blob: 321c1e8123fff6b284f17a9b9b1136c69025e446 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FeaturesVk.h: Optional features for the Vulkan renderer.
#include "platform/Feature.h"
#include <array>
namespace angle
struct FeaturesVk : FeatureSetBase
// Line segment rasterization must follow OpenGL rules. This means using an algorithm similar
// to Bresenham's. Vulkan uses a different algorithm. This feature enables the use of pixel
// shader patching to implement OpenGL basic line rasterization rules. This feature will
// normally always be enabled. Exposing it as an option enables performance testing.
Feature basicGLLineRasterization = {
"basicGLLineRasterization", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Enable the use of pixel shader patching to implement OpenGL basic line "
"rasterization rules",
// If the VK_EXT_line_rasterization extension is available we'll use it to get
// Bresenham line rasterization.
Feature bresenhamLineRasterization = {
"bresenhamLineRasterization", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Enable Bresenham line rasterization via VK_EXT_line_rasterization extension", &members};
// If the VK_EXT_provoking_vertex extension is available, we'll use it to set
// the provoking vertex mode
Feature provokingVertex = {"provokingVertex", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Enable provoking vertex mode via VK_EXT_provoking_vertex extension",
// Add an extra copy region when using vkCmdCopyBuffer as the Windows Intel driver seems
// to have a bug where the last region is ignored.
Feature extraCopyBufferRegion = {
"extraCopyBufferRegion", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Some drivers seem to have a bug where the last copy region in vkCmdCopyBuffer is ignored",
// This flag is added for the sole purpose of end2end tests, to test the correctness
// of various algorithms when a fallback format is used, such as using a packed format to
// emulate a depth- or stencil-only format.
Feature forceFallbackFormat = {"forceFallbackFormat", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Force a fallback format for angle_end2end_tests", &members};
// On some NVIDIA drivers the point size range reported from the API is inconsistent with the
// actual behavior. Clamp the point size to the value from the API to fix this.
// Tracked in
Feature clampPointSize = {
"clampPointSize", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"The point size range reported from the API is inconsistent with the actual behavior",
&members, ""};
// On some NVIDIA drivers the depth value is not clamped to [0,1] for floating point depth
// buffers. This is NVIDIA bug 3171019, see for details.
Feature depthClamping = {
"depth_clamping", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"The depth value is not clamped to [0,1] for floating point depth buffers.", &members,
// On some android devices, the memory barrier between the compute shader that converts vertex
// attributes and the vertex shader that reads from it is ineffective. Only known workaround is
// to perform a flush after the conversion.
Feature flushAfterVertexConversion = {
"flushAfterVertexConversion", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"The memory barrier between the compute shader that converts vertex attributes and the "
"vertex shader that reads from it is ineffective",
&members, ""};
Feature supportsRenderpass2 = {"supportsRenderpass2", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 extension",
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_incremental_present extension, on which the
// EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage extension can be layered.
Feature supportsIncrementalPresent = {
"supportsIncrementalPresent", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_incremental_present extension", &members};
// Whether texture copies on cube map targets should be done on GPU. This is a workaround for
// Intel drivers on windows that have an issue with creating single-layer views on cube map
// textures.
Feature forceCPUPathForCubeMapCopy = {
"forceCPUPathForCubeMapCopy", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Some drivers have an issue with creating single-layer views on cube map textures",
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer
// extension, on which the EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer extension can be layered.
Feature supportsAndroidHardwareBuffer = {
"supportsAndroidHardwareBuffer", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer extension",
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_GGP_frame_token extension, on which
// the EGL_ANGLE_swap_with_frame_token extension can be layered.
Feature supportsGGPFrameToken = {"supportsGGPFrameToken", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_GGP_frame_token extension",
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_memory_fd extension, on which the
// GL_EXT_memory_object_fd extension can be layered.
Feature supportsExternalMemoryFd = {"supportsExternalMemoryFd", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_memory_fd extension",
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory
// extension, on which the GL_ANGLE_memory_object_fuchsia extension can be layered.
