blob: df4642e4662a6e06c41205eb97164deec5d3d2da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ContextVk.h:
// Defines the class interface for ContextVk, implementing ContextImpl.
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "libANGLE/renderer/ContextImpl.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
namespace rx
class RendererVk;
class ContextVk : public ContextImpl
ContextVk(const gl::ContextState &state, RendererVk *renderer);
~ContextVk() override;
gl::Error initialize() override;
void onDestroy(const gl::Context *context) override;
// Flush and finish.
gl::Error flush(const gl::Context *context) override;
gl::Error finish(const gl::Context *context) override;
// Drawing methods.
gl::Error drawArrays(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint first,
GLsizei count) override;
gl::Error drawArraysInstanced(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint first,
GLsizei count,
GLsizei instanceCount) override;
gl::Error drawElements(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
GLenum type,
const void *indices) override;
gl::Error drawElementsInstanced(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
GLenum type,
const void *indices,
GLsizei instances) override;
gl::Error drawRangeElements(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLuint start,
GLuint end,
GLsizei count,
GLenum type,
const void *indices) override;
gl::Error drawArraysIndirect(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
const void *indirect) override;
gl::Error drawElementsIndirect(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLenum type,
const void *indirect) override;
// Device loss
GLenum getResetStatus() override;
// Vendor and description strings.
std::string getVendorString() const override;
std::string getRendererDescription() const override;
// EXT_debug_marker
void insertEventMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override;
void pushGroupMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override;
void popGroupMarker() override;
// KHR_debug
void pushDebugGroup(GLenum source, GLuint id, GLsizei length, const char *message) override;
void popDebugGroup() override;
// State sync with dirty bits.
void syncState(const gl::Context *context, const gl::State::DirtyBits &dirtyBits) override;
// Disjoint timer queries
GLint getGPUDisjoint() override;
GLint64 getTimestamp() override;
// Context switching
void onMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override;
// Native capabilities, unmodified by gl::Context.
gl::Caps getNativeCaps() const override;
const gl::TextureCapsMap &getNativeTextureCaps() const override;
const gl::Extensions &getNativeExtensions() const override;
const gl::Limitations &getNativeLimitations() const override;
// Shader creation
CompilerImpl *createCompiler() override;
ShaderImpl *createShader(const gl::ShaderState &state) override;
ProgramImpl *createProgram(const gl::ProgramState &state) override;
// Framebuffer creation
FramebufferImpl *createFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &state) override;
// Texture creation
TextureImpl *createTexture(const gl::TextureState &state) override;
// Renderbuffer creation
RenderbufferImpl *createRenderbuffer(const gl::RenderbufferState &state) override;
// Buffer creation
BufferImpl *createBuffer(const gl::BufferState &state) override;
// Vertex Array creation
VertexArrayImpl *createVertexArray(const gl::VertexArrayState &state) override;
// Query and Fence creation
QueryImpl *createQuery(gl::QueryType type) override;
FenceNVImpl *createFenceNV() override;
SyncImpl *createSync() override;
// Transform Feedback creation
TransformFeedbackImpl *createTransformFeedback(
const gl::TransformFeedbackState &state) override;
// Sampler object creation
SamplerImpl *createSampler(const gl::SamplerState &state) override;
// Program Pipeline object creation
ProgramPipelineImpl *createProgramPipeline(const gl::ProgramPipelineState &data) override;
// Path object creation
std::vector<PathImpl *> createPaths(GLsizei) override;
gl::Error dispatchCompute(const gl::Context *context,
GLuint numGroupsX,
GLuint numGroupsY,
GLuint numGroupsZ) override;
gl::Error dispatchComputeIndirect(const gl::Context *context, GLintptr indirect) override;
gl::Error memoryBarrier(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield barriers) override;
gl::Error memoryBarrierByRegion(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield barriers) override;
VkDevice getDevice() const;
RendererVk *getRenderer() { return mRenderer; }
void invalidateCurrentPipeline();
vk::DynamicDescriptorPool *getDynamicDescriptorPool(uint32_t descriptorSetIndex);
const VkClearValue &getClearColorValue() const;
const VkClearValue &getClearDepthStencilValue() const;
VkColorComponentFlags getClearColorMask() const;
const VkRect2D &getScissor() const { return mPipelineDesc->getScissor(); }
gl::Error getIncompleteTexture(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
gl::Texture **textureOut);
gl::Error initPipeline();
gl::Error setupDraw(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::DrawCallParams &drawCallParams,
vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut,
bool *shouldApplyVertexArrayOut);
void updateClearColorMask(const gl::BlendState &blendState);
void updateScissor(const gl::State &glState);
RendererVk *mRenderer;
vk::PipelineAndSerial *mCurrentPipeline;
gl::PrimitiveMode mCurrentDrawMode;
// Keep a cached pipeline description structure that can be used to query the pipeline cache.
// Kept in a pointer so allocations can be aligned, and structs can be portably packed.
std::unique_ptr<vk::PipelineDesc> mPipelineDesc;
// The descriptor pools are externally sychronized, so cannot be accessed from different
// threads simultaneously. Hence, we keep them in the ContextVk instead of the RendererVk.
vk::DescriptorSetLayoutArray<vk::DynamicDescriptorPool> mDynamicDescriptorPools;
// Triggers adding dependencies to the command graph.
bool mTexturesDirty;
bool mVertexArrayBindingHasChanged;
// Cached clear value/mask for color and depth/stencil.
VkClearValue mClearColorValue;
VkClearValue mClearDepthStencilValue;
VkColorComponentFlags mClearColorMask;
IncompleteTextureSet mIncompleteTextures;
} // namespace rx