blob: f6455c3348f6140dd66c20b1c74b2627497891ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// vk_cache_utils.h:
// Contains the classes for the Pipeline State Object cache as well as the RenderPass cache.
// Also contains the structures for the packed descriptions for the RenderPass and Pipeline.
#include "common/Color.h"
#include "common/FixedVector.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_utils.h"
namespace rx
// Some descriptor set and pipeline layout constants.
// The set/binding assignment is done as following:
// - Set 0 contains the ANGLE driver uniforms at binding 0. Note that driver uniforms are updated
// only under rare circumstances, such as viewport or depth range change. However, there is only
// one binding in this set. This set is placed before Set 1 containing transform feedback
// buffers, so that switching between xfb and non-xfb programs doesn't require rebinding this set.
// Otherwise, as the layout of Set 1 changes (due to addition and removal of xfb buffers), and all
// subsequent sets need to be rebound (due to Vulkan pipeline layout validation rules), we would
// have needed to invalidateGraphicsDriverUniforms().
// - Set 1 contains uniform blocks created to encompass default uniforms. 1 binding is used per
// pipeline stage. Additionally, transform feedback buffers are bound from binding 2 and up.
// - Set 2 contains all textures (including texture buffers).
// - Set 3 contains all other shader resources, such as uniform and storage blocks, atomic counter
// buffers, images and image buffers.
enum class DescriptorSetIndex : uint32_t
Internal, // ANGLE driver uniforms or internal shaders
UniformsAndXfb, // Uniforms set index
Texture, // Textures set index
ShaderResource, // Other shader resources set index
EnumCount = InvalidEnum,
namespace vk
class DynamicDescriptorPool;
class ImageHelper;
enum class ImageLayout;
using PipelineAndSerial = ObjectAndSerial<Pipeline>;
using RefCountedDescriptorSetLayout = RefCounted<DescriptorSetLayout>;
using RefCountedPipelineLayout = RefCounted<PipelineLayout>;
using RefCountedSamplerYcbcrConversion = RefCounted<SamplerYcbcrConversion>;
// Helper macro that casts to a bitfield type then verifies no bits were dropped.
#define SetBitField(lhs, rhs) \
do \
{ \
auto ANGLE_LOCAL_VAR = rhs; \
lhs = static_cast<typename std::decay<decltype(lhs)>::type>(ANGLE_LOCAL_VAR); \
ASSERT(static_cast<decltype(ANGLE_LOCAL_VAR)>(lhs) == ANGLE_LOCAL_VAR); \
} while (0)
// Packed Vk resource descriptions.
// Most Vk types use many more bits than required to represent the underlying data.
// Since ANGLE wants to cache things like RenderPasses and Pipeline State Objects using
// hashing (and also needs to check equality) we can optimize these operations by
// using fewer bits. Hence the packed types.
// One implementation note: these types could potentially be improved by using even
// fewer bits. For example, boolean values could be represented by a single bit instead
// of a uint8_t. However at the current time there are concerns about the portability
// of bitfield operators, and complexity issues with using bit mask operations. This is
// something we will likely want to investigate as the Vulkan implementation progresses.
// Second implementation note: the struct packing is also a bit fragile, and some of the
// packing requirements depend on using alignas and field ordering to get the result of
// packing nicely into the desired space. This is something we could also potentially fix
// with a redesign to use bitfields or bit mask operations.
// Enable struct padding warnings for the code below since it is used in caches.
enum ResourceAccess
inline void UpdateAccess(ResourceAccess *oldAccess, ResourceAccess newAccess)
if (newAccess > *oldAccess)
*oldAccess = newAccess;
enum RenderPassStoreOp
// ConvertRenderPassStoreOpToVkStoreOp rely on the fact that only NoneQCOM is different from VK
// enums.
static_assert(RenderPassStoreOp::NoneQCOM == 2, "ConvertRenderPassStoreOpToVkStoreOp must updated");
inline VkAttachmentStoreOp ConvertRenderPassStoreOpToVkStoreOp(RenderPassStoreOp storeOp)
return storeOp == RenderPassStoreOp::NoneQCOM ? VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_NONE_QCOM
: static_cast<VkAttachmentStoreOp>(storeOp);
// There can be a maximum of IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS color and resolve attachments, plus one
// depth/stencil attachment and one depth/stencil resolve attachment.
constexpr size_t kMaxFramebufferAttachments = gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS * 2 + 2;
template <typename T>
using FramebufferAttachmentArray = std::array<T, kMaxFramebufferAttachments>;
template <typename T>
using FramebufferAttachmentsVector = angle::FixedVector<T, kMaxFramebufferAttachments>;
using FramebufferAttachmentMask = angle::BitSet<kMaxFramebufferAttachments>;
constexpr size_t kMaxFramebufferNonResolveAttachments = gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS + 1;
template <typename T>
using FramebufferNonResolveAttachmentArray = std::array<T, kMaxFramebufferNonResolveAttachments>;
using FramebufferNonResolveAttachmentMask = angle::BitSet16<kMaxFramebufferNonResolveAttachments>;
class alignas(4) RenderPassDesc final
RenderPassDesc(const RenderPassDesc &other);
RenderPassDesc &operator=(const RenderPassDesc &other);
// Set format for an enabled GL color attachment.
void packColorAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL, angle::FormatID formatID);
// Mark a GL color attachment index as disabled.
void packColorAttachmentGap(size_t colorIndexGL);
// The caller must pack the depth/stencil attachment last, which is packed right after the color
// attachments (including gaps), i.e. with an index starting from |colorAttachmentRange()|.
void packDepthStencilAttachment(angle::FormatID angleFormatID);
void updateDepthStencilAccess(ResourceAccess access);
// Indicate that a color attachment should have a corresponding resolve attachment.
void packColorResolveAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL);
// Remove the resolve attachment. Used when optimizing blit through resolve attachment to
// temporarily pack a resolve attachment and then remove it.
void removeColorResolveAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL);
// Indicate that a color attachment should take its data from the resolve attachment initially.
void packColorUnresolveAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL);
void removeColorUnresolveAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL);
// Indicate that a depth/stencil attachment should have a corresponding resolve attachment.
void packDepthStencilResolveAttachment();
// Indicate that a depth/stencil attachment should take its data from the resolve attachment
// initially.
void packDepthStencilUnresolveAttachment(bool unresolveDepth, bool unresolveStencil);
void removeDepthStencilUnresolveAttachment();
void setWriteControlMode(gl::SrgbWriteControlMode mode);
size_t hash() const;
// Color attachments are in [0, colorAttachmentRange()), with possible gaps.
