blob: 1221f1e145ae17af0a21322e1cdb51f322f2736e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// StructureHLSL.cpp:
// Definitions of methods for HLSL translation of GLSL structures.
#include "compiler/translator/StructureHLSL.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "compiler/translator/OutputHLSL.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Types.h"
#include "compiler/translator/util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/UtilsHLSL.h"
namespace sh
Std140PaddingHelper::Std140PaddingHelper(const std::map<TString, int> &structElementIndexes)
: mPaddingCounter(0),
int Std140PaddingHelper::prePadding(const TType &type)
if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct || type.isMatrix() || type.isArray())
// no padding needed, HLSL will align the field to a new register
mElementIndex = 0;
return 0;
const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
const int numComponents = gl::UniformComponentCount(glType);
if (numComponents >= 4)
// no padding needed, HLSL will align the field to a new register
mElementIndex = 0;
return 0;
if (mElementIndex + numComponents > 4)
// no padding needed, HLSL will align the field to a new register
mElementIndex = numComponents;
return 0;
const int alignment = numComponents == 3 ? 4 : numComponents;
const int paddingOffset = (mElementIndex % alignment);
const int paddingCount = (paddingOffset != 0 ? (alignment - paddingOffset) : 0);
mElementIndex += paddingCount;
mElementIndex += numComponents;
mElementIndex %= 4;
return paddingCount;
TString Std140PaddingHelper::prePaddingString(const TType &type)
int paddingCount = prePadding(type);
TString padding;
for (int paddingIndex = 0; paddingIndex < paddingCount; paddingIndex++)
padding += " float pad_" + str(mPaddingCounter++) + ";\n";
return padding;
TString Std140PaddingHelper::postPaddingString(const TType &type, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking)
if (!type.isMatrix() && !type.isArray() && type.getBasicType() != EbtStruct)
return "";
int numComponents = 0;
TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();
if (type.isMatrix())
// This method can also be called from structureString, which does not use layout qualifiers.
// Thus, use the method parameter for determining the matrix packing.
// Note HLSL row major packing corresponds to GL API column-major, and vice-versa, since we
// wish to always transpose GL matrices to play well with HLSL's matrix array indexing.
const bool isRowMajorMatrix = !useHLSLRowMajorPacking;
const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
numComponents = gl::MatrixComponentCount(glType, isRowMajorMatrix);
else if (structure)
const TString &structName = QualifiedStructNameString(*structure,
useHLSLRowMajorPacking, true);
numComponents = mStructElementIndexes.find(structName)->second;
if (numComponents == 0)
return "";
const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
numComponents = gl::UniformComponentCount(glType);
TString padding;
for (int paddingOffset = numComponents; paddingOffset < 4; paddingOffset++)
padding += " float pad_" + str(mPaddingCounter++) + ";\n";
return padding;
TString StructureHLSL::defineQualified(const TStructure &structure, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking, bool useStd140Packing)
if (useStd140Packing)
Std140PaddingHelper padHelper(mStd140StructElementIndexes);
return define(structure, useHLSLRowMajorPacking, useStd140Packing, &padHelper);
return define(structure, useHLSLRowMajorPacking, useStd140Packing, NULL);
TString StructureHLSL::defineNameless(const TStructure &structure)
return define(structure, false, false, NULL);
TString StructureHLSL::define(const TStructure &structure, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking,
bool useStd140Packing, Std140PaddingHelper *padHelper)
const TFieldList &fields = structure.fields();
const bool isNameless = ( == "");
const TString &structName = QualifiedStructNameString(structure, useHLSLRowMajorPacking,
const TString declareString = (isNameless ? "struct" : "struct " + structName);
TString string;
string += declareString + "\n"
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
const TField &field = *fields[i];
const TType &fieldType = *field.type();
const TStructure *fieldStruct = fieldType.getStruct();
const TString &fieldTypeString = fieldStruct ?