Feature supportsExternalMemoryFuchsia = {
"supportsExternalMemoryFuchsia", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory extension", &members};
Feature supportsFilteringPrecision = {
"supportsFilteringPrecision", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_GOOGLE_sampler_filtering_precision extension", &members};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities extension.
Feature supportsExternalFenceCapabilities = {
"supportsExternalFenceCapabilities", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities extension", &members};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities extension.
Feature supportsExternalSemaphoreCapabilities = {
"supportsExternalSemaphoreCapabilities", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities extension", &members};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd extension, on which the
// GL_EXT_semaphore_fd extension can be layered.
Feature supportsExternalSemaphoreFd = {
"supportsExternalSemaphoreFd", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd extension", &members};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore
// extension, on which the GL_ANGLE_semaphore_fuchsia extension can be layered.
angle::Feature supportsExternalSemaphoreFuchsia = {
"supportsExternalSemaphoreFuchsia", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore extension", &members};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_fd extension, on which the
// EGL_ANDROID_native_fence extension can be layered.
Feature supportsExternalFenceFd = {"supportsExternalFenceFd", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_fd extension",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice can support EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync extension.
Feature supportsAndroidNativeFenceSync = {
"supportsAndroidNativeFenceSync", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync extension", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice can support the imageCubeArray feature properly.
Feature supportsImageCubeArray = {"supportsImageCubeArray", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the imageCubeArray feature properly",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the pipelineStatisticsQuery feature.
Feature supportsPipelineStatisticsQuery = {
"supportsPipelineStatisticsQuery", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the pipelineStatisticsQuery feature", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export extension, which is used to
// perform multisampled resolve of stencil buffer. A multi-step workaround is used instead if
// this extension is not available.
Feature supportsShaderStencilExport = {
"supportsShaderStencilExport", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export extension", &members};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion extension, which is needed
// to support Ycbcr conversion with external images.
Feature supportsYUVSamplerConversion = {
"supportsYUVSamplerConversion", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion extension", &members};
// Where VK_EXT_transform_feedback is not support, an emulation path is used.
Feature emulateTransformFeedback = {
"emulateTransformFeedback", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Emulate transform feedback as the VK_EXT_transform_feedback is not present.", &members,
// Where VK_EXT_transform_feedback is supported, it's preferred over an emulation path.
Feature supportsTransformFeedbackExtension = {
"supportsTransformFeedbackExtension", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Transform feedback uses the VK_EXT_transform_feedback extension.", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 extension
Feature supportsIndexTypeUint8 = {"supportsIndexTypeUint8", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 extension",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_custom_border_color extension
Feature supportsCustomBorderColorEXT = {
"supports_custom_border_color", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_custom_border_color extension", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve extension with the
// independentResolveNone feature.
Feature supportsDepthStencilResolve = {"supportsDepthStencilResolve",
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve "
"extension with the independentResolveNone feature",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled extension.
Feature supportsMultisampledRenderToSingleSampled = {
"supportsMultisampledRenderToSingleSampled", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled extension", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_multiview extension.
Feature supportsMultiview = {"supportsMultiview", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_multiview extension", &members,
// VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR causes random timeouts on Linux Intel.
Feature disableFifoPresentMode = {"disableFifoPresentMode", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR causes random timeouts", &members,
// On Qualcomm, gaps in bound descriptor set indices causes the post-gap sets to misbehave.
// For example, binding only descriptor set 3 results in zero being read from a uniform buffer
// object within that set. This flag results in empty descriptor sets being bound for any
// unused descriptor set to work around this issue.
Feature bindEmptyForUnusedDescriptorSets = {
"bindEmptyForUnusedDescriptorSets", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Gaps in bound descriptor set indices causes the post-gap sets to misbehave", &members,
// OES_depth_texture is a commonly expected feature on Android. However it
// requires that D16_UNORM support texture filtering
// do not. Work-around this by setting saying D16_UNORM supports filtering
// anyway.
Feature forceD16TexFilter = {
"forceD16TexFilter", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"which prevents OES_depth_texture from being supported.",
&members, ""};
// On some android devices, vkCmdBlitImage with flipped coordinates blits incorrectly. This
// workaround makes sure this path is avoided.