size_t colorAttachmentRange() const { return mColorAttachmentRange; }
size_t depthStencilAttachmentIndex() const { return colorAttachmentRange(); }
bool isColorAttachmentEnabled(size_t colorIndexGL) const;
bool hasDepthStencilAttachment() const;
bool hasColorResolveAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL) const
return mColorResolveAttachmentMask.test(colorIndexGL);
gl::DrawBufferMask getColorUnresolveAttachmentMask() const
return mColorUnresolveAttachmentMask;
bool hasColorUnresolveAttachment(size_t colorIndexGL) const
return mColorUnresolveAttachmentMask.test(colorIndexGL);
bool hasDepthStencilResolveAttachment() const
return (mAttachmentFormats.back() & kResolveDepthStencilFlag) != 0;
bool hasDepthStencilUnresolveAttachment() const
return (mAttachmentFormats.back() & (kUnresolveDepthFlag | kUnresolveStencilFlag)) != 0;
bool hasDepthUnresolveAttachment() const
return (mAttachmentFormats.back() & kUnresolveDepthFlag) != 0;
bool hasStencilUnresolveAttachment() const
return (mAttachmentFormats.back() & kUnresolveStencilFlag) != 0;
gl::SrgbWriteControlMode getSRGBWriteControlMode() const
return ((mAttachmentFormats.back() & kSrgbWriteControlFlag) != 0)
? gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Linear
: gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Default;
// Get the number of attachments in the Vulkan render pass, i.e. after removing disabled
// color attachments.
size_t attachmentCount() const;
void setSamples(GLint samples);
uint8_t samples() const { return 1u << mLogSamples; }
void setFramebufferFetchMode(bool hasFramebufferFetch);
bool getFramebufferFetchMode() const { return mHasFramebufferFetch; }
void updateRenderToTexture(bool isRenderToTexture);
bool isRenderToTexture() const { return (mAttachmentFormats.back() & kIsRenderToTexture) != 0; }
angle::FormatID operator[](size_t index) const
uint8_t format = mAttachmentFormats[index];
if (index >= depthStencilAttachmentIndex())
format &= kDepthStencilFormatStorageMask;
return static_cast<angle::FormatID>(format);
// Store log(samples), to be able to store it in 3 bits.
uint8_t mLogSamples : 3;
uint8_t mColorAttachmentRange : 4;
uint8_t mHasFramebufferFetch : 1;
// Whether each color attachment has a corresponding resolve attachment. Color resolve
// attachments can be used to optimize resolve through glBlitFramebuffer() as well as support
// GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture and GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2.
gl::DrawBufferMask mColorResolveAttachmentMask;
// Whether each color attachment with a corresponding resolve attachment should be initialized
// with said resolve attachment in an initial subpass. This is an optimization to avoid
// loadOp=LOAD on the implicit multisampled image used with multisampled-render-to-texture
// render targets. This operation is referred to as "unresolve".
// Unused when VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled is available.
gl::DrawBufferMask mColorUnresolveAttachmentMask;
// Color attachment formats are stored with their GL attachment indices. The depth/stencil
// attachment formats follow the last enabled color attachment. When creating a render pass,
// the disabled attachments are removed and the resulting attachments are packed.
// The attachment indices provided as input to various functions in this file are thus GL
// attachment indices. These indices are marked as such, e.g. colorIndexGL. The render pass
// (and corresponding framebuffer object) lists the packed attachments, with the corresponding
// indices marked with Vk, e.g. colorIndexVk. The subpass attachment references create the
// link between the two index spaces. The subpass declares attachment references with GL
// indices (which corresponds to the location decoration of shader outputs). The attachment
// references then contain the Vulkan indices or VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED.
// For example, if GL uses color attachments 0 and 3, then there are two render pass
// attachments (indexed 0 and 1) and 4 subpass attachments:
// - Subpass attachment 0 -> Renderpass attachment 0
// - Subpass attachment 1 -> VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED
// - Subpass attachment 2 -> VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED
// - Subpass attachment 3 -> Renderpass attachment 1
// The resolve attachments are packed after the non-resolve attachments. They use the same
// formats, so they are not specified in this array.
// The depth/stencil angle::FormatID values are in the range [1, 7], and therefore require only
// 3 bits to be stored. As a result, the upper 5 bits of mAttachmentFormats.back() is free to
// use for other purposes.
FramebufferNonResolveAttachmentArray<uint8_t> mAttachmentFormats;
// Depth/stencil format is stored in 3 bits.
static constexpr uint8_t kDepthStencilFormatStorageMask = 0x7;
// Flags stored in the upper 5 bits of mAttachmentFormats.back().
static constexpr uint8_t kIsRenderToTexture = 0x80;
static constexpr uint8_t kResolveDepthStencilFlag = 0x40;
static constexpr uint8_t kUnresolveDepthFlag = 0x20;
static constexpr uint8_t kUnresolveStencilFlag = 0x10;
static constexpr uint8_t kSrgbWriteControlFlag = 0x08;
bool operator==(const RenderPassDesc &lhs, const RenderPassDesc &rhs);
constexpr size_t kRenderPassDescSize = sizeof(RenderPassDesc);
static_assert(kRenderPassDescSize == 12, "Size check failed");
struct PackedAttachmentOpsDesc final
// VkAttachmentLoadOp is in range [0, 2], and VkAttachmentStoreOp is in range [0, 2].
uint16_t loadOp : 2;
uint16_t storeOp : 2;
uint16_t stencilLoadOp : 2;
uint16_t stencilStoreOp : 2;
// If a corresponding resolve attachment exists, storeOp may already be DONT_CARE, and it's
// unclear whether the attachment was invalidated or not. This information is passed along here
// so that the resolve attachment's storeOp can be set to DONT_CARE if the attachment is
// invalidated, and if possible removed from the list of resolve attachments altogether. Note
// that the latter may not be possible if the render pass has multiple subpasses due to Vulkan
// render pass compatibility rules.
uint16_t isInvalidated : 1;
uint16_t isStencilInvalidated : 1;
uint16_t padding1 : 6;
// 4-bits to force pad the structure to exactly 2 bytes. Note that we currently don't support
// any of the extension layouts, whose values start at 1'000'000'000.
uint16_t initialLayout : 4;
uint16_t finalLayout : 4;
uint16_t padding2 : 8;
static_assert(sizeof(PackedAttachmentOpsDesc) == 4, "Size check failed");
class PackedAttachmentIndex;
class AttachmentOpsArray final
AttachmentOpsArray(const AttachmentOpsArray &other);
AttachmentOpsArray &operator=(const AttachmentOpsArray &other);
const PackedAttachmentOpsDesc &operator[](PackedAttachmentIndex index) const;
PackedAttachmentOpsDesc &operator[](PackedAttachmentIndex index);
// Initialize an attachment op with all load and store operations.
void initWithLoadStore(PackedAttachmentIndex index,
ImageLayout initialLayout,
ImageLayout finalLayout);
void setLayouts(PackedAttachmentIndex index,
ImageLayout initialLayout,
ImageLayout finalLayout);
void setOps(PackedAttachmentIndex index, VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp, RenderPassStoreOp storeOp);
void setStencilOps(PackedAttachmentIndex index,
VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp,
RenderPassStoreOp storeOp);
void setClearOp(PackedAttachmentIndex index);
void setClearStencilOp(PackedAttachmentIndex index);
size_t hash() const;
gl::AttachmentArray<PackedAttachmentOpsDesc> mOps;
bool operator==(const AttachmentOpsArray &lhs, const AttachmentOpsArray &rhs);
static_assert(sizeof(AttachmentOpsArray) == 40, "Size check failed");
struct PackedAttribDesc final
uint8_t format;
uint8_t divisor;
// Desktop drivers support
uint16_t offset : kAttributeOffsetMaxBits;
uint16_t compressed : 1;
// Although technically stride can be any value in ES 2.0, in practice supporting stride
// greater than MAX_USHORT should not be that helpful. Note that stride limits are
// introduced in ES 3.1.
uint16_t stride;
constexpr size_t kPackedAttribDescSize = sizeof(PackedAttribDesc);
static_assert(kPackedAttribDescSize == 6, "Size mismatch");
struct VertexInputAttributes final
PackedAttribDesc attribs[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS];
constexpr size_t kVertexInputAttributesSize = sizeof(VertexInputAttributes);
static_assert(kVertexInputAttributesSize == 96, "Size mismatch");
struct RasterizationStateBits final
// Note: Currently only 2 subpasses possible, so there are 5 bits in subpass that can be
// repurposed.
uint32_t subpass : 6;
uint32_t depthClampEnable : 1;
uint32_t rasterizationDiscardEnable : 1;
uint32_t polygonMode : 4;
uint32_t cullMode : 4;
uint32_t frontFace : 4;
uint32_t depthBiasEnable : 1;
uint32_t sampleShadingEnable : 1;
uint32_t alphaToCoverageEnable : 1;
uint32_t alphaToOneEnable : 1;
uint32_t rasterizationSamples : 8;
constexpr size_t kRasterizationStateBitsSize = sizeof(RasterizationStateBits);
static_assert(kRasterizationStateBitsSize == 4, "Size check failed");
struct PackedRasterizationAndMultisampleStateInfo final
RasterizationStateBits bits;
// Padded to ensure there's no gaps in this structure or those that use it.
float minSampleShading;
uint32_t sampleMask[gl::MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS];
// Note: depth bias clamp is only exposed in a 3.1 extension, but left here for completeness.
float depthBiasClamp;
float depthBiasConstantFactor;
float depthBiasSlopeFactor;
float lineWidth;
constexpr size_t kPackedRasterizationAndMultisampleStateSize =
static_assert(kPackedRasterizationAndMultisampleStateSize == 32, "Size check failed");
struct StencilOps final
uint8_t fail : 4;
uint8_t pass : 4;
uint8_t depthFail : 4;
uint8_t compare : 4;
constexpr size_t kStencilOpsSize = sizeof(StencilOps);
static_assert(kStencilOpsSize == 2, "Size check failed");
struct PackedStencilOpState final
StencilOps ops;
uint8_t compareMask;
uint8_t writeMask;
constexpr size_t kPackedStencilOpSize = sizeof(PackedStencilOpState);
static_assert(kPackedStencilOpSize == 4, "Size check failed");
struct DepthStencilEnableFlags final
uint8_t depthTest : 2; // these only need one bit each. the extra is used as padding.
uint8_t depthWrite : 2;
uint8_t depthBoundsTest : 2;
uint8_t stencilTest : 2;
constexpr size_t kDepthStencilEnableFlagsSize = sizeof(DepthStencilEnableFlags);
static_assert(kDepthStencilEnableFlagsSize == 1, "Size check failed");
// We are borrowing three bits here for surface rotation, even though it has nothing to do with
// depth stencil.
struct DepthCompareOpAndSurfaceRotation final
uint8_t depthCompareOp : 4;
uint8_t surfaceRotation : 3;
uint8_t padding : 1;
constexpr size_t kDepthCompareOpAndSurfaceRotationSize = sizeof(DepthCompareOpAndSurfaceRotation);
static_assert(kDepthCompareOpAndSurfaceRotationSize == 1, "Size check failed");
struct PackedDepthStencilStateInfo final
DepthStencilEnableFlags enable;
uint8_t frontStencilReference;
uint8_t backStencilReference;
DepthCompareOpAndSurfaceRotation depthCompareOpAndSurfaceRotation;
float minDepthBounds;
float maxDepthBounds;
PackedStencilOpState front;
PackedStencilOpState back;
constexpr size_t kPackedDepthStencilStateSize = sizeof(PackedDepthStencilStateInfo);
static_assert(kPackedDepthStencilStateSize == 20, "Size check failed");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(SurfaceRotation::EnumCount) <= 8, "Size check failed");
struct LogicOpState final
uint8_t opEnable : 1;
uint8_t op : 7;
constexpr size_t kLogicOpStateSize = sizeof(LogicOpState);
static_assert(kLogicOpStateSize == 1, "Size check failed");
struct PackedColorBlendAttachmentState final
uint16_t srcColorBlendFactor : 5;
uint16_t dstColorBlendFactor : 5;
uint16_t colorBlendOp : 6;
uint16_t srcAlphaBlendFactor : 5;
uint16_t dstAlphaBlendFactor : 5;
uint16_t alphaBlendOp : 6;
constexpr size_t kPackedColorBlendAttachmentStateSize = sizeof(PackedColorBlendAttachmentState);
static_assert(kPackedColorBlendAttachmentStateSize == 4, "Size check failed");
struct PrimitiveState final
uint16_t topology : 9;
uint16_t patchVertices : 6;
uint16_t restartEnable : 1;
constexpr size_t kPrimitiveStateSize = sizeof(PrimitiveState);
static_assert(kPrimitiveStateSize == 2, "Size check failed");
struct PackedInputAssemblyAndColorBlendStateInfo final
uint8_t colorWriteMaskBits[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS / 2];
PackedColorBlendAttachmentState attachments[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS];
float blendConstants[4];
LogicOpState logic;
uint8_t blendEnableMask;
PrimitiveState primitive;
struct PackedScissor final
uint16_t x;
uint16_t y;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
struct PackedExtent final
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
// This is invalid value for PackedScissor.x. It is used to indicate scissor is a dynamic state
constexpr int32_t kDynamicScissorSentinel = std::numeric_limits<decltype(PackedScissor::x)>::max();
constexpr size_t kPackedInputAssemblyAndColorBlendStateSize =
static_assert(kPackedInputAssemblyAndColorBlendStateSize == 56, "Size check failed");
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineDescSumOfSizes =
kVertexInputAttributesSize + kRenderPassDescSize + kPackedRasterizationAndMultisampleStateSize +
kPackedDepthStencilStateSize + kPackedInputAssemblyAndColorBlendStateSize + sizeof(VkViewport) +
sizeof(PackedScissor) + sizeof(PackedExtent);
// Number of dirty bits in the dirty bit set.
