blob: a27547fb04ed6f198e1375f47e2172cb22fa3d28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ReplaceVariable.h: Replace all references to a specific variable in the AST with references to
// another variable.
#include "common/debug.h"
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace sh
class TFunction;
class TIntermAggregate;
class TIntermBlock;
class TIntermFunctionPrototype;
class TIntermNode;
class TIntermTyped;
class TSymbolTable;
class TVariable;
void ReplaceVariable(TIntermBlock *root,
const TVariable *toBeReplaced,
const TVariable *replacement);
void ReplaceVariableWithTyped(TIntermBlock *root,
const TVariable *toBeReplaced,
const TIntermTyped *replacement);
// A helper class to keep track of opaque variable re-typing during a pass. Unlike the above
// functions, this can be used to replace all opaque variables of a certain type with another in a
// pass that possibly does other related transformations. Only opaque variables are supported as
// replacing local variables is not supported.
// The class uses "old" to refer to the original type of the variable and "new" to refer to the type
// that will replace it.
// - replaceGlobalVariable(): Call to track a global variable that is replaced.
// - in TIntermTraverser::visitFunctionPrototype():
// * Call visitFunctionPrototype().
// * For every replaced parameter, call replaceFunctionParam().
// * call convertFunctionPrototype() to convert the prototype based on the above replacements
// and track the function with its replacement.
// * Call replaceFunction() to track the function that is replaced.
// - In PreVisit of TIntermTraverser::visitAggregate():
// * call preVisitAggregate()
// - In TIntermTraverser::visitSymbol():
// * Replace non-function-call-argument symbols that refer to a global or function param with the
// replacement (getVariableReplacement()).
// * For function call arguments, call replaceFunctionCallArg() to track the replacement.
// - In PostVisit of TIntermTraverser::visitAggregate():
// * Convert built-in functions per case. Call convertASTFunction() for non built-in functions
// for the replacement to be created.
// * Call postVisitAggregate() when done.
class RetypeOpaqueVariablesHelper
RetypeOpaqueVariablesHelper() {}
~RetypeOpaqueVariablesHelper() {}
// Global variable handling:
void replaceGlobalVariable(const TVariable *oldVar, TVariable *newVar)
ASSERT(mReplacedGlobalVariables.count(oldVar) == 0);
mReplacedGlobalVariables[oldVar] = newVar;
TVariable *getVariableReplacement(const TVariable *oldVar) const
if (mReplacedGlobalVariables.count(oldVar) != 0)
// This function should only be called if the variable is expected to have been
// replaced either way (as a global variable or a function parameter).
ASSERT(mReplacedFunctionParams.count(oldVar) != 0);
// Function parameters handling:
void visitFunctionPrototype() { mReplacedFunctionParams.clear(); }
void replaceFunctionParam(const TVariable *oldParam, TVariable *newParam)
ASSERT(mReplacedFunctionParams.count(oldParam) == 0);
mReplacedFunctionParams[oldParam] = newParam;
TVariable *getFunctionParamReplacement(const TVariable *oldParam) const
ASSERT(mReplacedFunctionParams.count(oldParam) != 0);
// Function call arguments handling:
void preVisitAggregate() { mReplacedFunctionCallArgs.emplace(); }
bool isInAggregate() const { return !mReplacedFunctionCallArgs.empty(); }
void postVisitAggregate() { mReplacedFunctionCallArgs.pop(); }
void replaceFunctionCallArg(const TIntermNode *oldArg, TIntermTyped *newArg)
ASSERT( == 0);[oldArg] = newArg;
TIntermTyped *getFunctionCallArgReplacement(const TIntermNode *oldArg) const
ASSERT( != 0);
// Helper code conversion methods.
TIntermFunctionPrototype *convertFunctionPrototype(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TFunction *oldFunction);
TIntermAggregate *convertASTFunction(TIntermAggregate *node);
// A map from the old global variable to the new one.
std::unordered_map<const TVariable *, TVariable *> mReplacedGlobalVariables;
// A map from functions with old type parameters to one where that's replaced with the new type.
std::unordered_map<const TFunction *, TFunction *> mReplacedFunctions;
// A map from function old type parameters to their replacement new type parameter for the
// current function definition.
std::unordered_map<const TVariable *, TVariable *> mReplacedFunctionParams;
// A map from function call old type arguments to their replacement for the current function
// call.
std::stack<std::unordered_map<const TIntermNode *, TIntermTyped *>> mReplacedFunctionCallArgs;
} // namespace sh