blob: 14adb4452eff914225894f2802e179308002f808 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ShaderD3D.h: Defines the rx::ShaderD3D class which implements rx::ShaderImpl.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/ShaderImpl.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
namespace angle
struct FeaturesD3D;
} // namespace angle
namespace gl
struct Extensions;
namespace rx
class DynamicHLSL;
class RendererD3D;
struct D3DUniform;
// Workarounds attached to each shader. Do not need to expose information about these workarounds so
// a simple bool struct suffices.
struct CompilerWorkaroundsD3D
bool skipOptimization = false;
bool useMaxOptimization = false;
// IEEE strictness needs to be enabled for NANs to work.
bool enableIEEEStrictness = false;
enum class FragDepthUsage
struct CompiledShaderStateD3D : angle::NonCopyable
bool hasUniform(const std::string &name) const;
// Query regular uniforms with their name. Query sampler fields of structs with field selection
// using dot (.) operator.
unsigned int getUniformRegister(const std::string &uniformName) const;
unsigned int getUniformBlockRegister(const std::string &blockName) const;
bool shouldUniformBlockUseStructuredBuffer(const std::string &blockName) const;
unsigned int getShaderStorageBlockRegister(const std::string &blockName) const;
bool useImage2DFunction(const std::string &functionName) const;
const std::set<std::string> &getSlowCompilingUniformBlockSet() const;
void appendDebugInfo(const std::string &info) { debugInfo += info; }
void generateWorkarounds(CompilerWorkaroundsD3D *workarounds) const;
ShShaderOutput compilerOutputType;
bool usesMultipleRenderTargets;
bool usesFragColor;
bool usesFragData;
bool usesSecondaryColor;
bool usesFragCoord;
bool usesFrontFacing;
bool usesHelperInvocation;
bool usesPointSize;
bool usesPointCoord;
bool usesDepthRange;
bool usesSampleID;
bool usesSamplePosition;
bool usesSampleMaskIn;
bool usesSampleMask;
bool hasMultiviewEnabled;
bool usesVertexID;
bool usesViewID;
bool usesDiscardRewriting;
bool usesNestedBreak;
bool requiresIEEEStrictCompiling;
FragDepthUsage fragDepthUsage;
uint8_t clipDistanceSize;
uint8_t cullDistanceSize;
std::string debugInfo;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> uniformRegisterMap;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> uniformBlockRegisterMap;
std::map<std::string, bool> uniformBlockUseStructuredBufferMap;
std::set<std::string> slowCompilingUniformBlockSet;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> shaderStorageBlockRegisterMap;
unsigned int readonlyImage2DRegisterIndex;
unsigned int image2DRegisterIndex;
std::set<std::string> usedImage2DFunctionNames;
using SharedCompiledShaderStateD3D = std::shared_ptr<CompiledShaderStateD3D>;
class ShaderD3D : public ShaderImpl
ShaderD3D(const gl::ShaderState &state, RendererD3D *renderer);
~ShaderD3D() override;
std::shared_ptr<ShaderTranslateTask> compile(const gl::Context *context,
ShCompileOptions *options) override;
std::string getDebugInfo() const override;
const SharedCompiledShaderStateD3D &getCompiledState() const { return mCompiledState; }
RendererD3D *mRenderer;
SharedCompiledShaderStateD3D mCompiledState;
} // namespace rx