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineDirtyBitBytes = 4;
constexpr static size_t kNumGraphicsPipelineDirtyBits =
kGraphicsPipelineDescSumOfSizes / kGraphicsPipelineDirtyBitBytes;
static_assert(kNumGraphicsPipelineDirtyBits <= 64, "Too many pipeline dirty bits");
// Set of dirty bits. Each bit represents kGraphicsPipelineDirtyBitBytes in the desc.
using GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits = angle::BitSet<kNumGraphicsPipelineDirtyBits>;
// State changes are applied through the update methods. Each update method can also have a
// sibling method that applies the update without marking a state transition. The non-transition
// update methods are used for internal shader pipelines. Not every non-transition update method
// is implemented yet as not every state is used in internal shaders.
class GraphicsPipelineDesc final
// Use aligned allocation and free so we can use the alignas keyword.
void *operator new(std::size_t size);
void operator delete(void *ptr);
GraphicsPipelineDesc(const GraphicsPipelineDesc &other);
GraphicsPipelineDesc &operator=(const GraphicsPipelineDesc &other);
size_t hash() const;
bool operator==(const GraphicsPipelineDesc &other) const;
void initDefaults(const ContextVk *contextVk);
// For custom comparisons.
template <typename T>
const T *getPtr() const
return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(this);
angle::Result initializePipeline(ContextVk *contextVk,
const PipelineCache &pipelineCacheVk,
const RenderPass &compatibleRenderPass,
const PipelineLayout &pipelineLayout,
const gl::AttributesMask &activeAttribLocationsMask,
const gl::ComponentTypeMask &programAttribsTypeMask,
const ShaderModule *vertexModule,
const ShaderModule *fragmentModule,
const ShaderModule *geometryModule,
const ShaderModule *tessControlModule,
const ShaderModule *tessEvaluationModule,
const SpecializationConstants &specConsts,
Pipeline *pipelineOut) const;
// Vertex input state. For ES 3.1 this should be separated into binding and attribute.
void updateVertexInput(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
uint32_t attribIndex,
GLuint stride,
GLuint divisor,
angle::FormatID format,
bool compressed,
GLuint relativeOffset);
// Input assembly info
void updateTopology(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, gl::PrimitiveMode drawMode);
void updatePrimitiveRestartEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
bool primitiveRestartEnabled);
// Raster states
void setCullMode(VkCullModeFlagBits cullMode);
void updateCullMode(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState);
void updateFrontFace(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState,
bool invertFrontFace);
void updateLineWidth(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, float lineWidth);
void updateRasterizerDiscardEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
bool rasterizerDiscardEnabled);
// Multisample states
uint32_t getRasterizationSamples() const;
void setRasterizationSamples(uint32_t rasterizationSamples);
void updateRasterizationSamples(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
uint32_t rasterizationSamples);
void updateAlphaToCoverageEnable(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, bool enable);
void updateAlphaToOneEnable(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, bool enable);
void updateSampleMask(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
uint32_t maskNumber,
uint32_t mask);
void updateSampleShading(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, bool enable, float value);
// RenderPass description.
const RenderPassDesc &getRenderPassDesc() const { return mRenderPassDesc; }
void setRenderPassDesc(const RenderPassDesc &renderPassDesc);
void updateRenderPassDesc(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const RenderPassDesc &renderPassDesc);
// Blend states
void updateBlendEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
gl::DrawBufferMask blendEnabledMask);
void updateBlendColor(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, const gl::ColorF &color);
void updateBlendFuncs(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::BlendStateExt &blendStateExt);
void updateBlendEquations(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::BlendStateExt &blendStateExt);
void setColorWriteMasks(gl::BlendStateExt::ColorMaskStorage::Type colorMasks,
const gl::DrawBufferMask &alphaMask,
const gl::DrawBufferMask &enabledDrawBuffers);
void setSingleColorWriteMask(uint32_t colorIndexGL, VkColorComponentFlags colorComponentFlags);
void updateColorWriteMasks(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
gl::BlendStateExt::ColorMaskStorage::Type colorMasks,
const gl::DrawBufferMask &alphaMask,
const gl::DrawBufferMask &enabledDrawBuffers);
// Depth/stencil states.
void setDepthTestEnabled(bool enabled);
void setDepthWriteEnabled(bool enabled);
void setDepthFunc(VkCompareOp op);
void setDepthClampEnabled(bool enabled);
void setStencilTestEnabled(bool enabled);
void setStencilFrontFuncs(uint8_t reference, VkCompareOp compareOp, uint8_t compareMask);
void setStencilBackFuncs(uint8_t reference, VkCompareOp compareOp, uint8_t compareMask);
void setStencilFrontOps(VkStencilOp failOp, VkStencilOp passOp, VkStencilOp depthFailOp);
void setStencilBackOps(VkStencilOp failOp, VkStencilOp passOp, VkStencilOp depthFailOp);
void setStencilFrontWriteMask(uint8_t mask);
void setStencilBackWriteMask(uint8_t mask);
void updateDepthTestEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState,
const gl::Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer);
void updateDepthFunc(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState);
void updateDepthWriteEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState,
const gl::Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer);
void updateStencilTestEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState,
const gl::Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer);
void updateStencilFrontFuncs(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
GLint ref,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState);
void updateStencilBackFuncs(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
GLint ref,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState);
void updateStencilFrontOps(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState);
void updateStencilBackOps(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState);
void updateStencilFrontWriteMask(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState,
const gl::Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer);
void updateStencilBackWriteMask(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState,
const gl::Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer);
// Depth offset.
