blob: fa1ec112e660917741fd63d3ef37d470fb6e85a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by using data from gl_features.json.
// Copyright 2022 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FeaturesGL.h: angle::Features and workarounds for GL driver bugs and other issues.
#include "platform/Feature.h"
namespace angle
struct FeaturesGL : FeatureSetBase
Feature avoid1BitAlphaTextureFormats = {
"Issue with 1-bit alpha framebuffer formats",
Feature rgba4IsNotSupportedForColorRendering = {
"GL_RGBA4 is not color renderable",
Feature allowEtcFormats = {
"Enable ETC2/EAC on desktop OpenGL",
Feature doesSRGBClearsOnLinearFramebufferAttachments = {
"Issue clearing framebuffers with linear attachments when GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB is enabled",
Feature doWhileGLSLCausesGPUHang = {
"do_while_glsl_causes_gpu_hang", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some GLSL constructs involving do-while loops cause GPU hangs", &members,
Feature addBaseVertexToVertexID = {
"gl_VertexID in GLSL vertex shader doesn't include base vertex value",
Feature finishDoesNotCauseQueriesToBeAvailable = {
"glFinish doesn't cause all queries to report available result",
Feature alwaysCallUseProgramAfterLink = {
"always_call_use_program_after_link", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Always call useProgram after a successful link to avoid a driver bug", &members,
Feature unpackOverlappingRowsSeparatelyUnpackBuffer = {
"In the case of unpacking from a pixel unpack buffer, unpack overlapping rows row by row",
Feature packOverlappingRowsSeparatelyPackBuffer = {
"In the case of packing to a pixel pack buffer, pack overlapping rows row by row",
Feature initializeCurrentVertexAttributes = {
"During initialization, assign the current vertex attributes to the spec-mandated defaults",
Feature emulateAbsIntFunction = {"emulate_abs_int_function", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"abs(i) where i is an integer returns unexpected result",
&members, ""};
Feature addAndTrueToLoopCondition = {
"Calculation of loop conditions in for and while loop has bug",
Feature unpackLastRowSeparatelyForPaddingInclusion = {
"unpack_last_row_separately_for_padding_inclusion", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"When uploading textures from an unpack buffer, some drivers count an extra row padding",
&members, ""};
Feature packLastRowSeparatelyForPaddingInclusion = {
"pack_last_row_separately_for_padding_inclusion", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"When uploading textures from an pack buffer, some drivers count an extra row padding",
&members, ""};
Feature emulateIsnanFloat = {"emulate_isnan_float", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Using isnan() on highp float will get wrong answer", &members,
Feature useUnusedBlocksWithStandardOrSharedLayout = {
"Unused std140 or shared uniform blocks will be treated as inactive",
Feature removeInvariantAndCentroidForESSL3 = {
"Fix spec difference between GLSL 4.1 or lower and ESSL3",
Feature rewriteFloatUnaryMinusOperator = {
"rewrite_float_unary_minus_operator", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Using '-<float>' will get wrong answer", &members, ""};
Feature emulateAtan2Float = {"emulate_atan_2_float", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"atan(y, x) may return a wrong answer", &members,
Feature reapplyUBOBindingsAfterUsingBinaryProgram = {
"reapply_ubo_bindings_after_using_binary_program", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some drivers forget about UBO bindings when using program binaries", &members,
Feature emulateMaxVertexAttribStride = {
"emulate_max_vertex_attrib_stride", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some drivers return 0 when MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIED queried", &members,
Feature dontInitializeUninitializedLocals = {
"dont_initialize_uninitialized_locals", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Initializing uninitialized locals caused odd behavior in a few WebGL 2 tests", &members,
Feature clampPointSize = {
"The point size range reported from the API is inconsistent with the actual behavior",
Feature dontUseLoopsToInitializeVariables = {
"dont_use_loops_to_initialize_variables", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"For loops used to initialize variables hit native GLSL compiler bugs", &members,
Feature clampFragDepth = {
"gl_FragDepth is not clamped correctly when rendering to a floating point depth buffer",
Feature rewriteRepeatedAssignToSwizzled = {
"Repeated assignment to swizzled values inside a "
"GLSL user-defined function have incorrect results",
Feature disableBlendFuncExtended = {
"disable_blend_func_extended", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"ARB_blend_func_extended does not pass the tests", &members, ""};
Feature unsizedsRGBReadPixelsDoesntTransform = {
"unsized_srgb_read_pixels_doesnt_transform", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Drivers returning raw sRGB values instead of linearized values when calling glReadPixels "
"on unsized sRGB texture formats",
&members, ""};