Feature disableFlippingBlitWithCommand = {
"disableFlippingBlitWithCommand", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"vkCmdBlitImage with flipped coordinates blits incorrectly.", &members,
// On platform with Intel or AMD GPU, a window resizing would not trigger the vulkan driver to
// return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE on swapchain present. Work-around by query current window extent
// every frame to detect a window resizing.
Feature perFrameWindowSizeQuery = {
"perFrameWindowSizeQuery", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Vulkan swapchain is not returning VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE when window resizing", &members,
// Seamful cube map emulation misbehaves on the AMD windows driver, so it's disallowed.
Feature disallowSeamfulCubeMapEmulation = {
"disallowSeamfulCubeMapEmulation", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Seamful cube map emulation misbehaves on some drivers, so it's disallowed", &members,
// Vulkan considers vertex attribute accesses to count up to the last multiple of the stride.
// This additional access supports AMD's robust buffer access implementation.
// AMDVLK in particular will return incorrect values when the vertex access extends into the
// range that would be the stride padding and the buffer is too small.
// This workaround limits GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE to a reasonable value and pads out
// every buffer allocation size to be large enough to support a maximum vertex stride.
Feature padBuffersToMaxVertexAttribStride = {
"padBuffersToMaxVertexAttribStride", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Vulkan considers vertex attribute accesses to count up to the last multiple of the "
"stride. This additional access supports AMD's robust buffer access implementation. "
"AMDVLK in particular will return incorrect values when the vertex access extends into "
"the range that would be the stride padding and the buffer is too small. "
"This workaround limits GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE to a maximum value and "
"pads up every buffer allocation size to be a multiple of the maximum stride.",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace extension
Feature supportsSwapchainColorspace = {
"supportsSwapchainColorspace", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace extension", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_external_memory_host extension, on which the
// ANGLE_iosurface_client_buffer extension can be layered.
Feature supportsExternalMemoryHost = {
"supportsExternalMemoryHost", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_external_memory_host extension", &members};
// Whether to fill new buffers and textures with nonzero data to sanitize robust resource
// initialization and flush out assumptions about zero init.
Feature allocateNonZeroMemory = {
"allocateNonZeroMemory", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Fill new allocations with non-zero values to flush out errors.", &members,
// Whether to log each callback from the VK_EXT_device_memory_report extension. This feature is
// used for trying to debug GPU memory leaks.
Feature logMemoryReportCallbacks = {"logMemoryReportCallbacks", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Log each callback from VK_EXT_device_memory_report",
// Whether to log statistics from the VK_EXT_device_memory_report extension each eglSwapBuffer.
Feature logMemoryReportStats = {"logMemoryReportStats", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Log stats from VK_EXT_device_memory_report each swap",
// Allocate a "shadow" buffer for GL buffer objects. For GPU-read only buffers
// glMap* latency can be reduced by maintaining a copy of the buffer which is
// writeable only by the CPU. We then return this shadow buffer on glMap* calls.
Feature shadowBuffers = {
"shadowBuffers", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Allocate a shadow buffer for GL buffer objects to reduce glMap* latency.", &members,
// Persistently map buffer memory until destroy, saves on map/unmap IOCTL overhead
// for buffers that are updated frequently.
Feature persistentlyMappedBuffers = {
"persistentlyMappedBuffers", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Persistently map buffer memory to reduce map/unmap IOCTL overhead.", &members,
// Android needs to pre-rotate surfaces that are not oriented per the native device's
// orientation (e.g. a landscape application on a Pixel phone). This feature works for
// full-screen applications.
Feature enablePreRotateSurfaces = {"enablePreRotateSurfaces", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Enable Android pre-rotation for landscape applications",
&members, ""};
// Enable precision qualifiers for shaders generated by Vulkan backend
Feature enablePrecisionQualifiers = {
"enablePrecisionQualifiers", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Enable precision qualifiers in shaders", &members, ""};
// Desktop (at least NVIDIA) drivers prefer combining barriers into one vkCmdPipelineBarrier
// call over issuing multiple barrier calls with fine grained dependency information to have
// better performance.