void updatePolygonOffsetFillEnabled(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, bool enabled);
void updatePolygonOffset(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState);
// Viewport and scissor.
void setViewport(const VkViewport &viewport);
void updateViewport(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, const VkViewport &viewport);
void updateDepthRange(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
float nearPlane,
float farPlane);
void setDynamicScissor();
void setScissor(const VkRect2D &scissor);
void updateScissor(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, const VkRect2D &scissor);
// Tessellation
void updatePatchVertices(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, GLuint value);
// Subpass
void resetSubpass(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition);
void nextSubpass(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition);
void setSubpass(uint32_t subpass);
uint32_t getSubpass() const;
void updateSurfaceRotation(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
const SurfaceRotation surfaceRotation);
SurfaceRotation getSurfaceRotation() const
return static_cast<SurfaceRotation>(
void updateDrawableSize(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
const PackedExtent &getDrawableSize() const { return mDrawableSize; }
void updateSubpass(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits *transition, uint32_t subpass);
VertexInputAttributes mVertexInputAttribs;
RenderPassDesc mRenderPassDesc;
PackedRasterizationAndMultisampleStateInfo mRasterizationAndMultisampleStateInfo;
PackedDepthStencilStateInfo mDepthStencilStateInfo;
PackedInputAssemblyAndColorBlendStateInfo mInputAssemblyAndColorBlendStateInfo;
VkViewport mViewport;
// The special value of .offset.x == INT_MIN for scissor implies dynamic scissor that needs to
// be set through vkCmdSetScissor.
PackedScissor mScissor;
PackedExtent mDrawableSize;
// Verify the packed pipeline description has no gaps in the packing.
// This is not guaranteed by the spec, but is validated by a compile-time check.
// No gaps or padding at the end ensures that hashing and memcmp checks will not run
// into uninitialized memory regions.
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineDescSize = sizeof(GraphicsPipelineDesc);
static_assert(kGraphicsPipelineDescSize == kGraphicsPipelineDescSumOfSizes, "Size mismatch");
constexpr uint32_t kMaxDescriptorSetLayoutBindings =
using DescriptorSetLayoutBindingVector =
angle::FixedVector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding, kMaxDescriptorSetLayoutBindings>;
// A packed description of a descriptor set layout. Use similarly to RenderPassDesc and
// GraphicsPipelineDesc. Currently we only need to differentiate layouts based on sampler and ubo
// usage. In the future we could generalize this.
class DescriptorSetLayoutDesc final
DescriptorSetLayoutDesc(const DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &other);
DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &operator=(const DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &other);
size_t hash() const;
bool operator==(const DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &other) const;
void update(uint32_t bindingIndex,
VkDescriptorType type,
uint32_t count,
VkShaderStageFlags stages,
const Sampler *immutableSampler);
void unpackBindings(DescriptorSetLayoutBindingVector *bindings,
std::vector<VkSampler> *immutableSamplers) const;
// There is a small risk of an issue if the sampler cache is evicted but not the descriptor
// cache we would have an invalid handle here. Thus propose follow-up work:
// TODO: Have immutable sampler use serial
struct PackedDescriptorSetBinding
uint8_t type; // Stores a packed VkDescriptorType descriptorType.
uint8_t stages; // Stores a packed VkShaderStageFlags.
uint16_t count; // Stores a packed uint32_t descriptorCount.
uint32_t pad;
VkSampler immutableSampler;
// 4x 32bit
static_assert(sizeof(PackedDescriptorSetBinding) == 16, "Unexpected size");
// This is a compact representation of a descriptor set layout.
std::array<PackedDescriptorSetBinding, kMaxDescriptorSetLayoutBindings>
// The following are for caching descriptor set layouts. Limited to max four descriptor set layouts.
// This can be extended in the future.
constexpr size_t kMaxDescriptorSetLayouts = 4;
struct PackedPushConstantRange
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t size;
template <typename T>
using DescriptorSetLayoutArray = angle::PackedEnumMap<DescriptorSetIndex, T>;
using DescriptorSetLayoutPointerArray =
template <typename T>
using PushConstantRangeArray = gl::ShaderMap<T>;
class PipelineLayoutDesc final
PipelineLayoutDesc(const PipelineLayoutDesc &other);
PipelineLayoutDesc &operator=(const PipelineLayoutDesc &rhs);
size_t hash() const;
bool operator==(const PipelineLayoutDesc &other) const;
void updateDescriptorSetLayout(DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
const DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &desc);
void updatePushConstantRange(gl::ShaderType shaderType, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size);
const PushConstantRangeArray<PackedPushConstantRange> &getPushConstantRanges() const;
DescriptorSetLayoutArray<DescriptorSetLayoutDesc> mDescriptorSetLayouts;
PushConstantRangeArray<PackedPushConstantRange> mPushConstantRanges;
// Verify the arrays are properly packed.
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(mDescriptorSetLayouts)) ==
(sizeof(DescriptorSetLayoutDesc) * kMaxDescriptorSetLayouts),
"Unexpected size");
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(mPushConstantRanges)) ==
(sizeof(PackedPushConstantRange) * angle::EnumSize<gl::ShaderType>()),
"Unexpected size");
// Verify the structure is properly packed.
static_assert(sizeof(PipelineLayoutDesc) ==
(sizeof(DescriptorSetLayoutArray<DescriptorSetLayoutDesc>) +
"Unexpected Size");
// Packed sampler description for the sampler cache.
class SamplerDesc final
SamplerDesc(const angle::FeaturesVk &featuresVk,
const gl::SamplerState &samplerState,
bool stencilMode,
uint64_t externalFormat);
SamplerDesc(const SamplerDesc &other);
SamplerDesc &operator=(const SamplerDesc &rhs);
void update(const angle::FeaturesVk &featuresVk,
const gl::SamplerState &samplerState,
bool stencilMode,
uint64_t externalFormat);
void reset();
angle::Result init(ContextVk *contextVk, Sampler *sampler) const;
size_t hash() const;
bool operator==(const SamplerDesc &other) const;
// 32*4 bits for floating point data.
