blob: c4f7122022bbde09b4d464ac87b9d7ca089bae6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CommandGraph:
// Deferred work constructed by GL calls, that will later be flushed to Vulkan.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_cache_utils.h"
namespace rx
namespace vk
class CommandGraphNode;
// This is a helper class for back-end objects used in Vk command buffers. It records a serial
// at command recording times indicating an order in the queue. We use Fences to detect when
// commands finish, and then release any unreferenced and deleted resources based on the stored
// queue serial in a special 'garbage' queue. Resources also track current read and write
// dependencies. Only one command buffer node can be writing to the Resource at a time, but many
// can be reading from it. Together the dependencies will form a command graph at submission time.
class CommandGraphResource
virtual ~CommandGraphResource();
void updateQueueSerial(Serial queueSerial);
Serial getQueueSerial() const;
// Allocates a write node via getNewWriteNode and returns a started command buffer.
// The started command buffer will render outside of a RenderPass.
Error beginWriteResource(RendererVk *renderer, CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
// Check if we have started writing outside a RenderPass.
bool hasStartedWriteResource() const;
// Starts rendering to an existing command buffer for the resource.
// The started command buffer will render outside of a RenderPass.
// Calls beginWriteResource if we have not yet started writing.
Error appendWriteResource(RendererVk *renderer, CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
// Begins a command buffer on the current graph node for in-RenderPass rendering.
// Currently only called from FramebufferVk::getCommandBufferForDraw.
Error beginRenderPass(RendererVk *renderer,
const Framebuffer &framebuffer,
const gl::Rectangle &renderArea,
const RenderPassDesc &renderPassDesc,
const std::vector<VkClearValue> &clearValues,
CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut) const;
// Checks if we're in a RenderPass.
bool hasStartedRenderPass() const;
// Returns a started command buffer if we've already called beginRenderPass.
void appendToRenderPass(CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut) const;
// Accessor for RenderPass RenderArea.
const gl::Rectangle &getRenderPassRenderArea() const;
// Called when 'this' object changes, but we'd like to start a new command buffer later.
void onResourceChanged(RendererVk *renderer);
// Sets up dependency relations. 'this' resource is the resource being written to.
void addWriteDependency(CommandGraphResource *writingResource);
// Sets up dependency relations. 'this' resource is the resource being read.
void addReadDependency(CommandGraphResource *readingResource);
// Returns false if the resource is not in use, and clears any current read/write nodes.
// TODO(jmadill): Remove this.
bool checkResourceInUseAndRefreshDeps(RendererVk *renderer);
void onWriteImpl(CommandGraphNode *writingNode, Serial currentSerial);
// Returns true if this node has a current writing node with no children.
bool hasChildlessWritingNode() const;
// Allocates a new write node and calls onWriteResource internally.
CommandGraphNode *getNewWritingNode(RendererVk *renderer);
Serial mStoredQueueSerial;
std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> mCurrentReadingNodes;
CommandGraphNode *mCurrentWritingNode;
enum class VisitedState
// Translating OpenGL commands into Vulkan and submitting them immediately loses out on some
// of the powerful flexiblity Vulkan offers in RenderPasses. Load/Store ops can automatically
// clear RenderPass attachments, or preserve the contents. RenderPass automatic layout transitions
// can improve certain performance cases. Also, we can remove redundant RenderPass Begin and Ends
// when processing interleaved draw operations on independent Framebuffers.
// ANGLE's CommandGraph (and CommandGraphNode) attempt to solve these problems using deferred
// command submission. We also sometimes call this command re-ordering. A brief summary:
// During GL command processing, we record Vulkan commands into secondary command buffers, which
// are stored in CommandGraphNodes, and these nodes are chained together via dependencies to
// for a directed acyclic CommandGraph. When we need to submit the CommandGraph, say during a
// SwapBuffers or ReadPixels call, we begin a primary Vulkan CommandBuffer, and walk the
// CommandGraph, starting at the most senior nodes, recording secondary CommandBuffers inside
// and outside RenderPasses as necessary, filled with the right load/store operations. Once
// the primary CommandBuffer has recorded all of the secondary CommandBuffers from all the open
// CommandGraphNodes, we submit the primary CommandBuffer to the VkQueue on the device.
// The Command Graph consists of an array of open Command Graph Nodes. It supports allocating new
// nodes for the graph, which are linked via dependency relation calls in CommandGraphNode, and
// also submitting the whole command graph via submitCommands.
class CommandGraph final : angle::NonCopyable
// Allocates a new CommandGraphNode and adds it to the list of current open nodes. No ordering
// relations exist in the node by default. Call CommandGraphNode::SetHappensBeforeDependency
// to set up dependency relations.
CommandGraphNode *allocateNode();
Error submitCommands(VkDevice device,
Serial serial,
RenderPassCache *renderPassCache,
CommandPool *commandPool,
CommandBuffer *primaryCommandBufferOut);
bool empty() const;
std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> mNodes;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx