blob: f4dd55abf81b8bdee3c4f1dd0a6efeb578d0fc18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// BuildSPIRV: Helper for OutputSPIRV to build SPIR-V.
#include "common/hash_utils.h"
#include "common/spirv/spirv_instruction_builder_autogen.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Compiler.h"
namespace spirv = angle::spirv;
namespace sh
// Helper classes to map types to ids
struct SpirvType
// If struct or interface block, the type is identified by the pointer. Note that both
// TStructure and TInterfaceBlock inherit from TFieldListCollection, and their difference is
// irrelevant as far as SPIR-V type is concerned.
const TFieldListCollection *block = nullptr;
// If a structure is used in two interface blocks with different layouts, it would have
// to generate two SPIR-V types, as its fields' Offset decorations could be different.
// For non-block types, when used in an interface block as an array, they could generate
// different ArrayStride decorations. As such, the block storage is part of the SPIR-V type
// except for non-block non-array types.
TLayoutBlockStorage blockStorage = EbsUnspecified;
// Otherwise, it's a basic type + column, row and array dimensions, or it's an image
// declaration.
// Notes:
// - `precision` turns into a RelaxedPrecision decoration on the variable and instructions.
// - `precise` turns into a NoContraction decoration on the instructions.
// - `readonly`, `writeonly`, `coherent`, `volatile` and `restrict` only apply to memory object
// declarations
// - `invariant` only applies to variable or members of a block
// - `matrixPacking` only applies to members of a struct
TBasicType type = EbtFloat;
uint8_t primarySize = 1;
uint8_t secondarySize = 1;
TLayoutMatrixPacking matrixPacking = EmpColumnMajor;
TSpan<const unsigned int> arraySizes;
// Only useful for image types.
TLayoutImageInternalFormat imageInternalFormat = EiifUnspecified;
// For sampled images (i.e. GLSL samplers), there are two type ids; one is the OpTypeImage that
// declares the image itself, and one OpTypeSampledImage. `imageOnly` distinguishes between
// these two types. Note that for the former, the basic type is still Ebt*Sampler* to
// distinguish it from storage images (which have a basic type of Ebt*Image*).
bool isSamplerBaseImage = false;
struct SpirvIdAndIdList
spirv::IdRef id;
spirv::IdRefList idList;
bool operator==(const SpirvIdAndIdList &other) const
return id == && idList == other.idList;
struct SpirvIdAndStorageClass
spirv::IdRef id;
spv::StorageClass storageClass;
bool operator==(const SpirvIdAndStorageClass &other) const
return id == && storageClass == other.storageClass;
struct SpirvTypeHash
size_t operator()(const sh::SpirvType &type) const
// Block storage must only affect the type if it's a block type or array type (in a block).
ASSERT(type.blockStorage == sh::EbsUnspecified || type.block != nullptr ||
size_t result = 0;
if (!type.arraySizes.empty())
result = angle::ComputeGenericHash(,
type.arraySizes.size() * sizeof(type.arraySizes[0]));
if (type.block != nullptr)
return result ^ angle::ComputeGenericHash(&type.block, sizeof(type.block)) ^
static_assert(sh::EbtLast < 256, "Basic type doesn't fit in uint8_t");
static_assert(sh::EbsLast < 8, "Block storage doesn't fit in 3 bits");
static_assert(sh::EiifLast < 32, "Image format doesn't fit in 5 bits");
static_assert(sh::EmpLast < 4, "Matrix packing doesn't fit in 2 bits");
ASSERT(type.primarySize > 0 && type.primarySize <= 4);
ASSERT(type.secondarySize > 0 && type.secondarySize <= 4);
const uint8_t properties[4] = {
static_cast<uint8_t>((type.primarySize - 1) | (type.secondarySize - 1) << 2 |
type.isSamplerBaseImage << 4 | type.matrixPacking << 5),
static_cast<uint8_t>(type.blockStorage | type.imageInternalFormat << 3),
// Padding because ComputeGenericHash expects a key size divisible by 4
return result ^ angle::ComputeGenericHash(properties, sizeof(properties));
struct SpirvIdAndIdListHash
size_t operator()(const SpirvIdAndIdList &key) const
return angle::ComputeGenericHash(,
key.idList.size() * sizeof(key.idList[0])) ^;
struct SpirvIdAndStorageClassHash
size_t operator()(const SpirvIdAndStorageClass &key) const
ASSERT(key.storageClass < 16);
return key.storageClass | << 4;
// Data tracked per SPIR-V type (keyed by SpirvType).
struct SpirvTypeData
// The SPIR-V id corresponding to the type.