// Note: anisotropy enabled is implicitly determined by maxAnisotropy and caps.
float mMipLodBias;
float mMaxAnisotropy;
float mMinLod;
float mMaxLod;
// If the sampler needs to convert the image content (e.g. from YUV to RGB) then mExternalFormat
// will be non-zero and match the external format as returned from
// vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID.
// The externalFormat is guaranteed to be unique and any image with the same externalFormat can
// use the same conversion sampler. Thus externalFormat works as a Serial() used elsewhere in
uint64_t mExternalFormat;
// 16 bits for modes + states.
// 1 bit per filter (only 2 possible values in GL: linear/nearest)
uint16_t mMagFilter : 1;
uint16_t mMinFilter : 1;
uint16_t mMipmapMode : 1;
// 3 bits per address mode (5 possible values)
uint16_t mAddressModeU : 3;
uint16_t mAddressModeV : 3;
uint16_t mAddressModeW : 3;
// 1 bit for compare enabled (2 possible values)
uint16_t mCompareEnabled : 1;
// 3 bits for compare op. (8 possible values)
uint16_t mCompareOp : 3;
// Border color and unnormalized coordinates implicitly set to contants.
// 48 extra bits reserved for future use.
uint16_t mReserved[3];
static_assert(sizeof(SamplerDesc) == 32, "Unexpected SamplerDesc size");
// Disable warnings about struct padding.
class PipelineHelper;
struct GraphicsPipelineTransition
GraphicsPipelineTransition(const GraphicsPipelineTransition &other);
GraphicsPipelineTransition(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bits,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc *desc,
PipelineHelper *pipeline);
GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bits;
const GraphicsPipelineDesc *desc;
PipelineHelper *target;
ANGLE_INLINE GraphicsPipelineTransition::GraphicsPipelineTransition() = default;
ANGLE_INLINE GraphicsPipelineTransition::GraphicsPipelineTransition(
const GraphicsPipelineTransition &other) = default;
ANGLE_INLINE GraphicsPipelineTransition::GraphicsPipelineTransition(
GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bits,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc *desc,
PipelineHelper *pipeline)
: bits(bits), desc(desc), target(pipeline)
ANGLE_INLINE bool GraphicsPipelineTransitionMatch(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bitsA,
GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bitsB,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc &descA,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc &descB)
if (bitsA != bitsB)
return false;
// We currently mask over 4 bytes of the pipeline description with each dirty bit.
// We could consider using 8 bytes and a mask of 32 bits. This would make some parts
// of the code faster. The for loop below would scan over twice as many bits per iteration.
// But there may be more collisions between the same dirty bit masks leading to different
// transitions. Thus there may be additional cost when applications use many transitions.
// We should revisit this in the future and investigate using different bit widths.
static_assert(sizeof(uint32_t) == kGraphicsPipelineDirtyBitBytes, "Size mismatch");
const uint32_t *rawPtrA = descA.getPtr<uint32_t>();
const uint32_t *rawPtrB = descB.getPtr<uint32_t>();
for (size_t dirtyBit : bitsA)
if (rawPtrA[dirtyBit] != rawPtrB[dirtyBit])
return false;
return true;
class PipelineHelper final : angle::NonCopyable
inline explicit PipelineHelper(Pipeline &&pipeline);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
void updateSerial(Serial serial) { mSerial = serial; }
bool valid() const { return mPipeline.valid(); }
Serial getSerial() const { return mSerial; }
Pipeline &getPipeline() { return mPipeline; }
ANGLE_INLINE bool findTransition(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bits,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc &desc,
PipelineHelper **pipelineOut) const
// Search could be improved using sorting or hashing.
for (const GraphicsPipelineTransition &transition : mTransitions)
if (GraphicsPipelineTransitionMatch(transition.bits, bits, *transition.desc, desc))
*pipelineOut =;
return true;
return false;
void addTransition(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bits,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc *desc,
PipelineHelper *pipeline);
std::vector<GraphicsPipelineTransition> mTransitions;
Serial mSerial;
Pipeline mPipeline;
ANGLE_INLINE PipelineHelper::PipelineHelper(Pipeline &&pipeline) : mPipeline(std::move(pipeline)) {}
struct ImageSubresourceRange
uint16_t level : 10; // GL max is 1000 (fits in 10 bits).
uint16_t levelCount : 6; // Max 63 levels (2 ** 6 - 1). If we need more, take from layer.
uint16_t layer : 13; // Implementation max is 2048 (11 bits).
uint16_t singleLayer : 1; // true/false only. Not possible to use sub-slices of levels.
uint16_t srgbDecodeMode : 1; // Values from vk::SrgbDecodeMode.
uint16_t srgbOverrideMode : 1; // Values from gl::SrgbOverride, either Default or SRGB.
static_assert(sizeof(ImageSubresourceRange) == sizeof(uint32_t), "Size mismatch");
constexpr ImageSubresourceRange kInvalidImageSubresourceRange = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
struct ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial
ImageOrBufferViewSerial viewSerial;
ImageSubresourceRange subresource;
static_assert(sizeof(ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial) == sizeof(uint64_t), "Size mismatch");
constexpr ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial kInvalidImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial = {
kInvalidImageOrBufferViewSerial, kInvalidImageSubresourceRange};
class TextureDescriptorDesc
TextureDescriptorDesc(const TextureDescriptorDesc &other);
TextureDescriptorDesc &operator=(const TextureDescriptorDesc &other);
void update(size_t index,
ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial viewSerial,
SamplerSerial samplerSerial);
size_t hash() const;
void reset();
bool operator==(const TextureDescriptorDesc &other) const;
// Note: this is an exclusive index. If there is one index it will return "1".