Feature preferAggregateBarrierCalls = {
"preferAggregateBarrierCalls", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Single barrier call is preferred over multiple calls with "
"fine grained pipeline stage dependency information",
&members, ""};
// Tell the Vulkan back-end to use the async command queue to dispatch work to the GPU. Command
// buffer work will happened in a worker thread. Otherwise use Renderer::CommandQueue directly.
Feature asyncCommandQueue = {"asyncCommandQueue", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Use CommandQueue worker thread to dispatch work to GPU.",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 extension and has the
// shaderFloat16 feature.
Feature supportsShaderFloat16 = {"supportsShaderFloat16", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 extension "
"and has the shaderFloat16 feature",
&members, ""};
// Some devices don't meet the limits required to perform mipmap generation using the built-in
// compute shader. On some other devices, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT is detrimental to
// performance, making this solution impractical.
Feature allowGenerateMipmapWithCompute = {
"allowGenerateMipmapWithCompute", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Use the compute path to generate mipmaps on devices that meet the minimum requirements, "
"and the performance is better.",
&members, ""};
// Whether the VkDevice supports the VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops extension
Feature supportsRenderPassStoreOpNoneQCOM = {
"supportsRenderPassStoreOpNoneQCOM", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops extension.", &members,
// Force maxUniformBufferSize to 16K on Qualcomm's Adreno 540. Pixel2's Adreno540 reports
// maxUniformBufferSize 64k but various tests failed with that size. For that specific
// device, we set to 16k for now which is known to pass all tests.
Feature forceMaxUniformBufferSize16KB = {
"forceMaxUniformBufferSize16KB", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Force max uniform buffer size to 16K on some device due to bug", &members,
// Enable mutable bit by default for ICD's that support VK_KHR_image_format_list.
Feature supportsImageFormatList = {
"supportsImageFormatList", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"that support VK_KHR_image_format_list",
&members, ""};
// Swiftshader on mac fails to initialize WebGL context when EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
// is used by Chromium.
Feature enableMultisampledRenderToTexture = {
"enableMultisampledRenderToTexture", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Expose EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture", &members, ""};
// Qualcomm fails some tests when reducing the preferred block size to 4M.
Feature preferredLargeHeapBlockSize4MB = {
"preferredLargeHeapBlockSize4MB", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Use 4 MB preferred large heap block size with AMD allocator", &members,
// Manhattan is calling glFlush in the middle of renderpass which breaks renderpass and hurts
// performance on tile based GPU. When this is enabled, we will defer the glFlush call made in
// the middle of renderpass to the end of renderpass.
Feature deferFlushUntilEndRenderPass = {
"deferFlushUntilEndRenderPass", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Allow glFlush to be deferred until renderpass ends", &members,
// Android mistakenly destroys oldSwapchain passed to vkCreateSwapchainKHR, causing crashes on
// certain drivers.
Feature waitIdleBeforeSwapchainRecreation = {
"waitIdleBeforeSwapchainRecreation", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Before passing an oldSwapchain to VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, wait for queue to be idle. "
"Works around a bug on platforms which destroy oldSwapchain in vkCreateSwapchainKHR.",
&members, ""};
// Allow forcing an LOD offset on all sampling operations for performance comparisons. ANGLE is
// non-conformant if this feature is enabled.
std::array<angle::Feature, 4> forceTextureLODOffset = {
angle::Feature{"force_texture_lod_offset_1", angle::FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 1 when sampling.",
angle::Feature{"force_texture_lod_offset_2", angle::FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 2 when sampling.",
angle::Feature{"force_texture_lod_offset_3", angle::FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 3 when sampling.",
angle::Feature{"force_texture_lod_offset_4", angle::FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 4 when sampling.",
// Translate non-nearest filtering modes to nearest for all samplers for performance
// comparisons. ANGLE is non-conformant if this feature is enabled.
Feature forceNearestFiltering = {"force_nearest_filtering", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Force nearest filtering when sampling.", &members};
// Translate non-nearest mip filtering modes to nearest mip for all samplers for performance
// comparisons. ANGLE is non-conformant if this feature is enabled.