QualifiedStructNameString(*fieldStruct, useHLSLRowMajorPacking,
useStd140Packing) :
if (padHelper)
string += padHelper->prePaddingString(fieldType);
string += " " + fieldTypeString + " " + DecorateField(, structure) + ArrayString(fieldType) + ";\n";
if (padHelper)
string += padHelper->postPaddingString(fieldType, useHLSLRowMajorPacking);
// Nameless structs do not finish with a semicolon and newline, to leave room for an instance variable
string += (isNameless ? "} " : "};\n");
return string;
void StructureHLSL::addConstructor(const TType &type, const TString &name, const TIntermSequence *parameters)
if (name == "")
return; // Nameless structures don't have constructors
if (type.getStruct() && mStructNames.find(name) != mStructNames.end())
return; // Already added
TType ctorType = type;
typedef std::vector<TType> ParameterArray;
ParameterArray ctorParameters;
const TStructure* structure = type.getStruct();
if (structure)
// Add element index
storeStd140ElementIndex(*structure, false);
storeStd140ElementIndex(*structure, true);
const TString &structString = defineQualified(*structure, false, false);
if (std::find(mStructDeclarations.begin(), mStructDeclarations.end(), structString) == mStructDeclarations.end())
// Add row-major packed struct for interface blocks
TString rowMajorString = "#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)\n" +
defineQualified(*structure, true, false) +
"#pragma pack_matrix(column_major)\n";
TString std140String = defineQualified(*structure, false, true);
TString std140RowMajorString = "#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)\n" +
defineQualified(*structure, true, true) +
"#pragma pack_matrix(column_major)\n";
const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
else if (parameters)
for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator parameter = parameters->begin(); parameter != parameters->end(); parameter++)
TString constructor;
if (ctorType.getStruct())
constructor += name + " " + name + "_ctor(";
else // Built-in type
constructor += TypeString(ctorType) + " " + name + "(";
for (unsigned int parameter = 0; parameter < ctorParameters.size(); parameter++)
const TType &type = ctorParameters[parameter];
constructor += TypeString(type) + " x" + str(parameter) + ArrayString(type);
if (parameter < ctorParameters.size() - 1)
constructor += ", ";
constructor += ")\n"
if (ctorType.getStruct())
constructor += " " + name + " structure = {";
constructor += " return " + TypeString(ctorType) + "(";
if (ctorType.isMatrix() && ctorParameters.size() == 1)
int rows = ctorType.getRows();
int cols = ctorType.getCols();
const TType &parameter = ctorParameters[0];
if (parameter.isScalar())
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
constructor += TString((row == col) ? "x0" : "0.0");
if (row < rows - 1 || col < cols - 1)
constructor += ", ";
else if (parameter.isMatrix())
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
if (row < parameter.getRows() && col < parameter.getCols())
constructor += TString("x0") + "[" + str(row) + "][" + str(col) + "]";
constructor += TString((row == col) ? "1.0" : "0.0");
if (row < rows - 1 || col < cols - 1)
constructor += ", ";
ASSERT(rows == 2 && cols == 2 && parameter.isVector() && parameter.getNominalSize() == 4);
constructor += "x0";
size_t remainingComponents = ctorType.getObjectSize();
size_t parameterIndex = 0;
while (remainingComponents > 0)
const TType &parameter = ctorParameters[parameterIndex];
const size_t parameterSize = parameter.getObjectSize();
bool moreParameters = parameterIndex + 1 < ctorParameters.size();
constructor += "x" + str(parameterIndex);
if (ctorType.getStruct())
ASSERT(remainingComponents == parameterSize || moreParameters);
ASSERT(parameterSize <= remainingComponents);
remainingComponents -= parameterSize;
else if (parameter.isScalar())
remainingComponents -= parameter.getObjectSize();
else if (parameter.isVector())
if (remainingComponents == parameterSize || moreParameters)
ASSERT(parameterSize <= remainingComponents);
remainingComponents -= parameterSize;
else if (remainingComponents < static_cast<size_t>(parameter.getNominalSize()))
switch (remainingComponents)
case 1: constructor += ".x"; break;
case 2: constructor += ".xy"; break;
case 3: constructor += ".xyz"; break;
case 4: constructor += ".xyzw"; break;
default: UNREACHABLE();
remainingComponents = 0;
else if (parameter.isMatrix())
int column = 0;
while (remainingComponents > 0 && column < parameter.getCols())
constructor += "[" + str(column) + "]";
if (remainingComponents < static_cast<size_t>(parameter.getRows()))
switch (remainingComponents)
case 1: constructor += ".x"; break;
case 2: constructor += ".xy"; break;
case 3: constructor += ".xyz"; break;
default: UNREACHABLE();
remainingComponents = 0;
remainingComponents -= parameter.getRows();
if (remainingComponents > 0)
constructor += ", x" + str(parameterIndex);
if (moreParameters)
if (remainingComponents)
constructor += ", ";
if (ctorType.getStruct())
constructor += "};\n"
" return structure;\n"
constructor += ");\n"
std::string StructureHLSL::structsHeader() const
TInfoSinkBase out;
for (size_t structIndex = 0; structIndex < mStructDeclarations.size(); structIndex++)
out << mStructDeclarations[structIndex];
for (Constructors::iterator constructor = mConstructors.begin(); constructor != mConstructors.end(); constructor++)
out << *constructor;
return out.str();
void StructureHLSL::storeStd140ElementIndex(const TStructure &structure, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking)
Std140PaddingHelper padHelper(mStd140StructElementIndexes);
const TFieldList &fields = structure.fields();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
// Add remaining element index to the global map, for use with nested structs in standard layouts
const TString &structName = QualifiedStructNameString(structure, useHLSLRowMajorPacking, true);
mStd140StructElementIndexes[structName] = padHelper.elementIndex();