentValues() const
return mPrivateState.getAndResetDirtyCurrentValues();
ComponentTypeMask getCurrentValuesTypeMask() const
return mPrivateState.getCurrentValuesTypeMask();
const ClipDistanceEnableBits &getEnabledClipDistances() const
return mPrivateState.getEnabledClipDistances();
bool noSimultaneousConstantColorAndAlphaBlendFunc() const
return mPrivateState.noSimultaneousConstantColorAndAlphaBlendFunc();
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinX() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMinX(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinY() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMinY(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinZ() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMinZ(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMinW() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMinW(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxX() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMaxX(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxY() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMaxY(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxZ() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMaxZ(); }
GLfloat getBoundingBoxMaxW() const { return mPrivateState.getBoundingBoxMaxW(); }
bool isTextureRectangleEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isTextureRectangleEnabled(); }
DrawBufferMask getBlendFuncConstantAlphaDrawBuffers() const
return mPrivateState.getBlendFuncConstantAlphaDrawBuffers();
DrawBufferMask getBlendFuncConstantColorDrawBuffers() const
return mPrivateState.getBlendFuncConstantColorDrawBuffers();
bool isLogicOpEnabled() const { return mPrivateState.isLogicOpEnabled(); }
LogicalOperation getLogicOp() const { return mPrivateState.getLogicOp(); }
const Debug &getDebug() const { return mPrivateState.getDebug(); }
Debug &getDebug() { return mPrivateState.getDebug(); }
bool getEnableFeature(GLenum feature) const { return mPrivateState.getEnableFeature(feature); }
bool getEnableFeatureIndexed(GLenum feature, GLuint index) const
return mPrivateState.getEnableFeatureIndexed(feature, index);
const PrivateState &privateState() const { return mPrivateState; }
const GLES1State &gles1() const { return mPrivateState.gles1(); }
// Used by the capture/replay tool to create state.
PrivateState *getMutablePrivateStateForCapture() { return &mPrivateState; }
friend class Context;
// Used only by the entry points to set private state without holding the share group lock.
PrivateState *getMutablePrivateState() { return &mPrivateState; }
GLES1State *getMutableGLES1State() { return mPrivateState.getMutableGLES1State(); }
angle::Result installProgramPipelineExecutableIfNotAlready(const Context *context);
angle::Result onExecutableChange(const Context *context);
void unsetActiveTextures(const ActiveTextureMask &textureMask);
void setActiveTextureDirty(size_t textureIndex, Texture *texture);
void updateTextureBinding(const Context *context, size_t textureIndex, Texture *texture);
void updateActiveTextureStateOnSync(const Context *context,
size_t textureIndex,
const Sampler *sampler,
Texture *texture);
Texture *getTextureForActiveSampler(TextureType type, size_t index);
// Functions to synchronize dirty states
angle::Result syncActiveTextures(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncTexturesInit(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncImagesInit(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncReadAttachments(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncDrawAttachments(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncReadFramebuffer(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncDrawFramebuffer(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncVertexArray(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncTextures(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncImages(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncSamplers(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncProgram(const Context *context, Command command);
angle::Result syncProgramPipelineObject(const Context *context, Command command);
using DirtyObjectHandler = angle::Result (State::*)(const Context *context, Command command);
static constexpr DirtyObjectHandler kDirtyObjectHandlers[state::DIRTY_OBJECT_MAX] = {
// Robust init must happen before Framebuffer init for the Vulkan back-end.