Feature forceNearestMipFiltering = {"forceNearestMipFiltering",
"Force nearest mip filtering when sampling.", &members};
// Compress float32 vertices in static buffers to float16 at draw time. ANGLE is non-conformant
// if this feature is enabled.
angle::Feature compressVertexData = {"compress_vertex_data",
"Compress vertex data to smaller data types when "
"possible. Using this feature makes ANGLE non-conformant.",
// Qualcomm missynchronizes vkCmdClearAttachments in the middle of render pass.
Feature preferDrawClearOverVkCmdClearAttachments = {
"preferDrawClearOverVkCmdClearAttachments", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"On some hardware, clear using a draw call instead of vkCmdClearAttachments in the middle "
"of render pass due to bugs",
&members, ""};
// Whether prerotation is being emulated for testing. 90 degree rotation.
Feature emulatedPrerotation90 = {"emulatedPrerotation90", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Emulate 90-degree prerotation.", &members,
// Whether prerotation is being emulated for testing. 180 degree rotation.
Feature emulatedPrerotation180 = {"emulatedPrerotation180", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Emulate 180-degree prerotation.", &members,
// Whether prerotation is being emulated for testing. 270 degree rotation.
Feature emulatedPrerotation270 = {"emulatedPrerotation270", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Emulate 270-degree prerotation.", &members,
// Whether SPIR-V should be generated directly instead of through glslang. Transitory feature
// until the work is complete.
Feature directSPIRVGeneration = {"directSPIRVGeneration", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"Direct translation to SPIR-V.", &members,
// Whether we should use driver uniforms over specialization constants for some shader
// modifications like yflip and rotation.
Feature forceDriverUniformOverSpecConst = {
"forceDriverUniformOverSpecConst", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Forces using driver uniforms instead of specialization constants.", &members,
// Whether non-conformant configurations and extensions should be exposed. When an extension is
// in development, or a GLES version is not supported on a device, we may still want to expose
// them for partial testing. This feature is enabled by our test harness.
Feature exposeNonConformantExtensionsAndVersions = {
"exposeNonConformantExtensionsAndVersions", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Expose GLES versions and extensions that are not conformant.", &members,
// imageAtomicExchange is expected to work for r32f formats, but support for atomic operations
// for VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT is rare. This support is emulated by using an r32ui format for such
// images instead.
Feature emulateR32fImageAtomicExchange = {
"emulateR32fImageAtomicExchange", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Emulate r32f images with r32ui to support imageAtomicExchange.", &members,
Feature supportsNegativeViewport = {
"supportsNegativeViewport", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"The driver supports inverting the viewport with a negative height.", &members};
// Whether we should force any highp precision in the fragment shader to mediump.
// ANGLE is non-conformant if this feature is enabled.
Feature forceFragmentShaderPrecisionHighpToMediump = {
"forceFragmentShaderPrecisionHighpToMediump", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Forces highp precision in fragment shader to mediump.", &members,
// Whether we should submit at each FBO boundary.
Feature preferSubmitAtFBOBoundary = {
"preferSubmitAtFBOBoundary", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Submit commands to driver at each FBO boundary for performance improvements.", &members,
// Workaround for gap in Vulkan spec related to querying descriptor count for immutable samplers
// tied to an external format.
Feature useMultipleDescriptorsForExternalFormats = {
"useMultipleDescriptorsForExternalFormats", FeatureCategory::VulkanWorkarounds,
"Return a default descriptor count for external formats.", &members,
// Whether the VkDevice can support Protected Memory.
Feature supportsProtectedMemory = {"supports_protected_memory", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkDevice supports protected memory", &members,
// Whether the VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 extension.
Feature supportsSurfaceCapabilities2Extension = {
"supportsSurfaceCapabilities2Extension", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 extension", &members};
// Whether the VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities extension.
Feature supportsSurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesExtension = {
"supportsSurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesExtension", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities extension", &members};
// Whether the VkSurface supports protected swapchains from
// supportsSurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesExtension.
Feature supportsSurfaceProtectedSwapchains = {
"supportsSurfaceProtectedSwapchains", FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
"VkSurface supportsProtected for protected swapchains", &members};
inline FeaturesVk::FeaturesVk() = default;
inline FeaturesVk::~FeaturesVk() = default;
} // namespace angle