uint32_t getMaxIndex() const { return mMaxIndex; }
uint32_t mMaxIndex;
struct TexUnitSerials
ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial view;
SamplerSerial sampler;
gl::ActiveTextureArray<TexUnitSerials> mSerials;
class UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc
UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc(const UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc &other);
UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc &operator=(const UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc &other);
BufferSerial getDefaultUniformBufferSerial() const
return mBufferSerials[kDefaultUniformBufferIndex];
void updateDefaultUniformBuffer(BufferSerial bufferSerial)
mBufferSerials[kDefaultUniformBufferIndex] = bufferSerial;
mBufferCount = std::max(mBufferCount, static_cast<uint32_t>(1));
void updateTransformFeedbackBuffer(size_t xfbIndex, BufferSerial bufferSerial)
uint32_t bufferIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(xfbIndex) + 1;
mBufferSerials[bufferIndex] = bufferSerial;
mBufferCount = std::max(mBufferCount, (bufferIndex + 1));
size_t hash() const;
void reset();
bool operator==(const UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc &other) const;
uint32_t mBufferCount;
// The array index 0 is used for default uniform buffer
static constexpr size_t kDefaultUniformBufferIndex = 0;
static constexpr size_t kMaxBufferCount = 1 + gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS;
std::array<BufferSerial, kMaxBufferCount> mBufferSerials;
// In the FramebufferDesc object:
// - Depth/stencil serial is at index 0
// - Color serials are at indices [1, gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS]
// - Depth/stencil resolve attachment is at index gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS+1
// - Resolve attachments are at indices [gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS+2,
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescDepthStencilIndex = 0;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescColorIndexOffset = kFramebufferDescDepthStencilIndex + 1;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescDepthStencilResolveIndexOffset =
kFramebufferDescColorIndexOffset + gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescColorResolveIndexOffset =
kFramebufferDescDepthStencilResolveIndexOffset + 1;
// Enable struct padding warnings for the code below since it is used in caches.
class FramebufferDesc
FramebufferDesc(const FramebufferDesc &other);
FramebufferDesc &operator=(const FramebufferDesc &other);
void updateColor(uint32_t index, ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial serial);
void updateColorResolve(uint32_t index, ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial serial);
void updateUnresolveMask(FramebufferNonResolveAttachmentMask unresolveMask);
void updateDepthStencil(ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial serial);
void updateDepthStencilResolve(ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial serial);
ANGLE_INLINE void setWriteControlMode(gl::SrgbWriteControlMode mode)
mSrgbWriteControlMode = static_cast<uint16_t>(mode);
size_t hash() const;
bool operator==(const FramebufferDesc &other) const;
uint32_t attachmentCount() const;
ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial getColorImageViewSerial(uint32_t index)
ASSERT(kFramebufferDescColorIndexOffset + index < mSerials.size());
return mSerials[kFramebufferDescColorIndexOffset + index];
FramebufferNonResolveAttachmentMask getUnresolveAttachmentMask() const;
ANGLE_INLINE gl::SrgbWriteControlMode getWriteControlMode() const
return (mSrgbWriteControlMode == 1) ? gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Linear
: gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Default;
void updateLayerCount(uint32_t layerCount);
uint32_t getLayerCount() const { return mLayerCount; }
void updateFramebufferFetchMode(bool hasFramebufferFetch);
void updateRenderToTexture(bool isRenderToTexture);
void reset();
void update(uint32_t index, ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial serial);
// Note: this is an exclusive index. If there is one index it will be "1".
// Maximum value is 18
uint16_t mMaxIndex : 5;
uint16_t mHasFramebufferFetch : 1;
static_assert(gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS < (1 << 9) - 1,
"Not enough bits for mLayerCount");
uint16_t mLayerCount : 9;
uint16_t mSrgbWriteControlMode : 1;
// If the render pass contains an initial subpass to unresolve a number of attachments, the
// subpass description is derived from the following mask, specifying which attachments need
// to be unresolved. Includes both color and depth/stencil attachments.
uint16_t mUnresolveAttachmentMask : kMaxFramebufferNonResolveAttachments;
// Whether this is a multisampled-render-to-single-sampled framebuffer. Only used when using
// VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled. Only one bit is used and the rest is padding.
uint16_t mIsRenderToTexture : 16 - kMaxFramebufferNonResolveAttachments;
FramebufferAttachmentArray<ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial> mSerials;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescSize = sizeof(FramebufferDesc);
static_assert(kFramebufferDescSize == 148, "Size check failed");
// Disable warnings about struct padding.
// The SamplerHelper allows a Sampler to be coupled with a serial.
// Must be included before we declare SamplerCache.
class SamplerHelper final : angle::NonCopyable
SamplerHelper(ContextVk *contextVk);
explicit SamplerHelper(SamplerHelper &&samplerHelper);
SamplerHelper &operator=(SamplerHelper &&rhs);
bool valid() const { return mSampler.valid(); }
const Sampler &get() const { return mSampler; }
Sampler &get() { return mSampler; }
SamplerSerial getSamplerSerial() const { return mSamplerSerial; }
Sampler mSampler;
SamplerSerial mSamplerSerial;
using RefCountedSampler = RefCounted<SamplerHelper>;
using SamplerBinding = BindingPointer<SamplerHelper>;
class RenderPassHelper final : angle::NonCopyable
RenderPassHelper(RenderPassHelper &&other);
RenderPassHelper &operator=(RenderPassHelper &&other);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
const RenderPass &getRenderPass() const;
RenderPass &getRenderPass();
const RenderPassPerfCounters &getPerfCounters() const;
RenderPassPerfCounters &getPerfCounters();
RenderPass mRenderPass;
RenderPassPerfCounters mPerfCounters;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx
// Introduce std::hash for the above classes.
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::RenderPassDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::RenderPassDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::AttachmentOpsArray>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::AttachmentOpsArray &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::DescriptorSetLayoutDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::PipelineLayoutDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::PipelineLayoutDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::TextureDescriptorDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::TextureDescriptorDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::UniformsAndXfbDescriptorDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::FramebufferDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::FramebufferDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::vk::SamplerDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::SamplerDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
// See Resource Serial types defined in vk_utils.h.
#define ANGLE_HASH_VK_SERIAL(Type) \
template <> \
struct hash<rx::vk::Type##Serial> \
{ \
size_t operator()(const rx::vk::Type##Serial &key) const { return key.getValue(); } \
} // namespace std
namespace rx
// Cache types for various Vulkan objects
enum class VulkanCacheType
// Base class for all caches. Provides cache hit and miss counters.
class CacheStats final : angle::NonCopyable
CacheStats() : mHitCount(0), mMissCount(0) {}
~CacheStats() {}
ANGLE_INLINE void hit() { mHitCount++; }
ANGLE_INLINE void miss() { mMissCount++; }
ANGLE_INLINE void accumulate(const CacheStats &stats)
mHitCount += stats.mHitCount;
mMissCount += stats.mMissCount;
ANGLE_INLINE double getHitRatio() const
if (mHitCount + mMissCount == 0)
return 0;
return static_cast<double>(mHitCount) / (mHitCount + mMissCount);
uint64_t mHitCount;
uint64_t mMissCount;
// TODO(jmadill): Add cache trimming/eviction.
class RenderPassCache final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result getCompatibleRenderPass(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::RenderPassDesc &desc,
vk::RenderPass **renderPassOut)
auto outerIt = mPayload.find(desc);
if (outerIt != mPayload.end())
InnerCache &innerCache = outerIt->second;
// Find the first element and return it.
