blob: 1ea597913f3f1594a91284d179158987a8cfb069 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2012 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// generatemip.h: Defines the GenerateMip function, templated on the format
// type of the image for which mip levels are being generated.
#include "common/mathutil.h"
namespace rx
struct L8
unsigned char L;
static void average(L8 *dst, const L8 *src1, const L8 *src2)
dst->L = ((src1->L ^ src2->L) >> 1) + (src1->L & src2->L);
typedef L8 R8; // R8 type is functionally equivalent for mip purposes
typedef L8 A8; // A8 type is functionally equivalent for mip purposes
struct A8L8
unsigned char L;
unsigned char A;
static void average(A8L8 *dst, const A8L8 *src1, const A8L8 *src2)
*(unsigned short*)dst = (((*(unsigned short*)src1 ^ *(unsigned short*)src2) & 0xFEFE) >> 1) + (*(unsigned short*)src1 & *(unsigned short*)src2);
typedef A8L8 R8G8; // R8G8 type is functionally equivalent for mip purposes
struct A8R8G8B8
unsigned char B;
unsigned char G;
unsigned char R;
unsigned char A;
static void average(A8R8G8B8 *dst, const A8R8G8B8 *src1, const A8R8G8B8 *src2)
*(unsigned int*)dst = (((*(unsigned int*)src1 ^ *(unsigned int*)src2) & 0xFEFEFEFE) >> 1) + (*(unsigned int*)src1 & *(unsigned int*)src2);
typedef A8R8G8B8 R8G8B8A8; // R8G8B8A8 type is functionally equivalent for mip purposes
typedef A8R8G8B8 B8G8R8A8; // B8G8R8A8 type is functionally equivalent for mip purposes
struct A16B16G16R16F
unsigned short R;
unsigned short G;
unsigned short B;
unsigned short A;
static void average(A16B16G16R16F *dst, const A16B16G16R16F *src1, const A16B16G16R16F *src2)
dst->R = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->R) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->R)) * 0.5f);
dst->G = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->G) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->G)) * 0.5f);
dst->B = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->B) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->B)) * 0.5f);
dst->A = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->A) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->A)) * 0.5f);
struct R16F
unsigned short R;
static void average(R16F *dst, const R16F *src1, const R16F *src2)
dst->R = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->R) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->R)) * 0.5f);
struct R16G16F
unsigned short R;
unsigned short G;
static void average(R16G16F *dst, const R16G16F *src1, const R16G16F *src2)
dst->R = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->R) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->R)) * 0.5f);
dst->G = gl::float32ToFloat16((gl::float16ToFloat32(src1->G) + gl::float16ToFloat32(src2->G)) * 0.5f);
typedef A16B16G16R16F R16G16B16A16F;
struct A32B32G32R32F
float R;
float G;
float B;
float A;
static void average(A32B32G32R32F *dst, const A32B32G32R32F *src1, const A32B32G32R32F *src2)
dst->R = (src1->R + src2->R) * 0.5f;
dst->G = (src1->G + src2->G) * 0.5f;
dst->B = (src1->B + src2->B) * 0.5f;
dst->A = (src1->A + src2->A) * 0.5f;
struct R32F
float R;
static void average(R32F *dst, const R32F *src1, const R32F *src2)
dst->R = (src1->R + src2->R) * 0.5f;
struct R32G32F
float R;
float G;
static void average(R32G32F *dst, const R32G32F *src1, const R32G32F *src2)
dst->R = (src1->R + src2->R) * 0.5f;
dst->G = (src1->G + src2->G) * 0.5f;
struct R32G32B32F
float R;
float G;
float B;
static void average(R32G32B32F *dst, const R32G32B32F *src1, const R32G32B32F *src2)
dst->R = (src1->R + src2->R) * 0.5f;
dst->G = (src1->G + src2->G) * 0.5f;
dst->B = (src1->B + src2->B) * 0.5f;
typedef A32B32G32R32F R32G32B32A32F;
namespace priv
template <typename T>
static inline T *GetPixel(void *data, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int rowPitch, unsigned int depthPitch)
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(data) + (x * sizeof(T)) + (y * rowPitch) + (z * depthPitch));
template <typename T>
static inline const T *GetPixel(const void *data, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int rowPitch, unsigned int depthPitch)
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data) + (x * sizeof(T)) + (y * rowPitch) + (z * depthPitch));
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_Y(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth == 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight > 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth == 1);
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, y * 2, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, y * 2 + 1, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, 0, y, 0, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T::average(dst, src0, src1);
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_X(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth > 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight == 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth == 1);
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, 0, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, 0, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, x, 0, 0, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T::average(dst, src0, src1);
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_Z(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth == 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight == 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth > 1);
for (unsigned int z = 0; z < destDepth; z++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, 0, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, 0, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, 0, 0, z, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T::average(dst, src0, src1);