spirv::IdRef id;
// The base alignment and size of the type based on the storage block it's used in (if
// applicable)
uint32_t baseAlignment;
uint32_t sizeInStorageBlock;
// Helper class to construct SPIR-V
class SPIRVBuilder : angle::NonCopyable
SPIRVBuilder(gl::ShaderType shaderType, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap &nameMap)
: mShaderType(shaderType),
spirv::IdRef getNewId();
const SpirvTypeData &getTypeData(const TType &type, TLayoutBlockStorage blockStorage);
const SpirvTypeData &getSpirvTypeData(const SpirvType &type, const char *blockName);
spirv::IdRef getTypePointerId(spirv::IdRef typeId, spv::StorageClass storageClass);
spirv::IdRef getFunctionTypeId(spirv::IdRef returnTypeId, const spirv::IdRefList &paramTypeIds);
spirv::Blob *getSpirvExecutionModes() { return &mSpirvExecutionModes; }
spirv::Blob *getSpirvDebug() { return &mSpirvDebug; }
spirv::Blob *getSpirvDecorations() { return &mSpirvDecorations; }
spirv::Blob *getSpirvVariableDecls() { return &mSpirvVariableDecls; }
spirv::Blob *getSpirvFunctions() { return &mSpirvFunctions; }
void addCapability(spv::Capability capability);
void addExecutionMode(spv::ExecutionMode executionMode);
void setEntryPointId(spirv::IdRef id);
void addEntryPointInterfaceVariableId(spirv::IdRef id);
void writePerVertexBuiltIns(const TType &type, spirv::IdRef typeId);
void writeInterfaceVariableDecorations(const TType &type, spirv::IdRef variableId);
uint32_t calculateBaseAlignmentAndSize(const SpirvType &type, uint32_t *sizeInStorageBlockOut);
uint32_t calculateSizeAndWriteOffsetDecorations(const SpirvType &type, spirv::IdRef typeId);
// TODO: remove name hashing once translation through glslang is removed. That is necessary to
// avoid name collision between ANGLE's internal symbols and user-defined ones when compiling
// the generated GLSL, but is irrelevant when generating SPIR-V directly. Currently, the SPIR-V
// transformer relies on the "mapped" names, which should also be changed when this hashing is
// removed.
ImmutableString hashName(const TSymbol *symbol);
ImmutableString hashTypeName(const TType &type);
ImmutableString hashFieldName(const TField *field);
ImmutableString hashFunctionName(const TFunction *func);
spirv::Blob getSpirv();
SpirvTypeData declareType(const SpirvType &type, const char *blockName);
// Helpers for type declaration.
void getImageTypeParameters(TBasicType type,
spirv::IdRef *sampledTypeOut,
spv::Dim *dimOut,
spirv::LiteralInteger *depthOut,
spirv::LiteralInteger *arrayedOut,
spirv::LiteralInteger *multisampledOut,
spirv::LiteralInteger *sampledOut);
spv::ImageFormat getImageFormat(TLayoutImageInternalFormat imageInternalFormat);
spirv::IdRef getBoolConstant(bool value);
spirv::IdRef getBasicConstantHelper(uint32_t value,
TBasicType type,
angle::HashMap<uint32_t, spirv::IdRef> *constants);
spirv::IdRef getUintConstant(uint32_t value);
spirv::IdRef getIntConstant(int32_t value);
spirv::IdRef getFloatConstant(float value);
spirv::IdRef getCompositeConstant(spirv::IdRef typeId, const spirv::IdRefList &values);
uint32_t nextUnusedBinding();
uint32_t nextUnusedInputLocation(uint32_t consumedCount);
uint32_t nextUnusedOutputLocation(uint32_t consumedCount);
gl::ShaderType mShaderType;
// Capabilities the shader is using. Accumulated as the instructions are generated. The Shader
// capability is unconditionally generated, so it's not tracked.
std::set<spv::Capability> mCapabilities;
// Execution modes the shader is enabling. Accumulated as the instructions are generated.
// Execution mode instructions that require a parameter are written to mSpirvExecutionModes as
// instructions; they are always generated once so don't benefit from being in a std::set.
std::set<spv::ExecutionMode> mExecutionModes;
// The list of interface variables and the id of main() populated as the instructions are
// generated. Used for the OpEntryPoint instruction.
spirv::IdRefList mEntryPointInterfaceList;
spirv::IdRef mEntryPointId;
// Current ID bound, used to allocate new ids.
spirv::IdRef mNextAvailableId;
// A map from the AST type to the corresponding SPIR-V ID and associated data. Note that TType
// includes a lot of information that pertains to the variable that has the type, not the type
// itself. SpirvType instead contains only information that can identify the type itself.
angle::HashMap<SpirvType, SpirvTypeData, SpirvTypeHash> mTypeMap;
// Various sections of SPIR-V. Each section grows as SPIR-V is generated, and the final result
// is obtained by stiching the sections together. This puts the instructions in the order
// required by the spec.
spirv::Blob mSpirvExecutionModes;
spirv::Blob mSpirvDebug;
spirv::Blob mSpirvDecorations;
spirv::Blob mSpirvTypeAndConstantDecls;
spirv::Blob mSpirvTypePointerDecls;
spirv::Blob mSpirvVariableDecls;
spirv::Blob mSpirvFunctions;
// List of constants that are already defined (for reuse).
spirv::IdRef mBoolConstants[2];
angle::HashMap<uint32_t, spirv::IdRef> mUintConstants;
angle::HashMap<uint32_t, spirv::IdRef> mIntConstants;
angle::HashMap<uint32_t, spirv::IdRef> mFloatConstants;
angle::HashMap<SpirvIdAndIdList, spirv::IdRef, SpirvIdAndIdListHash> mCompositeConstants;
// TODO: Use null constants as optimization for when complex types are initialized with all
// zeros.
// List of type pointers that are already defined.
// TODO: if all users call getTypeData(), move to SpirvTypeData.
angle::HashMap<SpirvIdAndStorageClass, spirv::IdRef, SpirvIdAndStorageClassHash>
// List of function types that are already defined.
angle::HashMap<SpirvIdAndIdList, spirv::IdRef, SpirvIdAndIdListHash> mFunctionTypeIdMap;
// name hashing.
ShHashFunction64 mHashFunction;
NameMap &mNameMap;
// Every resource that requires set & binding layout qualifiers is assigned set 0 and an
// arbitrary binding. Every input/output that requires a location layout qualifier is assigned
// an arbitrary location as well.
// The link-time SPIR-V transformer modifies set, binding and location decorations in SPIR-V
// directly.
uint32_t mNextUnusedBinding;
uint32_t mNextUnusedInputLocation;
uint32_t mNextUnusedOutputLocation;
} // namespace sh