Feature queryCounterBitsGeneratesErrors = {
"query_counter_bits_generates_errors", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Drivers generate errors when querying the number of bits in timer queries", &members,
Feature dontRelinkProgramsInParallel = {
"dont_relink_programs_in_parallel", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Relinking a program in parallel is buggy", &members, ""};
Feature disableWorkerContexts = {"disable_worker_contexts", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some tests have been seen to fail using worker contexts",
&members, ""};
Feature limitMaxTextureSizeTo4096 = {"max_texture_size_limit_4096",
"Limit max texture size to 4096 to avoid frequent "
"out-of-memory errors",
&members, ""};
Feature limitMaxMSAASamplesTo4 = {
"max_msaa_sample_count_4", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Various rendering bugs have been observed when using higher MSAA counts", &members,
Feature allowClearForRobustResourceInit = {
"allow_clear_for_robust_resource_init", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Using glClear for robust resource initialization is buggy on some drivers and leads to "
"texture corruption. Default to data uploads except on MacOS where it is very slow.",
&members, ""};
Feature clampArrayAccess = {"clamp_array_access", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Clamp uniform array access to avoid reading invalid memory.",
&members, ""};
Feature resetTexImage2DBaseLevel = {"reset_teximage2d_base_level",
"Reset texture base level before calling glTexImage2D to "
"work around pixel comparison failure.",
&members, ""};
Feature clearToZeroOrOneBroken = {
"clear_to_zero_or_one_broken", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Clears when the clear color is all zeros or ones do not work.", &members,
Feature limitMax3dArrayTextureSizeTo1024 = {
"max_3d_array_texture_size_1024", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Limit max 3d texture size and max array texture layers to 1024 to avoid system hang",
&members, ""};
Feature adjustSrcDstRegionBlitFramebuffer = {
"adjust_src_dst_region_for_blitframebuffer", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Many platforms have issues with blitFramebuffer when the parameters are large.", &members,
Feature clipSrcRegionBlitFramebuffer = {
"clip_src_region_for_blitframebuffer", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Issues with blitFramebuffer when the parameters don't match the framebuffer size.",
&members, ""};
Feature rgbDXT1TexturesSampleZeroAlpha = {
"rgb_dxt1_textures_sample_zero_alpha", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Sampling BLACK texels from RGB DXT1 textures returns transparent black on Mac.", &members,
Feature unfoldShortCircuits = {
"unfold_short_circuits", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Mac incorrectly executes both sides of && and || expressions when they should "
&members, ""};
Feature emulatePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex = {
"emulate_primitive_restart_fixed_index", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"When GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX is not available, emulate it with "
"GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART and glPrimitiveRestartIndex.",
&members, ""};
Feature setPrimitiveRestartFixedIndexForDrawArrays = {
"set_primitive_restart_fixed_index_for_draw_arrays", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some drivers discard vertex data in DrawArrays calls when the fixed primitive restart "
"index is within the number of primitives being drawn.",
&members, ""};
Feature removeDynamicIndexingOfSwizzledVector = {
"remove_dynamic_indexing_of_swizzled_vector", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Dynamic indexing of swizzled l-values doesn't work correctly on various platforms.",
&members, ""};
Feature preAddTexelFetchOffsets = {
"pre_add_texel_fetch_offsets", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Intel Mac drivers mistakenly consider the parameter position of nagative vaule as invalid "
"even if the sum of position and offset is in range, so we need to add workarounds by "
"rewriting texelFetchOffset(sampler, position, lod, offset) into texelFetch(sampler, "
"position + offset, lod).",
&members, ""};
Feature regenerateStructNames = {
"regenerate_struct_names", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"All Mac drivers do not handle struct scopes correctly. This workaround overwrites a struct"
"name with a unique prefix.",
&members, ""};
Feature readPixelsUsingImplementationColorReadFormatForNorm16 = {
"read_pixels_using_implementation_color_read_format", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Quite some OpenGL ES drivers don't implement readPixels for RGBA/UNSIGNED_SHORT from "
"EXT_texture_norm16 correctly",
&members, ""};
Feature flushBeforeDeleteTextureIfCopiedTo = {
"flush_before_delete_texture_if_copied_to", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some drivers track CopyTex{Sub}Image texture dependencies incorrectly. Flush"
" before glDeleteTextures in this case",
&members, ""};
Feature rewriteRowMajorMatrices = {