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_XY(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth > 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight > 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth == 1);
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, y * 2, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, y * 2 + 1, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src2 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, y * 2, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src3 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1, 0, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, x, y, 0, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T tmp0, tmp1;
T::average(&tmp0, src0, src1);
T::average(&tmp1, src2, src3);
T::average(dst, &tmp0, &tmp1);
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_YZ(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth == 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight > 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth > 1);
for (unsigned int z = 0; z < destDepth; z++)
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, y * 2, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, y * 2, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src2 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, y * 2 + 1, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src3 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, 0, y * 2 + 1, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, 0, y, z, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T tmp0, tmp1;
T::average(&tmp0, src0, src1);
T::average(&tmp1, src2, src3);
T::average(dst, &tmp0, &tmp1);
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_XZ(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth > 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight == 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth > 1);
for (unsigned int z = 0; z < destDepth; z++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, 0, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, 0, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src2 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, 0, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src3 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, 0, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, x, 0, z, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T tmp0, tmp1;
T::average(&tmp0, src0, src1);
T::average(&tmp1, src2, src3);
T::average(dst, &tmp0, &tmp1);
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip_XYZ(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
ASSERT(sourceWidth > 1);
ASSERT(sourceHeight > 1);
ASSERT(sourceDepth > 1);
for (unsigned int z = 0; z < destDepth; z++)
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++)
const T *src0 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, y * 2, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src1 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, y * 2, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src2 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, y * 2 + 1, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src3 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2, y * 2 + 1, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src4 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, y * 2, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src5 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, y * 2, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src6 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1, z * 2, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
const T *src7 = GetPixel<T>(sourceData, x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1, z * 2 + 1, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch);
T *dst = GetPixel<T>(destData, x, y, z, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
T tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5;
T::average(&tmp0, src0, src1);
T::average(&tmp1, src2, src3);
T::average(&tmp2, src4, src5);
T::average(&tmp3, src6, src7);
T::average(&tmp4, &tmp0, &tmp1);
T::average(&tmp5, &tmp2, &tmp3);
T::average(dst, &tmp4, &tmp5);
typedef void (*MipGenerationFunction)(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned int destWidth, unsigned int destHeight, unsigned int destDepth,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch);
template <typename T>
static MipGenerationFunction GetMipGenerationFunction(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth)
unsigned char index = ((sourceWidth > 1) ? 1 : 0) |
((sourceHeight > 1) ? 2 : 0) |
((sourceDepth > 1) ? 4 : 0);
switch (index)
case 1: return GenerateMip_X<T>; // W x 1 x 1
case 2: return GenerateMip_Y<T>; // 1 x H x 1
case 3: return GenerateMip_XY<T>; // W x H x 1
case 4: return GenerateMip_Z<T>; // 1 x 1 x D
case 5: return GenerateMip_XZ<T>; // W x 1 x D
case 6: return GenerateMip_YZ<T>; // 1 x H x D
case 7: return GenerateMip_XYZ<T>; // W x H x D
default: return NULL;
template <typename T>
static void GenerateMip(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch)
unsigned int mipWidth = std::max(1U, sourceWidth >> 1);
unsigned int mipHeight = std::max(1U, sourceHeight >> 1);
unsigned int mipDepth = std::max(1U, sourceDepth >> 1);
priv::MipGenerationFunction generationFunction = priv::GetMipGenerationFunction<T>(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, sourceDepth);
ASSERT(generationFunction != NULL);
generationFunction(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, sourceDepth, sourceData, sourceRowPitch, sourceDepthPitch,
mipWidth, mipHeight, mipDepth, destData, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);