"init order");
"init order");
"init order");
"init order");
"init order");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_ACTIVE_TEXTURES == 0,
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_TEXTURES_INIT == 1, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_TEXTURES_INIT index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_IMAGES_INIT == 2, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_IMAGES_INIT index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_READ_ATTACHMENTS == 3,
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_DRAW_ATTACHMENTS == 4,
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_READ_FRAMEBUFFER == 5,
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER == 6,
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_VERTEX_ARRAY == 7, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_VERTEX_ARRAY index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_TEXTURES == 8, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_TEXTURES index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_IMAGES == 9, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_IMAGES index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_SAMPLERS == 10, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_SAMPLERS index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_PROGRAM == 11, "check DIRTY_OBJECT_PROGRAM index");
static_assert(state::DIRTY_OBJECT_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_OBJECT == 12,
// Dispatch table for buffer update functions.
static const angle::PackedEnumMap<BufferBinding, BufferBindingSetter> kBufferSetters;
ContextID mID;
EGLenum mContextPriority;
bool mHasRobustAccess;
bool mHasProtectedContent;
bool mIsDebugContext;
egl::ShareGroup *mShareGroup;
mutable egl::ContextMutex mContextMutex;
// Resource managers.
BufferManager *mBufferManager;
ShaderProgramManager *mShaderProgramManager;
TextureManager *mTextureManager;
RenderbufferManager *mRenderbufferManager;
SamplerManager *mSamplerManager;
SyncManager *mSyncManager;
FramebufferManager *mFramebufferManager;
ProgramPipelineManager *mProgramPipelineManager;
MemoryObjectManager *mMemoryObjectManager;
SemaphoreManager *mSemaphoreManager;
Framebuffer *mReadFramebuffer;
Framebuffer *mDrawFramebuffer;
BindingPointer<Renderbuffer> mRenderbuffer;
Program *mProgram;
BindingPointer<ProgramPipeline> mProgramPipeline;
// The _installed_ executable. Note that this may be different from the program's (or the
// program pipeline's) executable, as they may have been unsuccessfully relinked.
SharedProgramExecutable mExecutable;
VertexArray *mVertexArray;
TextureBindingMap mSamplerTextures;
// Active Textures Cache
// ---------------------
// The active textures cache gives ANGLE components access to a complete array of textures
// on a draw call. gl::State implements angle::Observer and watches gl::Texture for state
// changes via the onSubjectStateChange method above. We update the cache before draws.
// See Observer.h and the design doc linked there for more info on Subject/Observer events.
// On state change events (re-binding textures, samplers, programs etc) we clear the cache
// and flag dirty bits. nullptr indicates unbound or incomplete.
ActiveTexturesCache mActiveTexturesCache;
std::vector<angle::ObserverBinding> mCompleteTextureBindings;
ActiveTextureMask mTexturesIncompatibleWithSamplers;
SamplerBindingVector mSamplers;
// It would be nice to merge the image and observer binding. Same for textures.
std::vector<ImageUnit> mImageUnits;
ActiveQueryMap mActiveQueries;
// Stores the currently bound buffer for each binding point. It has an entry for the element
// array buffer but it should not be used. Instead this bind point is owned by the current
// vertex array object.
BoundBufferMap mBoundBuffers;
BufferVector mUniformBuffers;
BufferVector mAtomicCounterBuffers;
BufferVector mShaderStorageBuffers;
BindingPointer<TransformFeedback> mTransformFeedback;
bool mDisplayTextureShareGroup;
// GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile
GLuint mMaxShaderCompilerThreads;
// The Overlay object, used by the backend to render the overlay.
const OverlayType *mOverlay;
state::DirtyBits mDirtyBits;
state::ExtendedDirtyBits mExtendedDirtyBits;
state::DirtyObjects mDirtyObjects;
ActiveTextureMask mDirtyActiveTextures;
ActiveTextureMask mDirtyTextures;
ActiveTextureMask mDirtySamplers;
ImageUnitMask mDirtyImages;
PrivateState mPrivateState;
ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result State::syncDirtyObjects(const Context *context,
const state::DirtyObjects &bitset,
Command command)
// Accumulate any dirty objects that might have been set due to context-private state changes.
mDirtyObjects |= mPrivateState.getDirtyObjects();
const state::DirtyObjects &dirtyObjects = mDirtyObjects & bitset;
for (size_t dirtyObject : dirtyObjects)
ANGLE_TRY((this->*kDirtyObjectHandlers[dirtyObject])(context, command));
mDirtyObjects &= ~dirtyObjects;
return angle::Result::Continue;
} // namespace gl