"rewrite_row_major_matrices", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Rewrite row major matrices in shaders as column major as a driver bug workaround",
&members, ""};
Feature disableDrawBuffersIndexed = {
"Disable OES_draw_buffers_indexed extension.",
Feature disableSemaphoreFd = {"disable_semaphore_fd", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Disable GL_EXT_semaphore_fd extension", &members,
Feature disableTimestampQueries = {
"disable_timestamp_queries", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Disable GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query extension", &members, ""};
Feature encodeAndDecodeSRGBForGenerateMipmap = {
"decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Decode and encode before generateMipmap for srgb format textures.", &members,
Feature emulateCopyTexImage2DFromRenderbuffers = {
"emulate_copyteximage2d_from_renderbuffers", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"CopyTexImage2D spuriously returns errors on iOS when copying from renderbuffers.",
&members, ""};
Feature disableGPUSwitchingSupport = {
"disable_gpu_switching_support", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Disable GPU switching support (use only the low-power GPU) on older MacBook Pros.",
&members, ""};
Feature disableNativeParallelCompile = {
"disable_native_parallel_compile", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Do not use native KHR_parallel_shader_compile even when available.", &members,
Feature emulatePackSkipRowsAndPackSkipPixels = {
"emulate_pack_skip_rows_and_pack_skip_pixels", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS and GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS are ignored in Apple's OpenGL driver.", &members,
Feature clampMscRate = {
"clamp_msc_rate", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Some drivers return bogus values for GetMscRate, so we clamp it to 30Hz", &members,
Feature bindTransformFeedbackBufferBeforeBindBufferRange = {
"Bind transform feedback buffers to the generic binding point before calling "
"glBindBufferBase or glBindBufferRange.",
&members, ""};
Feature disableSyncControlSupport = {
"disable_sync_control_support", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Speculative fix for issues on Linux/Wayland where exposing GLX_OML_sync_control renders "
"Chrome unusable",
&members, ""};
Feature keepBufferShadowCopy = {
"Maintain a shadow copy of buffer data when the GL API does not permit reading data back.",
Feature setZeroLevelBeforeGenerateMipmap = {
"glGenerateMipmap fails if the zero texture level is not set on some Mac drivers.",
Feature promotePackedFormatsTo8BitPerChannel = {
"promote_packed_formats_to_8_bit_per_channel", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Packed color formats are buggy on Macs with AMD GPUs", &members,
Feature initFragmentOutputVariables = {
"init_fragment_output_variables", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"No init gl_FragColor causes context lost", &members, ""};
Feature shiftInstancedArrayDataWithExtraOffset = {
"shift_instanced_array_data_with_offset", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"glDrawArraysInstanced is buggy on certain new Mac Intel GPUs", &members,
Feature syncVertexArraysToDefault = {
"sync_vertex_arrays_to_default", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Only use the default VAO because of missing support or driver bugs", &members,
Feature sanitizeAmdGpuRendererString = {
"sanitize_amdgpu_renderer_string", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Strip precise kernel and DRM version information from amdgpu renderer strings.", &members,
Feature unbindFBOOnContextSwitch = {"unbind_fbo_before_switching_context",
"Imagination GL drivers are buggy with context switching.",
&members, ""};
Feature flushOnFramebufferChange = {"flush_on_framebuffer_change",
"Switching framebuffers without a flush can lead to "
"crashes on Intel 9th Generation GPU Macs.",
&members, ""};
Feature disableMultisampledRenderToTexture = {
"disable_mutlisampled_render_to_texture", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Many drivers have bugs when using GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture", &members,
Feature uploadTextureDataInChunks = {
"chunked_texture_upload", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Upload texture data in <120kb chunks to work around Mac driver hangs and crashes.",
&members, ""};
Feature emulateImmutableCompressedTexture3D = {
"emulate_immutable_compressed_texture_3d", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Use non-immutable texture allocation to work around a driver bug.", &members,
Feature emulateRGB10 = {"emulate_rgb10", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Emulate RGB10 support using RGB10_A2.", &members,
Feature alwaysUnbindFramebufferTexture2D = {
"always_unbind_framebuffer_texture_2d", FeatureCategory::OpenGLWorkarounds,
"Force unbind framebufferTexture2D before binding renderbuffer to work around driver bug.",
&members, ""};
inline FeaturesGL::FeaturesGL() = default;
inline FeaturesGL::~FeaturesGL() = default;
} // namespace angle