*renderPassOut = &innerCache.begin()->second.getRenderPass();
return angle::Result::Continue;
return addRenderPass(contextVk, desc, renderPassOut);
angle::Result getRenderPassWithOps(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::RenderPassDesc &desc,
const vk::AttachmentOpsArray &attachmentOps,
vk::RenderPass **renderPassOut);
angle::Result getRenderPassWithOpsImpl(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::RenderPassDesc &desc,
const vk::AttachmentOpsArray &attachmentOps,
bool updatePerfCounters,
vk::RenderPass **renderPassOut);
angle::Result addRenderPass(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::RenderPassDesc &desc,
vk::RenderPass **renderPassOut);
// Use a two-layer caching scheme. The top level matches the "compatible" RenderPass elements.
// The second layer caches the attachment load/store ops and initial/final layout.
using InnerCache = angle::HashMap<vk::AttachmentOpsArray, vk::RenderPassHelper>;
using OuterCache = angle::HashMap<vk::RenderPassDesc, InnerCache>;
OuterCache mPayload;
CacheStats mCompatibleRenderPassCacheStats;
CacheStats mRenderPassWithOpsCacheStats;
// TODO(jmadill): Add cache trimming/eviction.
class GraphicsPipelineCache final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
void release(ContextVk *context);
void populate(const vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc &desc, vk::Pipeline &&pipeline);
ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result getPipeline(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::PipelineCache &pipelineCacheVk,
const vk::RenderPass &compatibleRenderPass,
const vk::PipelineLayout &pipelineLayout,
const gl::AttributesMask &activeAttribLocationsMask,
const gl::ComponentTypeMask &programAttribsTypeMask,
const vk::ShaderModule *vertexModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *fragmentModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *geometryModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *tessControlModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *tessEvaluationModule,
const vk::SpecializationConstants &specConsts,
const vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc &desc,
const vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc **descPtrOut,
vk::PipelineHelper **pipelineOut)
auto item = mPayload.find(desc);
if (item != mPayload.end())
*descPtrOut = &item->first;
*pipelineOut = &item->second;
return angle::Result::Continue;
return insertPipeline(contextVk, pipelineCacheVk, compatibleRenderPass, pipelineLayout,
activeAttribLocationsMask, programAttribsTypeMask, vertexModule,
fragmentModule, geometryModule, tessControlModule,
tessEvaluationModule, specConsts, desc, descPtrOut, pipelineOut);
angle::Result insertPipeline(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::PipelineCache &pipelineCacheVk,
const vk::RenderPass &compatibleRenderPass,
const vk::PipelineLayout &pipelineLayout,
const gl::AttributesMask &activeAttribLocationsMask,
const gl::ComponentTypeMask &programAttribsTypeMask,
const vk::ShaderModule *vertexModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *fragmentModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *geometryModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *tessControlModule,
const vk::ShaderModule *tessEvaluationModule,
const vk::SpecializationConstants &specConsts,
const vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc &desc,
const vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc **descPtrOut,
vk::PipelineHelper **pipelineOut);
std::unordered_map<vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc, vk::PipelineHelper> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
class DescriptorSetLayoutCache final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
angle::Result getDescriptorSetLayout(
vk::Context *context,
const vk::DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &desc,
vk::BindingPointer<vk::DescriptorSetLayout> *descriptorSetLayoutOut);
std::unordered_map<vk::DescriptorSetLayoutDesc, vk::RefCountedDescriptorSetLayout> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
class PipelineLayoutCache final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
angle::Result getPipelineLayout(vk::Context *context,
const vk::PipelineLayoutDesc &desc,
const vk::DescriptorSetLayoutPointerArray &descriptorSetLayouts,
vk::BindingPointer<vk::PipelineLayout> *pipelineLayoutOut);
std::unordered_map<vk::PipelineLayoutDesc, vk::RefCountedPipelineLayout> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
class SamplerCache final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
angle::Result getSampler(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::SamplerDesc &desc,
vk::SamplerBinding *samplerOut);
std::unordered_map<vk::SamplerDesc, vk::RefCountedSampler> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
// YuvConversion Cache
class SamplerYcbcrConversionCache final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
angle::Result getYuvConversion(
vk::Context *context,
uint64_t externalFormat,
const VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo &yuvConversionCreateInfo,
vk::BindingPointer<vk::SamplerYcbcrConversion> *yuvConversionOut);
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion getYuvConversionFromExternalFormat(uint64_t externalFormat) const;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, vk::RefCountedSamplerYcbcrConversion> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
// DescriptorSet Cache
class DriverUniformsDescriptorSetCache final : angle::NonCopyable
DriverUniformsDescriptorSetCache() = default;
~DriverUniformsDescriptorSetCache() { ASSERT(mPayload.empty()); }
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
ANGLE_INLINE bool get(uint32_t serial, VkDescriptorSet *descriptorSet)
if (mPayload.get(serial, descriptorSet))
return true;
return false;
ANGLE_INLINE void insert(uint32_t serial, VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet)
mPayload.insert(serial, descriptorSet);
ANGLE_INLINE void clear() { mPayload.clear(); }
angle::FastIntegerMap<VkDescriptorSet> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
// Templated Descriptors Cache
template <typename key, VulkanCacheType cacheType>
class DescriptorSetCache final : angle::NonCopyable
DescriptorSetCache() = default;
~DescriptorSetCache() { ASSERT(mPayload.empty()); }
void destroy(RendererVk *rendererVk);
ANGLE_INLINE bool get(const key &desc, VkDescriptorSet *descriptorSet)
auto iter = mPayload.find(desc);
if (iter != mPayload.end())
*descriptorSet = iter->second;
return true;
return false;
ANGLE_INLINE void insert(const key &desc, VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet)
mPayload.emplace(desc, descriptorSet);
angle::HashMap<key, VkDescriptorSet> mPayload;
CacheStats mCacheStats;
// Only 1 driver uniform binding is used.
constexpr uint32_t kReservedDriverUniformBindingCount = 1;
// There is 1 default uniform binding used per stage. Currently, a maxium of three stages are
// supported.
constexpr uint32_t kReservedPerStageDefaultUniformBindingCount = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kReservedDefaultUniformBindingCount = 3;
} // namespace rx